Orc Tyrant

Chapter 25 - Stone Boxing Tribe

  Although the kids around me are all green, but the eyes are all endless green, telling the truth is still very upsetting. Gu Ke often encountered such troubles in his dreams. He could not remember how many times he had come to this hazy state. He only realized that after playing Aluba to explain to him about the situation in this place. Many things I used to do are not dreaming.

Yes, dreaming. In the past, Guk often came to this strange space full of green in his dreams. This is a very unstable space. Sometimes the silence is like water, and sometimes the turbulence is bursting. The colorful streamers are like wind and sand. However, Guk is the Aluba I met here.

   At first he could only hear certain whispers, and when he stayed longer, those voices became very clear, which is a strange word that neuroses often murmur. He tried to communicate with some of them, most of them were useless, only a small part would talk to him, he knew about dozens of such guys.

But although they are talking, they are basically talking about something that is wrong with the head of the horse, and what makes Guck particularly concerned is that the generous face always likes to follow himself, and he can’t speak, so he generally doesn’t. Take care of this stuff.

   “Hey! Are you red-eyed!”

   But coming to this hazy environment today, Gook had another purpose. He suddenly came up with an idea. If he finds a neuro kid from the red-eye tribe, can he know what the other party is doing.

   “Eat! I eat!”

   Another self-talking guy, Guk ignored him and turned to another light spot, these neurons are well recognized, and their manifestations are all flickering light spots.

   “Hey! Are you red-eyed?”

   “What? I have no teeth!”

   “I mean…”

   Didn’t wait for Gu Ke to finish, the flare disappeared with a snap, obviously the guy was already awake.

   “Hey! You are…”

   “I am not!”

   “I haven’t asked yet!”

   “Are you called Guck!”

   For a few seconds, Gu Ke thought about it. He didn’t seem to have spoken to this guy before. Although he didn’t remember it very much, he felt that the spot was strange.

   “Yes, you know me.”

   “I belong to the Shiquan tribe, just west of the blood-tooth tribe before. I heard that you are quite powerful. We have a little trouble! If you can help me solve it, we will listen to you in the future!”

   This stone fist tribe, Gu Ke is impressed. I have seen it on the map. It is five or six days away from the Bloodfang Fort, and farther from the Blackstone Fort. It is estimated to take ten days.

   “What trouble!”

   “We have a big guy here! Thief big thief! We can’t figure it out, many kids are hanging!”

   “Your boss.”

   “Also hung up!”

   This was really unexpected, because the Shiquan tribe is also a big tribe with a stone stronghold, not a wandering tribe or a small stronghold tribe. It can make such a tribe so bear-like, and Guk has to pay more attention.

   “What kind of guy?”

   “Suddenly drilled out of the ground! Horned! And armor! Very strong, our home was about to be demolished! Don’t say it! It seems to be coming again!”

   Suddenly, the light spot disappeared. Guk stayed for a while and then suddenly felt dizzy. When he recovered, he found that his crooked mouth was shaking himself.

   “Boss! Boss!”

“what’s up!”

   Turned over and sat up, Gook took a pure white round-headed mushroom from the bone box on the side and stuffed it into his mouth. This is a newly discovered mushroom from the ground, very refreshing.

   Soon, a coolness rushed directly from the top of the head to the bottom of the foot, Guk couldn’t help but shuddered, but the effect was really good, the originally confused mind was immediately clear, and some dry throat also became very refreshing.

   “There are a bunch of kids over Xueya. They say they are stone fists. They want to join us!”

   “Shi Quan!?”

   jumped from the ground immediately, and Gook let his crooked mouth bring his own battle flag, leading the hundreds of helmeted and armored chiefs and ran directly towards the blood teeth. This time he didn’t ride the giant Scrooge, because that thing was too slow. He just rode a fast-legged Scrooge, which is what the kids call the Scrooge used by the Greenfang Cavalry.

  After a day and a night of urgency, Guk came to the chaotic Bloodfang Fortress, where many children are now gathered, and there are also Yaoya.

As for the reason, Guk scattered all the yellow and gray heads under his hands during this time, and asked them to find those newly unearthed and wandering children outside the wilderness, and then use whatever methods to let them join the white-handed tribe. . This is his plan to expand the army, so like Yaoya, Grak and even Greenfang were sent by him, because most of the kids need to use fists to convince, there is no strength to do this job.

   “Boss Guk is here!”

After a long distance, the children of Bloodfangbao saw the flag that was flying against the wind, and they all clamored. The gray-faced Shiquan tribes also came out of the fort and wanted to see the mysterious White boss.

“it’s him!”

   “It’s really white!”

   When Gu Ke rode the dragon tooth all the way to the entrance of the fortress, many children made a cry of exclamation, especially the shiny dragon tooth, which really made many children drool with envy.

   “Who belongs to the Shiquan tribe!”

   stepped down from Scrooge, and Gook’s loud voice immediately rang, and a group of people in the bustling kid group quickly walked out, probably thousands of people.

