Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1139 - Decisive moment (4)

Koresh stood straight and the world around him was in chaos. The guards were trying to fight those huge war machines.

The two Titans are like a colossal image separated from the mountain, and the energy position surrounding them is pulsating, pumping power into their bodies like a newly congested artery.

The guards were looking for cover behind the earth and stone on the edge of the ruins, which made Koresh shocked.

The bodyguards of these overlords have a wild and reckless reputation, but this does not mean they are stupid.

Obviously, rushing into such a fight would wipe them out,

Kundera knew this very well.

Amidst the chaos, Koresh saw the neurotic boy Batka standing on a protruding gravel. He held the metal stick high above his head and screamed.

The evil wind blowing from the sky roared with smoke and dust beside him, it was a storm of unnatural energy celebrating its freedom.

And in the center of the storm, stood a pale tyrant.

The mighty and proud King of Oak is the eye of the storm, a bit of absolute stillness.

Although he was very tall compared to Zouk, the Titans were still high, their huge bodies dragging trails of smoke.

The first Titan with its long, slender head looked down on Guk, and the driver inside picked out the king in chaos, as if he were a golden treasure in the trash.

Its body seemed to tremble in disgust, seeing him as a disgusting bug.

Subsequently, the wandering Titan moved towards Guk, with a steady and firm pace.

The broken street was shocked by the reverberation of its heavy steps, but Guck still did not move, and the cloak woven by the metal chain danced behind him, seemingly not caring about the violent pace of Titan.

Subsequently, the machine stretched out its huge fist and swung its arm downward, its movement was very different from the monster-like noise of Mao Jingang.

Then a smoky electromagnetic flame sprayed from the smooth glove.

It opened fire.

A blizzard-like sharp projectile shredded the air between its fist and Guk, it was a sharp and deadly thunderstorm like a razor.

The King of Oak remained motionless, but the storm suddenly dissipated in front of him, deflected by an invisible barrier, and turned to cut the surrounding ground, causing the shrieking rubble and metal to scatter.

Unable to hit it, the weapon like a spear on his shoulder was reversed, and the smoothness and elegance of the Titan seemed to be shocked again.

Compared to it, playing Mao Jingang is like a poor industrial waste.

But before it could release the flames of destruction in its weapons, a storm of energy swept its limbs.

The dirty car tank that broke through the ruins pierced it with bright spear-like electromagnetic waves, as the ancient hunter surrounded a tall beast, and the guards behind him fired explosive bullets and storm-like bullets with various weapons. .

In an instant, the flames raged on the surface of the Titan’s armor.

It is protected by a layer of gleaming energy composed of scorching energy. These attack methods are difficult to pose a substantial threat.

Guk stood in front of the Titan, like a child facing a tall monster.

At this moment, Koresh suddenly felt that all his hair was standing up. This was not something he felt, but a physical phenomenon.

The air became dry, static electricity was flowing at his fingertips, and Koresh felt his heart start to accelerate suddenly, as if being pumped into some kind of stimulant drug.

His breath became heavy, his eyes were bloodshot, and an indescribable desire came to his mind.

He wanted to beat something.

Soon, he realized that he was affected by waaagh’s position.

But he had also stayed with the nerve boy before. At that time, he didn’t have such a strong feeling. He looked around and found that the originally empty ruins suddenly raised 13 metal towers.

These towers are about ten meters high, and the base is a dirty car tank. On each tower stands a nervous boy with a long stick and howling at the sky.

On the tallest tower is a masked Ok.


Koresh immediately recognized the famous nerve boss.

The turbulent energy gathered from the high tower and rushed to the direction of Mogdzhogen, and then he saw his arm raised and palms up, as if to give the Titan a snack to satisfy its hunger.

In a trance, Koresh seemed to see a slight smile appear on Mogdhogan’s mask.

The next second, he snapped his fingers back and clenched his fists.

The broken fist of the giant fist that had just spit out a fierce attack on Guk burst into flames, and a metal pipe like a dead rattan hung from the broken shoulder.

The huge war machine trembled, and it mimicked the painful movement strangely and truly.

At this time, the Mao brothers who had already entered the attack range took the opportunity to rush forward, and the violent flare and rain continued to beat Titan’s legs and torso.

The shield began to flash under a fierce attack.

