Original Again

Chapter 105: Grown up

One Utahraptor carrying the other Utahraptor ran to the tribal kitchen to rush to the tribe’s kitchen. It was so fierce!

Andy Fendi and the others were taken aback. They were about to organize a manpower to besiege this strange Utah Raptor, but they were stopped by Louis next to them!

“Tweet! Tweet!” With his little wings open, Louis reluctantly covered Wisser’s thigh with his own fat body. The other cubs ran over to join in the fun when seeing Louis like this. A group of cubs guarded Wisser strictly. Strictly.

Wiesel was deeply moved.

Throwing the dead Utahraptor to the ground, he hugged the cubs and started crying, and as he cried, he turned into a human form.

“Thank you, you, you are my family now… I, I am so touched!”

After holding this end and the other, Wiesel bathed the cubs one by one with tears.

Facing the small teardrops that Wieser dripped on his hair, Meng Jiuzhao could only be swayed by him passively. As the only person present who understood Louis’ language, he felt deeply that ignorance was sometimes true. A kind of happiness.

“Reserve grain! Reserve grain!” ← Louis tweeted, actually just to ensure that his family’s reserve grain was not robbed.


The chef is very happy recently, and everyone in the tribe has become very happy.

Wiesel first caught a small robber tentatively, and when he found it was very easy, he began to challenge the bigger prey. A small part of these extra food was reserved for the evening to share with other members, and most of them were given to the tribe’s cubs by Wiesel.

At the instigation of Meng Jiuzhao, Wiesel tinkered with all the custard.

Dandan can still be eaten like this!

The cubs fell in love with this delicacy all of a sudden! The little rabbits of Em’s family also like to eat very much. Hill, who was originally mildly anorexic, can’t wait to pounce his whole body into the bowl every time he sees custard. But I have to say that this kind of food is probably really suitable for him. Since eating the custard, Hill has grown fat three times, and now Hill is fat and very cute.

After discovering this, everyone left all the eggs for Hill to eat.

I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I licked Hill from top to bottom again.

The custard residue is also delicious~

Meng Jiuzhao, who saw the cubs licking Hill for the first time, was almost scared to death. He almost thought that these cubs were greedy for rabbit meat, and he hurried over.

After Paula’s introduction, Meng Jiuzhao knew that everyone was just licking the egg dregs on Hill’s body.

This answer is really funny and pathetic.

After touching Hill, who was very comfortable being licked for a while, he looked at Cocoa, which was obviously not licked enough. Meng Jiuzhao silently handed Hill out and supported his chin with one hand. He felt that he still had to develop the breeding industry.

It was at this time that he saw the chicken raised by Haru.

“If you want to eat eggs, you can come to the henhouse to pick them up in the future~” ← Haru really wanted Asari to pat the cubs on their **** and promised “If you want to eat, take them”, it’s a pity that his own chicken is too unbelievable…

“I just don’t know what’s going on, it hasn’t laid eggs yet…” Looking at the expectant cubs, Haru finally told the truth.

Seeing the fat chicken sitting in the chicken coop and devouring food, Meng Jiuzhao was really speechless.

“This is a Kantas!” At first glance, this body type is just a few years old, and it is a ghost that can lay eggs!

Haru was stunned when Meng Jiuzhao explained the true identity of the chicken.

He looked at the chicken, then at Louis, and finally at the fierce behind the cub. He compared the three body shapes, then turned to ask Meng Jiuzhao, “Is it Kantas?”

Meng Jiuzhao nodded to him unbearably.

As a result, the Kantas cub, who had been detained in the chicken coop for a year, was finally released after serving his sentence.

But to everyone’s expectations, he was unwilling to come out.

Sitting on the ground with a fat butt, he was holding the rice bowl Haru used to feed the chickens, with an expression vowing to sit tightly.

It wasn’t until Meng Jiuzhao promised him that he would only go for a stroll during the day and would keep him in a cage at night, that he reluctantly left.

I didn’t forget to bring his job before leaving ==///

Where did you come from, who was your father, how did you come here, is your father still looking for him…

This cub asked three questions.

Kantas would not give up his cub easily, and if he hadn’t found it for so long, his father had already encountered some misfortune. As strong as Kantas, it is not a omnipotent and immortal existence.

This cub was discovered by Haru on the fierce territory. It is said that when he met him, the little one was very thin and his tail hair was bald.

Around that time, he and his father were separated. He was lucky enough to get to the fierce territory, and then he was picked up by Haru and raised in a chicken coop. Survived and fattened N circles.

This lucky cub was named Abai by Haru.

It sounds very tall~

Meng Jiuzhao was surprised at the beginning that Haru was able to come up with such an imposing name, which sounded several times more handsome than his name “Baby” Domineering!

Then, after he knew the true meaning of the name, he couldn’t admire it anymore.

In the ethnic language of Haru, Abai means fat.

The newcomer Xiaopang, Abai is very popular, there are many people in the tribe who don’t have cubs~ Everyone wants to raise him, but he chose Haru in the end.

To be precise, he chose Haru’s chicken coop.

The egg-eating problem was finally solved by Haru.

After a period of observation, the little chicken-raising expert Haru finally discovered a small dinosaur that is easy to breed, has a high survival rate, and produces many eggs. The tribe first caught three of them and gave them to Haru for experimental breeding. Grabbing a few one after another, these guys quickly bred a litter from less than eight, and Haru’s dragon farm was opened in a prosperous manner.

