Original Again

Chapter 29: Tribe

Bai looked around curiously.

They are now in the “horde”, Fendi team—that is, the orc team that brought them back, was summoned by the leader to recover the situation as soon as they came back, and as they brought back—Em, White, Black, and other collections on the road The crunchy grass that arrived was arranged to one place.

They haven’t realized what is wrong.

“Is this the tribe?” Bai jumped off the stage and started walking around.

“I don’t know, I’ve been with my dad once before, and I haven’t entered their house… It is said that the house is very comfortable to live in. Is this the inside of the house?” Emm just fell asleep and waited for him to wake up. Come here, only Bai and Black are left around.

“It turns out that they, like our rabbits, like to live in holes!” Em, who hasn’t realized that he is also a real soil bun, smiled happily.

“What’s this?” Bai found something he didn’t recognize again.

“That’s a knife, it can be used to cut objects, such as crunchy grass, meat, it’s easy to use!” Em enthusiastically introduced.

“What about this one?” Bai continued to explore.

“That’s a flint, you can get a fire when you hit it, you can keep warm, and you can also squeeze a barbecue~”

“Oh! What is this for?”

“That’s the pot I told you about! It can make soup, and the baby eats very well!” Emm ran to the pot, “It’s a big tribe, even the pot is so big!”

However, what seems to be wrong? No matter what’s here… Em began to faintly feel that something is wrong.

He looked at the clean and clean pot with water in it, and at the neatly placed flint and firewood next to him. He looked up and saw the knife that Bai had just stabilized. Finally, his eyes fell on him who had just jumped down. On the table, the shape is surprisingly—

chopping board? !

Emme was messed up in the wind.


At this moment, near the lair of the leader of the Vash tribe, members of the tribe were standing inside and out. The Wash tribe is a very united tribe, and all the members will participate in discussions and decisions, and this time is no exception.

The leader of the Wash tribe, Thaler, is a liger orc. Unlike other tribes who like to move around in different forms, Thaler prefers to live with prototypes. Now, he has just listened to the report of Fendi’s team.

“So, the forbidden ground is broken?” Thaler said slowly.

“Yes, and the residence of the Snow Rabbit clan is also disconnected, just like it happened a few years ago…” Fendi, the captain of the Fendi team, the tiger tribe orc Fendi told in detail what he had seen and heard.

Thaler lowered his eyes.

This action meant that he did not intend to speak anymore, and other people could speak freely, so Batu, who could not bear it a long time ago, immediately jumped out, “Why have you been there for so long? Have you encountered any trouble?”

It was originally scheduled to come back in three days, but now it has doubled, they almost thought that Fendi team encountered an accident and couldn’t come back! Who knows that each of them is alive and kicking, it seems that nothing happened, wait, it seems that not everyone is alive and kicking, Holstein just…

Fendi gave a gossip smile, “It’s not Hall yet—”

Therefore, in order to carry the beauty for a while, Holstein forcibly turned the original three-day road into six days, and everyone in the tribe knew it.

Holstein, who puts the plastering on the doctor: T mouth T did not intentionally, it was really uneasy to walk!

“I don’t believe how beautiful rabbits can grow.” After listening to Holstein’s story as a joke, Batu dismissed it. Even, he was very difficult for Fendi’s team to bring the rabbit back to the tribe. It is understood that the tribe named Vash where Batu and them belong is a tribe dominated by large carnivorous species. Even if there are some exceptions, they are also populations such as mammoths and reindeer that have advantages in physical strength, or technical advantages, rabbits and so on… Can you imagine wolves hunting with rabbits?

“Do you want to eat rabbit meat?” Batu continued to mock, “How many rabbits did you catch? 50? 100? If you don’t have fifty, it won’t be enough to stuff your teeth!”

“…We will bring back four, all four have evolved into a human form! Don’t believe me…hey? What about them?” Fendi wanted to prove it, but suddenly found that he had been discussing the protagonist-White and Black for a long time. Not at all. “By the way, Carat, where are the four rabbits I just handed to you?”

The tribal chef Kla looked at him blankly and said slowly, “…oh, I put them in the kitchen.”

“Uh-Why do you let people eat in the kitchen? Did you give them carrots? Fresh crunchy grass without carrots!” Such a beautiful person must be treated well. What to do?

Kara scratched his hair, then raised his head for a while, “I put them on the chopping board.”

“You told me they were rabbits, I thought it was dinner…” Carat looked at the kitchen blankly, “…because I came to the meeting, so I haven’t had time to peel…”

Note: Carat, a tribal chef, an anaconda snake species, has very poor eyesight, barely 0.01, often misuses the seasoning and makes dinner very sad. Fendi: 囧!

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