
Chapter 369 The monster appears

The howling of the wolf came from due south. Although the sound could only be heard but not seen, the howling was extremely high-pitched, carrying a strong sense of demonstration and provocation. It was obviously not an easy thing to deal with.

The magic weapon has not yet been born, but many monsters have already come. One is hidden in the dark clouds, one is hidden in the miasma, there is another in the sandstorm, and there is also a strange bird with a big fish body hidden underground, plus There are already six wolf-shaped creatures that howled before. God knows whether more monsters will gather here next.

The high-pitched wolf howled from far to near. Because the object moved too fast, it could not be seen clearly. Only a huge blue shadow could be vaguely seen jumping and moving rapidly from the distant peaks. After a few ups and downs, it turned into a The middle-aged man fell into the flat area outside the cave.

Seeing his opponent suddenly approaching, Li Bie hurriedly summoned his armor, put it on and put it on. He turned his right hand and reached out, and the long sword flew into his hand.

The middle-aged man was wearing blue linen clothes. He was simple and capable, with a medium build and a gloomy expression. He had a long sword hanging on his waist. After landing, he kept tilting his head to look at the two of them. He was very concerned about Li Bie's behavior in wearing armor. Disapprovingly, the corner of his mouth curled up slightly, and he responded with a contemptuous sneer.

While the middle-aged man looked at the two of them, Wu Zhongyuan was also observing this person. This person was currently located on the southern edge of the flat area, about thirty feet away from the two of them, and showed no sign of continuing forward after landing.

Regardless of whether they are aliens or humans, or monsters and ghosts, as long as they use aura, their complexion will appear. The complexions of monsters and aliens are much the same as those of humans. They also follow the nine levels of red, blue and purple, but the complexions of monsters and aliens are different. The middle-aged man's complexion is mixed with a little black energy. It's hard to tell whether the complexion of this middle-aged man is purple or black. Visual inspection is at least above Taixuan.

Seeing that Wu Zhongyuan had never summoned the armor, Li Bie looked at him doubtfully.

Wu Zhongyuan knew that Li Bie was looking at him, and also knew why Li Bie was looking at him, but did not respond. There was a reason why he did not summon the Azure Dragon Armor. Since the magic weapon had not yet been born, the monsters who were coveting him would not be eager to take action. Secondly, these monsters are obviously not in the same group, and they don't take him and Libie seriously. They are afraid of other monsters who also come with the purpose of robbing. There is no need to show their strength to attract their attention at this time.

The other monsters were watching from a distance, but this middle-aged man who had transformed into a wolf-like creature came close. This move caused the other monsters to become nervous and excited, fearing that they would take the lead, and they hid themselves. Move quickly towards the flat area where the hole is located.

The first person to arrive was the big fat man. He didn't see clearly why he came, and he appeared in the southwest without any warning. This man was bald, about fifty years old, wearing a yellow open-breasted coat, and weighed 100 pounds. He must have weighed more than three hundred pounds. His exposed belly had three layers of folds. His fat head and big ears made him look like the Maitreya Buddha of later generations. If he hadn't been holding a half-cooked mountain rabbit in his hand, he was chewing it. Chew, it will be more like.

This person appeared only five or six feet away from the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man noticed it, tilted his head and frowned at it.

Seeing the middle-aged man looking at it, the fat man raised his hand and wiped his mouth, then handed the half-eaten mountain rabbit to the middle-aged man, "Do you want to eat it?"

The middle-aged man didn't answer and looked at it with disgust and vigilance. The two were far apart. The big fat man didn't really want to treat it to food. The big fat man's move was to show his calmness and ease.

Li Bie looked at the big fat man, and then looked at Wu Zhongyuan with questioning eyes. Wu Zhongyuan knew that she wanted to ask what kind of monster the big fat man was, so he pointed down, indicating that the big fat man was probably the earthly creature.

At this moment, a gust of fragrant wind blew by, and a tall, middle-aged and beautiful woman landed more than ten feet away from the east side of the big fat man. She did not float to the ground, but spun to the ground, and turned twice after landing. After he stabilized his figure, he saw that this person was wearing a set of pink Luo Shang. He had a curvy figure and was very plump. After standing still, he raised his right hand to cover his mouth and nose, and pinched his right sleeve with his left hand, looking shy and seductive.

It doesn’t seem right to say charm, because this person is not ogling anyone. If there is no goal, it cannot be said to be charming. It can only be regarded as narcissism. He thinks that he is infinitely charming, but in all fairness, he does have narcissism. Capital, although not as young and beautiful as a girl, is still naturally beautiful, with picturesque features, considerate, and mature charm that knows how to style. In today's terms, she exudes a strong scent of female hormones.

Regarding the arrival of the beautiful woman, Li Bie acted as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He was afraid that the scent would be poisonous, so he hurriedly held his breath to defend himself. Wu Zhongyuan, on the other hand, was invulnerable to all poisons and just looked at this person calmly. The middle-aged man had a look like Liu Xiahui's, and he looked at him the same way he looked at the big fat man. The big fat man's eyes were wide open and he was salivating. He grinned and waved to the beautiful woman. He waved a few times. Suddenly he remembered that he was still holding half of a rabbit in his hand, so he hurriedly threw the rabbit away and waved again.

The beautiful woman felt this and tilted her head to glance at the big fat man. She pretended to be shy and waved the handkerchief in her hand at the big fat man, then looked away.

