Orc Tyrant

Chapter 59 - Fighting Aswan (1)

   A large group of Ouk rushed straight to the position of Eushikin, maybe they recognized his profile, maybe the golden military emblem on his hat, but they might just simply find something to kill.

The soldiers around    began to set fire before they got closer, forming an astonishing death storm, and carved black marks on the green wall of flesh and blood.

Juskin used a beautiful headshot to knock down a small thing in the beast group. Although the barrage around him was more than enough to intercept a larger number of human troops, these green-skinned The charge was almost stagnant.

  The hot bullets have powerful kinetic energy, which can easily knock down a strong man, but the green skins don’t bother to ignore such small injuries, and the desire to fight is burning in their eyes. Even hitting the head requires a bit of luck, otherwise trying to stop them is tantamount to dreaming.

   Long-distance support shelling has long been stopped. Field guns behind the chest wall are urgently replacing shotguns. These things killed many monsters in the just shelling, but the artillery was almost too hot to strip their clothes.

  Ushigin once again pointed his pistol at a tall green skin. He slowed his breath, aimed at the target, and then pulled the trigger.

   There was a strong recoil in the right hand, and the gunshots were annihilated in more roar.

A blood mist burst from the monster’s head, but the heavy body continued to run, his legs were still moving, and his muscles were still carrying out the commands of the brain. Yushkin didn’t know whether his bullets had used the brains of the other party. Crushed, maybe the other party doesn’t have such a thing at all.

  The smell of smoky smoke mixed with the pungent smell of Ouke’s blood, which made Yushijin dizzy, but there was not much time for him to be dazed, and more green skin had washed up.


  In an era when grenadiers have become synonymous, there are not many officers willing to use such weapons in field operations, and Yushkin is precisely one of them.

  Some soldiers nervously removed dangerous explosives from their waists, ignited and threw them forward.

  The loud roar overshadowed the roar of the beast, and the ignited grenades burst into the piles of green skin with bursts of deadly hail, flying around and tearing the huge body.

   The blood sprayed into the gravel became the first rain in this land this year, but the deaths of the same kind could not stop them at all, and Oak still stepped on the bodies of the fallen.


   is almost as much as his hatred, and Yushkin has to pay a bit of meanness to his opponent.

  The soldiers were struggling and shooting on the chest wall, and the paper shell ammunition disappeared from their pockets quickly, but there were still too many Ocks. Even after hell-like bombing baptism, they still have the power to break through the defense line.

   “These monsters are much more powerful than what the **** manual says.”

Eugene complained in his heart that a soldier a few meters away to his right was suddenly thrown to the rear by a force, his body twitched on the ground, and half of his head disappeared, as if it was bitten hard by something. Take a sip.

  Several seconds later, two more soldiers fell down, blood stained the chest wall, and the Oaks had begun to smash things at them.

   “Everyone! Listen to my password!”

   He quickly shoved six bullets into the runner, and flicked it back to the gun body with a click.

   “Get on the bayonet!!!”

   Youxi blond hair roared with shock, there is no escape at this time, this battle will be decided in the melee, although he is not optimistic…

   The shiny bayonet was wrapped around the muzzle, and the soldiers quickly squeezed into a dense formation, waiting for the impact to arrive.

   “The shooting line was lost!”

The 3rd company on the side was in a bad situation. Their company commander seemed to have collapsed and started running backwards with nonsense in his mouth. Even the soldiers with him began to retreat, which was not for the 2nd company. Different from disasters, they will face the impact of two directions.

   “Everyone withdraws the second shooting line!!!!!!”

  Yushikin shouted in exasperation, he would not use the blood of soldiers to achieve his courage, as for the next company?

   He witnessed that the miserable miser was blown out by a bone stick flying out of thin air. Maybe he shouldn’t be so close to the chest wall, but they couldn’t even count on it now, and the soldiers started running back.

   The entire line of defense became precarious in an instant. The Oaks began to cross the picket area, some guys were knocked down, and others directly used their backs as bridges and trampled from above.

  Yushikin couldn’t bear to look back, this was a massacre.


   A soldier summoned his courage and took a bayonet toward an Oke barrel that had not yet stood firm over the chest wall. The cold steel could no longer advance within a few inches.

   Nauc looked down at the iron piece stuck in his chest, his mouth wide open, showing a terrible expression similar to a smile.


   The soldiers froze. What did the good stab fall? Why not only can’t you stab it, you can’t pull it out?

   “Ahhhhh!!! Help!!!!”

   didn’t wait for him to recover, the monster picked him up with one hand, and grabbed his two legs with both hands.


   The screams of excitement were mixed with the roar of excitement, and the bright red blood formed a torrential rain, which drenched Oak and everything around him. The poor guy was torn apart in half.

  The scared and silly soldiers around were then beaten up by the monster with **** stumps.

Such terrible scenes are being staged in every part of the defense line. The Oaks used terrible weapons to create terrible casualties. Some green skins without weapons are used for picking up, even a stone in their hands will become a terrible kill. Device.

