Orc Tyrant

Chapter 84 - Infiltrator

   “Boss! Boss!”

   Hearing a wave of calls, consciousness was pulled from the hazy dream, Gook opened his eyes and stretched out his right hand for a while, and quickly grabbed what he wanted.


  Gushing a gulp of mushroom wine, his mind immediately became alive, and the voice outside became clearer,

   “Boss! Are you boss!”

   “What is the name of a ghost!”

   Impatiently shouted outside, Guk stood up, he glimpsed his pet is shrinking to sleep in the cage, this is really a strange creature, even like to stay in the cage.

   “What’s up!”

   He walked out of the house and saw Agum’s face leaping excitedly, as if he had picked up a cannon that could hit him from Blackstone to the blood skull.

   “Boss, you have to come and see! Great discovery!”

   “Great discovery?”

  With a lot of doubts, Guk followed Agam to the wall, and many kids were running there along the way. It seemed that there was some big news happening.

   But before he got there, he could already see what Agam said was the “big discovery”.

   “Oh my god…”

   Under the scorching sun, a huge object was standing on the location of the original giant wall. The off-white surface did not reflect a trace of light, silent and cold, and the edge was irregularly shaped, as if torn by something.

It is so deeply planted between the mountains, a long time has not formed a trace of erosion on it, in the center of the position, there is a conspicuous red, so dazzling in a gray, even if it has not been cleaned The dirt can’t hide the red message.

   A face, a big face skewed to the side, a smiling face in the style of Oke.

  Guck really couldn’t think of squeezing his brain out, a huge piece of metal was wrapped in that huge wall!

Many kids gathered here, they roared and yelled, and they were shocked by this spectacular scene. The neuropaths were more like a devil. They bowed madly to the metal, and they said nothing to understand. lies.

  Heavy emotions condensed into an invisible giant wave, fiercely slap Guck’s heart, let his spiritual power uncontrollable vent.

The form of feedback to the entity is a crackling arc.

“Step aside!”

Surrounded by the guards, Guk stepped up to the huge metal step by step. With the distance getting closer and closer, the crooked face in his eyes seemed to come alive, laughing at him and roaring. , As if waiting for him for a long time.

“what is this?”

  Mogdzhogen had been waiting here, Guk came to him and observed the metal at a very close distance.

If it is shrunk countless times, then it is almost a piece of scrap iron inserted into the ground. The tear marks on the edges make Guk can’t help imagining what kind of power should cause such a scene. It is neither natural nor whole. , It’s just a part.


  Mog Drogan threw out two very strange words.

   “The past? Are we?”


  The little man echoed dryly, and then Mogdrogen raised his stick and pointed at the face.


   “They… aren’t they just us?”

   “Boss, I think about it as part of something.”

   The idea guy on the side suddenly got up and expressed his opinion, although it didn’t sound new to Gu Ke.

   “I can see it, but if it is something, how big should it be?”

  Guk’s imagination has reached its limit. What kind of thing should such a big iron tuozi be installed on?

  The idea scratched his head, but he couldn’t say why.

   “I think, this thing can make a lot of things!”

  Agam’s thinking is more realistic. Perhaps at this time in his eyes, this large piece of iron has become countless rockets, cannons and guns.

   But Guk extinguished his fantasy relentlessly.

   “Come on, this thing is hard and hard, how do you get it? Burn or cut.”

   “Um… Yeah, this is a hassle.”

  Gook carefully looked at this piece of metal again. He estimated that it was about the same height as the Black Rock Fort. If it was wide, it was wider than the Black Rock Fort, but this was only the part that exposed the ground.

   “Dig! Dig it thoroughly!”

The boss’s order came, and all the boys were mobilized. The dense green quickly gathered together. The simple tools rudely turned the soil. The fart ran between the mud pile and the crotch of the boys. Items are transported outside the camp. The mud they moved before has now become a simple retaining wall surrounding the camp, and many low and high houses, but this is just the beginning, there will be more buildings behind.

  Guk is determined to build a fortress, or a fortress, as his base for conquering the rainforest.

The huge quantity brings efficiency, but only half a day later, the boys have digged into the area more than ten meters deep underground, and then down is the hard rock, this metal is embedded in the earth far deeper than ancient It is expected that its volume will increase again.

  In order to get it out completely, Gu Ke spent a whole day making multiple huge U-shaped iron hooks, connecting countless ropes, and then hooking the upper part of the metal block.

“All right!”

