Orc Tyrant

Chapter 19 - Dragon Tooth

Since the moment he broke out of the earth, Gook has never produced the kind of joy that comes from the heart. Most of the time he treats everything he sees with anger, indifference and contempt, but when this terrible weapon When he appeared before him, he really realized what joy was.

   “I have prepared this thing for you very early. Although it is not from the hands of some famous craftsmen, it is the highest technological crystallization of our civilization.”

If it is placed in human society, it is difficult to say that it is a weapon. Although the shape is a scimitar, it is nearly two meters long from the blade tip to the handle. The thickest part of the back of the knife is full of two palms. If you look closely, you will find a fine wave mark. The brass-colored handle is carved with a huge beast head, and the end of the handle is also embedded with a translucent bead, which flashes in the sun. Moved a brilliant light.

“The latest alloy technology, the latest metal processing technology, because human beings cannot manually manufacture such a huge weapon, and can only be repeatedly forged by the machine, but I believe that it is enough in your hand… I have taken it privately. The name, Longya, comes from the most terrifying creature in the legend.”

   “Dragon tooth, this name is good.”

Holding the icy handle in his right hand, Guck gently lifted it and pulled the giant blade out of the ground. He did not expect it to be so light. According to his previous experience, such a huge weapon should be very heavy, but This started but unexpectedly “relaxed.”

   “Good! Good! Good!”

It was just a random wave, and the strong blade wind rolled up the dust, and the human soldiers around him saw the chills. If they were facing such a beast, probably few people could stand still. Too.

   “I originally wanted to make a gem for that decoration, but I couldn’t find it at one and a half times, so I replaced it with quartz.”

   “I like this too much!”

  Gook didn’t understand what he was talking about, and was completely caught in the joy of getting a new weapon. The heavy giant blade was as flexible as a thin sword in his hand.

   “Guk, we humans used to have a habit that a new weapon should be washed with blood.”

   Hearing this, Gu Ke froze for a few seconds, then patted his head.

   “Yes! I didn’t expect it, you waited for me first!”

   turned over and rode on the giant Scrooge, and Gook roared and waved his dragon fangs to the chaotic battlefield. Behind him were a group of stunned human soldiers and Diago with a smile.

   “What would it be like a dragon with fangs…”

   On the battlefield, the sudden involvement of the white-handed tribe made the children of the red-eyed tribe caught off guard. They were ready to make a fortune. As a result, a group of fierce guys came halfway, because the chaos came too suddenly, and they could not organize effective resistance, either running or fighting, but some leaders wanted to gather the team again.

   “Caitou! Follow me! And you! Everyone is close!”

   A leader holding an axe is trying to summon his younger brothers. Hundreds of boys have been surrounded by him, holding weapons to the periphery, and the few cavalry who face this small group of white-handed tribes can not be dispersed.

   “We’ll give these guys a nice look later! Bow! Bow!”

   “This boss!”

  A dozen of the boys who made the bow were picked out. They will be the first step in the counterattack, but before the start, some boys suddenly burst into noise.

   “Look! What is that!”

   “White, white!”

   The boss looked in the direction of the boys, and saw a white Ok, riding a huge Scurge, holding an incredible giant blade, and was running towards them.

   “Arrow! Shoot him! Quick!!!”

   The strong sense of crisis made the leader yell, and the boys with bows and arrows rushed to shoot arrows

  Waaagh! ! ! ! ! ! !

The loud roar made all the children’s hands tremble, the terrible sense of oppression fell on all Oak’s hearts, and the archery boys were startled. The arrows they shot were even directly hit by the huge sound waves. Take off.

   “Hold it up!!! Let’s go together!!!”

  Depressed the fear in his heart. The leader led the soldiers and greeted the terrible white Oak with his weapon, and the other boys also flinched and followed.


It wasn’t until he was near that the leader realized that he had made a big mistake. This guy was more terrible than it seemed. The huge shadow completely enveloped him. The red eyes made him lose all courage, but He still screamed and raised his arms, just to keep himself from embarrassing him.


   There was a flower in front of him. Before he realized what was happening, he took him up with great force. In the air, he even saw his lower body standing on the ground, and his little brother’s fragmented scene…

   “Hahaha!!! Shuang!!! This is called Shuang!!!”

Gu Ke has never had such a pleasant feeling. The incisive killing experience makes him unable to extricate himself. Every time he swings his knife, it is so smooth. The warmth of blood seems to be passed to his hand through the blade, roaring and screaming. Swiping in ears, harvesting life is as simple as eating.

  He really fell in love with this feeling.

   “Quick! Run!”

Guk was refreshing, but the boy with the red-eye tribe was miserable. The white villain specialized in finding places where there were many boys, and then plunged into it, setting off a storm of blood and broken arms. The giant blade seemed to be a real dragon. The fangs tear and shatter everything they encounter.

   The boys collapsed, no Ok was willing to gather together, they could no longer bear such slaughter, and the already loose team was completely broken down.

   “Come back! You idiots!!!”

Boerba felt that he was really unlucky today. Obviously, he has been staring at this group of humans for a long time before he found an opportunity to take the other bosses to pay attention. He was preparing to eat a solitary meal. He never saw that white hand sign.

