Orc Tyrant

Chapter 53 - transaction

   Leading the guard to the seaside, you can see the junk mountain parked on the sea from afar, but it is more ruined than before, and you can vaguely see the traces of flames burning.

   discovered that Guk had arrived, and Juya immediately put down a small boat, which was still cautious gold teeth, but this time his funny hat was gone, and he was replaced with a more funny white curl.

“what happened?”

  Gu Keyang raised his chin, his eyes fixed on the broken giant tooth, he felt that this thing had not fought long.

   Jinya looked back at her ship and scolded resentfully:

   “Has been bitten by humans and almost did not go away.”

   “Humans? Will they live on water?”

   Jinya glanced at him, seeming to be surprised by the lack of his common sense. Originally looking at his armor, he thought he would know humans very well.

   “Of course, since the warships that fought against them started to emit black smoke, the speed is getting faster and faster, and I don’t know why.”

   “Have you brought something.”

   This is Guk’s biggest concern. He waved his hand, and the guards carried ten huge boxes filled with Guk’s teeth.

   “I almost lost my life for this trip.”

   Jinya’s eyes showed a greedy light. After rubbing his hands, he pulled a horn gun from his waist and shot into the sky.


   A green signal flare roared across the sky, followed by landing more than a dozen boats successively from the giant tooth, which were filled with blocks of cast metal ingots.

   “Four hundred tons of wrought iron, one hundred tons of good steel, I will help you.”

While the boys were helping to move, Gook and Jinya also had a close conversation for the first time. Although the two parties were still separated by two ships, they could see each other’s face anyway, although this matter was not very important. .

   “Can you get more steel, I have teeth.”

  Guk is quite surprised that Jinya can bring steel. Now he basically has no steel left. This is the right time.

   But Jinya shook her head and refused the transaction.

   “For the time being, it’s not possible. Humans have gone crazy like crazy recently. My giant tooth was damaged. I have to repair it. I can’t go to sea for at least 50 or 60 days.”

   “Do you have any other good things, I still have teeth here.”

  In addition to the extra gold he traded this time, Gook brought two more boxes of teeth, just wondering if he could get some other useful things.

   “I think about it…”

  Golden teeth naturally did not want those teeth. He held his chin for a while and then reported a few objects for Guk to choose.

   “Want silk?”

   “What the hell.”

   “Human wear.”

   “Thick or not, hard or not, can you hold the knife.”

   “It’s very thin, and humans are not us.”


   “Do you want jewelry?”

   “What is this?”

   “The things that humans put on their bodies are yellow, white and red.”

   “Don’t want it.”


   “This I know, it is particularly fragile, don’t.”

   “Well… what about pocket watches?”

   “It sounds like something useless.”

   “Humans remember time.”

  Golden teeth finished, took out a round metal chained from the jacket pocket, and threw it at Guk.

“This one……”

  Guck took this thing and looked it up carefully. It was very light and could not figure out the metal. It could be polished very smoothly.

   “Open the lid.”

  According to Golden Teeth, Gook nails gently lifted the lid.

   A strange sight appeared in front of him, on a white disc with various symbols engraved, two small metal needles chasing each other, making a very slight sound.

   “Is this alive?”

   “This is a machine. Our mechanics say that things are very complicated and easy to break.”

  Gook looked at it curiously, and shook it gently. He didn’t see anything more special except for the two hands that kept spinning.

   “You said that humans use this to remember time? Yeah?”

“The short one circle is one day, the long one circle one, and the short one, they seem to divide the day into…24 segments, each called hour, the long one circle is one hour, you Seeing that there is still a small disc.”

  Speaking of Jinya, there is a small disc on the large disc that Gook only paid attention to, and there is a single pointer in it, which is even smaller.

   “Walk around for a minute, 60 minutes for a long stitch. You can count on your own, let me dizzy.”

  Thought about it carefully, and Guck felt that this was unexpectedly useful, so he accepted it.

   “How much do you have?”

   “Thirty or forty.”

   “All for me.”

A box of teeth was changed to dozens of pocket watches with different shapes, but Guck was very happy. He would distribute this to various big bosses, or warlords, so that when he launched different waves of attacks, he would More controllable, and not as messy as ever, no one can tell when to start.

“one left.”

   At this time, the steel had been transported and was neatly placed on the cart. On the side of Guk, only the last box was left. He did not intend to take it back.

  Golden teeth are hesitant, he has nothing to exchange and most of the goods are sold to the black market. In order to transport these steels, he could not bring too many things, but those teeth are really greedy. Although he already has a lot, he still wants more.

   “If you look like this.”

  Gook made a tempting voice, and he smiled like he was coaxing the **** to feed the jumping boy.

   “Tell me, how did you get this house, I gave you nothing.”


   Jinya rubbed his hands vigorously, very hesitant, but he was not worried about the leak of secrets.

   “… Yeah, in fact, I told you nothing, but this boat needs a lot of big wood, there is no place here, I also grab it from humans, I can’t make it.”

  As soon as he heard this, Gook’s face sank, and he turned to prepare to leave, but Jinya immediately stopped him.

   “Wait, Boss Guck, do you want me to have guns here?”

   Recently, there is no way to go to sea, and there is not much gunpowder left. Jinya decided to dispose of some cannons. Anyway, he put it on the ship and waited for rust. It is better to sell more.

“how many?”

   “I sell you twenty doors, all are good, powerful big guys!”

   “Pull up and see.”

  At the order of Jinya, more than a dozen small boats began to be busy again until the west of the sun. Twenty 300-mm caliber shells were dragged ashore, and Guck took a look at them at a glance.