Seeing that his comrades were in crisis, the arms of the second Titan, the ghost spider’s arms, turned, and the air suddenly became thinner, as if the entire city took a breath.

Then, a bright spot beyond the imagination appeared at the end of the ghost spider’s weapon arm, and then a pulsating flame storm sprayed out.

A Mao brother will explode in an instant, and will be vaporized by the Titan’s attack. A ball of burning metal will skyrocket with it.

The attack did not pass away. The surging beam of light continued to sweep, and a molten trench was carved between the ruins, incinerating everything that had passed.

Koresh witnessed a group of guards on the edge of the blazing flames. Before they dodge, they exploded into a pillar of fire, and the armor flowed like molten rubber.

He could hear their screams, and their death exuded a scorching heat wave and body rot, almost making him vomit.


A voice almost drowned in the scream of the Titan’s weapon shouted, Koresh turned to the source of the shout, saw Ur and Hagrid hiding behind a red broken wall, and anxiously signaled him to pass.

“We must hurry and leave this ghost place!”

Koresh nodded, and then they passed through the deafening, blazing weapon symphony together.

On the streets that have been destroyed so far, it can wipe out the entire army of firepower: the heat wave, the stray bullets, and the squeaky air flow when the weapons of mass destruction fire, weaving into a war painting.

The trend of the battle has not been finalized, but the intensity has gradually increased.

The court guards were fighting back, filling the sky with a neat barrage, but apart from the enhanced artillery fire of Mao Brothers, they had little effect.

At the same time, there are too many goals in front of the two Titans, they can not effectively fight all opponents, but this will not last long.

The second Titan’s weapon arm continued to spit out a screaming death hail, the roar of impact shattered like a thousand pieces of glass at the same time, and in the blink of an eye hundreds of courts died.

Compared to wanderers who are good at fighting Titans, ghost spiders are obviously more suitable for attacking small targets.

In the rain of bullets, Koresh and Oke’s comrades rushed into the bunker together, and the guards in dark gray armor jointly sought cover.

A scooter with a fluffy hair guard swept his teeth at him, salivating on his teeth.

“I am really willing to exchange a big cart with anything now.”

The guards hissed, and then a wall of hot, scalding air swept past their positions, and all Oaks bowed their heads.

But the guard’s hair was scorching, and he could only cut it off with a dagger.

Then, angry, he gave a sip to the enemy Titan.

“Dry it as fart as possible! This is my hair made of ten teeth!”

Some guards picked up the rocket launcher and aimed at the damaged Titan.

Kundera yelled a command at Titan’s head, his voice drowned in the roar of battle.

Then a spiral of trajectories gathered upwards, exploded near the wanderer’s head, and knocked it back a bit, but did not cause much obvious damage.

“carry on!”

The head of the court guard shouted.

“That can’t beat it!”

Koresh shouted over the roar when the rocket was launched.

Kundera gave him a glance, then grinned, as if he enjoyed the battle very much.

“Do you know shrimp, when hunting, every spear is very important, from the first to the last one.”

Then all thoughts were suddenly annihilated, and a scream that shook the world carried the ancient loss and pain into the minds of every living being.

That is the voice of the end of the world.

It was a roar of the birth of a filthy and terrible deity, and a scream of a deity.

Koresh collapsed to the ground, the pain he had never experienced was as devastating as a skilled torturer

No one escaped the violent scream, Ouk did, and humans did not, the pain forced Koresh to the edge of reason in the blink of an eye.

Then it ended, as suddenly as it came.

The echo of the scream gradually dissipated, and its energy was like a big wave hitting the sea wall, fast and magnificent, but also fleeting.

Koresh blinked and squeezed out painful tears, and was surprised to find that he was lying on the ground. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

“Mao Mao, what is that?”

Ur questioned, and he stood predominantly as if nothing had happened.

“I’m not sure.”

Koresh gasped, and his dazzling light flashed in his vision, which was the result of a burst of blood vessels in his eyes.

“Some… mental attack?”

“Can you block it?”

“No, it’s too powerful.”

Koresh grabbed Ur’s outstretched hand and dragged him up. He still had a headache because of the unexpected roar.

He blinked to disperse the bright afterimage and looked at the far end of the battlefield.

The wanderer has not been spared by the impact just now. Its shield has disappeared, the slender head has been burnt to black, the flawless armor is covered with scars, and the joints of the feet are torn apart.


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