Original Again

Chapter 143: Kantas vs Kantas

Not long after Meng Jiuzhao left, the eight-headed Kantas headed by Gulunza confronted the hostile Kantas that descended from the sky.

Gu Lunza stared at the invader with piercing eyes. His eyes were cold, full of murderous aura that made the opposite Kantas shudder.

A single eye has such power, this is a powerful opponent. Gulenza looked too calm and self-confident, so that the intruder would not understand the details of this breeding ground. For a while, they hesitated to move forward…

If Meng Jiuzhao were here, he would surely jump up and scream: Isn’t this the original version of the empty city plan? Gu Lunza, your acting skills are really good!

Is this really an empty city plan? Does Gu Lunza really have a fallback?

It turns out that people or dragons who think this way definitely think too much.

Gulenza was actually just counting.

During this period of time, I just asked Ah Tu to find the correct counting method within a hundred. This skill is still too proficient to use, and he counts very hard!

Gulenza has counted numbers within thirty very well, but he is a bit uncountable if he exceeds 30. Of course, as a face-loving and domineering dragon, Gulenza will never admit to himself. If you can’t count, you can’t count, it must be the cause of the other party’s chaos!

The dragon over there just counted you, why are you dangling over again? Want to spoil my counting, right? Don’t roll over, be careful and bite you for a while!

The anger in his heart was revealed in his eyes, which became the “murderous” that the intruder looked at with fear.

What a wonderful misunderstanding.

It is precisely because neither party has acted rashly and rashly, when Meng Jiuzhao rushed back in time, neither party suffered irreparable damage.

However, it is impossible to have no damage at all.

After counting it three times, it is still unclear, and Gu Lunza’s face and patience are about to burn out.

“Gulenza, have you counted it? How many dragons are there on the opposite side? How many dragons are we divided into?” After waiting for a long time without waiting for the answer, Maomao (one of Gulunza’s companion dragons) couldn’t help but ask NS.

It’s true that which pot is not opened or which pot-Gu Lunza’s face is even more stinky.

Roar! I learn to count to count cute cubs! It’s not for counting you guys who are the same as me, who are not cute at all!

With a furious roar, Gulenza finally moved.

“There are a total of thirty dragons here (he can only count to thirty ⊙ω⊙), you can deal with five heads one head, and the rest belong to me!!!”

It doesn’t matter if the math is not good, as long as the physical strength is good enough.

Gu Lunza used his actions to deduce what is “high force is self-willed!”

Along with Gulunza’s roar, the fierce battle between the two breeding grounds of Kantas broke out in an instant!

The Kantas on the opposite side has a total of forty-five heads, and the companions shared 30 heads together, leaving Gulunza with a full 15!

No matter who looked at it, it would be assumed that this was a battle with extremely disparity in numbers, but Gulenza was not completely reckless against it.

As the cub that was raised, and the first cub to be raised, Gulenza has strong confidence in his body!

When he was in the eggshell, he was dropped on the ice by his careless dad more than once. Not only did he not die, he was lucky enough to get out of the shell, but the joy of birth has not yet ushered in, and his lair was sat down by his dad. It collapsed (the nest was snatched, the size and the fierce hips are a bit different from Orz). At that time, Gu Lunza, who was still a delicate reed and chubby, was shivering and exposed to the blizzard. Dad put him in his mouth in time. It’s okay to keep warm, but he hugged it too quickly, accidentally swallowing Gulunza in, and then vomiting for a long time before spitting out poor Gulunza…

During the days when he was raised by his father, Gulenza stood at the intersection of life and death every day, escaping from death time after time, and he grew up strong.

Gu Lunza also learned to give back to his father. On days when his father couldn’t hunt for food, Gu Lunza taught his robbery skills without a teacher. He would grab food from other cubs, and then he would come back and dad. eat together.

Due to frequent robberies, the relationship between the father and son is not good at all. In order to have more resources for survival, they will fight with other adult Kantas. Whenever his father is outnumbered and beaten, Gulunza will bravely rush into the young. In the pile of cubs, go and beat the cub of the abuser! Of course the cubs are not willing to be beaten! So a bunch of fat chirps will roll into a ball.

From a very young age, Gulenza has been training with one-to-ten fighting, let alone fifteen Kantas, he hasn’t even encountered twenty!

Gulunza grinds his teeth and crushes the fifteen Kantas left in the middle of the field.

With a loud roar, Gu Lunza sat down on the nearest enemy Kantas with a thunder and thunder, and then, before the opponent could react, he quickly slammed into the other Kantas. !

The reason why you hit this Kantas is particular: there are three Kantas behind the Kantas! After knocking down the other end, Kantas behind that guy had to fall, and knocking down these four heads at once, Gulenza could use the precious time gained to cause trouble for the rest of Kantas.

There are two situations in group fighting. One is the situation where you can’t beat it. In this situation, you have to hold one of the Kantas and fight to the death, and you have to fight indefinitely! In a fight, I am most afraid of encountering deaths. In this case, the first person to be scared is definitely the opposite Kantas! The one who retired the most one after another is definitely the opposite!

Another situation is the present situation: a situation where you feel you should have fought in a group fight.

People with rich fighting experience have an instinct. They can judge whether the opponent is strong or weak at the first glance. The more powerful fighters see more. In addition to predicting the strength, they can also see the opponent. Weakness.

