Original Again

Chapter 150: Love gifts for the cubs

In the boring process of advancing, they found a mark left when they came. According to that mark, they moved forward for about a day, after which they found nothing.

The Kantas, who were still large cubs at the time, could not fly, so they had walked to the breeding ground before. In addition to carefully recording the geomorphic features along the way, Meng Jiuzhao and other Kantas also left many marks. These marks are well preserved in cold places, but now, what is left is extremely limited.

This kind of sweet grass even Meng Jiuzhao and the others think it tastes good, not to mention the vegetarian dinosaurs that live on grass. Many vegetarian dinosaurs that disappeared during the extreme cold period have come out to dinner. Not only did they come back by themselves, they also brought their cubs this time.

Just as the Kantas ran to a cold place to give birth to their offspring, these vegetarians also gave birth to their cubs in a safe place. Although they were about the same age, the cubs of these vegetarian dinosaurs were much larger than the Kantas cubs. If George and the others were placed next to them, George would not have the calf height of a stegosaurus cub.

The scenery in front of him is probably the most beautiful scenery for the herbivorous dinosaurs, but for Meng Jiuzhao, such scenery can only make him more anxious.

There are more herbivorous dinosaurs, and carnivorous dinosaurs will follow. Today’s environment has become more and more complicated. In addition to the huge vegetarian dinosaurs, there are also other carnivorous dinosaurs that watch for opportunities. As the temperature rises, the plants here are as long as possible. Adults are naturally fine, but the short-legged Kantas cubs are already submerged in the grass. Once George was dangling by himself in the sweet grass, suddenly an unknown predator dinosaur flashed through the grass, trying to catch George who was jumping in the grass. Fortunately, George was very heavy and it could not succeed.

The adult Kantas are very powerful, but their cubs are very weak. This time it is only a miniature dinosaur who is tricking their heads. Once a more powerful dinosaur tries to do it next time, the cubs are likely to be injured.

Since then, all cubs have been prohibited from going to the ground.

In anxiety, the group of Kantas traveled a further distance, and the appearance of sporadic plants that hadn’t been seen made Meng Jiuzhao’s heart sinking more and more.

Finally, they are still lost–

One evening, Meng Jiuzhao bowed his head and said his final conclusion.

“There have been too many new plant species here, and the original relatively single vegetation structure has been completely destroyed. We may not be able to go home through the distribution of vegetation…”

Kantas here all knows that Meng Jiuzhao depends on plants to determine the direction. Once the plants cannot be a reliable guide, then only one thing can be explained: Meng Jiuzhao may not be able to continue the work of the guide.

Meng Jiuzhao thought he would be complained, but—

“What then? Bale, what do you say?”

Without any blame, continuing to look at Meng Jiuzhao with trust, Qiao Qiao asked about his next plan.

“I think we are very close to home! I think I can smell Dad~” Xiaohua is also very satisfied: “These are the ones that Ah Tu led the way!”

Looking at these Kantas faces one by one, Meng Jiuzhao did not see any complaints.

Then, Meng Jiuzhao’s originally anxious heart suddenly calmed down.

At night, twenty and one adult Kanta Siqi became prototypes and gathered the cubs inside. They used their bodies to build the safest room for the cubs.

Meng Jiuzhao and Alice are also here.

Allowing a group of cubs to press on her body as her own quilt, Alice slept very soundly. Meng Jiuzhao is not as good as a girl, and his embrace now accepts at most two cubs at a time.

At this moment George and Duo were in his arms.

“George, Dad is lost. Maybe we have to use Kantas’ wild intuition to find Grandpa.” George poking his little head with his fingers, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly showed a smirk, and his backpack was behind him. After digging in and out, he took out a small animal skin, uncovered it, and passed it straight under George’s nostrils.

“George, come, smell it! This is the smell of grandpa!” There was fierce poo in the skin of the animal, which was frozen and battered all the way, and only a little bit was left. I don’t know what the psychology was. , Meng Jiuzhao left it, and it finally came in handy today.

“Tweet!” After a small sneeze, George grumbled off his father’s lap. Seeing the **** in his father’s hands, George didn’t want to come back for a long while.

“Okay, okay~ I won’t mess with you, come and sleep.” Wrapped the poo in his hand with animal skins again, Meng Jiuzhao waved at George, and finally hugged him and Duo Duo together, one person + two cubs All fell asleep.

For Meng Jiuzhao, this was just a small episode, just a joke to play with George in his hardship. What he didn’t expect was that George would remember it from now on.

