Original Again

Chapter 138: Danger!

Since he has been teaching other Kantas pocket sewing methods, Meng Jiuzhao was able to meet the newborn cubs who were supposed to be kept tightly under the **** by their father.

Most of these little guys are as lazy as George, and they have a different-dimensional stomach bag that can’t be filled anyhow. They tweeted and tweeted every day except for sleep. However, unlike his own light yellow chickens, most of these little guys’ hairs are silver-gray. When he first noticed this, he was a little curious. As a person with complete memories of his infancy, he knew I remember the Kantas cubs I saw when I was born, most of their Mao Mingming is white~

In the end, the well-informed Grenza answered him.

It turns out that the color of the cubs is directly related to the color of their mothers, and this correlation will continue, even if they change their scales as adults, and the mother’s scales will also affect their scale patterns. The male Kantas, who has lived with his father since childhood, only knows his father and does not know who his mother is. The scales can help them identify their mother.

Unlike the male Kantas, the female Kantas live in groups. They go to the breeding ground together every year. After the breeding season is over, they will return to the original group together and give birth to female cubs in their own group. Mother, daughter, and granddaughter will live together until they die, and their scales are exactly the same.

However, female Kantas do not go to the same breeding ground every year. Like male Kantas, females have a very long breeding time. They will not mate again until their cubs are big enough. This strange mating habit greatly avoided the possibility of inbreeding the Kantas.

“If you encounter the same scale pattern, you won’t mate. Many of the children born are bad guys.” That’s what Gu Lunza told him at the time. He was so serious about the bad guys that Meng Jiuzhao almost burst into laughter. But he soon thought of strange places.

“If the females who come to the breeding ground every year are all females of the same ethnic group, then why do the fathers have different coat colors?” You can tell from the name that Daddy Black was black when he was a cub, while Daddy White was a little white chicken.

“This…” Gulunza tilted his head and thought: “There were invaders in the breeding ground that year.”

“A lot of Kantas from other breeding grounds came to grab the cubs.”

“Huh?” This amount of information is a bit surprising!

“But we were beaten away. Taking advantage of their lack of population, we picked up a lot of cubs in their breeding grounds.” Gulenza added one more point.

“…” Meng Jiuzhao’s expression became very subtle.

So, this is a story about being robbed instead of being robbed…? !

“The breeding grounds in my hometown are the best breeding grounds. The females who can get there are strong and the cubs born are the strongest. We have never lost a fight!”

Gulenza finally made a summary with great pride.

It seems that in the future, we must be careful about the Kantas, which has similar scale patterns to grandpa, dad, and uncle ← Meng Jiuzhao also made a summary.

However, after the uncle’s introduction, Meng Jiuzhao learned a little about the breeding grounds of Kantas.

It turns out that Kantas does not have only one breeding ground. On the contrary, they have many breeding grounds. Large and small breeding grounds are distributed on this cold ice sheet. When the weather warms, these breeding grounds will melt after the glaciers melt. It becomes a small island floating on the water independently, and the safety factor between each other is greatly improved.

The breeding grounds where I and Louis were born are not in the same area. According to the uncle, the breeding grounds completely disappeared due to the earth movement, and no one knows where the island has gone. After Gu Lunza searched nearby for three or four years without success, he got up and flew to the outside world.

“Dad, me, your father, and the two of you were all born there. Dad’s territory is also nearby… I really want to go back there and have a look.” Meng Jiuzhao still remembers his uncle’s expression. An expression of nostalgia and yearning, and a little sad.

Yes, the two cubs of the uncle are also buried there.

There is also their birthplace.

So Meng Jiuzhao also sewed a big pocket on the uncle’s robe.

Two weeks later, the cubs have grown up a little bit, the original big pockets can only hold half of their bodies, so after so long, these fluffy chickens can finally grow up. Bright meets guests.

They are no longer weak chickens when they were born. With big eyes, they are looking at the world in a novel way. Although it is cold outside, although their father has worked so hard to press their little heads down again and again, but These curious cubs always sneak out of their pockets when their father is not paying attention.

For this breeding ground, this year is a bumper year.

The Kantas who came here basically have their own cubs, and they can eat enough food every day. The cubs grow up at a speed visible to the naked eye every day. The only thing they need to do now is to download Before a cold current hits, let the cubs eat as much food as possible, so that when the glacier is frozen again, they can take the cubs out of the breeding ground and live in a warm area more suitable for the growth of the cubs.

Meng Jiuzhao instinctively knew that the time to go home was getting closer. Thinking of the family members who were about to meet, Meng Jiuzhao was a little bit shy, but more of it was urgent joy.

He began to store food. One-third of the food was prepared for the way home, the other third was a gift to Dad and Grandpa, and the last third…

It’s for Alice.

Meng Jiuzhao is a little worried about this loli who will report every day. He likes this loli with a crooked mouth very much. He is well-behaved and obedient. If possible, he doesn’t mind taking her back, but ——

Fish cannot live without water. What’s more, the water here is still the water in the extremely cold area. God knows if she will die immediately after leaving this water area. For her good, Meng Jiuzhao does not allow herself to take her away from her hometown for the simple reason of love.

The return date is just around the corner. Meng Jiuzhao didn’t know what to say to her. He could only work hard. Meng Jiuzhao caught a lot of rodents for Alice. Most of them were eaten by her, and the rest was made into dried rat meat. When I got up, the number of rodents was limited. What Meng Jiuzhao prepared most was all kinds of dried fish, hiding all these foods behind a big rock, and he told Alice that this was the place to come to eat when there was no food in the future.

