Orc Tyrant

Chapter 22 - Annihilate

   “Black face! Bring your cart! Charge over!”

   The Red-Eye Tribe is not without mobile forces, this time the expedition Agu Ge sent Lucha enough 2,000 chariots. Because of the long-term battle with humans with guns and guns, the chariots of the Red Eye tribe generally pursue speed and impact. They are small in size and compact in structure. There are usually 2 kids and 1 fart in a car, and one kid is responsible for driving. A kid is attacked with a long-handled weapon, and the fart is responsible for daily messing and shooting with bow and arrow.

  In the beginning, Rucha was planning to use all the chariots as the first assault force, but Alu Pa got him anyway, and because of this, the chariots did not get stuck in the quagmire of the front line, but kept watching in the rear.

   “Yes! Head!”

   The chief of the Ouke wearing a blindfold immediately heard Rucha’s call sign, immediately raised the long-handed tomahawk in his hand, and roared:

   “Little boys! Follow me!”

   Thousands of big cars rumbling and greeted the team of Grak. The driving boys accelerated madly while roaring vulgar swearing words, vowing to crush the scum in front!

   “Big cart! Get on!”

   Although Grak himself walked, but he did not bring the chariot, Guk handed all the carts to him and the buck.

   “Come on!!!”

Hundreds of huge chariots galloped out of the turbulent ranks. These were left by the blood-tooth tribes before, and each one was larger than the chariots of the red-eye tribe. They had a large number of enemies in front of them. Arranged into a loose front.


On a big cart from the Baishou tribe, the boy threw a chain to the nearest big car. After the kid caught it, he pulled it hard, and a wooden pile full of iron pieces appeared between the two cars. This is the idea that Grak came up with.

   The carts were linked, and the rolling piles formed an insurmountable obstacle. The original loose formation immediately turned into a moving high wall, and the distance between the two parties no longer allowed any possibility of dodge!



   The time seemed to freeze for a few seconds, and both sides could clearly see the big face of each other…


This is such a brutal collision, Scrooge and Scrooge, wood and wood, sharp blades and sharp blades, blood and blood, all struck together in the most primitive posture, all the so-called solidity is twisted and broken at this moment . The huge inertia caused many boys to fly directly from the car, and the heavy car hit the front with a reverse kick.

The wood was broken and a painful groan was made, and Scrooge screamed and fell to the ground. The children roared and killed. The caravan of the Baishou tribe was almost annihilated by the whole army, but they also almost brought the red-eye tribe’s chariots to hell. The kid continued to fight among the wreckage.

   “You and your kid go over there! The rest follow me!!!”

  Grak didn’t care about any loss, he just sent some kids to help, and took most of them to the battlefield to kill.

   “I will meet you!!”

  Lucha noticed the conspicuous red guy at once. He struggled to push away the crowd and led a big ticket to welcome him.

   “Dead insects!!!”


  The heavy giant axe struck together violently, bursting out with dazzling sparks. Only this time Grak felt his hands are numb. This is the strongest guy he has ever met except Guk!


   But the stronger the opponent, the more he liked it, and he spit, and Grak raised his axe again and rushed over, and the two evil beasts were fighting so fiercely.

With the participation of the Graak Legion, the balance of the battle began to tilt, and the red-eye tribe under attack on the side caused a great deal of chaos. Some boys moved forward, some boys moved to the right, and some spears fell from their heads. Those crossbow cars have already taken a lot of life, and continue to increase.

   woo woo~!

The sound of the horn sounded, and Yaoya finally took the left side of the battlefield where the team came, and the swarms of children under the Cleft Skull Warfare swarmed, and they threw their spears into the red-eye tribe while charging. At the front is naturally Yao Yi and his followers, while hundreds of **** chariots carry the final package to the Red Eye Tribe from the back. These timid guys have no courage to hit the side, only Can use a bow and arrow to harass the enemy’s bottom.

   The battle situation was completely reversed. Nearly one hundred thousand children of the Red-Eye tribe fell into a desperate situation. The front was a tough defense line and a crossbow that fell like raindrops. Both left and right were enemies, and there seemed to be some behind. The children’s will was shaking. And Rucha, who was fighting against Grak, did not notice at all. If he decided to retreat at this time, those fart spirits would obviously be unstoppable, but now he has no other ideas than to kill Grak.

   “Congratulations, Mr. Guk, another brilliant victory.”

   “Haha, but this is not enough… perfect, don’t you often mention these two words.”

  Gook laughed and picked up Longya. This time Diego did not stop him, and there was no reason to stop him again.

   “A boss with a clean knife after a battle, but not a good boss.”

   “Of course, but you have to remember that you can kill as little as you can. You still need to save strength. This victory will not change much.”

   “Got it! Wait until I come back!”

  Following that, Guk jumped straight from the high platform when he mentioned Longya, and he didn’t notice the faint smile on Diego’s face, which contained a little ridicule besides joy…

   “I came too!!!”

   Jumping from a height of thirty meters, is it crazy? It’s crazy to look at human standards, but Guk really likes the feeling of flying. He yelled to adjust the landing posture and raised the knife in his hand.

“what is that!”

   “Guk boss! Guk boss is here!!”

