Orc Tyrant

Chapter 66 - Fighting Aswan (8)

   22 epoch, March 5, 24, 13:16 pm, 43 degrees

   A bullet flew across the scalp, a huge metal bullet bit off a large piece of cement from the outer wall, and the particles splashed on the mask, hitting the hole.

Bourbon ignored the pain on his face. It was nothing compared to the pain he had suffered. Now his only concern is the huge gap below. These **** beasts have powerful explosives. This kind of thing is only in academics. Seen in the weekly, it seems that it has not yet been put into production.

   “Where are these green things from the gun!?”

  Ron roared loudly beside him. The loud gunshot made him have to open his throat, otherwise he wouldn’t hear what he said even when he was around.

   “The ghost knows!”

The first time Bourbon saw the crude guns in the hands of those beasts, he was also surprised. The simplicity of the thing almost made him doubt the possibility of use, but the green skins were very happy, although they only shot blindly. , But those conical metal warheads are still deadly.

  No, a soldier just raised his waist and prepared to shoot. His upper body blasted out in a cloud of blood mist.

   They were already used to such scenes. Ron threw a piece of intestine on his head to the side, his hands stretched out, and the blue flame was injected into the rubble.

  The lifeless pile came to life immediately, first dissolved into brown gums, then gathered together, and then became a solid solid, filling the huge gap.


  Ron suddenly covered his head in pain, and Bourbon on the side immediately took over his work, constantly lifting the earth wall. There are some soldiers fighting outside the gap, but at this time all the compassion must be abandoned. In order to block this gap, many people have been sacrificed and they must complete this work.

   “What the **** is obstructing Austrian law!”

   Knocked **** the temple, Ron took a few deep breaths, and the pain eased a little. From the beginning, a force was fighting them, making the flow of Arcane become difficult, which is completely different from the power of witchcraft.

   “There must be some unique individuals in Oak, but we don’t know.”

  The sweat wetted the indigo robe. In such a chaotic battlefield, it was necessary to concentrate on one thing. It took more than several times more effort than usual, but Bourbon still insisted.

   The earth **** is getting higher and higher, and it will soon be lifted back to its original height. At this time, a dozen of dark things suddenly flew up from below, still emitting green smoke.

“Be careful!”

  Ron immediately pressed his head next to Bourbon, followed by a violent explosion and a brief deafness.

After a while, Bourbon shook his head, endured the roar of the eardrum due to the shock, and looked up. The mouth that was about to be blocked was flattened again. He smelled a **** smell, very away from himself near.

   turned his head, and Bourbon saw Ron gritting his teeth and pulling a piece of broken porcelain from his shoulder.

   “Senior Ron.”

   “It’s alright, got a bite.”

   Throw away the **** porcelain, Ron raised a blue flame in his hand, and then pressed on his wound.

The blood stopped quickly, and the fissures healed quickly, but Bourbon knew that this was only an emergency measure. Muscle fibers and capillaries were only rudely bonded together. After that, the wound needed to be reopened or even enlarged. All arms may be discarded.

   “Hurry! Don’t stop!”

Seeing that the soldiers below were dead and wounded, Ron quickly mobilized the power of Arcane with Bourbon and tried to close the gap again.

   “Those two set fire!”

  Beluff chopped up a human officer with a knife, and watched the opening that was finally exploded, he closed himself. He looked around anxiously, and finally found the culprit of the matter.

   “Kill them!”

   His guard immediately rushed to the side. Fifty or sixty Oaks raised a huge six-ring revolver and pulled the trigger frantically in the direction of the blue flame.

   “Not good! Quick withdrawal!”

The sharp-eyed Ron saw that the Oaks were actually pointing their guns at them, and immediately pulled up the Bourbon and ran back. Before they got up, there was a metal storm that swept their previous position. The hard cement The ground was cracked open, bullets and debris were flying around, and the two ran for life without being hit.

   But without waiting for them to take a breath, a few green lightning bolts ran across the void, rubbing their heels, and the two turned around and ran towards the inner wall.

   “At this time… I really miss those… foolish shaman.”

  Ron ran out of breath, but he didn’t dare to stop. Those whirlwinds and lightning kept chasing the two’s ass.

   “I remembered that when I was a child…the way I was chased by a neighbor’s dog.”

   Bourbon’s physical strength is slightly better than him, but he can’t run fast. Seeing that the two of them will be involved in these inexplicable forces.

   A figure suddenly dragged them aside, followed by an invisible barrier rising, blocking all lightning and whirlwinds.

   “Thanks to you.”

   saw that this turned out to be a raven faction wizard. Although they were out of breath, they expressed their gratitude. The man glanced at them and raised a gun in his hand.

   Not far away, an Oak holding a metal stick suddenly fell over his face, and the lightning and whirlwind disappeared in an instant.

   “General Yusuf’s order, all personnel, immediately retreated to the inner wall.”

