Original Again

Chapter 22: Eim\'s day

Em felt that he must be dead. He shouldn’t listen to his brother and run to such a far place to hunt. It’s just that his father was sick recently and couldn’t eat meat. This year is extremely cold. The crunchy grass near the tribe has already been destroyed. After the picking was empty, he knew there was a lot of crunchy grass in this area, so he ran out secretly.

Looking all the way along the crunchy grass, he unknowingly walked to a place he had never been before.

Young people are always courageous, and when they find that they have come to a place they shouldn’t be, Emm’s first thought is not to go back quickly, but to walk around curiously. The rumor here is a cliff, and the place opposite is shrouded in white mist all year round. There are rumours that there will be terrible monsters, and terrible roars come from there from time to time. Because of the existence of this cliff, those monsters couldn’t come and hurt them.

Em walked to the side of the cliff. There was indeed a white mist on the opposite side. The surrounding cliff was incredibly cold. He carefully looked towards the bottom of the cliff and was surprised to find that the bottom of the cliff was not unfathomable, but a glacier. The cliff was not far from the glacier. Not high, about ten meters or so.

The ice-bound river is like a small road, which bridges the white misty land on the other side and the other side.

Em didn’t believe that there were monsters on the other side, it was just words that the adults said to scare them when they didn’t want them to get close to the cliff. He didn’t take this matter to heart, but he decided to go back and talk about his discovery here in front of his partner. After all, no one has been here except him!

After gathering enough crunchy grass to eat for several days, Em happily went home, he decided to go home before his brother returned home. The accident happened at this moment. A huge roar came from behind him, and the earth trembled violently. Em fell heavily on the snowdrift. He struggled to turn his head, but found several hideous monsters. Through the white mist, those huge, terrifying creatures with no fur and dagger-like teeth neighed and ran towards him.

Em was frightened. He jumped up to escape. One of the monsters spotted him and chased him straight. The monster had a big mouth and exposed countless sharp teeth inside. Em felt a warmth on his face. , It’s the saliva of that monster!

Just as the monster was about to bite his right leg, the ground shook violently again, and Em fainted.

“Dad…Dad…” murmured, Em woke up, he felt so cold ← nonsense! Is it not cold to be covered by snow?

He got up tremblingly, and then saw someone.

It’s a very young child with a bulging mouth and eating.

“You…” Did you save me? Em wanted to ask him, but found that his voice was dry and speechless.

He crawled out of the snowdrift, and this standing up allowed him to see the panorama, and the scene in front of him was stunned—

The monster that had chased him had been smashed, and red blood was sprinkled all over the ground! The big, hideous head fell not far from him, his eyes widened, as if to tell his unwillingness!

The child dug out a small hand in a stone mortar, took out a mass of **** minced meat and put it in his mouth. The small fleshy face continued to burst. Seeing Em standing up, the child was not surprised, and pointed his little finger at the monster corpse not far away.

“Eat?” Seeing Em did not answer, the child tilted his head, “Don’t eat?”

Em sat down.

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