Orc Tyrant

Chapter 61 - Fighting Aswan (3)

   “I have to say, what’s the use of sending that waste!?”

Grak was very irritable from the beginning of the war. Every time he looked at the battlefield in the distance, he couldn’t wait to rush to the field to do a good job, but every time he was blocked by Guk with a punch and kick, so he hadn’t His face was already black when he hit him.

   “Fool, rushing to eat cannonballs?”

  Gook murmured, holding a telescope in his right hand to continue observing the battlefield filled with smoke. His left hand reached into the jar held by a fart, grabbed a wet underground fish, and stuffed it directly into his mouth.

  All the confidants gathered around him, arguing and arguing, this time WAAAGH Gook came out of the nest, leaving no effort. After spending nearly twenty days, he believed that he had almost brought the entire wasteland boy here.

   The number of boys present could not be counted anymore. At least where he could see, he could not see any other colors except green.

This also caused some trouble for his offensive deployment. This terrain could not accommodate so many Ok, the natural barriers on both sides of the east and west compressed their quantitative advantage, and forcing a swarm of bees to swarm might not directly overthrow the human defense line. .

  Before the attack, Guck wasn’t sure to what extent human resistance could be achieved, or some other cunning means, but now it seems…


   When Guk put down the telescope, all the Oaks closed their mouths, and the two guards approached him, unfolding a thick piece of leather from the left and the right at the same time, with simple patterns depicted in black lines.

   took the unburnt black charcoal from the fart, and Guck added three horizontal lines on it.

   The first wave of offense was pure cannon fodder, just to test the density, range, and interval of artillery fire, especially those big guys.

The second wave of offense was to test the strength of human defense. Now it seems that they alone can sprint out of the human house. The inclined slopes are neither high nor steep. In Guck’s opinion, they are not obstacle.

   The key is that these two waves of kids, as far as Guck seems to be, are not many at all, just a handful of the army, which is a bargain.

  If a kid asks Gook this is too much? He will answer, almost not! Because the boys always want to participate in a vigorous battle, it seems that this battle is not only “bombing” but also “blazing”?

   But now he was a little bit happy, he outlined three arrows and pointed to three dot marks.

“Grak, Beiruf, you two fight the biggest one in the middle! Naz, Balar, you fight the one on the east side of the sea, buck teeth, Bashar, you fight the one on the mountain side! Humans ran, I had to see if they had hidden the kid, which side rushed up first, and I took the guard to the side, they couldn’t keep everything.”

   This is the first time Gook tried to explain the concept of tactics to other Ouke, but most of the guys were at a loss, and only Shabal nodded.

   is really a cunning guy.

   “Then I’m here!”

   The arranged Grak jumped with joy, and the huge tomahawk danced loudly, so terrified that the other Oaks around him hurried away from him so as not to accidentally cut their heads in half.

   But as soon as he opened his legs, Gook’s feet kissed his buttocks fiercely, kicking him on a big horse.

   “Last fart! Wait again.”

   “Head, why don’t we go directly through the middle?”

  The green tooth suddenly raised a word. He pointed to the gap between the dots and his jaw full of teeth tremble slightly.

   This guy returned to the tribe three days before WAAAGH. As a result, the whole shape changed greatly, not only with strange paintings, but also with the quirk of using beast teeth to penetrate the skin. However, his head has grown a bit, and I don’t know if he was damaged by various venoms. The first thing he came back to actually challenged Guk.

   The result was very tragic. He didn’t wake up until he was pulled out of all his teeth on the ground by Gu Ke and realized his identity.

   “You found an idiot question that I was too lazy to explain, but there is still time left.”

  Gook tapped the dots on the leather with his finger to increase the pitch.

“I have looked carefully. The human house is pothole, and cannons are placed in every direction. If we walk in the middle, they will hit us from both sides of their arms, and they may kick us from behind their buttocks! In order to get down on them, it is to do a good frame, not to go laps! So we walked the front, and they did not dare to pull the cannons on both sides to the middle.”

   “Why not dare?”

  Green teeth asked a question that Gook seemed stupid, and he was already a smarter guy.

“because of you!”


   “I will take your cavalry for a while and put pressure on the neutral gap!”

   “Oh, I get it.”

   The green teeth in the brain were fanned by Gu Ke, and it seemed to be like this.

The third line of defense is more complete than the first two. Not only are there obliquely inserted spikes, but a trench in the chest wall that can accommodate enough soldiers has been dug. Youshijin is leading the remaining soldiers to guard this trench. This is probably one of the reasons why he has not been shot yet.