The kid who manipulated the giant monster of the Sculptor waved here, a full of thirty super giant Sculptors, and their combined strength was enough to hit a big pit on the Blackrock Fort, and Guk would use them to move this piece. Metal hook down.


  Gook gave the order himself, and Scrooge took a step forward and began to move forward, and the ropes tied to them gradually tightened.

   Ka Ka Ka!

   The earth trembles slightly as the beast moves, followed by the sound of rock bursts, but the metal remains motionless.

  The monsters roared and roped deep into their skins, but the mushroom with an irritating smell made them unable to stop their footsteps, this time a real wrestling.

A rope broke violently, and Beng flew a kid looking at the bustle, and then more ropes also broke, and Guck gritted his teeth, rushed up, picked up a broken rope, and joined the fight .

   “I come too!”

   After a while, Grake threw the axe aside and rushed to Guk to grab another rope.

   “I’m coming!”

   “Don’t fight with me!”

   Many kids, including the guards, also joined the scene, so that the scene of the giant Scooge is in front and the kids are in the back.

“Ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!”

  Gook pulled hard, and roared the boy around him.

   An electric arc traversed, and the surging power was transmitted to him. Afterglow of his glance at Mogzhogen who was jumping the gods, the nervous boys joined the wrestling.

  Kaka Kaka Kaka! !

   The sound of rock bursting became clearer, and Guck felt a trace of looseness in his hand.

   Suddenly, many kids saw the metal block tilted slightly to this side, and they immediately shouted.

   “Moved! Motivated!”

   Hearing their voices, Gook twisted his body directly, hung the rope on his shoulder, and used all his strength to drag forward.

   One step, two steps, three steps…

   With the movement of Guk, the angle of the metal block is also increasing, and the children cheered until the shadow blocked the sunlight, and the big face that was getting closer…


   The onlookers immediately fled away. The metal block with a tilt angle of 45 degrees no longer needs any external force. Its own weight urges it to fall to the ground.


   The moment when he fell to the ground, a strong air wave blew up the ground gravel and mud, stirred up a huge cloud of dust, and quickly dissipated in the mountain wind.

   “I’m exhausted!”

  Gook moved his shoulders while walking towards the metal, and the green piece in the distance was also completely exposed to the sight of the Oaks at the moment.

The kid who hadn’t climbed the wall before, looked at the strange area curiously. The humid wind came from the mountain pass, bringing a fresh breath. It’s estimated that many kids rushed straight through.

   “What a thick boss!”

  Ageum also ran to the metal block, and carefully examined it for a while, and found that this thing was almost as thick as a Sigul beast, let alone the weight.

   “Hurry up and get it back to Double Snake Castle, look good!”

With that said, Guk suddenly noticed a strange boy, who was standing in the boy’s pile looking at the metal and was stupid. Keep a certain distance.

  Gook immediately glanced at Mangul. The other side looked at him, then nodded silently, turned around and led the two guards around from behind.

   Soon, there was a little confusion there, and it quickly subsided.

   “Head, caught.”

Mangguer brought the guy to Guk~www.mtlnovel.com~ He showed an unnatural twist on one leg, dragging it on the ground like a rag, as if his bones had been broken, and his green face It is also distorted because of pain.

   “I, I…”

  He tried to defend himself, but the accent was a little strange, Guk stepped up, pinched his chin, and twitched his nose hard.

  Although the cover-up was very good, the odor that was still there still betrayed his identity.

   “Danny family, is it.”

  Human language uttered from Ouke’s big mouth, the boy’s eyes immediately became terrified, but because the jaw was pinched, he could only spit out some ambiguous syllables.

   “Tell me, how many guys slipped in and I won’t kill you.”

  Gook loosened his chin, but this guy actually tried to cover up.

   “Boss, I, I’m not an egg…”

   Huge fingers flicked on his face, smashing his nose into a big pit. The stinking guy was trembling with pain and only screaming in his mouth.

   “I can make you die terribly, so you better understand.”

   But this guy’s stubbornness exceeded Gu Ke’s expectations. His hateful eyes stared at Gu Ke, and his mouth spit out rough human language.

   “Dirty Ok! You defile the Holy Wall, the wrath of the beast **** will eventually come, and your flesh and blood will become the generation of your crime…”

   Before the last word was finished, Gu Ke twisted his neck, and the green body gradually shrunk and deformed with the death of life, and the ugly corpse of the beast was finally appeared in Mangul.

   “Hang it up and give those scoundrels a warning.”


   “Boss! Yes, something!”

   At this moment, the voice of the idea came suddenly from under the deep ditch.

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