Orc Tyrant

Chapter 95 - Snow Cliff Observatory

“Director John, this is yesterday’s experiment report.”

In the tidy and monotonous office, the old arcanist received the report from the middle-aged man, propped up his glasses and carefully read it for a while, his brow furrowed immediately.

“Data… why suddenly became chaotic?”

“The mood of each subject has recently deteriorated, becoming more and more manic, and the consumption of tranquilizers has doubled, but the effect is not obvious, and 23% of the subjects have been processed.”

“Ah, I said…”

Putting down the report and glasses in his hand, the old arcanist rubbed his temple with a distressed expression, and couldn’t stop sighing in his mouth.

“…The black minarets should not be destroyed. Before the results of the study are clear, just to obtain a weather control instrument, this step is not necessary. Now there must be a ghost of Hananli at work.”


Hearing these two words, the expression of the middle-aged man was a little surprised. As a newly joined researcher, he didn’t really believe that such a strange aspect could exist in the human spiritual world.

“It shouldn’t be, there is basically no reason for those experimental subjects.”

“But they have emotions.”

John is a little bit dissatisfied with this newcomer. The Snow Cliff Observatory is the most important part of the Dawn Project and the focal point of the southern action area. Usually the most experienced researchers will be sent, but this time Cuscona He threw a rookie. Although he is very talented in bioplasticity, his arrogance is as outstanding as his talent.

However, he could not interfere with the committee’s decision, so he could only stop entangled this topic.

“Okay, arrange today’s experiment plan and go busy.”


When the researcher left, old John couldn’t help but take out the observation report from the drawer for several days. The text on it had made it difficult for him to sleep for a long time.

As an observatory, their first task is naturally to observe. He has been here for fifteen years. It can be said that most of his life has stayed in this place. He also witnessed the process of the strong race of Ouke.

At first, they were just beasts fighting each other with stones and primitive weapons. The sand was scattered, savage and backward, just a little better than the unintelligent beasts. He even complained about why he should send himself to see these things. To be honest, he would rather stay. The zoo in Cusconal, surrounded by the smell of feces, did not want to see these green biped beasts fighting day after day.

The things that Oker finds interesting are often very boring to humans.

Until he became the director, this situation still did not change, he once suspected that his life was rotten in this broken ground.

But after that action, they did something unpredictable, and in order to advance the grand plan, they had to break a certain balance.

So it appeared, as if to avenge them.

Ouke was born the first leader in the sense that it unified its savage compatriots in a short time and pushed the entire race to a less backward stage. It condensed a kingdom with its iron fists, A kingdom with only violence and conquest.

When they attacked Aswan, John also looked far away. The kind of destructive power that sloped like a waterfall made him deeply worried and frightened.

Fortunately, they still have temporary remedies, but the sacrifice of his colleagues still makes him heartbroken, and Oak’s violence still makes him anxious. These emotions have tortured him for a long time.

Because he understands that this is only temporary, the tyrant is not dead, its power is still expanding, its kingdom is booming like a clockwork war machine, waiting to crush the next enemy at any time.

Thinking of this, he read out the latest report.

“…The coalition of the four beasts of the Beasts was defeated, the corpses ran across the field, and the casualties were not counted. It took only two hours for Ok to destroy them.

Opening the last page, John’s eyes fell on a line of small red letters.

“…The beastly man suspected of summoning the demon and was defeated by Guk alone.”

With a long breath, John felt his teeth tremble.

The power of this tyrant is beyond common sense. He even doubts whether the orc can stand for another month. Ouke is not a human being. Humans may have no way to take them in the jungle, but Oke will clean up every inch of land they pass, They do not consider casualties, do not need any logistics, let alone morale.

This army is simply the dream of all generals and the nightmare of all enemies.

Boom Boom Boom~!

Suddenly, the rapid knock on the door interrupted John’s thoughts.

“Come in, what happened.”

“Director, emergency!”

Pushing in the door is the guard of the observatory and one of only three combatants among the 21 arcanists.

He was sweaty at the moment and his white lips were shaking.

“what happened?”

“Ok suddenly broke into the laboratory!”


John stood up suddenly, his face shocked.

“what happened!”

“Yes… No. 5 backup channel, where it was originally abandoned because of the last accident, but the elevator was not removed, and I didn’t expect those Oaks to…”

“Damn! You slackers!”

John pounded on the table heavily and shouted loudly:

“What is the situation now! Are there casualties!”

“The other party invaded from the No. 2 experimental area, there was no staff there, no casualties, and the experimental bodies in the two adjacent areas have been released as resistance.”

“Hurry to arrange for the evacuation of the personnel, drop the guards, close all non-main exits… By the way, how many invading Oaks?”

“There are currently only two.”

Hearing that there were only two Oaks, John breathed a sigh of relief, and things didn’t go in the worse direction. ~www.mtlnovel.com~ If there were hundreds of Oaks pouring in at once, he could only declare to give up observation So, take the researchers to escape.

Thinking of two Oaks, a plan suddenly emerged from his mind uncontrollably.

“Um… is it feasible to implement a capture plan?”

Ouke is a rare experimental material. Their vitality is extremely tough and can withstand high-intensity experiments. It is much better than humans or beasts.

If they can be caught, then the losses caused this time can be considered accountable and compensated.

But the defender was sullen. After hesitating for a moment, he said turbulently:

“I’m afraid it’s… no.”


“Because it’s the leader of Ok…Guk.”


John screamed, and even took two steps back. The whole person fell back on the chair in horror, and his yellow face turned pale.

“Gu, Gu Ke…”

“Director! Director!”

Suddenly, a **** arcanist stumbled in and he was also one of the defenders.

“Guk suddenly broke through the walls of Lab 2 and arrived at Lab 5. Durin and Kasnord had no time to evacuate… sacrificed.”

His voice was full of sorrow, but John’s brain was blank. The “rookie” he had talked to before was called Du Lin, and he never thought it would be a farewell just a moment.

“Director! What should I do now?”

“Director! Director!”


The call of the guards and the roar from afar brought John back to reality. He had to be responsible for the remaining arcanists, so he made a difficult decision.

“Abandon the observatory, evacuate the whole, and destroy the weather control instrument!

Two more achieved!

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