Original Again

Chapter 131: Laid three eggs

Time slipped quietly for a short while.

There are fewer and fewer Kantas who gather together to catch fish every day, and more and more Kantas are no longer out of the nest at all. I would rather not eat or drink than go out. There is only one reason why I think-the female is about to lay eggs.

Meng Jiuzhao immediately realized this change. The reason was simple-Louis brought back a lot more food than before.

There are fewer competitors and more food naturally, but Louis has become a bit wrong. Although he had tried to hide as much as possible, Meng Jiuzhao still decisively discovered Louis’ anxiety.

He eats less and less, walking around the lair every day, looking restless.

In addition, Louis brought back more and more food every day, and he brought back too much food to eat, so he gave it to Meng Jiuzhao for storage.

Since childhood, as long as it is something that Louis wants to hide, no one else will find out, even Meng Jiuzhao is no exception. He couldn’t figure out the reason for it, and couldn’t find out the question.

Then one day, Meng Jiuzhao finally learned the reason for Louis’s anxiety.

Because-he has the same symptoms himself! ! ! !

Squatting in the temporarily dug pit for a long time, it was too hard to come out. The buttocks were almost frozen by the blow. After holding on for a while, Meng Jiuzhao just lifted his pants with a tangled expression on his face.

The sequelae of long-term lack of vegetables and fruits has finally come, and that is painful constipation.

Meng Jiuzhao looked at Louis with sympathy: He squatted until his legs were numb, his buttocks were frozen, or he couldn’t get out of anything. It’s really painful to drive his feet every day, just being unable to get in or out.

It turned out that Louis felt this way every day, no wonder he was so anxious.

“It turns out that you are so anxious these days because of this reason~” Meng Jiuzhao patted Louis on the shoulder with understanding, “I am just like you recently.”

Well, for the face-saving chicken Louis, constipation is really an unspeakable pain. If someone is like him, maybe he can be more positive about this problem, right?

What greeted Meng Jiuzhao was a joyful hug of Louis!

Even if it is the same disease, there is no need to be so moved, right? Meng Jiuzhao froze, it was nothing, the next second Louis said something that made him even more dumbfounded——

“Have you got it too?”

Got it? have what? ill? Have hemorrhoids? Have–

“There’s an egg!” Louis’s answer without hesitation completely stunned Meng Jiuzhaolei.

“I have been feeling uncomfortable lately, and my belly is slightly fatter. I want to go easily, but I haven’t reacted for a long time…I thought of what I saw at Haru before…” Little Chicken Louis is Little Chicken Louis, explaining Constipation is explained more elegantly than others. but……

Wait—the sight seen from Haru?

The familiar name made Meng Jiuzhao stunned. He thought for a long time before he realized what Louis was referring to: Haru, isn’t it the chicken coop in the tribe? What can be seen in the chicken coop besides the chickens in the broody? !

“…To sum up, I think I must have it.” Sure enough, just as Meng Jiuzhao expected, Louis continued on.

The corners of his mouth trembled, and Meng Jiuzhao had no idea what expression to use.

It is the people who want to lay eggs so much that they can understand constipation as laying eggs——

However, the feeling of constipation might be very similar to the feeling that a hen has an egg and can’t lay it. It’s all stuck there. Speaking of chickens, many animals seem to eat stones to help digestion when they have indigestion…Wait-vaguely remember that when he was a baby, when he was still living with his fathers in the ice field, the fathers also seemed to have constipation often , How did they alleviate this situation at that time?

Stone… by the way!

It’s a stone!

The capsules that he and Louis were in seemed to be eaten into their stomachs for this reason. Why did I forget this?

There must be an antidote next to the poison, and constipation is no exception. There must be a place around the food that causes constipation that can relieve constipation. With memory, Meng Jiuzhao found a kind of gray stone and did not spend much time on him. There was this kind of stone on the lair. He only pried off the smallest piece and smashed it into powder. He licked the powder for a day and waited quietly for a day. After a little bit of defecation, he happily ate more. Stone powder.

This time he seemed to have eaten too much. That night, he ran several times to the pit.

There were some cobblestones in the poop, so I didn’t dare to look at it. Meng Jiuzhao quickly buried the **** and ran back to the lair.

Without constipation and relaxing, Meng Jiuzhao had a rare good night’s sleep that day. In the days that followed, the symptoms of constipation did not bother him again.

Facts have proved that the stone is really symptomatic.

On the same day, Meng Jiuzhao smashed a whole stone into powder. He sprinkled the powder on the food of the day and let Louis eat it.

Early the next morning, Meng Jiuzhao was forcibly pushed to wake up by Louis——

“A bald! Get up quickly~” It’s rare to hear Louis’ such happy surprise voice. Meng Jiuzhao rubbed his eyes in a daze and got up. When he opened his eyes, he was startled by what was in front of him!

