Orc Tyrant

Chapter 1177 - Burning galaxy

Twenty days after the fall of the Citizens Temple fortress, after confirming that the Wanderer fleet had left orbit, Guk was finally able to execute his long-awaited plan.

“Oh! Great!”

Looking at the towering giant in the desert, Guke couldn’t help but exclaimed, and the warlords surrounding him also responded.

This is a huge space battleship with a distinctive Ouke style. The whole body is oval, and the head is a smiling Ouke with an iron chin. At this time, it is like a stick stuck in the ground in the middle of the sand. Four rockets the same size as its size are bundled around.

Guk wants to return the restored Green Prophet to the void today.

“Sure you understand everything, right?”

Facing Guk’s question, Ojimed quickly nodded and said:

“I have checked every bolt and there will be no problems! I guarantee with my head and wrench!”

His words ushered in a boo from the warlords, and Ur, who was an ordinary boss before, was also among them.

In order to reward him for his many merits, Guk promoted him to a warlord and established a very special army.

The number of boys in this legion is the least among the legions, but its composition is very special. It is formed by the combination of the most elite special warriors and the totem warriors who survived the last war.

This legion specializes in fighting demons. Only Guk and Ur can master information about its station and boss, including equipment, and it can be said to be the most mysterious force in the Oc Empire.

“Okay, don’t talk so much nonsense, you will know if you use it badly.”

There is nothing on this planet worthy of Guk’s action, and there will never be a hearty battle for him. The scars left by the **** battle of Dunwich have long since faded, and his broken arm has recovered. Now he Will focus on more distant places.

He still clearly remembered the world Mogdrogen had told him, and also clearly remembered the scene he saw when he was in a coma.

Standing on the cracked ground among the meteors in the sky, he would fight a golden giant life to death. His instinct told him that it was most likely the most exciting and fierce battle in his life.

But he was not afraid, even impatient.

Because he is Oak, he was born for war, and war is a process and an end.

War is enough.

“Overlord, can I not go up, I get airsick.”

Suddenly, a shadow behind him stood up, with an ancient mask on his face.

After appearing in the sun, the pair lifted the mask, revealing the big, confused face that seemed to be hangover-Batka now replaced Mogdrogen as the chief shaman of Guk.

“Then find a Skugger bag, and continue!”

After slurping the other’s face, Gu Ke’s gaze swept across the ancient mask.

When he woke up, he looked for the familiar figure on the battlefield for the first time, but in the end he found only a pool of ashes and this mask covered in ashes.

Mogdrogen really fell.

Guk didn’t know if he was the last Ouke who survived the ancient times, but his meaning to himself is not only a shaman, but also his spiritual mentor and guide.

But just as all ancient things will pass away, there is no eternity in this material world.

The only eternity may only exist in that mysterious soul realm.

After gaining a deeper understanding of death, Guk began to become extremely eager for the “god”, and he desperately wanted to grab that eternal power.

To build an eternal empire, then he must also have eternal life.

“Who is worse?”

Guk glanced at the sun. They have been here for a while, and all the relevant characters should be there.

“Overlord, and your bird.”

When Batka said so, Guk remembered.

Where is Liya?

“Don’t you have any mercy for your hometown and your compatriots?”

Liya, who was walking towards the gate, stopped when she heard Ava’s sad voice behind her.

“Ok is raging on the plateau of flames, why did you choose to be silent? We are being poisoned by the poisonous sky, and the corpses are covered with gullies. Are you so indifferent?”

Liya sighed slightly, turned her head, looked at the haggard silver-haired girl, and whispered:

“The civil war is set off by the goddess of the Veil, and the Ork army entered the plateau to suppress the rebellion at your main request. Now you think they are getting in the way?”

“That’s because Guk can’t control his men at all!”

“Yeah, is it the first time you have dealt with Oak? Or do you now know that something like this will happen?”


“How many times have I advised you to give up the plateau of flames. The sinister wasteland is now the only pure land in this world.”

“Leaving hometown, what do we have left?”

Liya turned around, opened her wings and shook slightly, and then left the room, but her words remained where she was.


Ava stayed on the spot for a long time, still seemingly unable to accept this cruel reality.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise outside, pulling her consciousness back to the real world, she walked to the window and looked out, only four giant rockets spewed bright yellow flames, and the earth trembled.

One minute and one second passed. Although UU Reading www.uukanshu.com was shaking severely, they still slowly left the ground smoothly, accelerating and rising, and at the same time, the engine of the Green Prophet also started after reaching a certain height.

Looking at the giant space creation that pierced the sky, Ava’s vision was blurred, if the area called the Milky Way was real.

So from this moment on, it is destined to burn blazingly, with no peace.

At this time, a sound of singing that seemed far and near floated into her ears. She listened carefully and realized that it seemed to be a lot of wild voices singing in a chorus.

Let’s go!

Let’s go!

We walked everywhere–

Where is this?

do not know!

Let’s talk again when we arrive!

(End of the book)


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