There are a lot of custards to pick up every day, and there is no need to lick the custard on Hill anymore. Every cub can eat delicious custard every day.

Horsen always wanted to eat his brother, which was solved perfectly.

Since his cooking skills were praised by Theta, Wiesel has become more passionate about cooking! He is also stronger now, and he can go farther away. He will bring some fresh things back and burn it every now and then. Finally, one day, he found chili.

“It’s unpalatable…” The only comment after Sita was finished.

Wiesel orz too.

Just as Wiesel was about to throw the pepper away under his grief, Sita’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Therefore, Huo Sen liked the problem of eating his brother, and finally was solved by Theta perfectly, using chili! (←Props provided by Wiesel), the fragrant little rabbit…has been coated with a layer of chili.

Since then, Huo Sen no longer likes to eat his brother.

Brother is so terrible!


Under the care of adults, the cubs grew up happily.


Meng Jiuzhao frowned, he was held down by a mountain in his dream. He struggled desperately, but like the monkey grandson who was held down by the Five Finger Mountain, he couldn’t escape.

He just woke up sweating profusely.

Sure enough, it was Louis again.

“Louis, you are going to crush me to death…” shouting annoyedly, Meng Jiuzhao forcefully crawled out from under Louis’s wings.

Limping out, he ran into Wiesel, who was also limping over.

The two showed a knowing smile.

The baby was crushed by Louis again ←by Wiesel.

Wiesel was crushed by Theta again ←by Meng Jiuzhao

After unremitting efforts, Wiesel was finally overwhelmed by Theta two years ago.

Since then, he has become a frequent visitor to Meng Jiuzhao.

Meng Jiuzhao now sells plasters, that’s right~ it’s the kind of plasters like “Paste it wherever it hurts!”

In the beginning, it was just because of Louis’ changing tooth that the pain was so bad. Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t stand it. He gathered various herbs and made a plaster. When the medicine was cured, Louis’s old tooth quickly fell off and his new tooth grew. Faster than others; later, Bai broke his tooth during the hunting process. After Meng Jiuzhao performed the tooth extraction operation, he put a plaster on him, and the new tooth came out soon; then, the tribe always had a toothache. Heat, bruises, everyone ran to Black’s house as long as they were a little uncomfortable, and again and again, Meng Jiuzhao’s reputation was established.

The business is getting bigger and bigger, and now, even dinosaurs outside the fierce territory will come to him to buy toothpaste.

After skimming the small strips and ran back, Louis was already awake. Not only did he wake up, he also grabbed a prey, which had already been cut up, and he was waiting for Meng Jiuzhao to cook it. The prey was placed right next to the grill and the ingredients were also ready, but Louis was not there.

Looking at the huge diplodocus, Meng Jiuzhao resignedly walked over, picked up the neck of the diplodocus, and with a wave of the sword, his neck fell.

As early as four years ago, when iron ore was accidentally discovered, Meng Jiuzhao was very excited!

He immediately dragged the ore back with excitement, using various methods to get a rough iron embryo. That night, he was so excited that he stayed up all night.

Iron! Tools!

This is simply something that is engraved in the annals of history!

Then, then there is no more.

He worked so hard to make a knife, but it was severed by Grandpa’s claw, and finally half of the knife left was picked up by the discouraged Meng Jiuzhao and used it as a kitchen knife.

Although it is difficult to chop a Kantas or something, it is still very handy to chop a vegetable or a neck or something.

Poor the only kitchen knife in the world! It was buried like this…

With deep emotion in his heart, Meng Jiuzhao picked up Diplodocus’ neck on the grill.

Louis is now at the age of “half-old son, eating poor old man”. He has a lot of appetite. Because he is growing up, he eats more than Blake and for nothing. If he is allowed to eat, it is estimated that the whole tribe’s food will be a dragon. You can finish it. Fortunately, his hunting ability is unprecedented. Since five years ago, he has been able to provide himself with food. Not only his own food, but even Meng Jiuzhao’s food, he took care of it all.

Nowadays, Louis does not like to dine with the tribe, he prefers to dine at home.

“It’s time for dinner!” The fragrant barbecue was done, and Meng Jiuzhao sent a tail to the tribe’s collective dining place, and then began to greet the rest of the family to eat.

Grandpa was the first one to come. His old man saw that he had just come out of the den, and his body was still stained with hay in the den.

The old man didn’t care about it, leaving his **** to his grandfather, and he would be praised if it was properly done. Daddy Black and Daddy White were both tied for second place. These two came out after tidying up their instruments and washing their faces. Hands are also clean.

The two fathers preferred hind legs, so Meng Jiuzhao crossed the two hind legs and put them on the fathers’ plates.

Then, I got myself some soft belly meat, and Meng Jiuzhao also started eating.

While eating, the family talked cordially, ignoring the grandfather’s huge figure and the low growls from time to time. This is simply the breakfast table of an ordinary family on earth.

Then, when everyone was almost finished eating, Louis finally came–

The author has something to say: Ashiu’s Brain Hole Theater:

Theta: Hmph, although labor and management are indeed frightened by the truth that Wiesel is the Utah Raptor, as a female man, does labor and management show their emotions? But… Huh? I seem to have forgotten the matter of God? (°ー°〃) Wiesel: Q_Q, Sita, although your back is also very charming, don’t you really wipe the blood on your ass? [On the value of the female man in Sita] What did PS Louis Chick look like?

Decompose next time!

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