Original Again

Chapter 111: Bald worries

The half-sized Kantas were growing up, and now it was the best time for them to eat. The lunch that father gave was quickly finished, and the Kantas had to hunt them by themselves.

Meng Jiuzhao and Louis started hunting very early, so they went out hunting normally when the food was finished. Although the nearby dinosaurs hid because of the passing of the Kantas, they still failed to escape the eyes of Louis and Meng Jiuzhao. Soon Louis caught a triceratops, and Meng Jiuzhao also poked a head with a homemade wooden fork. The little bird dragon came back.

Returning to the temporary station, Meng Jiuzhao skillfully set up a fire and began to barbecue. When he was lighting the fire, Louis helped him divide the prey and search for branches. The brothers worked closely together, and the wonderful aroma of barbecue soon spread from the fire.

The demonstration by the Meng Jiuzhao brothers made a part of Kantarsmouth start. Only then did they realize: Yes! You can also hunt by yourself!

This part of Kantas ran away in a swarm.

There was still something left that I didn’t realize.

Originally it was very uncomfortable to be hungry, but now I smell such a fragrant barbecue. I really can’t bear it~

In the face of unbearable hunger, the other Kantas ran out to hunt on their own. Only one Kantas had no intention of hunting. This Kantas named Alan is the largest and most domineering in this group of Kantas.

Before the fathers had eaten their bento, he liked to grab a piece of meat from the left and a fruit from the right. The robbed Kantas was unconvinced to fight with him, and he was beaten to the ground.

This time too, he finished his meal, and when he saw someone else had something to eat, he came over to eat. There are two pieces of meat on the shelf now, one is Meng Jiuzhao’s and the other is Louis’s. Compared with Louis’s barbecue, Meng Jiuzhao’s skewers are small and pitiful. Alan took a look and naturally chose Louis’s barbecue between the two barbecues. .

Then he unceremoniously prepared to stretch his paw to take it.

But he forgot that the meat here is not the food his father hunted back. Louis and Meng Jiuzhao are not his hard-working fathers. He just stretched out his paw, before he touched the meat on the shelf, the barbecue was picked up by Louis. .

“Roar!!!” That is my barbecue!

I completely forgot that he was the one who came here to try to eat, the big man howled angrily. He is the biggest Kantas here. Louis is more than half a head shorter than him, so he didn’t put Louis at all at the beginning. Keep it in the eye.

He decided to put some color on the short man.

The fat **** bumped towards Louis, and he was concentrating on eating barbecue. Louis hadn’t noticed that he bumped his ass.

Then, Meng Jiuzhao became angry–

That’s right! You read that right! Not Louis is angry, but Meng Jiuzhao is angry!

Meng Jiuzhao is usually a very good-tempered person, and he is also very patient. It can be seen from the fact that he has been patiently answering the 100,000 of these large children before. It can be seen that he is easy not to get angry. Breath back, two of them were related to Louis.

Once when I was a child, the cubs in the tribe played the house together. Meng Jiuzhao was not interested in this game, so he went to watch the astronomical phenomenon. When he came back, he found that a group of cubs’ house play was very advanced. Know how to role-play! Some people play the leader, some people play the mother… Then, Louis plays the role of a chicken ==///”How do you sell this chicken?”

“This chicken is fat! It’s expensive and expensive!”

That’s right, it’s still a chicken being auctioned.

Being locked in a cage, Louis’s big eyes were staring out.

Seeing this scene, Meng Jiuzhao turned his face on the spot. He and the female men in the tribe had a fight on the spot. The fight ended with him grabbing a bunch of hairs from Bora, and Paula grabbing his ass.

His **** hurts very much, but when he released Louis from the cage, he saw Louis’s little joyful eyes, he really felt that the fight was…worth it!

Although Louis looked like a chicken when he was a cub, Meng Jiuzhao still didn’t want others to really treat him as a chicken. Louis was thoughtful and wise. Many times, Meng Jiuzhao felt that Louis was much smarter than himself. Such a powerful Louis , Should not be treated as an animal.

********The dividing line of truth**********

The truth of the story-

Paula: “Louis-Louis! You play the leader when you play the house!”

Louis: (shaking his head)

Paula: “Then what are you going to play?”

Louis (look at the cage): “Chicken” (← pretending to be a chicken, you can go to the cage to sleep ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿).

The follow-up of the story-

The next day, when Bora’s mother was combing her hair, she found a flea in it.

Then Paula was shaved bald by her mother (囧)

********The dividing line of truth**********

The second time Meng Jiuzhao was angry, it was still because of Louis.

That was what happened when they first went to the Vita tribe a few years after they came to the New World.

When they exchanged items there, an egg was lost in the tribe. The Vita tribe turned their suspicion on Louis at that time, and in the crowd, they asked to search for Louis’s luggage.