In addition, Meng Jiuzhao made a big backpack for Alice. Alice was extremely happy when she received the backpack. The empty backpack was swollen in a few days, and she didn’t know what she had put in it.

The situation in this breeding place this year is quite special: a large number of sub-adult Kantas have arrived in a batch, and the relationship between them is very good. They all caught their own females, and then had their own eggs. After this, the group of Kantas experienced the sinister ice melting period early, and they also learned how to sew their pockets for so long. The Kantas in this breeding place is surprisingly good.

You know, in other breeding places, most Kantas are just the same people who gather together temporarily. Everyone gathers together to attract more females. Except for a very small number of Kantas, who go to the breeding ground together every year, There is no communication between most Kantas.

Therefore, the breeding ground where Meng Jiuzhao is now is very special.

They will take the initiative to greet them, and they will also share their cub breeding experience together, and even, when hunting, they are willing to put the cubs together to raise them.

For Kantas, this is the greatest trust they can give.

According to Gu Lunza, he had only seen this situation in the breeding place where Meng Jiuzhao was born. Besides, he had changed so many breeding places over the years and he had never seen the same situation again.

The key person who caused all these changes was Meng Jiuzhao. He used his behavior to inadvertently integrate these powerful and arrogant Kantas. He inadvertently changed Kantas’s lifestyle, and even what he did was not good for Kantas. Tas’s future also has a profound impact.

Unfortunately, the man who caused all this-Meng Jiuzhao knew nothing about it.

He is very troubled.

When several older Kantas headed by Gulenza announced that they were going to leave the breeding ground, the Kantas in the breeding ground began to make the necessary preparations for their return journey. Food is the big head they need to prepare. In order to prepare more food, most of them have gone out. Before these Kantas leave, where to put the cubs is the most important thing they need to consider.


“Dear A bald, I’ll leave the Duo to you~” Without much thought, Xiao Hua immediately took her plump cub out of Alan’s belly pocket and stuffed it into Meng Jiuzhao’s hand.

After him, Ya Ya followed closely, and a plump chuckle was also carried on his paw.

After Yaya is Jojo, after Jojo is Xiaolu, after Xiaolu is…

In short, when Meng Jiuzhao’s consciousness finally returned, he was already surrounded by a group of fat chirps ==////The sub-adult Kantas who went with him to the breeding ground all chose to leave the cubs to his guard. Then, the remaining Kantas didn’t know what the psychology was, and brought his own cubs. The cubs of the entire breeding ground were all concentrated around Meng Jiuzhao’s lair. The scene was unprecedentedly spectacular!

Meng Jiuzhao:  ̄▽ ̄?

“The cub will be handed over to you~ Let’s go hunting~~~~” Jojo, who was still very lively even as a father, flew away anxiously and became a prototype. After him, the rest of Kantas got up. In the blink of an eye, there were only less than nine Kantas left in the entire breeding ground, and this number also included one Meng Jiuzhao.

Unknowingly…I was elected as a kindergarten nanny…

Protest! ! ! ! ! !

He looked up at the sky until his neck became sore, and the group of Kantas in the sky had no intention of flying back. Meng Jiuzhao rubbed his neck and had to bow his head and saw the hairy dumplings on the spot. The corners of his mouth twitched. smoke.

so cute!

So cute!

I’m about to get a nosebleed!

None of the above reactions, Meng Jiuzhao only feels that he is really hard to fight. Although these fat chirps are very small, they are all fat! Even if they are fat, they still like to press on the feet of adults very much. At this time, Meng Jiuzhao’s right foot is already occupied by his family’s George. Although George is small, he is sinking! The other cubs couldn’t squeeze him at all. == /// Around Meng Jiuzhao’s 43-yard left foot, dozens of fat chirps fought fiercely. In the end, Xiaohua’s Duo Tuo was fat enough and he succeeded. He crushed all his opponents and finally sat on Meng Jiuzhao’s left foot. The moment that little **** pressed down on Meng Jiuzhao’s feet, the corners of Meng Jiuzhao’s mouth twitched and twitched.

These cubs… are really heavy…

Although Meng Jiuzhao feels a bit overwhelmed by these fat tweets, there are always people rushing to help him share it. This doesn’t–

Gulenza immediately jumped out!

As one of the nine-headed Kantas who stayed behind in the breeding ground, Gulunza stayed with his strongest reason. He was serious and boiled as long as the other Kantas handed over the cubs!

so cute!

So cute!

I’m about to get a nosebleed!

As a normal male Kantas, after the cubs’ father flew away, he immediately rushed over.


The cubs seemed to be very reluctant to buy this strange bird. They squeezed into a ball and backed away in the direction of Meng Jiuzhao. Dozens of cubs were surrounded by Meng Jiuzhao’s legs, furry and warm.

Meng Jiuzhao’s originally incomprehensible heart suddenly shook. At this moment, he didn’t know why, he suddenly raised his head and looked towards the sky——

In the sky, I don’t know when many small black spots appeared, and when he realized that they were a group of Kantas flying towards him, Meng Jiuzhao’s first feeling: Xiaohua and the others are back?

However, he soon discovered that it was wrong!

At the same time, Gulunza suddenly let out a roar!

Accompanied by the deafening dragon roar, a huge Kantas with teeth and claws jumped in front of Meng Jiuzhao and the cubs. Almost at the same time that he became a prototype, there were the remaining seven Kantas who stayed behind in the breeding ground. They rushed from different directions, and they surrounded Meng Jiuzhao and the cubs with their bodies!

This is an enemy attack!

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