Orc Tyrant

Chapter 148 - Fighting Aswan again (15)

Beirut’s feet stomped heavily on the hard concrete floor, which stirred up a lot of dust. The huge impact caused his knees to bend involuntarily. The rocket behind him had fallen off before landing, he was completely leaning on himself The flesh of the body resisted the energy generated by a drop of more than ten meters.

The warlords of Ou Ke looked around. There was no kid around. Those guys either directly crossed the city wall and flew to the back, or fell to other city heads. A few did not grasp the weight and directly hit the wall.

Since there was no kid, there were naturally only a large group of shrimps around Beiruf. These defenders were initially stunned by Ok from the sky, but when the officers found that there was only one, they realized that the opportunity came because Beirut’s dress is very conspicuous,

The unsuitable officer’s jacket is hard to reminiscent of his identity.

More importantly, he has very few protective gears, even much less than the average Oak.

The temptation to kill a big boss of Ock quickly overwhelmed the fear from that huge body.

“Fire! Fire!”

Stormy bullets fired from the left and right sides, punching holes in Beiruf’s coat, which angered him.

Although he could not bring his beloved runner machine in order to reduce the weight, the pistol on Beirut was always there. He ignored the harassing bullets and pulled out the gun to shoot at the crowd on the left.


The officer roaring with his mouth open, just spit out two words, his upper half of the face was carried by a huge bullet, and his bright red tongue was still bouncing in his jaw. His blood made the surrounding soldiers scream stand up.

The warheads with huge destructive power swept through the dense infantry queue, creating terrible casualties. None of the dead bodies were intact.

Beiruf held the gun in both hands and opened the bow to the left and right. He harvested the life of the defender with a precision that was not in line with Ok. When a pistol shot a bullet, he immediately discarded it and then pulled it from his waist. A hand, so alone and the entire battalion of infantry shot.

The whole process lasted for half a minute.


After shooting the last bullet in the last pistol, Beiluv just pulled out the machete behind his waist, dozens of smoking grenades hit him, and one of them shot directly on his face.


The smoky smoke produced by the violent explosion exploded in the city’s head. The soldier who had just been shot and walked carefully from the broken body of his companion, slowly leaning towards the center of the smoke. After paying hundreds of lives, It seems that this boss has been resolved.


A roar interrupted their fantasies and saw a giant beast in the smoke!

The defenders could not really feel the oppressive hugeness until they faced them at close range. The original black coat had become a little broken cotton batting. They were hung by thorny armor and swayed in the wind. Burnt marks and scars are all over the bare green skin, among them

Some are left over from the past, and some new ones have emerged.

Several dozen steel-bonded screws shone brightly on the surface of the alloy-made shoulder armor. The chest and back were made of forged steel reinforced with edging. Several yellowed skulls were hung from the giant’s waist by chains. His eyes drooped, his eyes glowing like hot coals.

Even more frightening are the two serrated curved scimitars held by his hands, which are called [oppression] and [punishment], they are all built by the best craftsmen in the waste city, using high-purity alloys extracted from the active furnace At ordinary times, these two weapons are his main tools for punishing those who disobey military orders. The slaughter released by them is hard to imagine if they were witnessed by themselves.

The surrounding space throbbed by his breath, so that many people felt that the air seemed to be living creatures.


Beiruf’s speed was so fast that his single-armed charge shook the city, and the impact of his sword directly hit the two soldiers off the ground. After blasting them into the air, they again With a deafening blow, the other three soldiers smashed into the floor.

The giant boots smashed the fragile sternum, and Belluf slammed on the corpse, slamming the left hand [punishment] from left to right with a lightning speed, and the sharp sawtooth straightly swept the left side to a **** head Cut it off, then cut into the right side wall, leaving a sticky accompany with scarlet

Deep ditch with liquid splashing.

“Go on bayonet!!! Go on all! Be sure to kill it!!”

The officer was shocked by the slaughter, and howled wildly, inspiring the soldiers to use the bayonet to confront the green demon.


The soldiers used the inhuman howl to summon the last courage in their hearts, picked up the rifle and rushed towards this Ou Ke leader, forming a situation of left and right striking.

The warlord Oke was unmoved. He directly blasted the dozen soldiers on the left with a giant body, crushed a path of flesh and blood, and then rushed back to their kind on the right.

[Oppression] flashed in the night, with its barbed vicious teeth from the top of the officer’s head to the groin, releasing a jet with viscous blood and peristaltic organs, [punishment] the subsequent slash The soldiers who fought back in vain on one side were broken into pieces.

Beiruf showed unparalleled power and speed at this time. Generally speaking, an Ouk warlord is of course capable of smashing a passage from any enemy blocking the road, but Beiruf has long used violent long-range shooters. The face appeared in front of the enemy, which made many boys ignore his already good skill.

He formed an unstoppable majestic whirlwind on the city head, and anyone and everything involved in it would be crushed, but the bayonet and bullets could not pose any substantial threat to him~www.mtlnovel.com~Dangbei When Ruff finally stopped, his drenched body was covered with visceral fluid. The thick blood made him look smooth from head to toe, and the two scimitars hung a lot of congestion and minced meat.

“Ah!!! The city walls are falling!!”

The first soldier collapsed, and he threw down his rifle and turned wildly.

Immediately after more soldiers joined the escape team, they no longer had the courage to face such a slaughter. During the escape, they continued to spread fear and rumors around.

Beirut did not pursue, he understood his mission, but he saw a new idea when he saw how the soldiers ran away.

“in case……”

But he quickly rejected his idea, because Guck’s request was that he open the side door. Although the new idea is more tempting, the order is the order, and it must be carried out firmly.

Beirut began to move towards the side door, but the idea always lingered in his mind.

“…If you put a fire behind the shrimp, let them think that the city wall has been captured by us, will it…”

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted and he was confronted with a huge sword oncoming.


He slammed [oppression] to block it, and taking the other side’s empty space, Beiruv turned his head and glanced, and found some masked shrimps behind him somehow.

He has seen these shrimps before, and they are of the more capable type.

“It seems to wait…”

There was some anxiety in his heart, but he was not impulsive, but clasped his hands with a scimitar in preparation for the next battle.

“I’m coming!!!”

With his right foot on the wall, Grak leaped forward and rushed into the crowd with a bayonet like Lin.

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