Original Again

Chapter 1

The moment he got out of the water, Blake shook his body. The water droplets on his body had condensed into ice beads as early as the moment they were in contact with the cold air, and fell on the ice surface. Before making a sound, they integrated with the ice surface. .

His luck was not bad. Although he hadn’t harvested a few days ago, he just caught up with the fish that was flowing down the water when he was in the water for the last time. He used a piece of animal skin to carry all his prey. Blake returned to his heart. Like an arrow.

The companions who jumped out of the water with him apparently shared his mind, a group of people spread their wings and flew in the same direction—

The huge ice sheet was densely covered with branches and rocks to build temporary nests. There was a person in each nest. A long distance away, Blake accurately recognized his own one, spreading its wings, after a period of gliding, He dexterously landed on the edge of his lair, and at the same time, he handed the animal skin full of fish that he had been holding in his arms to his partner.


He is not a talking person, but fortunately his partner knows him very well.

Without eating for five days, his partner Bai should have been hungry and can’t wait, but this time, Bai did not touch the food he brought.

“Blake…” Although Bai’s voice sounded weak, his loved ones, such as Blake, could have heard the potential fullness and triumph in the voice.

Sure enough, in the next second, the white claws tremblingly flicked out from under the animal skin quilt, and the five fingers firmly grasped a round…

Egg? !

“…You stole it?” Black’s expression immediately became tense, and he cautiously lowered his body, and by the way, he used his wings to cover his nest more tightly.

“It’s not stealing—” Bai looked even more proud when he heard Black’s question. He pushed the big white egg back under his butt, and said with full anger, “This is my life!”

With a bang, Black seemed to hear the sound of the string breaking in his head called sanity.

He finally knew what was even more irritating than his husband’s going out for half a year and returning home to find that his wife was three months pregnant. That is-

My wife went out for a few days and went home and found that her husband had an egg!

Is there anything more tragic than this?

Meng Jiuzhao wanted to open his eyes in a daze.

He felt that his eyelids were heavy and his body was completely different from his own. He seemed to have been in a cold place for a long time, and his whole body was cold. Until a few days ago, the surrounding environment suddenly became warm. It was this warm feeling that slowly awakened him from his long dream.

The eyelids still couldn’t open, but he could feel a faint halo across the thin eyelids.

It’s so rare… Strange, why does he think it’s so rare? In fact, Meng Jiuzhao is in a very strange state now. He doesn’t know who he is. It is not forgotten, but it seems that he hasn’t used his brain for too long to remember.

Just a little more warmth, if you warmer a little more, his stiff brain might start working again.

God seemed to have heard his prayer, so slowly, Meng Jiuzhao felt that he really warmed up, and he could almost hear the sound of his blood beginning to flow again.

It’s so warm… It’s been a long time since I felt so warm…

Strange…why, I feel that time has passed for a long time?

The memory was pushed away very slowly. At this moment, the things that pressed Meng Jiuzhao and provided him with warmth were suddenly removed, the halo became stronger, and the temperature plummeted. Just when Meng Jiuzhao worried that he would be frozen again, The warm thing pressed on him again, and he felt warm again.

Meng Jiuzhao heard a muffled voice, one low and one thick, and he seemed to be talking every question and answer, but he couldn’t understand it.

But he was too tired, and the warmth surrounding him was too comfortable, so Meng Jiuzhao closed his eyes again and fell asleep.

Time passed slowly, and the warmth to protect Meng Jiuzhao was always there, only occasionally to breathe, change a…change a quilt? Meng Jiuzhao was awake for longer and longer, and he became more and more curious about the language that came into his ears from time to time. He can barely distinguish two syllables now, which should be the names of the two speakers, but still can’t understand the others.

He was able to open his eyes at first, but they opened them in vain. He seemed to be in a confined space with very dim surroundings, with only weak light coming through the wall.

Meng Jiuzhao slowly remembered his name, and remembered what happened before he fell asleep.

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