Original Again

Chapter 123: Laying eggs...happy ==. . .

When he discovered that other Kantas had stolen his own stone, Gulenza had only one reaction: beating.

Now that it was found out that the stone was stolen by his own cub, Gulenza’s reaction was completely different.

Regarding Meng Jiuzhao and the others’ act of stealing the stones, Gu Lunza said: If you can’t find it, you will grab it. This is a very good thing, and you have done a good job. “We didn’t grab it… it was given by others…” Meng Jiuzhao said weakly, shocked by Gu Lunza’s remarks.

“It is also very powerful to let others help you grab it.” Gu Lunza’s expression became more calm.

Meng Jiuzhao: Uncle, your direction of education…seems to be a little off…

and also–

Uncle, you really are the egg raised by grandpa!

He did bad things but was still praised. Meng Jiuzhao said that he was a little guilty.

Kantas who was present couldn’t beat his uncle, so Meng Jiuzhao and the others were safe for the time being.

It is a pity that since then, others will look at them with vigilance.

Meng Jiuzhao, who has long been regarded by adults as a good example for cubs, is depressed.

After showing off his (brother) cubs one by one in front of other Kantas, Gu Lunza left with Meng Jiuzhao and Louis.

Although his expression is always the same, his slightly raised tail hints that he is in a very dark mood at the moment.

Following Gulunza’s tail, Louis and Meng Jiuzhao followed him through many nests.

For Meng Jiuzhao, this is a rare opportunity to observe the adult Kantas lair! Although a lot of materials are prepared, the sub-adult Kantas on their side has not yet built a nest: no one knows how to build it~

After all, it was the first time to come to the breeding ground. The place currently chosen by Meng Jiuzhao and Qiao Qiao is located at the edge of this breeding ground, which is not a good location.

To put it simply and clearly, it is a slum~

Most of the people who choose to nest here are the young Kantas and the weaker Kantas. With their experience and abilities, most of them can’t beat the more experienced and stronger Kantas, so the stones picked up It’s relatively rare. Until now, the stones in their hands are still not enough to support them to build a nest.

So Meng Jiuzhao and the others have not found a suitable opportunity to steal the teacher how to build a house. Let Qiaoqiao and Xiaohua go out. Meng Jiuzhao’s original intention was to let them steal the teacher. As a result, they stole the stone.

Although Meng Jiuzhao can build a nest, it is a nest used by mammalian orcs after all, and it is completely different from Kantas’s nest in memory. Although Meng Jiuzhao was happy to teach these Kantas what he knew, it would be bad if he taught them the wrong things.

Meng Jiuzhao’s first feeling when he saw these lairs: Fortunately, he didn’t rashly teach Qiaoqiao and the Vash tribe how to build houses!

The traditional lair of Kantas is completely different from the lair of the Vash tribe.

The place where the uncle lives is obviously here in the “Fulong District”. Kantas who can live here are very tough. First of all, they came first, so they can choose the best position; secondly, their bodies are strong enough, but they can hold on. Their own territory; in the end, relying on their experience and physical strength, they now have enough materials to build a large number of nests.

The outside of these nests looks like an overturned tube, starting from the end of the entrance, getting thinner and thinner. The nest was built with stones. In addition to stones, the Kantas also used snow as a binder. They filled the gaps in the stones with snow little by little. After a night of wind, it became very strong. The entire nest, including the top, was glued bit by bit with stones and ice.

The nest has been built, and at this moment, he is showing a black mouth to Meng Jiuzhao. I don’t know why a sentence appeared in Meng Jiuzhao’s mind: Go in, you can’t get out…

Although the workmanship is very meticulous and the nest looks very strong, Meng Jiuzhao can’t tell how comfortable this nest is!

It’s a little black house! There is still the kind of no return!

“The nest is built like this for Mao…” Meng Jiuzhao murmured his own question.

“For the female.” Gu Lunza was still so concise, and a single sentence blocked all of Meng Jiuzhao’s problems.

Bringing a bunch of sub-adult Kantas to make enough “ice bricks” for the uncle, Meng Jiuzhao shyly took them and the Gulunza system to learn how to build Kantas traditional nests.

“The inside of the nest is getting narrower and narrower.”

“The entrance is just a circle bigger than your buttocks, it can’t be bigger.”

“Inside the nest, use more stones in the middle to thicken a layer.”

Gulenza is a good teacher. In the breeding season, any homosexual Kantas will be his hidden opponent, but Gulenza still teaches his many years of nesting experience. I have to say that it was really lucky to meet him.

With high military value, careful work, brains, and good-looking, how could such an uncle still have no cubs of his own?

Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t understand, but it was difficult to ask Gu Lenza, he had to put the question in his stomach.

When the dense cylindrical nests entangled the entire breeding ground, people like Meng Jiuzhao who did not have dense fear were a little scared.

It can only be said that Kantas’s female aesthetics is too weird.

After the construction of the lair was completed, Kantas here had a new move.

They started hunting.

It is not a hunting that is eaten after hunting before, but a reserve hunting. They start to catch a large amount of food and then store the food inside the nest.

Meng Jiuzhao and the others did.

In addition to these, Meng Jiuzhao also discovered that these Kantas began to become excited, and almost every night, he could hear Kantas’s roar, who was unable to sleep.

All this seems to herald the same answer: the females are coming.

On the day the girls came, Louis was in charge of guarding the nest at the breeding ground, while Gulunza was taking Meng Jiuzhao fishing.

When returning to the breeding ground with the prey that came back full, Meng Jiuzhao was stunned.

“Oh my God! What is that—”

It’s no wonder that Meng Jiuzhao was surprised. On the ice sheet where the breeding ground was originally their lair, there were so many unidentified creatures at this moment! Most of their bodies are in their lair, only a small section is exposed outside. The thing is struggling desperately, but it can’t get out. They are actually stuck!

“Roar~~~~~” I found something in the lair. Whether it was staying in the breeding ground or Kantas who had just gone outside to hunt, there was a strange howling from his throat.

Meng Jiuzhao was dumbfounded when he understood their howling.

“The females are here! Come catch the females!!!”

Depend on! Rely on rely on—

Is this cheerful tone of “playing the landlord and dividing the field” really the correct response to seeing the girls?

However, Gu Lunza’s words further confirmed this statement.

“Remember, look for the big ass, the female with the big **** is good for laying eggs.” The uncle’s tone was as flat as ever, but his movements were unusually fast. Before the other Kantas, he had already started to run.

Feeling that Meng Jiuzhao ran too slowly, he quickly threw Meng Jiuzhao on his back.

Worthy of being a good hand at building a nest, Gulunza’s cage-no! It was Gulenza’s lair, and indeed trapped a creature that was said to be a Kantas female. She squeezed away the male who took the opportunity to **** it. Gulenza let out a demonstrative roar, and then steadily landed on her lair. Above. Craning his neck and looking down, Gu Lunza showed a satisfied expression and slid Meng Jiuzhao down his body. He gently pushed Meng Jiuzhao with his mouth, “Go on, A Bald, this female has a big butt.” His voice was full of encouragement.

Meng Jiuzhao swallowed nervously, and he glanced down with his head.

Sure enough, as Gulenza said: This “female” has a big butt…


This is too big! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Also “go on”…what do you use to “go on” ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! ! ! ! Do you use toothpicks?

Looking at the girl under him, Meng Jiuzhao was violent.


The Kantas female below was really the girl with the biggest **** he had ever seen.

Not only is her **** big, she is big everywhere.

The male Kantas are already very big carnivorous dinosaurs, and these female Kantas are actually more than a circle larger than the males! The body length is also longer. At this moment, their huge bodies are perfectly embedded in the cylindrical nests, just like the eels that have entered the cage and can’t retreat.

Meng Jiuzhao suddenly remembered the question he had asked Gu Lunza before. Regarding the question of why such a strange nest was built, Gu Lunza’s answer was “for the female”. His understanding at the time was very good, thinking that Kantas females had a special aesthetic vision. , I like to lay eggs in a small black room, but as a result——

Uncle, you missed two words at that time, right?

The full answer is not “for the female”, but “to catch the female”, right? !

Since most of the female’s body was stuck in the nest, Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t see her whole body, only their exposed tails could be seen.

When they saw their hind limbs clearly, Meng Jiuzhao was immediately taken aback!

The tails of these Kantas females look no different from the males except for a little longer, but the legs are completely different: without strong claws, their hind limbs look more like paddle-shaped flippers. ! On closer inspection, their scales are completely different from the males, and the females’ scales are obviously more suitable for life in the water!

They live in the water-Meng Jiuzhao immediately realized this problem!

In an instant, a lot of details were connected in his mind, and Meng Jiuzhao vaguely understood a lot of things that he didn’t understand before…

At this moment, he suddenly had deep empathy for the matter of his father’s abandoning of females and his internal cp; at this moment, he also suddenly felt that his grandfather would rather steal someone’s eggs than lay eggs on his own. Deep resonance: In the face of such a girl, he, he really can’t get up~ and can’t get down!

Turning his head, seeing Gu Lunza who looked expectantly behind him, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly admired him.

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