Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1147 - Final Yan (2)

Okay has a proverb: Wherever the boy goes, the fart has to push the wine barrel wherever he goes.

Fighting and alcohol (including any irritating liquids) have always been indispensable in the life of Ok, so when the Oks came to a place, in addition to the weapon workshop and the Sculptor bar, the most important thing was the bar .

On the first day of the siege of Dunwich, the humble Oak Bar appeared at the rear of the front. As the battle deepened, the bar owners gradually made their business into the war zone.

Of course, shells and bullets have always been a big concern for the bosses, so most of them will choose some safer places.

Such as underground.

After Gook ordered the underground excavation of Dunwich to be extended in all directions, the large and small bars lit up the dark tunnel.

The most regular economic activity between Ok, the most important thing is that they do not have any contract concept. If the two parties in the business do not have equal power, then the transaction will instantly become a looting, and the same is true when opening a bar.

Nothing is more dangerous than the green skin under the stimulation of high alcohol. After all, they are the brothers of the boss before drinking, and the bosses are their brothers after drinking.

So at least the guy with the big fist, or the guy with the boss supporting him, can drive the bar down.

One of them is the most special.

The Galilee Restaurant is well-known throughout the Dunwich Battlefield for its delicious dishes and affordable drinks.

And more uniquely, its boss is not a kid, but a fart.

The fart elder Luo, even in the mouth of the boss, is also a very story-telling character. He started from a small stall and has been following the footsteps of Guk to do business, and the bigger and bigger, the hundreds of farts under his hands Jing, is one of the best in the bar circle.

The most important thing is that very few boys dare to make trouble in his bar.

Such a peculiar situation naturally attracted many diners and drunkards who had come here. Even if the battles were on the ground and the demons were dancing, it did not affect the underground business at all.

However, on this day, there are many kids with underground activities, because the overlord gave orders to let the boys all retract to the ground.

Only a few bosses know the reason.

But everyone is idle and idle, simply go to eat and drink, and consume the spoils and treasures (garbage) seized on the battlefield.

Wuer, who escaped from the last battle, took Koresh to the place where Gali Hall was located after a rest for a long time. This time he was going to be a special friend. Dayton, and also let Hagrid go to the locator first.

But when the two of them passed through the crowded tunnel to the underground cavity where the bar was located, Ur realized that he had made a serious mistake.

Hagrid’s booming laughter echoed through the bar, and he turned another kid.

“Come on, little ones!”

He yelled out his tongue and took a big gulp from the blackjack in his hand.

He was seriously injured in the last battle, and there were still obvious stitches on his body, but this did not affect him in the bar.

While he was drinking, brown liquid splashed on the dirty braid of his Scrooge hanging over his shoulder, which was a pile of intricate knots.

“Look at my teeth, you are all tender birds!”

In order to show this fact, Hagrid touched a pair of long fangs, then grinned.

The boy who was just overturned prostrate on the ground in a comatose state, crawling weakly, trying to get rid of the energetic Hagrid.

“It’s not over yet, little farts.”

Hagrid said, clutching the kid’s ankle tightly with a huge fist, flicking him to the other end of the bar with one hand, and hitting the rest of the furniture in the room, the buttocks were scared.

The other three boys were between broken tables and chairs, surrounded by flowing wine and scattered food, and they stared at Hagrid alertly.

If you look closely, you will find that they all have the badge of the guard on their body.

“Damn shit! How dare you make trouble here!”

Facing Hagrid, the two guards jumped over first, revealing their short fangs.

Hagrid drunkenly evaded the first guard’s punch and slammed the opponent’s abdomen with one elbow. The guy immediately fell to the ground with a bow like a shrimp.

As soon as the second guard made a punch, Hagrid’s fist had already kissed his chin.

Hagrid’s fist was as hard as a stone. The opponent took a punch and swayed and wanted to fall. Then Hagrid used the tall body to smash the opponent to the ground.

The third guard tried to attack from behind, but Hagrid was already ready, flashing away from the other’s wine bottle and then hitting the backhand to make the guy fly higher, then a punitive uppercut hit the opponent On the cheek.

All of a sudden, teeth mixed with saliva and blood stains splashed into the air.

“Never act behind my back.”

Hagrid spoke to the guard who was rolling on the floor.

“I can smell you soon.”

Then he turned and yelled at the **** holding the plate.

“Don’t forget the seat I want to make! You are all tattered furniture! Hurry up and get up!”

“Yes Yes Yes Yes!”

The fart fled away.

Hagrid laughed, then stepped on the last fallen guard and raised his hands to celebrate the victory.

The guard has not recovered from the coma.

“Do you want to eat a gun like this?”

A stern voice came from the door.

Hagrid turned his gaze to speak, and his good eyes lit up immediately.

“A…new guy!”

He roared, not recognizing that it was Wuer at all, and continued to sip from his blackjack, then belched loudly.

“Come on!”

Hagrid beckoned.

“I think you are full.”

Seeing that the other party hadn’t moved, Hagrid’s hazy eyes kicked away the court guard on the ground, strode forward, and picked up the chair aside.

“Are you a dumb ass?”

“This **** is drunk!”

Ur flashed to the side immediately, and the wide-backed chair flew towards him the next second, crashing into the wall of the bar and becoming countless pieces.

When he looked up again, he saw Tall Hagrid approaching him panting.

From this perspective, Hagrid is an absolute brutalist. His gray leather jacket is wrapped with animal skins and furs. Numerous fangs and heads hang on the silver chain around the waist and neck. It is long and long. The messy tress was wrapped in sweat and wine, free on his thick shoulders

Rocking ~www.mtlnovel.com~ back. “

Ur stood up and said to Koresh on the side.

“You can be careful.”

Koresh nodded and retreated, he knew how dangerous Hagrid was.

Wuer, who is very familiar with Hagrid, began to circle around the other party and took a squatting position, waiting for the other party to rush towards the past a little while.

Hagrid didn’t react until a few seconds later and rushed to Ur, but he barely escaped the sudden attack.

Ur flashed the blow with his low profile, and quickly slammed Hagrid’s abdomen with his forearm, punching him in the drunken face.

“Dare you beat me! My boss never beat me!”

Hagrid roared and rushed forward with anger towards the “enemy”.

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