   “We are!”

   “What about the head?”

“I am!”

   A kid with yellow stripes on his face stood up. The protective gear on his body was ragged, and there were still many scars. Obviously, he was a guy who had fought many battles.

   “You are not! I am!”

   Another kid with white stripes on his face interrupted him. This guy was more robust, carrying an axe in his hand, and staring at the guy who claimed to be his head, ready to go up and do a fight at any time.

  At this time, Gu Ke also took a good look at the group of people. He found that these guys’ faces were either yellow or white, all painted with stripes.

   “Okay! I don’t care who you are, say, what the **** is that Shi Quan beat you like this!”

“you know!?”

   Both of these guys widened their eyes when they heard it, and looked at Guck inexplicably, but Gook waved his hand and said impatiently:

   “I know! I know how great I am, you will understand it later! Now let’s talk about things first!”

   “This is so…”

A group of kids, you said it to me, and barely described the shape of the creature. It is a bit like a big sand lizard. It has four legs. The body is dark red with many thorns. There are two big horns on the head. The front legs The long hind legs are short and the sound is loud.

   “…they can open our homes in one click. The armor is so thick and hard that we can’t cut it in!”

After listening to these words, Guk was excited. He hadn’t had an interesting hunt in a long time. After he cut a huge sand lizard with a dragon tooth, he didn’t encounter any guys worth doing. This time it seems a bit interesting.

   “How many kids are left in your tribe?”

“I don’t know, I don’t want to wait there to die, so I ran out and chased them. Most of the kids hung up. When we got here, some ran to other places. less.”

   “Take me to the past!”

  Guk’s order was of course no one could violate it, so it didn’t take long for the team to stop, and the team ran to the west again. This time the buck teeth also followed.


A huge impact sound came from above, and the dust kept shaking down. Nuger patted his head in annoyance. He really felt that he was unlucky enough, and finally became a pervert boy, but suddenly everyone came Husband, tens of thousands of kids from the Shiquan tribe went out, and they were beaten down, and the boss hung up.

   Then for the second time, hundreds of thousands of people from the Shiquan tribe went together, and the result was a complete defeat, and the new boss was hung up again.

On the third time, no kid dared to go out. Everyone shrunk in the fortress, because Nuger was still very good at fighting as a pervert kid, so everyone let him be the boss, but the Shiquan tribe now has 100,000 people. Arrived boy. And Nuger told the truth himself, he had no interest in being the boss, not all Oaks wanted to be the boss.

   “Boss! That dog day is here again!”

   The kid next to him started nagging again, and Nuger really wanted to burst his head directly, but now he needs to keep a little effort, otherwise he won’t be able to run away if he has to run.

   “I know! No need to remind you! I have eyes!”

   Depressed the other side, and Nuger walked quietly to the exit of the fortress and glanced out. They are now hiding under the fortress, and the upper space has long been demolished.


Before he popped his head, Nuger immediately shrank back, and the thing was chopping the stone above the fortress. The hard rock was as weak as decayed wood under its claws. Nuger didn’t know how long this could last. .


  Nug also thought about it, but that thing was wandering around the fortress, and many of the guys who fled abroad were chased and killed by this guy. These two legs really don’t necessarily run over four legs.

   “You have to find an opportunity…”

With a grunt, Nuger returned to the boy. He doesn’t have his own room now, so he had to huddle with other Oaks, which made him very uncomfortable. All the nerve boys actually didn’t like to pile up with other boys. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ Those are all idiots.

   “I don’t know if that Guck will come.”

It’s not that Nuger didn’t think about saving this tribe. He heard about a guy named Guk from other neuro kids in a hazy environment. . He didn’t know Guk, but he knew that the Bloodfang Tribe was not far away. His former boss had a plan to conquer that tribe, but he came without waiting for the monster to be implemented.

  Quan was the life-saving straw. Nuger tried to find Guck in the hazy environment. He didn’t expect him to find it, but he didn’t know if he would come. Anyway, he had already done what he could do.

   “Boss! I can’t think of it this way! Let’s go beat it again!”

   A tall Oak stood up, his words were recognized by many boys, and the originally silent Oak group immediately boiled.

   “Yes! What are you doing to avoid! Cut it!”

   “My big cut!”

   “Go! I go too!”

  Nug has listened to such words countless times, and the guy who went out has basically not come back. He glanced at the other party and did not say anything. Anyway, he was not the boss, and he could not control what the other party wanted to do.

   “Boss! You go too!”

   “Go to you a ghost!”

  Nug jumped directly from the ground, pointing at the other person’s nose just about to scold, and suddenly there was a strange sound outside.


“this is……”

   “I sounded like a trumpet!”

  Nug listened carefully. It was indeed the sound of the horn. He pushed the crowd away and rushed to the entrance of the fort to look away.

   A **** battle flag is rising from the horizon!

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