Original Again

Chapter 109: Buy eggs or lay eggs

The Kantas cubs who were kicked down fell into the water like potatoes.

These guys obviously didn’t swim very much in normal times, and their entry posture was terrible. Several times, Meng Jiuzhao was almost drowned by the splash caused by their struggle. Fortunately, they quickly mastered the basic posture of swimming by instinct. Once they found that they couldn’t die, their courage became fat again. Several Kantas wanted to swim back by coincidence, but they were quickly rushed back.

They can only be rushed to unknown distances by the current with other companions.

The water was getting shallower and shallower, as the first Kantas ran aground on the shore, after him, the Kantas behind him hit his **** head by head, and a Kantas quickly piled up on the bank. Formed hills.

Meng Jiuzhao and Louis were rushed up in the middle and back stages. As soon as they got ashore, Louis used his wings and forelimbs to balance his body and stood up. He stepped on the ground with great strength, Kantas, who had not yet risen, and marched forward bravely.

The unlucky ghost who was accidentally stepped on by him woke up with a howl when you stepped on me and got up when I touched you. Dozens of sub-adult Kantas walked towards the shore together.

Louis was walking in the forefront, occupying a corner leeward, and he carefully pulled Meng Jiuzhao off his neck.

“Dwarf—” Meng Jiuzhao felt that he was dying. After soaking in the water for a day, a night or more, his whole body became stiff.

All the little leather skirts on her body were soaked and it was so uncomfortable.

Seeing Meng Jiuzhao who was shivering cold, Louis lowered his head and helped him lick the water on his body.

Thankfully, he patted Louis’s mouth. Meng Jiuzhao hurriedly took out his pants from Louis’s backpack and put on them. Their backpack uses special fur, and most of the items in it are still dry. All right!

After putting on the small pants, he felt much safer. He then sent flint from his backpack and quickly collected the branches for fuel on the shore. Meng Jiuzhao gave birth to a small fire.

Meng Jiuzhao is a diligent person. When he feels comfortable, he can’t watch his brother get frozen. Soon, he found a big animal skin in his backpack again, and then got busy with Louis.

Even if they leave their father, the two cubs can take good care of themselves.

After the brothers cleaned up each other, they sat shivering by the fire and started to warm up.

At this moment, both of them were at a loss. Why did Dad kick them down without knowing it in advance. They didn’t know what was going on.

Meng Jiuzhao and Louis were busy on their own in the corner, and they didn’t notice how noticeable the fire they raised was. Many Kantas were taken aback first, and after discovering that Meng Jiuzhao and the others were not harmed by this strange thing, they gathered together curiously.

These sub-adult Kantas were all frozen, and the warmth of the fire comforted them. When Meng Jiuzhao found out, all the Kantas had gathered.

After the body is dry and warm, everyone’s stomachs are hungry.

“Roar! (Dad brought me food! There was a long grunt in his stomach. Kantas, the nearest to Meng Jiuzhao, finally moved. From a bag on his body, he suddenly took out a piece of something I don’t know. The dinosaur’s thighs were sparkling with blood, and they were a little soaked, but the hungry guy didn’t care about it at all, and he gobbled it up.

After his reminder, all the Kantas have awoke: he has me and I have it! Dad brought me some food too!

After tumbling over and over, all the Kantas, big or small, took something to eat, except for the Kantas to the left of Meng Jiuzhao. After searching for a long time, he found that he had lost his bag.

“Hoho~~~~ (Ah~ there is my favorite triceratops butt)!” Listening to this hobby, Meng Jiuzhao is really a black line.

These big guys now look like small kindergarten students. Parents who come out for the spring outing even bring lunches! Are you all this big now, okay? Our family Louis has long been able to hunt by himself—

Meng Jiuzhao was making complaints secretly, and suddenly, he passed a piece of meat next to him.

“Roar…” It’s in the bag my father gave me.

Louis roared in a low voice, with an unconcealable low.

Okay…their father…it turned out to have prepared a “Spring Outing Bento” for them too.

Even though they are so big, in the eyes of their father, they are still little pups who need his father’s care and food. This is the case in their home, and probably the same in other Kantas homes here.

Thinking of this, Meng Jiuzhao became sad again. He is like this. Then Louis, whose mind is several times more sensitive than him—

Meng Jiuzhao hurriedly raised his head. Sure enough, Louis was enveloped by the black air.

Eat sweet things when you are in a bad mood.

Meng Jiuzhao thought to himself, taking out a jar of honey from his backpack, he decided to make a honey barbecue for Louis.

His current strength is not comparable to that of ordinary humans. I don’t know if it is due to food or long-term exercise. The weight that Meng Jiuzhao can lift now is completely unattainable by normal humans, but he himself has never noticed this. , Easily lifted a large piece of meat, he put the meat on the fire.

The best ingredients are delicious simply by adding a little salt, and if you brush them with a thick layer of honey, it is simply tempting!

This kind of barbecue is the most commonly cooked and eaten at their home. For Louis, this is the taste of home.

