Orc Tyrant

Chapter 178 - Blazing journey (2)

Guk is determined to launch a fierce offensive, which contains not only some kind of mimicry, but also more literal meaning, especially in dealing with those annoying mists, nothing is more effective than flames.

Those sad shrimps thought it would be safe to hide in the fog, but Guk had enough artillery to bombard their fragile houses beyond the fog, not to mention that he had to know the specific locations of those towns in advance. What makes Guck happy more than watching his enemies blow up to pieces.

When the cannons lined up one after another, Guk could even see the fire blazing in the distance through the mist.

At the same time as the mechanics fired their guns, a large number of burning boys began to set fire on their minds. Their goal was simple, that is, to burn everything in front of them. Gu Ke did not consider what would be lost, even if it was just a bare stone mountain. What a disappointment, as long as the scorched body of the enemy lies on it.

The Oaks painted the mountains with the shadows of destruction, and the ancient forests whimpered in the wind, not only for themselves, but also for the cannibals sheltered by them.

As Gu Ke predicted, the heat wave quickly repelled those mists, and the so-called tricks were in front of the absolute destructive power. The boys were already impatient, but their goals were not many, because Gu Ke knew this There are very few shrimps in the local area, so few can even call this a war.

Hunting, Guk is more willing to use this to call this action.

The fire spread quickly, and the huge fire may be a disaster to the enemy and humans in the eyes of mankind, but for Oak, the fire is a very good material to help.


As the roar of Guk’s battle roared through the sky, the huge legion suddenly dispersed like a bee swarm, and they howled into the sea of ​​fire, not worrying about the possibility of being cooked, and the fastest of them was the Waaagh Thunder gang. This is a group of bosses formed by a group of leaders, they got a strong steel machine from the mechanics in the waste city.

It is a magical creation with only three wheels, but it can run as fast as possible. It is composed of fragmented steel and a powerful engine. The kids call it a motorcycle.

Gogu is one of the drivers. As a gang leader who loves drag racing, Gogu is fascinated by the giant monster at first sight. The structure, as thick as his own arm, moves The sound could reach the roar a few miles away. The thick barbed wheels were completely designed for him.

This thing is as long as three kids, and the two joysticks in the middle position are particularly heavy, but this is not a problem at all for Gogu, even if there is no brake.

All he needs is speed and strength!

The number of these motorcycles is very rare, but only a few more than 20. They paid all the teeth on his body for this Gu Ge, and let the mechanics paint the entire motorcycle red, and installed many things he likes, the front engine The prawn skull on the circle, the huge logo on the back of the seat, the skull face representing the kingdom, and the huge guns.

The mechanics claimed that doing so would slow down the speed, and Gogu felt that they were bullshit, and no one knew better than him how to run faster.

Just like now.

“Gorig, you soft foot Scrooge!”

Feeling that the motorcycle around him seemed to slow down, Gogu made a mocking laugh. Just when he opened his mouth and laughed, a blast of hot air poured into his throat and almost burned his voice.

The forest in front had been burned to the extreme, and in the thunderous roar, Gogu slammed on the accelerator again to start the assault.

“That’s how it feels! Hurry up! Give me a hurry up!!”

His crazy roar was extremely penetrating, and the three-wheeled motorcycle responded to it with tremor. The surrounding fartmen who controlled the guns hugged the things around them so as not to be blown away by the strong wind.


The fire was in front, but it was not comparable to the flame burning inside Gogu. At this moment, the machinery under his seat seemed to be integrated with him. Even the tremor became harmonious with his breath, and the time passed slowly. The red eyes behind the goggles were very focused.


The huge tire slammed into a burning tree, and Gogu plunged into the sea of ​​fire.

“Boss Boss!!”

The fart screamed, and the metal became hot, leaving them nowhere to stand.

But Gogu ignored it, but stepped on the accelerator harder, making the engine more boiling.

The tongue of fire licked his skin, evaporating the sweat from above, scorching his hair style, and burning the clothes and things on his body.

But he didn’t care about it at all, because he had reached a speed that he had never experienced in the past. That kind of stimulating feeling gave him a new life, and he would no longer be able to stand slow walking.


In the blink of an eye, the fire-like Gogu rushed out of the sea of ​​fire, orange flames squirted from the engine of the tank, and the broken fuel pipe spilled their contents on the yellow grass, through the thick smoke and flames , Gogu saw more riders rushing out of the flames.

“Dregs! I am the fastest!!”

He then made a wild howl and stomped on the accelerator again, rushing towards the vortex of disaster.

The chariot crossed the grass and washed up the **** of the rock to the burning block. The huge tires crushed the broken bricks and broken arms and the entire arm underneath. From time to time, there was a sound of impact, and Gogu didn’t care.

When he stormed down the other side of the slope, the smoke began to dissipate, and his sight became clear. Gogu could see the labyrinthine houses and broken statues. These messy buildings occupied the sides of the street. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Many shrimps are dragging injured shrimps from the collapsed house, they are completely unaware of the danger.

“Smelly Shrimp!!! Let’s die!!!”

Gogu pressed the button of the joystick hard, two heavy heavy bumps in parallel in front of the car roared and began to harvest their lives, and the fart around them also began to use small guns to start shooting.

The shocked people, regardless of gender, regardless of age or child, let go of things in their hands and screamed and fled, but they could not escape Gogu’s hunt.

The person who fell was crushed into mud by tires, the running man was crushed by the fierce fire of the big sudden, the body was thrown to the distance like a rag doll, no matter what kind of person, they were being crushed by the chariot Released under pressure, the goods and vehicles in the town are burning, and the rising flames coat Gogu and his chariot with a bright coat.

Although a lot of dirty blood splashed on Gogu’s body, he did not let his passion cool down much. He reached out to untie the sawtooth machete tied to the saddle.


He rushed towards them again, slashing in with a machete as he passed the crowd, and the foul smelling organs sprayed to the ground instantly, and the miserable howling of different tones made him very happy.

A dried shrimp hung on the tip of his knife, she screamed as if she wanted to take something from the rotten meat, but Gogu was fed up with her crying and threw her arm to throw her into a burning house. .

“Wow haha!”

Indiscriminate screams came from the corner of the street. Gogu looked up and found that the gang boss, Yerif, was rushing on the street, and he was dragging a bald shrimp with a tattoo on his face behind his chariot.

More gangsters rushed into the town, and Gogu grumbled a few times before stepping on the accelerator again.

He has to be faster!

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