  Although the officers were still struggling to call for the slogan of courage, the soldiers still collapsed, and the whole series of casualties left them with courage and honor behind them, just thinking of hiding in a safe place.

  Ok laughed and stepped across the chest wall, overthrowing all obstacles, although their number was much smaller than before, but still full of fighting spirit.

   “Don’t let those shrimps run away!!”

   All Ou Ke is unwilling to miss the fun, especially the pursuit of killing.

The defeated soldiers rushed to the second line of defense as if they were driven by ducks. The Oaks exerted incredible physical strength at this time. Even after a two-kilometer sprint, they still had enough explosive power to catch up with those legs and feet. Guy.

  The tragedy is happening. Many people were overwhelmed by the sudden force behind them, and then stepped alive to death. The grinning of Ok and the screams of humans made many people on the verge of madness.

  Yusuf watched all this indifferently through the telescope. At this time, his inner surprise was full of understanding and relief. Finally, he no longer had to worry about it. Sometimes, facing the storm is much simpler than waiting for the storm.

   “Artillery, covering the second shot, shooting intermittently.”

   The short order quickly reached every fort, every fort.

   “General, are you waiting for everyone to retreat…”

  ’S side staff seemed to produce useless guilt, and You Sufu glanced at him, marking him with an unqualified label.

   “May the sacred Kaimeng protect them.”

  The staff understood the meaning of the general and bowed his head in shame.

The artillery swarms once again played a ruined psalm, and the rain of death was once again over the heads of Ok and a small number of human beings. The violent explosion shattered everything around the landing site, and the air waves threw up the broken corpses, Falling down again.

   Sudden artillery strikes disrupted the positions of the Oks. Although they were still charging, the speed dropped significantly, and humans had the opportunity to breathe and reorganize their defenses.

Eugene was also lucky to lead the soldiers who led him back to the chest wall. Because the retreat was earlier, his company did not suffer particularly heavy casualties. There were 112 people after the inventory. As for the company next door, Kaimon was in On, maybe there will be no more in the future.

   “Medical soldiers!!! Where are you going to die!!!”

   One of his platoon leaders was stoned and blossomed into his head. Fortunately, it was not particularly accurate. At least he hadn’t lifted his head off, but he didn’t see the mourning stars that he usually didn’t want to see for a long time.

   “Ok came up!!”

   Those **** beasts are really unstoppable for a moment. Youshijin can only send someone to move the wounded to the rear, and then lead the rest to fill the defense.

   “All platoon leaders check ammunition!”

  After the battle just now, most of the soldiers’ pockets were almost bottoming out, but he didn’t know where the **** supply was, and maybe he was squatting in a corner, but he was just **** it! know! Tao!

   Now the entire line of defense is messy. The cry of the wounded, the murmur of fear and the yell of the officer, the screams of the officer make everyone’s brains confused.

   The only thing that is thankful is that the charge of the Oaks has also become the end of the crossbow.

  Compared with the green skins that were able to break through the artillery, the soldiers returned to their posts under the threat of officers’ anger and pistols, and pointed their guns at the abominable murderers.


   The white smoke instantly enveloped the entire line of defense. This time, more than a dozen, or even dozens of guns were aimed at an oke. Before such intensive firepower, these monsters finally stopped.

  After shrinking the force, the density of firepower suddenly increased. The soldiers saw the results and began to gain some courage. The rate of fire increased accordingly, and the hope of the Oks to break through was getting smaller and smaller.

  Finally, in the last volley of guns, the surviving Oaker turned his head and ran back, and the artillery stopped.

   “Tianyou Wu Huang!”

  The officers jumped to a high place~www.mtlnovel.com~ cheered the victory, and the soldiers shouted with it. This victory was hard-won.

   Not far in front, the layers of corpses squeezed the ground, and under the green, occasionally glimpsed some gray, describing the tragic war.

  Youshikin was not involved in such a carnival. He was carrying ammunition with the soldiers. He didn’t think the matter was over. Maybe they killed a lot of Ok, 100,000? 200,000? But his intuition told him that it was not over yet.

   “General, a real victory!”

  The staff also cheered, and some guys are already preparing to talk to reporters when they boast.

   “It’s still early, you look carefully.”

  From the moment of the war, Yusuf knew that the big cannon fodder in front of him was only Oak’s outpost.

  According to the existing information, the tribe with a white hand as a totem has far more than this, and the tough battle is still behind.

   This is why he is so stingy with artillery. Most of the guns in the fortress are front-mounted guns, and long-term shooting will affect the rate of fire behind.

   “That’s… so much!?”

  The staff raised their telescopes, and then they noticed that at the far end, a larger green tide was rushing here. If the offensive was just waves, then this time it would be a tsunami.

   Those retreating greenskins were intended to mix in this torrent, they never intended to retreat, just prepared for a more refreshing attack.

“bring it on……”

   Blood was rolling in his chest, and Yu Sufu felt that his lost vitality was returning to his body again. Some hot, he pulled away the collar, exposing the pleated neck and neck.

   “…Let me see what you really have, green bastard!”

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