Orc Tyrant

Chapter 55 - traitor

  Gook was very angry, but he was not completely stunned. Instead of going directly to Bloodfang, he first went to Blackrock to gather the guard and the kid, and then he rushed here after pulling the cannon.

   He dared to do so precisely because of the camps in the wilderness. The first time the Bloodfang Castle was attacked, the nearby camps began to warn, and a large number of boys quickly assembled and ran to the battlefield under the leadership of the leader.

  Although these forces are not enough to repel the enemy, they can hold the opponent and create time for them to build up their forces.

   Now, he came with a lot of anger.

   “Put the cannon rack well!”

   When the banner of Guk appeared, the morale of all the children of the White Hand tribe skyrocketed, but he did not rush to the end, but let the mechanics set up a few cannons.

   He looked into the battlefield and noticed the surging fire lines. This tribe has a kind of kid who can breathe fire, but they are not relying on any special ability, but the simple flamethrower behind him.

The dark red beast spouted a pungent heat flow, and a huge prismatic head bite out of thin air, shaking from side to side, as if deciding in which direction to start the attack first, but it was not determined by it, but by the person standing on it The owner decides, it is up to that whip.

   “Go there! Hit hard!”

  Gook pointed at several fire-breathing boys who were piled together. The mechanics immediately took action and fixed the gun mount on the wheel to insert gunpowder and shells into the gun.


   The continuous roaring sound shook the helper’s fart, and Guck stretched his neck to examine the results of the shelling…

   “Kill ah! Go to you! Eat my hammer!!!”

  Papakoka slammed his sledgehammer and smashed a kid’s head with his ridiculous yellow horned helmet. There was a blood stain on his bare chest that extended to the waist, which was the result of the mortal blow of the guy opposite.

The weapons and armor of these guys are much better than those of his boys, and the number is constant. They are completely disadvantaged in the melee and can only be supported by burning boys, but their black oil will be used up until that time. Can’t fight back these crazy crazy kids, so he can only run.

  He didn’t intend to die here with Baishou, saying that if Bashar had insisted repeatedly, he was actually not willing to drip the muddy water. After all, Guck hadn’t found him trouble.

   More white-handed boys rushed up, Papakoka battled and retreated, and the boys around him also retreated, but many guys were cut down and chopped up into a corpse without taking a few steps back.

   “Burn the boy! Hurry!”

  After a certain distance back, several tall men carrying flamethrowers came forward, and the fart behind them madly poured pressure on the skin sac.

An orange tongue of fire spewed out from the hose in their left hand, licking greedily across the battlefield, many boys who could not dodge were immediately fired into a ball of fire, howling and tumbling wildly, but unable to extinguish the flames on their body, this An offensive was immediately contained.

   “Follow me!!”

  The flames died down, and Papacoka led the reorganization of the team to launch a counterattack. According to previous experience, this can at least drive the other side away from the previous front.

   He stepped forward and strode forward, but suddenly there was a cloud of smoke and dust around him. The inexplicable impact caused him to fall to the ground.

   “What the hell!?”

   He shook his head dizzy, raised his head, but saw the terrible scene.

On the right side of his original position, a big pit that can hold three or four boys is smoking. Nearby are the broken bodies of two boys. One of them is still dead, but his waist is invisible. Torn apart, the internal organs, blood and hot sand fuse together like a cruel painting.

   But that’s not all. What’s more terrifying is that behind him, a blaze of flames is rising, and a fire-breathing kid suddenly exploded, and even took the two around him, turning into coke in the blink of an eye.

   “What is it!!!”

  Papakoka was inexplicably horrified. He did not know what was attacking himself. The roar in the distance did not attract his attention. He only knew that something was tearing his team.

   An iron ball, when the roar sounded again, he finally saw that it was a huge iron ball, with a terrible force rolling over the dense formation, can destroy everything that was blocked.


   looked at the banner in astonishment, but the first thought flashed through Papakoka’s mind.

   “…What about Shabal?”

  The white helmet guards launched an unstoppable impact in the sound of gunfire. Although most of them have been in Blackstone, no one can order them, so they were not able to participate in the war until Guk appeared.

   Actually they are already hungry.

  Like a red knife cut into fat, the diamond-shaped array of white helmet guards was embedded in Papakoka’s hard-working front without resistance. The cold steel weapon lifted relentlessly and fell, the iron boots crossed a corpse, looking for the next victim. They slaughtered their enemies as efficiently as indifferent machines. At this time, their mastery of killing skills became a nightmare for all children.

   survived the bombardment to get the fire-breathing boys trying to teach these arrogant tall men, but a gust of thunder throwing spears and flying axe hit them head-to-head.

