Orc Tyrant

Chapter 135 - Fight Aswan again (2)


A shrimp soldier rushed towards him and fired the tower-like green skin with a rifle. The drunkard felt the hot bullet passing by his arm without any damage. He grabbed the soldier’s coat front.

The man screamed, trying to smash the monster’s face with his butt.

The drunkard frowned at the panicked shrimp, and turned his head slightly because the soldier tried to hit his head again. He threw the noisy guy to his machete anxiously, the sharp edge running through his body, He hung him on the tip of the knife.

Finally, it was quieter, and the eyes of the rotten drunk stared at the surrounding battlefield.

Regardless of the trench where his commando entered, they occupied it. The slaughtered shrimp wreckage was scattered in the excavated soil. A small group of survivors who had escaped the ravages were escaping from the open ground to enter the bunker. Under cover.

“go there!”

Throwing away the miserable wreckage of the enemy on the tip of the knife, the boss of Oak raised his machete to the bunker and began to growl. He could see that a few boys nearby understood his orders.

They stopped the attack on the escaping human soldiers and ran to the nearest bunker. Other Oaks noticed the movement of their comrades, suppressed their bloodthirsty desires, and went to support the attack on the bunker.

The rotten drunk made a satisfying grunt. This behavior is the difference between his boys and Ork. The scout can understand the necessity of completing the work, even if it means that they want to stop a massacre.

This bunker is a solid bunker made of concrete and steel. Judging by the outgoing sound, the humans inside were equipped with at least one big sudden gun, and in the second wave of shooting, the three boys of the drunkard were beaten to the flesh. blurry.

This “Soldier inside the fortress has a more deadly guy than the rifle in the trench defender’s hand” message slightly contained the passion of this attack, just as the rotten drunk joined his boy, the **** were hiding in a few Behind the sand ramp, he reached out from the bunker and shot an invalid bullet at the enemy’s reinforcement.

“Are you planning to hide your head under the buttocks!”

The rotten drunkard began to growl at the boys. He could hear the movements in the bunker. Xiami was obviously calling for reinforcements to curb their invasion. Some boys might not care about this, but they did not need a lot of humans to overwhelm them.

Yes, maybe they can play a big fight for this, but the foundation of their army is to pursue victory, not to be killed in a big mess. If they want to get what they need and bring the intelligence back to King Guk, they will start to move and move fast enough.

“You! Come with me!”

The drunkard patted the kid hiding behind him, instructing his human soldier in the bunker to approach the bunker from the other side when he was busy dealing with other boys, and this guy did not seem willing to leave the bunker.

He raised a finger in response.

The rotten alcoholist growled and issued a series of violent threats, “If you do not listen to the command, I will…” This guy still doesn’t seem to cooperate. The rotten alcoholic kicked this guy out of the bunker and waited. See if he is noticed by the soldiers in the bunker for a while, and then follow him.

Two Oaks rushed across the death zone in front of the bunker and leaned against the thick wall of the fortification.

“Fuck him!”

The rotten drunk took an oval grenade from his waist and nodded at the kid who was doing the same thing with him. This is the latest invention of the mechanics. It is said to be very convenient to use and powerful.

Together, the two Oaks knocked the head of the grenade against the wall of the bunker, and threw the activated explosive into the machine gun’s shooting port.

Boom~! !

The walls of the bunker could not block the shock wave of the explosion. In the explosion of flames and debris, the bunker collapsed suddenly, and the two Oaks leaning on the fortifications were thrown on the ground like a rag doll.


The rotten alcoholic climbed up in pain, one hand drooped softly, ragged, and the boy with him was in even worse condition. The impact of the explosion threw him into the deep trench, where the sharp steel bar poke him. It became a sieve.

The boss of Oak felt anger soaring, looking at the smoky debris of the bunker, he felt that he needed to talk to the mechanic boys about how much explosive they put in the grenade.

The rotten alcoholic shook his head to clear the roar in his ears. He stared at the ground, looking for the hat that was thrown away in the explosion.

“Sir, sir! This!”

The smart fart appeared next to him, and gave him the tattered hat, the rotten alcoholic boss grabbed the hat from the fart, and walked into the bombed bunker. Now the machine gun inside is quiet. The other boys were leaving the bunker and approaching the bombed target, and stepped forward to see what was left inside.

The bunker has become a ruin, and the twisted supporting columns protrude from the broken stone at a crazy angle, and the wreckage of broken shrimps is everywhere.

The rotten alcoholic glanced and snorted contemptuously. The grenades had blown them to pieces, as if the walls were made of paper. Maybe he should advise the craftsmen to continue making grenades in this way. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com But first let him know how much medicine is stuffed inside.

He scratched the scars on his body, listening to the fighting in other places, and the ground shivered as the artillery bombarded the occupied trenches.

The drunkard glanced at the boys with him, then nodded. These guys immediately took up their weapons, and then began digging to find the broken bodies of the soldiers. Whenever a body was dug out, the boys grabbed the first half of their military uniforms and then tore off their clothes.

When they had collected the debris of the military uniform, they threw the enemy’s body aside like garbage, and they had found all the information that could be collected in the rubble.


A sharp howling sounded on the battlefield, with a dazzling glare flare into the air.


The drunkard shouted and ordered his men to retreat. They had completed the task to be completed. They tested the defense of the human stronghold and confirmed the number of bunker defenders. This is what the boss asked them to do.

The boys quickly retreated along the traffic trench, and howitzers bombarded their positions as the Oakes fled, but at this point they had lost the meaning of blocking.

“Still coming.”

Yusuf stood at the high ground of the fortress, and looked at the rickety big men in the dim light through the telescope as they drilled through the ground.

“They are progressing so fast. They already know how to infiltrate our position. Give them some time, and it is up to them to teach us to fight.”

With such a sigh, Yusuf put down his glasses and turned his gaze to the two wizards on the side, one of them was the old wizard who accompanied him in the evening, and the other was the rare fox wizard, whose mask was in the micro The light flashed with changing luster.

“Then they can start now.”

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