When the group of Kantaswu pressed and flew towards the breeding ground, Gulenza did indeed prepare to die in battle. However, the moment the opponent landed, at the moment when he finally saw the opponent’s state, with just one glance, Gu Lunza felt that he could fight.

There is no other reason: those Kantas are too weak.

The scales are dull and the elytras on the wings are also a little faintly shedding. Their huge belly has become a layer of skin. Their body is severely thin, and they know that they are in the hatching period of Kantas!

I had this kind of time before, and Gulenza knew very well how vulnerable Kantas was at this time. Of course, this “vulnerability” was only for Kantas’s kind.

On the other hand, Kantas, our own, because they hatched eggs together this year, everyone can hunt during the incubation period. Every dragon eats fat and strong body. Not only is there no dragon getting thinner, they are even fatter than when they first came.

The difference in numbers can be made up by strength and physical strength, and the only thing they need to pay attention to is the morale of the other party.

As the battle continued, Kantas’s eyes on the opposite side gradually became fierce, and they started desperately!

If one didn’t pay attention, Kantas was bitten on his side. With a long roar, Gulenza hurriedly turned and ran into Kantas who had bitten his companion! In order to make it more painful for the opponent to hit, Gulenza slammed into it. According to his calculation, the opponent should hit the next lair. Their lair was very hard, and it hurts very much to hit it.

Gulenza slammed into it, and…

Strange things happened:

Kantas, who was knocked away, turned abruptly in the air, avoiding the lair behind him, and hit his companion!

For Kantas, hitting the other Kantas is more painful than hitting a lair! Moreover, most of the companions who were hit by this level of impact also suffered internal injuries.

Sure enough, with a howl of pain, Kantas who hit the person and Kantas who was hit fell onto the ice at the same time.

(⊙o⊙) Ah! Did he… hit the wrong dragon?

Kantas on Gulenza’s side was stunned.

The adult Kantas who were able to come to the breeding ground alive were all master combatants. After a short while, they immediately discovered a phenomenon they hadn’t discovered just now: These intruders seemed to… be cautious!

As the top predator on land, the battle between Kantas is extremely destructive. They will not only destroy the opponent’s body, but also the surrounding environment. They are fighting in the nest area now. If it was a normal fight, the nest should have been razed long ago, but until now, they are stunned. It’s a nest and it hasn’t been overthrown. This situation is obviously wrong!

They don’t think there are eggs in the nest, do they?

No, it’s not right.

They should have just discovered that their cubs have been transferred? !

Although the reason has not yet been discovered, Gu Lunza made good use of the opponent’s fear of destroying the lair. Under various ingenious impacts, the battle that was almost overturned by the opponent was reversed again. The scale of victory gradually tilted to one’s own side…

At the same time, a group of adult Kantas appeared on the horizon again, but this time it was Louis and the others who came back.

At this point, the other party has no hope of a comeback.

There is nothing dragon hates more than finding an intruder in his own territory! The Kantas who came back with food angrily pressed this group of thieves-

What is the concept of nearly 100 fat-bodied Kantas vs. less than 50 skinny Kantas?

The intruder was trampled underfoot without any resistance.

Not seeing the trail of their cubs made the group of Kantas who had just returned completely confused, but they soon learned from the gray narrative that Meng Jiuzhao had left with the cubs safely. This incident made them feel a little bit. A little better, but only a little better.

There was nothing trivial about the cubs, and the bad-tempered Kantas immediately bit the loser on the ground.

However, Kantas is Kantas after all. Even if they are stepped on their feet, their strength is still not to be underestimated. The injured Kantas struggling to jump up in despair, just a mouthful! Kantas, who had just bitten him, was hit hard by his dying struggle–

The blood all over the floor is like a signal, and the Kantas on both sides bite into one again! A large amount of blood sprayed from the body of the fighting party, splashed onto the face of the other party, and stained their eyes.

Seeing that this battle was about to turn to life and death, at this moment, Louis suddenly roared.


His roar was not high and the volume was not high, but everyone stopped and listened.

After Louis and Meng Jiuzhao came to the breeding grounds, they did several important things to save the breeding grounds. Their dragon fate is unprecedentedly good. This can be seen from everyone’s willingness to leave the cubs to Meng Jiuzhao’s care before they leave-for love For the cub’s Kantas, there is no trust as much as the trust of the delivery cub.

“Roar!” Louis repeated it again.

This time, everyone heard it, so whether it was Kantas who beat the dragon or Kantas who was beaten, they looked up to the sky at the same time.

“We are back!!!” Sitting on the dragon’s back, Meng Jiuzhao shouted!

He thought his roar was already loud, but unfortunately, Kaka flew a bit high, and his voice was already weak and inaudible when it passed through the layers of the air.

So when the other Kantas looked up together, what they saw was Meng Jiuzhao’s majestic (?) riding on the back of a strange Kantas.

Kantas on Meng Jiuzhao’s side was overjoyed: Short! A bald caught a Kantas! (←Not a relationship, Kantas generally does not allow strange dragons to ride on his back); At the same time, Kantas on Kaka’s side is completely desperate——

The Kaka who stayed behind in the breeding ground was caught by the enemy, and their eggs must be…

There are dragons rejoicing, and there are dragons desperate, and there are endless roars of dragons on the ground.

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