  Gook specially organized a group of kids to “care for” them. The distance of their fire is actually very close, and any long-range attacks can knock them back.

   “King! King!”

  The white-handed boys shouted frantically, only for the silver giant Ouk to appear on the battlefield,

   “Retreat! Retreat!”

   Papacoa almost wanted to kill Shabal, and the mixed ball said good to block Guk, but in the end put the opponent in front of himself, which was simply trying to kill himself.

   His embarrassed back, staring at the ground in front of him, seemed to want to leave here soon and return to his old nest, but a tall figure blocked his way.

   “Shabal! You bastard!”

   This **** guy actually appeared in front of him. Papakoka raised his hand and prepared to punch him, but the other party put a dagger into his throat at a faster rate.

   “I have to say…”

   Shabal’s smile didn’t last long, Papacoa snarled, his left arm pressed against his neck, pressed the weight of his body, and pushed forward, the two entangled in a ball, and the boys around him were at a loss.

   A mouthful of blood spewed out, staining Shabal’s face with a weird color. The dagger plunged deep into the opponent’s throat. He turned the handle of the knife hard and felt something cut off.

  Papakoka raised his sledgehammer with his trembling right hand, and the blood poured on the ground where the two were. Even if he was hit hard, he still struggled hard as the boss of Ouke.

   Shabal turned sideways, feeling that the heavy object stirred the air, and the sledgehammer passed by, hitting the ground. With a flick of his hand, he drew his dagger, and with his other hand, he pulled out the double-edged sword on his waist, thrusting it firmly, with the blood of Datan piercing Papacoko’s head.

   The big mouth with protruding fangs vomited blood foam in the dying gurgling sound, and finally it was dead.

The boys around recovered quickly from the consternation. At this time, they realized that their boss had been killed, and they roared toward Shabar, but a large group of boys with fresh white hand patterns rushed from behind them. Come up and defeat them at once.

   Shabal’s despicable rebellion has set off a wave of killings behind the friendly forces.

“what’s the situation?”

  Guk stood behind the beast’s solid neck, and dragged the reins made of thick iron wire with his left hand to restrain the restless big guy below. He saw the confusion in the distance, but he was puzzled.

   “No matter what, just kill me!”

With the reins in his hands, Guk’s body shook violently, and the dark red beasts, like runaway chariots, leaped into the pile of boys with a jump, madly biting, flapping, venting themselves towards the enemy Whipped and bound anger.

   The situation on the battlefield collapsed in an instant. In the face of the death of the boss and the front and back attack, the boys lost all their fighting spirit and began to flee.

   Panic quickly spread, and a chain reaction took place on the other side of the battlefield.

   “Damn **** it!”

  Apu’s lifeless escape, completely without the appearance of the usual boss, his right arm was cut off, and the torn wound was spraying precious blood, chasing a red monster behind him.

The bare black and green skin looks like ugly moldy spots~www.mtlnovel.com~ The open mouth is fleshed out, revealing pale teeth, and the wild howling rolls out from inside, **** Wisps of flesh hung on the battle axe.

  Grak is eager for revenge. The long battle has given him extraordinary resilience. Even the high degree of burns in the whole body will soon be hampered. Only the pain of blood healing cannot be avoided, and this has become the driving force for his killing.

  In the process of venting his pain and anger, he turned into a slaughterhouse within ten meters of his body. Alp almost died, and he vowed to be far away from this place if he could go back alive.


   A muffled sound interrupted Apu’s pace. Several boys were torn apart by the sudden violent force. The broken corpse made him dizzy.

Feeling that a huge creature was coming behind him, Apu instinctively bent down to avoid it, but the afterglow of his eyes glimpsed a flesh-and-blooded battle axe lifting up from the bottom, the rust mixed with the foul smell The smell can be heard across the distance.

   “What kind of routine is this?”

   This was his last thought before he was divided into two.

  At this point, the battle is basically over. When the guys in the fortress find that something is wrong, they are completely blocked. Even if they capture the last part at this time, they are destined to become trapped beasts in the cage.

   Their boss decided to surrender and bowed his head to offer his loyalty to Guk.

At this time, the defenders in the fortress had less than a thousand boys and leaders. In order to reward their tenaciousness and courage, Guk granted a battle flag to the last boy in the yellow helmet, allowing him to form his own. Legion-Blood Teeth.

   That night, the entire fort was carnival, and the opponents who once fought each other were arrogant, and no one would remember who killed who.

   This rack is very enjoyable, which is enough.

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