The cubs are now not allowed to go to the ground and run by themselves most of the time, but there is still a fixed time for the wind every day, and they will play together.

George is different. When other cubs are playing happily, George usually chooses to sit on his sister’s head and sleep.

But this is the usual situation. Just after Meng Jiuzhao and George finished joking, George stopped sleeping during the wind break the next day. His pale yellow body was hopping around among the green grass, looking at his rare and lively son. Meng Jiuzhao forgot all his troubles for a while, and he felt so relieved.

But he soon became uncomfortable.

When the air time was over, George came back obediently, and came back with him…

There is still a lump of poo.

“Tweet!” George yelled crisply.

Look~ what a pure look, son, don’t you really take revenge on my father for smelling grandpa’s poo yesterday?

Holding a small tuft of **** on the leaf in his hand, Meng Jiuzhao’s face also looked like poop.

Then, Meng Jiuzhao received **** attacks one after another. At first, there was only George a cub. Later, I don’t know how the other cubs knew it. The daily air release time became the time for the cubs to act as toilet cleaners, one by one. They were all extremely capable, and in just a short amount of effort, Meng Jiuzhao got the **** of more than 20 kinds of dinosaurs in total.

You can open a museum!

Wanting to cry without tears, Meng Jiuzhao had to hold a separate meeting for the cubs to praise them for giving gifts to the adults, and at the same time said that the gifts were so precious that he couldn’t put down his backpack.

The cubs just let him go (but George will still pack his dad after seeing the special poop).

Meng Jiuzhao was really big at the beginning, and the days when he wanted to cry without tears and bury his stool every day was really bad. until one day–

When habitually handling the **** package received that day, Meng Jiuzhao suddenly discovered that the **** that had been buried before had sprouted.

To be precise, the grass seeds in the **** germinated.

Although the leaf was young, he was very familiar with it. After waiting for another two days, Meng Jiuzhao had a surprise discovery——

“Find that salty big leaf grass!”

On the same day, Meng Jiuzhao announced the good news to all Kantas.

The cubs who brought back this **** were rolling. All the adult Kantas kissed him that day, and the little guy’s hair was licked wet, which made the other cubs envied.

Under the leadership of Rolling, Meng Jiuzhao and the others quickly found the owner of the poo-Panmera. It was a very special dinosaur. It was not big and lived in groups. It would have special teeth marks on the blades of grass that they had eaten. Based on this characteristic of the tooth marks, Meng Jiuzhao and the others finally found the location of the salty large-leaf grass, and at the same time they also found a certain mark that they had left here before.

Thanks to the kindness of the cubs, the adults finally found the right way home!

I have to say that Meng Jiuzhao discovered the secrets in the **** just right. Even if it is later, it will be difficult for them to find these salty large-leaf grasses. It may be due to the preference of the dragon. When Meng Jiuzhao looked for them, those There is not much grass left. It is conceivable that even the roots of the grass will not be left in a few days, but quite a lot of grass seeds are eaten in the abdomen by the dragon. As a result, they will be taken in all directions, will be excreted on a certain day, and then take root and sprout when the temperature is right, and perhaps another piece of salty large-leaf grass will grow.

If Meng Jiuzhao discovered the salty large-leaf grass at that time, it is very likely that their way home would be completely opposite to their home.

But now, Meng Jiuzhao and the others are one step closer to home.

Contrary to the time when they came, on the way back, as they progressed, the vegetation along the way became more and more luxuriant. Not only that, but Meng Jiuzhao always felt that in this short period of time, the climate seemed to have changed again.

The proof is that it started to rain here.

For Meng Jiuzhao, this is the first rain he has ever seen since he set off for the breeding ground.

It’s been a long time since the Kantas, who were all dirty, took a shower. They were very unrestrained with themselves and were very cautious with the cubs. They only washed their paws. Tucked the little guys back into their pockets.

The only cub who happily enjoyed the rain is Alice.

The aquatic Alice loves rain too much~ Afterwards, she just turned into a prototype and collapsed on the ground to let the rain drip.

When all Kantas were eager to watch the rain, Meng Jiuzhao was frowning.

The world changes too frequently. Whenever something special happens, he has to consider the collateral effect of it.

In response to this rain, Meng Jiuzhao thought a lot in his mind. He thought about the river that brought them over, and also thought about the vegetation distribution that might be more lush and complex. He thought about a lot of bad situations, most of which were natural disasters. What happened in the end was the only “man-made disaster” he didn’t expect.

Yaya is missing again (Hey! Why use “again”).

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