Orc Tyrant

Chapter 142 - Fighting Aswan again (9)

Not only Yusuf’s face was shocked, but the chief of staff was also demonstrative. He stepped forward and looked at the herald soldier.

“The gate is made of the hardest alloy! It is half a meter thick! It can resist the bombardment of heavy artillery. You tell me how Ooke can destroy such a gate!?”

His voice was more of a roar than a question, but the commander was scared by him, and his words became stunned.

“Yes… it’s the leader of Ok, Guk! It, it’s cutting the gate with a strange claw!”

“Do not……”

Before the chief of staff finished, Yusuf pushed him away, then pointed at the herald soldier.

“Tell Chris! Even if they give me their life to fill! Fill the door! And your fire department!”

“It’s already started, but the leader needs more support!”

“I see, you go back now and tell him that the support will arrive soon.”


After saluting, the commander turned and ran, and Yusuf looked towards the gate, and then said to his adjutant:

“Let the brave regiment and the sawtooth question mark support the gate… No, call their leader first, and Bourbon!”


But another staff member stood up, and he very carefully said to Yusuf:

“General, we still have a reserve team. Isn’t it time to send precious wizards and arcane divisions…”

After the last war, the military department agreed that Aswan’s garrison added two more divisions to its original base, making their troops much more abundant than the previous one.

Youssef shook his head, not agreeing with his ideas.

“Those reserves are useless. If Gook can really open the gate, how many reserves are useless. The only thing we can do now is to do everything possible to hold it down!”

He looked back, the entire wall was shrouded in artillery and smoke, and the large forces of Oak had crossed the minefield and rushed to the root of the wall. Some artillery began to fall into the living area behind the wall. Many houses were ignited, but the fortress At this time, the fire brigade is defending a critical area such as an ammunition depot, and can only watch the fire in the residential area.

As a small city, the fortress is not only a soldier, but now everyone is organized, including women and the elderly. They are busy with rescuing and building barricades. Once the city wall is broken, even they have to participate in defense.

If the plan cannot be implemented smoothly, Yusuf will not let anyone evacuate. Everyone here will exist for one purpose, that is, to stumble on Guck!

As for the railway, it will be blown up as soon as the city wall falls, and he will not allow Ok to have any chance to use their transportation.

Maybe afterwards, there will be many people cursing him and cursing him, but he doesn’t care, because he is responsible for the survival of the entire empire and even the entire human race, and nothing can surpass all this.

“Quick! Grenade! Focus over there!”

Juskin shot the green skin below with a pistol and issued a command with a roar. As a battalion commander, he could not have been on the front line, but he firmly believed that being with the soldiers would inspire their courage. At this time Nothing is more important than courage. Without weapons, there are hands and teeth. Without courage, then everything is gone.

Even after taking drugs before the war, the soldiers’ shooting hands were still shaking, but at least they did not turn around and escape.

The green skins are also fighting back at them. These are a group of disciplined and well-armed guys. It’s not the first time that Yushkin has encountered this group of green skins, especially the flying flag across the heads.

A bullet shot from the green skin hit the cement stone on the side of Eugene, and the splashed gravel scratched his ear, making him unable to take a breath.

A careless soldier seemed to want to shoot at a target farther away. He slightly exposed his upper body. Before he even fired a shot, the whole person was hit by a huge force and flew in mid-air when he landed. Only half of the remaining twitching remains.

But even this kind of shooting made Yushkin feel a trace of false safety. Compared to facing their blades and fangs, the bullets and shells shot were not so terrible.

Until a group of Oak tanks came straight to them and stopped in the middle of the battlefield, just outside their firepower effective killing range.

Juskin carefully leaned out of his position and looked at them. The green skins ran in circles and shoved each other, removing tools and parts, steel pipes and large rivets from the war carts. Guns were thrown around randomly, metal plates were almost randomly nailed together, and a recognizable structure was gradually taking shape.

Only then did Eugene understand what was happening, and he immediately turned his head and shouted:



His company commander immediately ran over with his waist. This guy was originally his platoon leader. After he was promoted, he became a company commander.

Juskin dragged the gasping Keritu to his face, then pointed to the tools that were gradually forming and hissed:

“Let Miller quickly get rid of these ghosts! And let your people go around and get me three machine guns no matter what!”

As a regular infantry regiment, the regiment where Yushkin is located has its own field artillery company~www.mtlnovel.com~Although there are only six gates after shrinking, it is very important at this time, because it is just near him. There should have been a fortress gun behind him, but unfortunately the entire fort and the artillery above evaporated during the rocket bombardment.


After a long walk, Yushkin turned his gaze downwards, and the Green Skins had pieced together their machine, a toy similar to a large crossbow vehicle, with a huge winch and a thick bowstring.

They noisily placed large red crossbow arrows on the crossbow cart, pointing in the direction of the city wall.


The field artillery fired, and two crossbow vehicles were hit, returning to the state of parts in an instant, but this also greatly angered the rest of the green skin.

They roared in anger and fired crossbow arrows with hooked claw heads towards the city walls. These crossbow arrows were connected with very thick chains at the end. Originally, Yushkin wanted to laugh at Ouke’s whims, because it was impossible to shoot. He reached the wall, but the flames suddenly spewed from the crossbow arrows, making him unable to laugh.

“What the **** is this…”

He looked at the crossbow arrows that crossed his head, and the sizzling sound was like some kind of ridicule. These crossbow arrows actually helped to push!

One after another, the crossbow arrows crossed the city head, the number was at least about one hundred, and the soldiers all looked at them dullly and watched these things fly behind them. They didn’t know what green skin was doing.

As the crossbow fell, the winch quickly tightened, and those huge claws dragged a line of Mars on the ground of the wall, all the way to the edge of the wall and then stuck into the cement, and tripped many soldiers on the road.

“Damn! Find an axe! Cut these chains!!!”

When one green leather after another climbed up the chain and climbed towards the city wall, Eugene’s roar finally made the soldiers realize that terrible things were happening.

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