   He stroked the rough barrel, like looking at a treasure. This artillery is a human handwriting at first glance. Whether it is workmanship or quality, it is indeed much better than what they built.

   “What’s the matter with this shell?”

  Gook also noticed that there were some strange shells stacked next to these artillery pieces. There was a piece of wood under the round metal projectile, and there was a hole in the center of the projectile.

  Golden teeth pointed to the shells and explained:

“This is called a blasting bomb. Without the wood, the shell will explode directly. The wood inside is the fuze. When you fire the gun, the fuze will be lit together. Don’t face the inside, otherwise the fuze will burn too fast. Will blow up.”

  He said that Guk’s eyes lit up immediately. Isn’t that what the humans used to bombard them before?

   “It turned out to be this way, I know, how many of these guns do you have, I’m all inclusive.”

   “It’s gone.”

  Golden teeth quickly waved his hand, this boss was terribly rich, but he did not dare to sell all his work, otherwise he would go fishing in the sea?

   “Okay, if you have anything more fun next time, just send the kid to the Blood Skull Castle and say something.”

   “Haha, it’s easy to say, I wish Mr. Guk mostly won a few victories. If I can’t get mixed, I’ll go to you.”

   A perfect transaction, both parties returned fully loaded, and were very satisfied. Guk smiled at the shiny steel ingot, and Jinya looked at a box of teeth as happy as a butt.

Because there were more things this time, the team did not walk very fast. It didn’t return to the Blood Skull until five days later, and there was already a chaos at this time. After seeing Gu Ke, the buck jumped and hurriedly. He couldn’t say a word, and he didn’t make it clear until Gook slapped him slaps.


  Gook stared, he wasn’t sure if the product was stupid, but the teeth stuttered and said:

   “Yes, that’s right! Yes, some guys attacked Bloodfang Castle! Grak has passed.”


   kicked the buck teeth with one foot, the flame of anger instantly destroyed Guk’s reason, the only thing he wanted now was to cut! Hack the guys who dare to challenge themselves!


   At this time, no kid dared to slack off. The murderous Gu Keguang was enough to scare most guys with a look.

The six-legged fast-sculpture was pulled up, and Guk immediately rode up. The heavy pressure made the camel cry out painfully, but Guk had no time to ignore it, and thousands of guards also mounted their respective Squag.

   “You have transported things to Blackstone safely, and the rest will follow me!”

   The flag was raised, and Gook went straight to the Bloodfang with his monstrous murderous intention. He vowed to tear up all the rebels.

   While there, the fighting has continued for some time.

   “Let’s go! Let’s go!”

   A red armored Grak, with the same crimson legion, slammed into the other party’s array, such as a red sharp knife, and stabbed a blood path from the dense queue.

In the distance, the **** tooth fortress, which was still a bit imposing, has been smoked into an unsightly black and gray wall, like a wall that has been plucked by the tongue of fire, and there is still a large area of ​​fire below. The cry for killing has been coming from everywhere. Only the banner at the top of the fort still stands.

   “The weak!”

   An axe cleaved a kid with a knife and a skull in his head. Grake raised his leg and kicked his body a few meters away. Before he joined the battle, he was surrounded by broken corpses.

   “Ugly ghost!”

   “Where is the boss!”

   Hearing the grumpy voice of Grak, a ugly-faced Oak pulled the axe out of his opponent’s stomach, bringing out a colorful cluster of things.

   “Take a dial and go over there!”

   “Good! Nearby! Follow me!”

   The team quickly diverted, dividing the resistance team into two. Although the number of boys brought by Grak was not that much, they cut down and crushed these enemies with poor armor and crude weapons like mowing the grass.

   They are so weak that they are only available.

   “Who cut enough 1,000 first! I reward him with a jar of sleeping wine!”

As soon as Grak’s words came out, his younger brothers were even more aggressive. They themselves are the famous violent madmen in the white-handed tribe. After following Grak, they even more catalyzed their violence, in addition to opening the white helmet guard The group that makes other kids second fear.

  Blood axe group, all cruel and fierce, the place where the boys are longing for.

The terrible headhunting operation caused the morale of the hostile boys to collapse quickly. www.mtlnovel.com~ Many of their guys turned their heads and started running backwards, and the leaders could not stop them, either running together or being hacked to death by those red villains , Or pinch to death.


   The sound of drums sounded, and the retreating boys ran faster. Naturally, the red-eyed Grak would not let go of his prey, and chased it all the way.

   “Burn them!”

   But from the retreating boy, thousands of guys riding on the scooter were quickly swayed, and they all waved a burning pot in their hands.

   “Give me down!”

  Grak was not afraid of this. He accelerated quickly, lifted his axe in a kid’s frightened eyes, and even split Og with Scrooge into two pieces.

   Bang Bang~!

   But he hadn’t arrived yet to retrieve the axe, and the two jars smashed beside him. In an instant he fell into flames. Those jars were all black viscous liquids, which immediately ignited after splashing on him.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!”

   The intense burning sensation made Grak crazy, and every time his axe would cut down an Océ cavalry, but the fire on his body burned more and more, making him a flaming giant.

   But in this way, he also hacked hundreds of kids in a short period of time.

   “Head!!! Stop playing! Let’s go first!”

   Naturally, his younger brothers could not see the boss hang up, struggling to break through the sea of ​​fire and drag him out, and cover him with sand. This waterless desert is the only way to extinguish the fire, and it is precisely because of this that he saved his life.

   “Flash off! I want to hack them!!! Flash off!!!”

Grak waved his hands frantically, beating the younger brothers with bruises and bruises, but they dared not let go, dragging him all the way back, and the children of the hostile tribes chased them and set them on fire until the large unit of the Blood Axe arrived, They repelled them.

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