  After retreating, Oak came almost biting their buttocks, but when crossing the second and third lines of defense, the Oaks were in trouble.

   Landmines, gifts specially prepared for them by humans.

  After a special modification, the dangerous explosives that were stuffed up became less sensitive and needed enough weight to detonate.

  The humans ran silently when they ran over. As soon as the Oakes stepped on it, they were immediately thrown high, and then returned to the ground in the form of several green nausea blocks.

   “Warriors of the 3rd Battalion! Stay here!”

  Youshkin heard Major Karnowski’s voice, and Kaimon blessed that the old ghost hadn’t died, and even had a good spirit.

   “Everyone! Listen to my password!”

    sprinting all the way to the Ou Ke showed a tough barbaric power, some of the taller call signs incomprehensible syllables, as if to stimulate morale.

   They are not fighting!


   Thousands of rifles behind the chest wall and the ditch issued a spectacular roar almost at the same time, the dense bullet rain brushed the green flood like a comb, turning them into a stream, and then quickly refilled.

   Wizards are not idle, they will also participate in the defense.

   “Put those guys down!”

The team leader patted Cattle’s shoulder and pointed at several Oaks holding a thick shield together. Those smart guys are very threatened. Their shields do not know what the material is made of, and they are so tough that they can’t be bullets. penetrate.

   “Look at me!”

  ’S desire for honor made him surging, stepping on the edge of the ditch, a shining electric current haunted his hands.

   “I feel bad, stay away from him.”

   An indescribable fear suddenly struck Yushkin’s heart. He had a natural fear of unclean forces. At his urging, the soldiers retreated.

   The colorful electric current struck the air, creating a strange smell. A few okees were hit in an instant. The twitching of the muscles caused their limbs to shake madly, as if dancing some strange dance.

   “Ha! There is!”

   When those green skins burst apart, Cartel threw the hot fireball into the team of Oak, one by one, faster and faster…


  The wizard of the leader had just resolved a group of Ok, and suddenly noticed that a terrifying energy was surging around him. In a terrible sense of cognition, he realized what was happening.

   “No! Cartel!”

The wizards around    also understood at the same time, rushed towards him together, and threw him to the ground, at this time he had fallen into a severe spasm.

   “Suppress him!”

  The wizards dragged him back to the chest wall, and the leader shouted to tear his clothes away.

   “Hold on! Cartel! Don’t give up!”

   He looked directly at what he had hoped and believed he would never see again, and his heart was filled with fear.

   Cartel’s flesh was tumbling like boiling water, his whole bones and flesh were twisted and expanded in an unnatural form, his original handsome face turned into scarlet mud, and his eyes burst into purple light, full of fear and pain.

“help me!”

   He gasped violently and made a cry for help.

   “Yes, Hanan’s curse!”

  The wizards around screamed as if they saw the plague. The leader did not speak. He tried to press Catelil to the ground, but the power to twist the opponent’s body was becoming stronger.

   “Hurry up and find Ms. Ekaterina!!!!!!”

But everything is too late~www.mtlnovel.com~ Cartel slammed all the people off his body, and his rapidly expanding body was full of swollen and broken red muscles, strangely shaped deformed growths, extra limbs and Tentacles.

“Do not!!!!!”

   The horrible sound of flesh and bone deformation, Catelil’s body suddenly stood upright, fission-produced tissue and chaotic energy twisted around him, and his scream turned into an ambiguous mad laughter.

“kill him!”

   A voice sounded, but the leader didn’t stop.

Unbound energy flicked from Cateril, his legs merged into a piece of translucent film, a hateful voice poured out of it, hundreds of twisted eyes kept on Appeared, and immediately burst in the slippery sound, this creature has no inch of the body to maintain even a moment of stability.

   “Retreat! Immediately!”

  Terror and painful nausea invaded all the wizards present. The leader shouted to keep everyone away. The flesh and blood changes will spread. No one can know what exists at this time.


But everything ended in a thunderous loud noise. Cartel’s body burst like a puffed water polo, and the scarlet liquid spilled on the ground, sketching an evil monster The face contains immense anger and resentment.

   surrounded by silence, the leader heard the exclamation of people in a trance, he traced the trajectory of the sound, and saw two tall figures.

   “No time to daze!”

   The two “soldiers” suddenly took off their gray uniforms, revealing the black uniform hidden underneath, and the silver glittering pistols clenched tightly on the wide palms.

   “In the name of the emperor! Stay here and fight back these green skins!”

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