In the exclamation and cheering of the boys, Guck fell heavily on the ground, the impact was so great that his legs were deeply plunged into the ground, but even when he landed, he did not forget the business, shiny Longya’s terrifying impulse directly split the two unlucky red-eyed boys into two.

   “The boys with no hands!! Beat me hard!”


  Gook’s side was full of morale, and the red-eye side had already begun to turn around and fled, but the green-teeth cavalry had already poured out of the fortress and started chasing those who had escaped.


   Fly the guy who was blocking the road like a garbage sweep, Guk rushed all the way to where Lucha was, and the guy’s wrestling with Grak was about to separate.

   “No! He is mine!”

Grak fell to the ground with spitting blood, and his weapon was beaten more than ten meters away, but he still roared and tried to struggle to stand up. His body was covered with no less than ten wounds, large and small, and the red blood Really dyed a “red devil”.


   felt a strong wind coming behind him, and Rucha, who was preparing to end Grak, immediately turned around and took an axe.


   With a crisp impact, Rucha felt as if she had been hit by a cart in front of her, and she stepped back involuntarily for a few steps in a row. The hands holding the big axe also shivered.

   “Two times! Come again!”


  Guk praised him and bullied himself again. The giant blade in his hand blew up a whirlwind, and Lucha could only resist with an axe with difficulty, while blocking and retreating, and even had no chance to fight back.


   After furiously deceiving Rucha’s movement, Gook suddenly raised his hand to his chin with a punch, and directly flew the huge Ok to three meters away.

   “A little strength, how about it! Mix with me! I won’t kill you!”

   shook his head vigorously, and Rucha heard an angry flame from his eyes immediately when he heard Guck’s words. He jumped up from the ground, raised his big axe, and roared towards him.

   “I am better than you freak!!!”

   keeps staring at this stubborn guy until the other party’s axe is about to fall, and Guk moves suddenly.


  The huge iron long-handled axe fell heavily on the ground. Rucha looked down at his chest. Why was he moving? Why is there so much blood? Why are you speechless…

As Rucha’s upper body slowly slid, his lower body fell to the ground, and his internal organs rolled all over the place. Guk kicked his weapon in front of Grak, but the other party seemed to be angry and wiped hard. Wiping the blood on his face, he walked away without a word.

“This guy……”

   shook his head helplessly, and Guck picked up a spear, raised Rucha’s upper body height, and shouted:

   “Your boss is dead! Throw down your weapon if you don’t want to die!”

In an instant, the children of the Red Eyed Clan completely collapsed, and everyone started to turn around and fled, but there were really few who dropped their weapons. It was annoyed to see Guk. If Diago had told him, he really wanted to Kill these guys.

   “Green Teeth!!!”

   “Boss is here!”

   The green tooth with a head on the tip of the spear heard Gu Ke calling his name and immediately rushed over from the edge of the battlefield.

   “People who brought you! See one and catch one! Those who dare to resist will kill! Take the paint! Press the fingerprint directly!”


   This is also Diago’s idea. As long as they are marked, those kids can’t go back to the red-eye tribe anyway. Haha, finding water in a sinister wasteland is harder than finding a woman (Diago language).

  Grabbing Zhuang Ding, this is the name that Diego gave to this matter, in the Oak society, the quantity determines everything. In this case, you should desperately increase the number. Anyway, the kids don’t need to eat and drink, because every kid unearthed, he also came out with fart and sculptor, this is a unique ecology, The exception is Guk himself, who has never seen his fart and Scrooge.

Guk is very much in favor of this theory. Not only this time, from now on, he has also vigorously expanded the number of his kids. It happens that Green Teeth has created a paint Scotch, which can spray various colors of mucus according to the mushrooms he eats. , UU reading www. uukanshu.com is extremely easy to dry.

   “Red Eyes…”

   Watching the boys start chasing down the escaping guys madly, Guk picked up a red-eye tribe’s flag, and a grin appeared in the corner of his mouth.

   “…Augug, sooner or later I will take all!”


   Suddenly, a sergeant with a helmet came over, and the two boys behind him were still holding a thin and sulky Ouke.

   “How come.”

   “There is a guy here who keeps saying he wants to see you!”


   walked in front of the guy, Gook tilted his head and looked at it for a moment, then suddenly hit his head.

   “You! I remember you!”

   “Guk, I didn’t expect you to be a boss! Never a pervert kid has ever been a boss!”

   This Ouke was the Aluba who fainted. When he woke up, he found that he had fallen into defeat. When he was ready to escape, he was caught by the boy of the White Hand Tribe. He had to say that he knew Guk to save his life.

   “Haha! I’m not a freak! Forget it, I told you that you don’t understand. Finally, everyone knows me. In the dream, you always chase me. Now I’m caught!”

   “Not chasing you, yes, yes…”

For a long time, Alu Ba couldn’t understand why he always followed Gu Ke in a hazy environment, because in that green, his group of “white” is really conspicuous, and it is easy for them to be involuntary. Just follow the past.

   “Okay! Would you like to follow me!”

   In this case, Alu Pa couldn’t help but say anything else. He lowered his head and murmured vaguely in his mouth:

   “Wish, willing…”

   “Hahaha! Good!!! We drink together at night!!!”

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