Orc Tyrant

Chapter 6 - Southern crisis

   “You asshole! No news for two years, I thought you were dead!”

In front of Alalist, who was walking briskly, the guard of the imperial border town would hammer him **** the opponent’s shoulder, and then suddenly hugged the opponent. The people around him were stunned.

   “No way, the blood worship in the west spreads like wildfire. I have been lurking for a long time, but I can’t get close to the core, they…”

  Half said, Alatrist stopped. The more he knew, the more dangerous he was. The situation of his old man was already very dangerous. There was no need to increase it.

   “I heard that the Imperial Police Department destroyed several altars, but it didn’t seem to catch any ruthless characters.”

Letting go of this long-standing old friend, You Sufu sighed. The huge empire was far less powerful than it seemed, and the incumbents did not have any wise appearance. The Western world called their majesty “sleep” “Dragon”, this is not a compliment.

   “Get in the car first, we have to get to the fortress before dawn.”

  As the whistle sounded, the train slowly drove away from the station and disappeared into the night.

   “I made a report with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, but I didn’t expect them to send you over.”

  In the luxurious interior, two people sat face to face on a soft sofa, sipping tea from the depths of the Yellow Sand Country, a rich and refreshing drink.

   “I volunteered to come.”

   The silver soup spoon stirred gently, and Alatrist’s tone was unusually slow.

   “And no one has visited that place except me.”

   “Did you read my report?”

   “Look, to be honest, I was also surprised. After all, that place is so old. Many people say it is a deserted place. Now this kind of change happened suddenly, God? Who knows.”

   “I stayed there for ten years.”

   Put the exquisite cup on the coffee table, You Sufang leaned back, and the whole person fell into the sofa.

   “From a lieutenant to a general, many people, including my soldiers, thought I was fearless there and knew everything.”

   “No one can do this.”

“do you know……”

  Hardly raised his hand, Yu Sufu pointed to his head, and his tone became very low.

   “…The scenes of ten years ago, and now I often appear in my nightmare, I still fear the land, those things like a coward.”

   “That’s the thing of the past. You now have more than 100,000 soldiers, thousands of cannons, and solid fortresses. You don’t have to be afraid of anything.”

   “No, you are wrong.”

  Youssef shook his head, his face painted with melancholy colors.

   “Never, these things never gave me a sense of security, not at all.”

The slightly opened window blows in a ray of slightly chilly wind, flicking a thin gauze curtain, like a gentle hand constantly circling the flame surrounded by the glass lampshade, creating layers of time in the car. , The faces of the two also flickered in this time.

   “At least, you become frank, not everyone can face their own fears.”

   “I just want to do my best now.”

   “This is also the purpose of my coming here.”

   “Haha, it’s an honor or a prayer to be able to get the first blade of the Secret Guard.”

Putting down the porcelain cup with a wry smile, Alatrist didn’t like others to mention that title, because he was not harassed by the gangsters who were secret guards. .

   “Don’t mention that.”

   “Okay, okay, I know you don’t like this title, but to be honest, I still have a contradiction in my heart, I hope everything is well, and I hope things don’t end so easily.”

   “In any case, Aksum is one of the most important military areas of the empire, and your concerns are somewhat redundant.”

“you sure?”

   Straight up, Yusuf stared at the other person’s eyes with an angry expression.

“Do you know that the Ministry of Military Affairs sent a letter three months ago requesting the removal of ten infantry battalions? Did you know that the Ministry of Military Affairs intends to reduce the budget of the northern defense zone by 40%? You know that my soldiers have not received one since the beginning of the year. A new gun, a new military uniform! Do you know that the Secretary of the Army once wrote me a secret letter and told the military department that he could not get enough veterans to let me use the military to go to the black market?”

   Finally, Yusuf beat the table fiercely, and the whole person stood up. Even the guards standing outside the car were not alarmed, and knocked lightly on the door.


   “It’s okay.”

   sat back on the sofa heavily, and Yusuf drank the rest of Kaffir without a word, and Alatrist opposite him was silent for a while before whispering.

   “I know, and then, do you need to change a defense zone, I will say hello to Zhuolin, and he will sell me my face.”

   “I will not abandon my soldiers!”

   “In this case, your complaint is meaningless. All you need to do is to prove the importance of the Aksum defense zone. I believe that Zhuo Lin’s IQ will convince the parliament and the cabinet after understanding.”

“But if the severity of the matter is beyond expectations, you know Alatrist, Axum, especially in the southern defense zone, until now the defense force has been configured according to the assessment 50 years ago. If the threat really exceeds expectations, then I need time to mobilize the power of the northern defense zone to the south, and I need to build more fortifications and hoard ammunition and food.”

   Hearing these requests from the other party, Alalist struck the table with his index finger and thought for a while before replying.

   “Then do it. When I get to the fortress, I will write a letter to Zhuolin to explain your concerns.”

   “You have helped me a lot, right! Do you remember this.”

   said that Yusuf drew a stack of playing cards with exquisite illustrations from a bookcase beside him.

   “Of course, 54 cards, I teach you.”

   “I hope your craft hasn’t deteriorated yet, let’s use this to pass the time and let those annoying things go to hell!”

The train traveled all the way through the hills, meadows, and wilderness. After driving for a whole day and night, it came to Aksum, the southernmost province of the empire, and finally stopped in the southern military region of the province-the core of the Oke Line. Ministry, Aswan Fortress.