  Pegdor’s voice was very loud. The soldiers who were still fighting heard this sentence and immediately turned around like an amnesty and ran to the direction of the inner wall.


   Bourbon was a little bit unintelligible, and there was clearly hope of persistence.

   Peggeduo glanced at him, raised his finger to the distance, said flatly:

   “Because their lord is here.”

The two arcanists looked in the direction of their fingers, and a bright red flag was advancing slowly in front of the fire and bullet rain. As it moved, the manic cries grew louder, and they could not understand the beasts. What to shout, because there are only two simple syllables…




  Yusuf raised his telescope and stared at the silver figure. He did not bring his own war beast, but led a group of cruel killing machines on foot.

   The charge of the white helmet guard has a terrible and majestic beauty, the armor colliding with each other, the beaten giant axe and the silver horn helmet form a turbulent giant wave. They did not run, but made great strides. Their greasy smiles, exposed fangs, and unhurried gestures all showed brutal confidence in their own strength.

   They responded to the incoming fire and bullets with contempt. Arrogant self-confidence and primitive war desires produced a violent chemical reaction, prompting them to be tougher, stronger and bloodthirsty.

   With every step of the Guk towards the fortress, Yusuf’s fears grew deeper. Can this small earthen house really withstand such natural violence?

   “King! Guck!”

  Enjoying the cheering of the eardrums, Guk stepped on the gap that had been flattened as a winner, and the roar of the machine gun roared. The firepower of the four nearby sentry towers poured into him at the same time.

  Guk will lay the dragon teeth in front of him, and let the storm-like bullets hit his armor and blade, creating a scratch, and the eyes under the helmet’s head are getting hotter.


   He stared at the nearest sentry tower. The huge body that had been more than 4 meters away like a sprinting chariot. It was shockingly fast.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!”

The soldiers on the sentry tower screamed and shot at him, but the flying bullets did not hurt him. The terrible beast rushed under the sentry tower in a blink of an eye, reversed the blade in his hand, and shoved the thick back of the blade. To the masonry tower.

Yusuf’s eyes twitched sharply, and his mood sank to the bottom of the valley. He saw that the sturdy sentry tower was like a sand castle piled up by children, and was easily demolished into ruins and splashed bricks by this blow. There was a scream of soldiers in it, and it was immediately overwhelmed by the roar.


  Gook picked up a soldier who was still screaming with two fingers. He looked carefully for a while, and soon smiled disdainfully.

   “… It’s a long way off.”

  Gently put your finger on it, the fragile head turned into a puddle of meat.

The addition of the White Helmet Guard announced the complete collapse of the outer wall. These horrible big men were not fighting at all, but slaughtering those soldiers who had not retreated. The iron hooks on their bodies were covered with the first level cut by them. The **** expression is only frightened and painful.

The defenders quickly evacuated to the inner wall, and the artillery abandoned on the outer wall, especially the fortress cannon, were all blown up. After learning that these beasts knew how to use firearms, Yusuf decided not to give them more opportunities to arm, but Agam and other mechanic boys still used these scrap irons as treasures, and began to drag them away before the battle ended, including those damaged machine guns.

  WAAAGH! ! ! !

  Oak’s roar shook the wall. Youssef had placed the pistol on the table. He was determined to stay until the last moment.

He has sent an alert to the chief executives of Cusconal and Axum, here for an extra second, there is an extra second to evacuate there~www.mtlnovel.com~ On the eve of the impending collapse of the embankment, only Only in this way can the possible loss be reduced to a minimum, which is the only thing he can do.

   “General! There is a problem with channel 3! The gate will not close!”

   An officer hurriedly approached him, bringing terrible bad news.


  Yusuf finally had no way to stay calm. At this time, as long as there was a breakthrough, the Oaks would immediately wash down everything like a long-stored flood.

“what reason!”

   “A round of artillery shells, Ouk’s shells, mortally hit the place, and is rushing to repair, but…”

  The officer glanced down, and the Oakes seemed to find that there was no closure, and they were flooding in large numbers.


   Yusuf is almost desperate, and time has become his invincible enemy.

“let’s go.”

The tall Wolverine wizard came out of the stairs. His mask was hanging around his waist. His face in his thirties was full of determination and determination. His right arm was bandaged, but he still carried the shiny cross giant. The sword is covered with gaps.

   “Let’s block them.”

  The chief of staff looked at him the same way, just opening his mouth to say something, but Yusuf suddenly raised his hand to interrupt him.

“it is good.”

   Badger Wizard solemnly nodded towards Yusuf, put the mask back on his face, and turned away.

  The chief of staff looked at his general, and he noticed that the clenched fists were shaking slightly, and he could not help but sigh.

   “Strong Valor!”

   “Endless battles!”

In the heated roar of war, more than one hundred badger wizards rushed out of the emergency repair gate and faced the turbulent green tide.

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