Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1131 - Apocalypse (9)

The lights in Dwight Command’s command post were dim. The only lighting came from the flashing screens surrounding the tactical sandbox like a petitioner, and the few dim torches with a sandalwood smell.

The wall at the rear of the command post was removed after the war broke out, revealing the adjacent temple.

Ben Lier, who has become an elder of the five rings of blood worship, is alone.

No one dared to bother him when he was contemplative, because the expected massacre has now become a war-a war he cannot afford at this time.

Although he boasted about Haikou in front of the many elders who worshiped blood, the war actually made him worried.

Not because they might fail, but because they were dragged on the battlefield.

The long-prepared plan should wipe out all those who thought he would not support him in the future jihad.

However, this originally flawless plan had cracks.

Some Kaimon church judges sent warnings to the loyal troops, and some assault officers were assassinated, and the troops were taken over by loyal non-commissioned officers.

And Mountbatten…

He still remembers the fear that his secret agent came to report about the **** “hero”. He was afraid that the commander’s anger would end his life.

At the time, the reporter was limp and walked into the command post, his hooded head drooping.

“what’s up?”

Ben Lier, who is actively commanding the troops to massacre the loyal, questioned the other.

“They may have left the siege of Oak, Mountbatten and Bronze.”

“What do you mean?”

“Bruce of the Shadow Blade withdrew his troops from Dunwich University and Mountbatten escaped. I personally checked every body… without him.”

“You said they left?”

At that time his anger was about to ignite the entire command post.

“This means you know where they are, right?”

“I believe yes, master, it looks like they… all went to the big library.”

“They retreated to the big library.”

Ben Lier repeated.

“There should have been a force stationed there. We need to check the capabilities of some people. It seems that anyone can retreat from their own defense zone.”

“They did not retreat alone.”

The spy explained.

“They got help.”

“Help? Who’s help?”

“I believe that there has always been a fourth-party force. There has been a fight there. Thorne died, and his identity must have been exposed long ago.”

“You said it was the shadow prince?”

Ben Lier sneered.

“We really don’t lack miracles, but I’m afraid this is the most magical one… The **** suddenly has a conscience.”

“I failed in this matter, Master.”

“It’s not a question of failure! Such mistakes shouldn’t have happened at all. I have been forced more and more energy out of this war… Tell me, where is the massacre now?”

“They tried to break through Ouke’s blockade.”

“You said “try”, they did not succeed?”

The detective paused before answering.

“Oak’s previous armored forces had been attacking the skeletal tower, and the slaughter legion had to intercept them. Although they were hit hard… their strength was greatly weakened, and now it is necessary to break through the establishment of Ock in the outer suburbs. ‘S blockade is a bit difficult.”

“I heard about that unit, but they did not destroy it?”

“No, master, the patriarch mobilized most of the god-selected lords and high-level fighters, but they still cannot be completely eliminated, and even two god-selected lords were killed in the battle…they are the most elite under Guk’s command. Guard, it was a terrible war”

“The final situation?”

“Ok’s Guard Corps has been repulsed, and the last three skeletal towers are kept.”

“What about that legion?”

“Intelligence shows that they are retreating to Dunwich, and the Patriarch is currently actively planning to destroy it on the road to retreat, but I think this is not realistic. They also maintain a large number of armored vehicles and move quickly.”

“If that legion returns to the battlefield in Dunwich, my entire plan will be disturbed.”

“The last information showed that they were still 300 kilometers away, and the master, it seems unlikely -“

“Don’t be so confident.”

Ben Lear warned.

“If something unexpected happens on the day of the blood sacrifice, we may lose all.”

“Master, maybe we can evacuate some of the troops from the central city wall and establish a blockade in the north to ensure that the operation will not be disrupted by the enemies that appear behind.”

“We must not flinch! We want to win some goals in Dunwich that you don’t understand. The central city is the key!”

In the end, he simply deployed the defense and reconnaissance in the north, and then took the time to throw the surviving residents of the city and the prisoners transported from behind into the hidden altars.

The underground is no longer safe, and every altar must be heavily guarded, which further disperses the forces at hand.

