Orc Tyrant

Chapter 42 - Investigation

   “Don’t be noisy behind.”

The self-proclaimed [King of Ouk] Guk touched the black **** with one ear with his heels, and grumbled with dissatisfaction. The spotless steel armor on his body shone brightly in the sunlight, flashing around Europe. Ke could not open his eyes.

   “I have a good look…”

  The fart boss turned around and beat the other farts with a stick, and only the murmurs of the Oaks remained.

   “Boss, just there.”

  Naz pointed to the large stone house in the distance and said:

   “Shrimp hides in those stone piles, and there is still a lot of bombardment.”

  Gook picked up a telescope. It was a good thing I didn’t know which kid handed in. Gook replaced it with a jar of sleeping wine.

  Compared to his huge face, such a small thing is really strenuous to use, Guk had to wrinkle his face into a ball, with one eye closed and the other squinted.

   “Do humans like to live in this kind of house.”

  He saw a long gray wall with undulating walls, fences connected one after another, and many ditches. The surface of the long wall is very flat, but a triangle area will protrude after every section. There are many shorter walls under the root of the wall. Many humans are like ants in these places.

   “What a big bang, that’s enough!”

  Guk noticed the black metal tubes on the long wall. Some of them looked very large, but none of them matched the ones on the high platform.

Even Gu Ke, who is accustomed to the big guy, was very surprised. The thing looked like it was estimated to be dozens of humans. The muzzle might be able to be stuffed into a kid. The dark metal exudes temptation in the sun. , Almost made Guk drool.

   Beruf pulled aside his belt and caught his mouth.

   “Those things are called fortresses, sir.”

   Mangul and Grak looked at him together, spurting a burst of gas from his nose with disdain.

   “A **** gunman knows shrimp stuff.”

  Naz hummed and dragged his nose ring, apparently being amused, he can’t talk about this guy any annoying, but an Oke to learn shrimp stuff, it is indeed quite Coke.

   “It’s true, sir, that’s what the fortress cannon said.”

  Beluff was also annoyed, kicking a certain unlucky fart, which caused other little elves to snicker.

   “I didn’t say no.”

  Gook raised the telescope and pointed to the front to ask.

   “How far those cannons can shoot.”

   “Probably can be reached… That’s about the same, I think about it.”

   pondered for a while, Naz said something unreliable.

   “Don’t think about it, I asked if you have seen it.”

   “Sir, I have seen this, it should be this farthest.”

  Beluf pointed to an open space not far from the sand dunes, and other Oaks stretched their heads to look at it, but the result was nothing, very disappointed.

   “I took the boys and got a gun from the humans. The shells were chasing my **** and biting to this place. If the gun was broken in the end, then it would be done.”

   His tone was very sorry, the guys around suddenly booed.

  Gook looked all the way to the long wall along the place. The distance was not particularly far. If the boys were going to rush, they would quickly reach the root of the wall. He noticed the scattered houses on the path.

   “What’s the situation with those houses? Do humans also raise fart?”

   “There are also human beings inside. They call it the outpost, and at night they must pass through the stone house where the fortress must pass these days.”

   Those houses are really short, and the walls are not high. A kid turned over casually, and Guck thought about going to four or five to remove it.

But just thinking about it, Guk is not going to find human trouble now. After seeing the power of the cannon, he has a new understanding of this horrible weapon. He needs a better plan before that. A lot to do.

   “Hey, what about the flat face.”

   As soon as the words started, the two white helmet guards put the nervous boy with a panicked face up, and came forward with the flat face frame that is now a pervert boy.

   “Sweep one.”

   His boss pointed to the largest polygonal fortress, flat face nodded tentatively, closed his eyes and raised his metal stick. This guy is so stupid that even with the assistance of Guk, it took a long time to reach the standard of a pervert boy, that is, he would not headshot himself because of excessive brain use.

But it’s all worth it. This guy is not courageous, but he can slip into the heads of other boys. If he was slapped by a fart while he was eating Gugger, he would be choked to death. Bring him!

   There was a sizzling movement in the air, a green light rose from above his head, the atmosphere was strangely tense, and all of Oke’s breath was not open.

   “The blasting bomb is loaded!”

   The sound suddenly sounded, and Grak jumped up. The tone was several times sharper than fart. He held the big axe tightly and looked around carefully.

   “Last adjustment, coordinate B2, left 300, elevation 020.”

   The second sound was deeper and sounded older. Grak realized that the sound came from the throat of the pervert, but the weapon was not put down.

   “This is the code before they fired, sir.”

  Beluff was proud to show up again. He always loved to show his knowledge. Who made him the only guy who can understand human language except Guk. But he didn’t even find Guck’s face yanked down, the telescope in his hand continued to turn, as if looking for something.

  Gook finally saw that the huge fortress cannons were all pointed at the muzzle here sometime, and the humans knew their current position in some way!

   “Wake up!”

   He roared and slapped his flat face with two slaps. The halo on the head of the pervert suddenly disappeared.


   “Say it later! This will have to be ridiculed! Quickly! Keep up!”

   Just kicked the flat face down the sand pile, and a huge roar came from the sky. Guk could feel something falling here, and he drove the surrounding Ok to run back.


   A heavy object landed, Gook turned his head and glanced at it, just seeing that it was a smoking big iron ball, he was trapped in flames.

The unprecedented loud noise was accompanied by a violent air wave destroying everything. The fart screamed that they were blown into the sky, and then fell back to the ground like a rotten cloth. The gravel was like being picked up by a shovel and then thrown into the sky. The smoke is black and gray.

  Grak rolled down the sand dune, tripping seven or eight boys all the way, the armor was filled with fools, but the axe in his hand was not dropped. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

The terrible explosion and shock lasted for seven or eight seconds. All the Oaks were stunned with ears, their eyes were venomous, their bodies were as if they were hammered a few times, and the pain was bad. Rotten, and his face was black and green.

   But fortunately no one hung up, and the most serious thing was just a broken hand.

   As farts, it was almost completely destroyed, only the ears with fast legs survived.


   Was a little sober, and the Oakes suddenly found that the most conspicuous white was missing. They immediately ran to the dune covered by smoke, but there was no sand dune. There was only a flat ground.

   “Boss! Where are you!”

   “What is it! I’m not dead yet.”

  Beluf just opened his mouth. A large hand covered with silver nails stretched out of the gravel, then a head, and the Oakes rushed over to pick up the sand and rescued him.

   “A bit powerful.”

   looked at the fortress with a lingering fear. Guk recalled the scene just now. If he hadn’t just found a pit and jumped in, he might be blown into pieces, and the telescope didn’t know where to go.

   “Hey, gunman, don’t you say you can only get there!”

   Naz shouted with dissatisfaction, so that Beiluzhizhiwuwu could not speak.

   “Not reliable.”

  Grak also joined the condemnation team.

   “Stop talking, go back.”

  Gook interrupted this meaningless topic and led the embarrassed team back. Today’s goal has been achieved, and his plan needs more ideas.

   “This will make you cool first.”

  Gu Ke was thinking so much on the way.

   “When I come back, I will show you a few hands, human.”

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