Louis’ mood was obviously better, and Meng Jiuzhao finally breathed a sigh of relief, and just took a sigh of relief and took a step back startled by the drool dripping from the side.

Kantas, who had lost his bag next to him, gazed at him… the barbecue in his hand.

Well, this scene is probably a terrifying scene in the eyes of normal people, but in the eyes of Meng Jiuzhao, who has been raised by Kantas since he was a child, this poor Kantas is just greedy.

Also, I was kicked down by my father, drifting in the water for so long, and when I was cold and hungry, I realized that I had lost my father’s love bento.

This guy is too miserable!

So Meng Jiuzhao gave him a piece of barbecue.

After receiving the barbecue, Kantas immediately gobbled up.

After eating a full stomach and regaining strength, a part of Kantas immediately began to toss, walking up and down along the water’s edge, and they began to look for a way back.

Meng Jiuzhao was not idle either. He began to eavesdrop on Kantas’s conversation next to him. He soon discovered that most Kantas, like himself, was kicked down by his father in a muddle. As for what he came here to do, his own Dad somehow confessed that he wanted to buy (?) eggs, but the other guys didn’t get any notice at all.

“It’s useless… Dad said that I grew up and it was time to lay eggs, so he brought me here.” To Meng Jiuzhao’s expectation, the only clear Kantas was sitting next to Meng Jiuzhao. Kantas lost her bag confusedly.

and many more-

lay eggs? !

Meng Jiuzhao felt as if he had heard something terrible!

He suddenly thought of the last conversation with his father:

“By the way, what do we need to bring back?”

“Egg… Eggs are enough.”

This egg… Could it be that the verb in front of it is not “buy” but “sheng”? !

A word difference, a thousand miles away—

How to lay eggs? Who do you live with? What is it for?

Meng Jiuzhao was messed up in the wind.

Because of being overwhelmed, his whole person was in a strange state, confused, but the conversations of Kantas next to him continued to fall into his ears.

“I thought Dad would come with me, so I was willing to come with him, who knows…”

Unexpectedly, he was kicked cruelly by his father!

These Kantas, who grew up under the care of his father’s wings, probably haven’t received any hardships so far. Kantas, who had just spoken, actually cried.

“I’m only thirty-two years old, and I’m still a cub… I don’t want to leave my father~” Kantas said and cried on the other side.

“I’m younger than you, only thirty years old.”

This group of Kantas’s conversations simply made Meng Jiuzhao amazed!

I want to take my dad on a blind date… Do you want to lay eggs and have dad to watch?

Also, even if Kantas has a long cub period, you are already thirty years old! Thirty years old! Not three years old!

When I thought that my father was not much older than them, Meng Jiuzhao was speechless when comparing the two states.

So this is the true state of Kantas, his father’s age?

A large cub that has not been weaned at the age of 30?

In an instant, Meng Jiuzhao understood those fathers who said nothing, and waved goodbye to his cubs by kicking.

Although these large babies have extremely low self-care ability, they are Kantas with super combat effectiveness after all. No matter how far they are thrown, they will definitely be able to chase them back. Although these idiots have no IQ, they have a lot of strength! If you want to send these people to lay eggs, you have to do something decisive!

But… I and Louis are much younger than them~ Why are they kicked by my father?

In terms of age, it should be you guys who should be kicked down… Dad!

Although Meng Jiuzhao’s idea at the moment was not all right, he did guess part of it.

At first, the people who told Black and White that there was a blind date base there was a sudden rush.

And I told the cubs that the original intention of this place was just to impart common sense (by the way, I laughed at how funny Kantas went to the breeding ground). After all, the cubs already had cubs, so they should not go to the breeding grounds. It doesn’t make much sense anymore, he just teaches common sense.

Unexpectedly, the cubs were so flexible and kicked the grandson down in a blink of an eye without notifying him.

While the wind was messy, while flipping through the information about Kantas in his head, Meng Jiuzhao vaguely remembered what it was about.

Kantas’s blind date…seems to be carried out by the power of water.

According to data records, Kantas who live alone will only get together at two times, one is when the cubs are in the breeding ground, and the other is when they go to the breeding ground. They seem to have a convention in every piece of land where they gather to go to the breeding ground. Then, Kantas, who needs to go to the breeding ground every year, will gather on a certain day and go to the breeding ground together.

The most primitive research on Kantas’ search for breeding grounds has been conducted for many years, but there has never been a definite conclusion. The world of Kantas is still mysterious to most people, not to mention their courtship behavior, which is The secret of the secret.

If his guess is true, then he is already involved in this mysterious journey now.

Meng Jiuzhao felt a little excited when he thought that he could spy on a problem that would not be solved for many years in the future.

In the past, can I see Kantas again when I was born? Can you see Gulunza? If you can tell your dad about seeing Gulenza, dads must be very happy, right?

Thinking of this, Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t help being happy.

He hadn’t realized that he might not be able to come back to this incident.

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