Although he possessed more than just these holy blood troops on the surface, the pressure of Ouke often made him worry about the follow-up battle.

At this time, Ben Lear’s thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the communicator placed on the sand table.

“I am Ben Lier, what’s the matter?”

As the communicator was switched on, the blast of the distant blast reverberated in the static noise.


A man with a strong nasal voice said at the other end of the communicator.

“I brought the news you might want to hear.”

“Speak, it’s better to have good news.”

“Yes, elder, is good news.”

“Okay, don’t delay, tell me!”

“Our ally inside Oke told us a message that Guk appeared on the ground, and this was a good time to strike him.”

“Oh? Where is it?”


Ben Lier immediately flushed like a stimulant. He slammed the sandbox and shouted:

“Great! Send out the’Citybreaker’!”

The screams and howls continued in the racetrack.

Koresh smiled like a hunter who finally forced his prey into a dead end. He and the special warfare boys led by Ur cut a **** mouth in the troops of the Holy Blood Army, killing the enemy without mercy, Just like the other party didn’t show the slightest sympathy not long ago.

The sharp sound of the bullets echoed through the palace, and the special warfare boys poured hot metal to any movable target.

Under the enemies in the belly, the blood worship forces are gradually falling apart.

Koresh was able to see people who had lost limbs or with huge wounds struggling in this deadly battle. He shoved a position between Ok and let him also kill those who were theoretically with him. Enemies of the same kind.

The opponent is a traitor, and he is also a traitor.

Each sword is a cruel stroke in that unpredictable fate, which brings him bitterness and grief while giving him a rising sense of satisfaction.

Soon, he saw in the center of the battlefield that the commander of the holy blood army was not a force, a blood worshipping high-level slaughterer. He was using his tomahawk to kill the Quartet in the deserters. The warrior turned into a stump.

But the slaughter did not stop the defeat,

Koresh struggled across the battlefield and approached the commander. Although his body was scarred due to the duel with Chuulton, he knew that these injuries would soon heal.

The crazy commander was almost close, but the moment the other party saw Koresh, the Holy Blood Army began to retreat disciplinedly.

After briefly thinking about the situation, he chose not to confront Koresh head-to-head.

Koresh wanted to shout in frustration, but he also knew it was meaningless to catch up regardless of life and death.


Koresh shouted with the loudest voice, and a team of special combat boys got ready immediately, pouring bullets at the retreating enemies.

He dropped his sword and leaned against the wall. Before he could taste the unexpected victory, the communicator rang in his ears.


He recognized that it was Kundera’s voice.

“I’m here.”

“You did a good job, but we have new guests.”

“Does blood worship have reinforcements?”

“Worse than that, west side, look up.”

Koresh walked through the debris of the battlefield, scanning the dusty sky above the gradually collapsed ruins.

In the haze, something is moving towards the palace, something far away but extremely huge.


Koresh immediately realized what was going here.

“They sent that awkward Titan and they knew the overlord was here! We have to stop it, you have to **** the overlord back to a safe area underground.”

“No, you can’t hurt it, just keep it there and kill more shrimps, nothing else.”


“What a big shrimp!”

At this time, a voice at the entrance of the racetrack shouted, or Hagrid.

“Really big enough!”

Koresh pushed himself away from the wall and came to Ur to inform Kundelaka of the arrangement he had just done~www.mtlnovel.com~ After listening, Ur felt a bad expression of shit, very Obviously they had to be bait this time, and they weren’t catching ordinary small fish elementary school, but a fierce sculptor shark.

One accidentally, everyone had to feed the fish, even without bones.

“It’s a really good idea, let me move it! Hagrid, you take a dozen to the gate and get some mines! There is a big click, get on the roof!”

Although very reluctant, the order is the order, which is also the most prominent feature of the special warfare boys.

When Ur arranged to deploy, Koresh climbed high, where he could see a large enemy force, and many tanks and armored vehicles gathered outside the racetrack.

The mysterious Titan will soon enter the range, using their huge weapons to bombard them into powder.

Koresh was not afraid, the war had made him very numb, and he was very sure of one thing…

Such a huge, valuable prey, it must not be missed.


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