Kantas loves to steal eggs is a well-known thing in the whole continent, but even so, he cannot be convicted just because Louis is a Kantas!

Immediately, Meng Jiuzhao asked the owners of the tribe to increase the exchange price of the items, and then he never went to the Vita tribe.

********The dividing line of truth**********

The truth of the story-

After discovering that many people in the Vita tribe were inquiring about Ah Tu in secret, Louis became depressed.

Louis is not happy, and the leader of the Vita tribe loses the egg.

A few months later, a little dragon who looked exactly like the leader came out of the house of the person who convicted Louis of being an egg thief.


Although it is terrifying in the eyes of others, in the eyes of Meng Jiuzhao, Louis is always the little boy who came out of his shell much later than him, and stubbornly stepped on the heads of other pups to grab food. It was always the first time he walked on the ground just for the sake of The little fat bird who found him fruit was the good brother who faced the giant hyena and ran away bravely and fearlessly on his back.

What’s more, their Louis is just looking big. According to his age, Louis is the youngest here~ Romantic and sensitive in heart, Louis, who is not talkative, is easy to be bullied!

Meng Jiuzhao was angry, and the consequences were serious.

Picking up the barbecue stick, completely ignoring that the fire on it was still burning, Meng Jiuzhao brandished his weapon towards the big bully Kantas.

Alan’s **** was stiffly hit with several fire sticks.

Meng Jiuzhao’s strength was not comparable to that of ordinary human beings. What’s more, he was waving a burning stick, and Alan immediately jumped with pain. Because he still had the fat splashed on his body, sparks appeared on the scales of his **** for a while.

Alan was terrified, and Meng Jiuzhao was terrified.

At this moment, Louis finally got up and looked at Alan, whose **** was on fire, and Meng Jiuzhao, who was anxious to find a way to put out the fire. Louis touched Meng Jiuzhao lightly and motioned to him for the water basin on the ground.

Knowing what he meant at once, Meng Jiuzhao immediately threw the contents of the basin at Alan.

The spark went out, and Alan stood in front of him dumbfounded, with blood on his ass.

Meng Jiuzhao immediately looked down at the basin in his hand: Oops! In a desperate situation, he had forgotten that this was the basin just filled with blood!

“Don’t bully Louis! If you let me see you bullying him again, be careful I continue to beat you!” Even though there was a little frustration, Meng Jiuzhao waved the stick roughly at Alan.

After threatening Alan, Meng Jiuzhao went to check Louis’s situation and found that he was okay, Meng Jiuzhao grilled another piece of meat for him.

Alan looked at the side blankly for a while, before seeing Meng Jiuzhao handing him the meat for a while, he finally left dejectedly.

Finally, all the Kantas went hunting, and they finally started hunting for the first time after leaving their father.

Although Alan was a bit pitiful in the end, Meng Jiuzhao was not prepared to pity him. The opponent was a strong Kantas, and he was unable to pity each other. Moreover, now he and Louis finally came to the pure Kantas world. At this time, You must never show your cowardice. In a group, there will always be bullies and bullies. He doesn’t intend to be bullied.

In the face of the strong, you must be stronger than him, even if you can’t, at least you must show your position.

He is not alone now, he is a man with a younger brother to take care of~

Meng Jiuzhao shook his head and added another piece of meat to the grill.

Kantas, who had hunted before, came back one after another, but it was completely different from what Meng Jiuzhao thought in his heart. The prey they brought back was so miserable and pitiful!

No Kantas can bring back prey of the same level as Triceratops, and they are all small prey. Only one Kantas brought back food that was big enough to eat a half full, but looking at the wound on his thigh, he also experienced a fierce battle for this prey.

“Can you bake this for me?” Jojo also returned, and he brought back a small raptor.

“You are really amazing~ you can actually catch a triceratops.” Putting the prey on the fire, Jojo lay down, watching Louis eat the leftover triceratops butt, he said with envy.

“…Louis was able to catch the triceratops three years ago.” Meng Jiuzhao thought that all Kantas were like Louis, who could hunt on their own at a young age, but the performance of the Kantas before him made him doubt. My previous thoughts.


“This is my first hunting!” Jojo licked the scales of the prey contentedly, “If Dad knew that I could hunt the prey, I don’t know how happy it would be~ By the way, I want to leave a scale of the prey. Go back and show it to Dad.”

Seeing Qiao Qiao who really started to scrape the scales of his prey, Meng Jiuzhao had a black line.

Well, originally he was still guilty of letting his parents raise him at this age, but now it seems… really poor toss. No wonder Meng still feeds Black and Leucorrhea every day, and feelings are normal!

Meng Jiuzhao sighed as he watched the large cubs who started playing with rocks in their mouths after eating their prey.

With such a group of Kantas, can they really walk to the breeding ground alive?

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