   “Head! I retreat in search of thought!”

   “Withdraw a hammer! We are so many, they are so little! Hurry up and gather people back to kill!”

   jumped violently in the cart, and Bol Ba struck his drums again, but this time not many boys responded to him.

   “Coward! A group of cowards!!”

   “Head! It’s not good! The white one is coming! I’ll withdraw first!”

   “What white…”

  Porba turned his head to see the **** fog rising from the escaping team, and a huge fang-like blade among the flying wreckage flickered with blood in the sunset.

   “Fuck!!! Shining!!!”

   Poor Ba, who was uncomfortable, immediately turned the head of the car to escape, but when he turned his head, he found that the Oak cavalry were also approaching himself, and he did not seem to retreat.

   “Ah! No matter! Whoever you are!”

  Borba burst into blood, so he drove towards the crowd and ran towards the crowd, facing one is better than facing a group, at least he still has a chance.

   “Wow ah ah!!! Kill you!”

The boys spread out, and Boerba finally saw the crazy killer, a white freak, who howled and whipped the whip to beat Scrooge, trying to knock the guy who stopped him, but he obviously did not Know what happened to the last guy who planned to do this…


  Gook laughed and hurried up, and more than ten meters before the collision, a slammed rein drove the giant Sigger beast to the left, then raised the knife in his hand and waved it.

   “Wow wow wow!!!”

In an instant, Boerba flew from the chariot. Guk’s blow not only cut the chariot into two pieces, but also directly cut the chariot into parts. The sharp blade made everything It became a joke, and Bol Pa who could not dodge had lost both feet.

   “No! Wait… Ah!”

   struggled to get up from the ground, a strong spear picked him up from the ground, and a blow through his heart made him speechless.

“What the hell.”

Green teeth whispered hard and threw the body to the side. He lowered his head and touched the crotch. This was a saddle. This was made by Gu Ke before his departure. It was simply spliced ​​from wood. However, after riding, Green Fang found that the battle was unusually smooth, and many of the actions that were not done before were very easy, so the cavalry of the white-handed tribe could so easily harvest the children of the red-eye tribe.

   “Head! Hurry up and call the boss! Let him stop chasing and run away!”

   The words of the younger brother made Green Teeth look back. He glanced back and found that Gook was still laughing and chasing the escaping boys. That kind of laughter to tell the truth Green Teeth was also frightened.

   “Boss! Boss!”

Gouk, who was hooked, heard the familiar cries, stopped the movement in his hand, looked back, and found that both Green Tooth and Turuk were running towards themselves. Unconsciously, he had left the original battlefield. Far away, the broken corpse along the way showed his trajectory.

   “It’s getting dark!”

   “I know, go back!”

  Leave a part of the boy to deal with the battlefield, Guk led the boy and the cart back to Diego, at this time he was saying goodbye to the officer.

“…After going back, tell Yusuf what you saw today, and you have already fought against Ok, and you have observed their battles, and you will fight them in the future. Experience teaches recruits not to waste their meaningless bragging in taverns.”

   “I will, sir.”

  The officer nodded, then glanced at Gook, who was approaching. After hesitating for a few seconds, he still spoke his heart.

   “But sir, will we need to fight him?”

   “Maybe, maybe not, but you have to be prepared for the worst, not only you, but all of us.”

“To understanding.”

   “I know it takes a lot of courage to face such terrible creatures, but we have no retreat, and behind us is our country, our race, anyone can retreat, only you and me.”


  The officer made a firm salute to Diego, and then began to command the soldiers to line up. They can finally leave this terrible place.

   “Diago, are you all fighting with this weapon?”

   But Guk suddenly stopped the team. He pinched a rifle behind a soldier. UU read the book www.uukanshu.com and made the soldier panic, not knowing what to do.


   had expected that Guck would ask such a question. There was no unexpected expression on Diego’s face, and he raised his hand to signal the officer not to be nervous.

   “It’s too small, and its power is also poor. This is no way to fight. As I said, you should learn to use a knife.”

Although the tone is very casual, Guk’s eyes have never left the rifle. He would like to understand the mystery of this weapon, because he arrived long before the war between humans and Ok, and observed it for a while. The weapon power is not too small, if the size is enlarged…

   “Oh, no way, our strength is not as great as yours, we can only use such weapons, the small one is because of gunpowder.”

   “Gunpowder? Is this strange smell?”

  Gook sniffed the air, which was filled with a slightly pungent smell, which he could occasionally smell on Diego.

   “It is a kind of bullet that can be pushed out of the barrel of the gun… Fuel is only available in snowy places. There is a small amount, and only soldiers can use it, so we can’t make a big one.”

  Diago had a natural insight into Guck’s ideas. He chose to lie. This is the greatest advantage that human beings can maintain, and it cannot be known by Oke anyway.

   “Well, it’s useless for me to think about it.”

After releasing the rifle, Gook lost his interest in this kind of weapon. He had never heard of it alone. It would be very far away from here if he wanted to come. The scarcity of the number is even more meaningless. On the side of Oak, the quantity is everything basis.

   “Yeah, so we need you like… friends.”

   “Yes, you are my friend now! Haha! The kids packed everything! I went back with friends to have a happy drink!”

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