"It smells so good." The fat man grinned and opened his mouth, revealing his two front teeth and the rabbit meat that he had not yet swallowed.

Wu Zhongyuan has been carefully observing the words and deeds of the three people. The boredom shown by the middle-aged man towards the beautiful woman should be true boredom, rather than pretending to be uninterested while feeling itchy. This guy is really not interested in the middle-aged woman. interest.

Although the beautiful woman has been showing off her beauty, it does not appear to be false or artificial, because her beauty is bright and not dull, and there is a very clear standard for distinguishing between bright and dark, that is, clear. Lust is seductive, while Mensao is deceptive. This woman knows very well that others can see that every move she makes is fake, so no matter what she shows, it is direct temptation rather than hypocrisy and deception.

The only one among the three of them that he couldn't see through was the big fat man. He was not sure whether the big fat man was really infatuated or just teasing the middle-aged woman. Judging from the three people's movements, this person's cultivation was obvious. Because he should be taller than the beautiful woman and the middle-aged man.

Then came the guy who was flying sand and stones. As if flying by was not impressive enough, he insisted on making the dust fly. When the smoke and dust dispersed, a tall and thick-bearded man stood on the west edge with a haughty look. This guy was Really tall, tall and strong, wearing an animal skin, holding a thick stick in his hand, not the kind of stick that is as thick as both ends, but similar to a modern baseball bat, only thicker than a baseball bat Much. As for age, it's hard to tell. The men with beards all look older. They should be less than forty, maybe more than forty.

"I am Hu Tong!" the bearded man shouted loudly, holding a stick in his hand.

After the bearded man yelled, the fat man and the beautiful woman looked stunned. They had obviously never heard of this person's name. However, the middle-aged man who turned into a wolf spirit still looked at it with a cold look. This guy looked at everyone like this. This look showed contempt and coldness, as if someone else owed it a lot of money, and as if someone else had fought it before and been beaten up by it.

The most embarrassing thing is that you think your name is very famous, but no one listens to you after you shout it out. Seeing that no one reacts, you feel a little embarrassed about your beard. In order to relieve the embarrassment, you hold your head high and snort, looking arrogant.

With just this move, Wu Zhongyuan determined that this person was a reckless man, and a reckless man from the Western Regions. The basis for his judgment was also very simple. There were very few words at this time. "Hu" generally refers to the Western Regions, just like the word "Hu" in the Aryan altar Like Sanhu, those with Hu in their names are from the Western Regions.

Due to the dust caused by the arrival of the bearded man, a lot of sand fell on everyone. The big fat man patted his little coat first, then turned to look at the beautiful woman, and then muttered, 'Really, what are you doing?' Move closer to the beautiful woman.

When he got closer, the beautiful woman was cleaning the dust on her clothes. The fat man smiled shyly at her. After receiving the beautiful woman's smiling response, he carefully patted the dust on her shoulders and said, "There's more here, there's more here."

"May I ask the hero's name?" the beautiful woman asked.

The beautiful woman's voice was not sweet, but a little hoarse, but the fat man seemed to like the beautiful woman's special voice very much, and hurriedly replied, "My name is Huang Sheng, sister, how about you?"

"Return to Brother Huang and ask, my name is Dai Niang." The beautiful woman replied.

Before the big fat man answered, the bearded man snorted and interjected, "A woodchuck, a black-ringed snake, whatever name you choose, what kind of person you want to be like."

After hearing the bearded man's words, the beautiful woman's complexion changed drastically, and murderous intent flashed across her face.

"Donkeys fart randomly, girls, don't be upset." The fat man hurriedly comforted her. After saying this, he pretended to pat the dust behind the beautiful woman and took the opportunity to wipe the oil from her. "It's true, the belt is full of sand."

"Mud, who are you calling a donkey?" The bearded man glared angrily.

"Aren't you a donkey?" The fat man was not afraid of it either.

"Grandpa is a Western Desert wild ass, which one is the donkey?!" the bearded man shouted.

"Brother Huang, don't be like that barbarian." The beautiful woman comforted him.

The big fat man wiped the oil smoothly, but he couldn't think of combing his beard. He kept saying, "Girls can comfort people," and touched and patted her with his hands.

At this point, Wu Zhongyuan knew in his heart that it was true that this big fat man had profound spiritual energy cultivation, and it was also true that he was greedy and lustful. His lustfulness was not an act.

In addition, through the quarrel between the three people, the identities of the three people were also indirectly determined. The beautiful middle-aged woman was a black krait, which is an extremely rare venomous snake that is more venomous than the krait. The big fat man is a marmot. Marmot is the common name for prairie dog. This is a rodent that is good at digging holes, and its shape is consistent with the big fat man.

At this time, the green wolf, the marmot, the black krait, and the wild donkey all came nearby, and although the strange bird with a fish body and the monster in the dark clouds rushed over, they did not land on the ground. The two monsters may be familiar to each other. At this time, they have gathered together and are hiding in the dark clouds. They must be discussing secretly.

At this moment, Li Bie whispered, "There are many strange movements in the surrounding mountains."

Wu Zhongyuan nodded. The ones who appeared were all monsters with profound knowledge and high self-esteem, while those hiding in the dark must be weaker.

"The enemies are gathering more and more, what should we do?" Li Bie was very worried.

"Don't worry, let's take a look..."

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