The Aswan Fortress was built in the 20th century and 10 years ago, and has a history of 81 years. The earliest Aswan Fortress is a huge fortress, consisting of a living area, a main fortress, a triangular fortress, a breast wall, artillery barriers, and trenches The strict defense line, the extension of the concave polygon can make the enemy attacking from either side have to withstand the fire from different directions. This fortress proved to be a little overkill to continue to walk out of the scattered wasteland from the evil wasteland until the 41st year of the 20th century. The large-scale Oak invasion almost broke the fortress, so that the empire valued this non-negligible barrier. After all, Aksum did not have any natural dangers. The north of this arid province is the important grain-producing area of ​​the empire, Gramatia. In order to prevent food from being threatened, the empire embarked on a large-scale expansion of the fortress at the beginning of the 21st century, and added many small fortresses and outposts. The Aswan Fortress also expanded a circle. The main body is still the original fortress. This isolated fortress also became a tight line of defense.


   “Play music!”

In the performance of military music, Yusuf and Alatrist walked out of the locomotive with strange expressions, because they greeted the two of them without any chief of the military area, only one priest, from the East Kane Church The pastor, of course, is also their old acquaintance, the bishop of Aksum parishion-Yi Sihou.

   “God, the emperor’s teeth, you are actually you!”

   cheered, dressed in a magnificent robe, a fat body, shiny bald head still wading Khan quickly walked in front of Alalist, holding his right hand tightly with greasy hands.

   “Alatrist, we haven’t seen each other for ten years!”

   “Well, me too, is it okay to say that you, as a devout Kaimon, do not think you have a good abstinence in any way.”

   “Piety lies in the heart, and the desire of the flesh can better hone us.”

   “You are still so funny, don’t waste time here, let me see how serious things are.”

   hastily ended the puzzleless welcome ceremony. Alalist and the other two came to the lookout at the highest point of the fortress, from which they could clearly see the edge of the sinister wasteland.

“Oh my God……”

Despite having read the detailed content from the report, Alalist was still shocked because he had been to the sinister wasteland more than once. Before, he was able to see the terrible winds of the wasteland here, and the light was also on the edge of the wasteland. The obvious dividing line, as long as the line is crossed, the scorching sunlight will become very hot. In a sense, it is also a kind of wonder. The separation between the lines is the difference between the world.

   But now, that line disappeared, the sunlight became indistinguishable again, and the violent wind that was visible to the naked eye also disappeared, as if the sinister desert had returned to this world from another space.

   “Prepare me water, food, salt immediately.”

Alatrist knew that he could not delay it any longer. Such a drastic change would definitely change the behavior of Ouke. He is a man who knows this creature better in the empire. He can even speak a few Ouke languages. Anyone understands the horror of such creatures. They are not mindless beasts. The terrible reproduction ability plus their amazing power. Many times he thinks that the sinister wasteland is actually a kind of prison, just for imprisonment. These terrible existences are now gone, and everything will change.

   “Yusu, immediately raise the combat readiness to the highest level.”

   “I have already ordered it.”

   “Yi Sihou, do you have any opinions from the church side? At the beginning, the stronghold supported the church. I think the church should know something.”

   “I have reported to the universal patriarch, the prophecy received by the hymn choir has only one sentence, the beast is about to rise.”

   “The beast is about to rise…”

Despite the clear skies, in Alalist’s view, the clouds began to shroud, and war was imminent. He was staring at the distant wilderness with his brows closed, thinking of countless possibilities in his mind, but there was no clue, and the other two also Without speaking, the three of them looked at the distance in silence, and the atmosphere was very solemn.

   “General! Things are ready!”

   After a while, the sound from below broke the atmosphere of silence, Alatrist took a deep breath, then turned and said to Yusuf:

   “I will start now.”

   “Will you take a break?”

   “It’s too late, I have to go to that place before dark and hope to have passed for so many years~www.mtlnovel.com~ It hasn’t been buried by sand yet.”

  The group of three came to the exit of the fortress. At this time, Alatrist had a tall backpack behind him, stuffed with the items he named, and the black uniform on his body became tan.

“A month, if I haven’t sent a message after a month, you will send my message to the secret guard. They will support you fully. In any case, you must ensure the safety of the defense line. The empire can’t stand any Blow.”

  After telling what happened after him, Alalist walked back towards the wasteland without looking back, and the two kept watching him until they could no longer be seen.

   “Yusu, when we were young, he was like this. Ten years later, we have changed. He is still like this. Difficult… Is the rumor true?”

Touching his bare head, Bibi Yiji couldn’t help but recall the scene ten years ago, when he was just an army priest, and Yusuf was just a lieutenant. They followed an elite army into the sinister wasteland. Looking for a lost relic of the Three Wizards, the main leader is Alatrist.

It’s just that this expedition eventually turned into a disaster. Although they found the relic, the second day of the return was attacked by a large number of Ok, and almost everyone died. Only Alatrist took it. The two of them killed the encirclement and walked out of the wilderness after a lot of hardships. It is also because of this credit that the two were promoted like a rocket, and the help of the Three Wizards was essential.

   “Bunquan? Do you also believe that kind of nonsense?”

  Yusuf has always scoffed at this kind of statement. Although he is also very strange why Alatrist does not seem to grow old at all, he will not seek this secret because everyone will have his own secret.

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