Egg! A lot of big white eggs-this is Meng Jiuzhao’s first reaction.

Where did the egg come from? The moment this question appeared in his mind, Meng Jiuzhao immediately stared at Louis with suspicion.

Louis went to steal the egg again ← this is the only answer Meng Jiuzhao can think of.

“It’s really not steal this time.” Facing his partner’s question, Louis slowly shook his head, “This is my birth.”

“Huh?” Meng Jiuzhao twitched his mouth on the spot.

“Last night my stomach hurts suddenly. I thought about whether I was going to give birth, so I went to squat next to the prepared place. Tu, it really hurts at the time. Fortunately, I suddenly remembered the breathing method you taught Sita. Exhaling in that way, the pain really alleviated…” With a beam of happiness in his eyes, Louis confided to Meng Jiuzhao: “…Persisted until the early hours of the morning, and finally gave birth…”

“Three eggs! A bald, we have three eggs!” Finally, when he mentioned the number of eggs, Louis could no longer hold back his inner joy. Holding Meng Jiuzhao’s paw, he rounded his hands. The three eggs were placed in Meng Jiuzhao’s arms.

Holding the “egg”, Meng Jiuzhao froze.

As a person who has experienced the same situation, no one knows what is going on better than him!

There is no thrilling egg laying process, some are just dark diarrhea process-can describe the process of diarrhea so ups and downs, Louis…you are so talented…

Meng Jiuzhao looked at Louis on the opposite side deeply. He felt that the three “eggs” in his arms…

It smells so bad!

Thinking of where these three stones came from, Meng Jiuzhao felt that he couldn’t hold it for a second!

“I flew to the warm water lake early in the morning and took a bath for Dandan. They are so fragrant~” I couldn’t see the entanglement of his partner at all, Louis smiled, his smile was so holy and flawless, the stone in the poop… …Too unworthy of him!

“By the way, I gave birth to the two larger eggs, and you gave the smaller eggs.” Louis continued to smile gently. If you just look at his expression, people will only be fascinated by his smile, and Meng Jiuzhao But I immediately understood the side meaning of his sentence: Dear A Bale, I not only checked my poop, but also checked your **** by the way~

I miss the flush toilet so much—this is the only thought left in Meng Jiuzhao’s mind.

“Such an important egg, let you hatch it.” The expression on his face continued to be solemn, and Meng Jiuzhao solemnly exchanged the heavy egg in his arms to Louis.

Kantas’ instinct to incubate eggs is passed down from his bones, even if there is no egg, they will hatch if they find a rock. As early as in infancy, Meng Jiuzhao had seen such examples.

In fact, this is also a kind of herd effect-when an individual receives the influence of the group, the individual will gradually change their opinions, judgments and even behaviors, and gradually become consistent with the rest of the group.

Without textbook references and no elders to guide them, Kantas rely on observing the behavior of their peers to regulate their progress in life. So, other Kantas began to build nests, individual Kantas also began to build nests; other Kantas pried shells to eat, individual Kantas also gave up fishing to eat shells…

Now, other Kantas began to hatch eggs, and Louis took it for granted that he should hatch.

There were three more eggs in the middle of the two of them.

The wings that had been kept away were also released. Louis carefully folded the wings and put them on top of the egg, and he began to incubate the egg.

Like other Kantas nests, their nest has also changed from a passionate wedding room to a safe and warm nursery.

Now the hunter every day is replaced by Meng Jiuzhao.

Just as Meng Jiuzhao believed in Louis, Louis also repayed his wholehearted trust in Meng Jiuzhao. At the moment when he shouldered the important task of incubating the next generation, he also trusted the task of providing food for the two to Meng Jiuzhao.

Meng Jiuzhao really did not live up to his trust. He brought a lot of fish back every day. Heh… a small part of it was caught by him with a backpack, and most of it was given by Alice in the ice cave.

For this little guy who waits on the ice at a fixed time every day, Meng Jiuzhao can’t bear to always call her “feeding”, thinking that he is unlikely to have cubs, so he simply named the cubs before. To her.

Alice in Wonderland-this name is very suitable for the future mermaid.

Alice likes her name very much. When she is happy, she will call her name aloud. Sometimes Meng Jiuzhao really wanted to remind her that her name was not used like that, but seeing her having fun, he always let it go.

There are fewer Kantas who came to catch fish during this period. The ice hole on the water should have been frozen long ago, but because Alice is used to waiting for Meng Jiuzhao here every day, I don’t know how many times she hits from below every day. The ice hole remained unfrozen.

Then one day, when Meng Jiuzhao came to catch fish again, he found that the ice cave suddenly expanded.

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