Original Again

Chapter 31: I like \"chicken\" the most

“This… is your dad?” Bai pointed to Bai Tuanzi, who was tightly held in his arms by Em.

“Yes~Daddy’s fur is the softest and most comfortable~~~” Em happily rubbed on Bai Tuanzi. Seeing the lumps of tears and nose on Snow Rabbit’s body, Blake cautiously hid aside. hide.

Em pulled away the hind paws of the rabbit in his arms and showed Blake, “Look, there are still two spots on Dad’s stomach. I just saw this before I confirmed it.”

Blake&White&Meng Jiuzhao: So you can’t tell at a glance, and you let others see your dad’s JJ, is this really good—

and also! Is this dumpling Kantas?

Only then did Blake and Bai realize that they seemed to have made something wrong all the time…==///”This is my brother! My brother has the longest ears!” Without paying attention to the changes in Blake and Bai’s face, Emm After finishing one, continue to rub the second one, then the third one, and the fourth one. After making sure that the nose and tears on each one are covered (and after each one has been checked over and over again=.=), he gratefully looks at it being cleaned up. The carat of the kitchen.

“thank you!”

“It’s nothing, these rabbits were buried in the snowdrift. I tripped and came back by the way.” Carat still had an expressionless face and ignored everyone, he started to tidy up the kitchen.

“May I help you clean up?” Em put down the white dumplings in his hand, and Fendi grabbed him just as he wanted to go over and help.

“Instead of helping, you settle down first.” Although the words were addressed to Em, Fendi’s eyes were directed towards Bai.

Hearing what he said, Bai and Black looked at each other, looked at the “Kantas Cub” who were locked up, and held Louis and Meng Jiuzhao tightly in their arms.

They are now a bit hard to ride a tiger: following the strange creatures, they came to the territory of another group of strange creatures, this group of creatures had just eaten Kantas! Moreover, even raised a group of Kantas-in order to slaughter and eat? !

They decided to clip their tails and observe the situation first… and then escape o(╯□╰)o so they were taken to the place where the newcomer was registered. Although it was just a simple hut built with wooden animal skins, it was enough They were stunned when they saw these things.

“Wow! This is the legendary roof! This is the first time I live in a place that is not a cave!” Em was thrilled, and if he wasn’t tall enough, he would just jump up and touch the roof.

“It’s a bit smelly…” Blake, who has the most primitive lifestyle but the most advanced lifestyle, frowned. Although he has basically never lived in a burrow, the nest he has lived in has always been clean. Since childhood, he has been a clean cub. (Now he is still a clean cub.) His cub is also clean!

“Excuse me, which clan are you from?” For the first time to register such a beautiful person, the recorder in the tribe was so happy that he didn’t know what to do.

“Snow Rabbit Clan!” Em replied very quickly.

“Are you two too?” After taking a casual note, the scorer turned to Bai and Blake very patiently and continued to ask.

“Yes! They are also Xuetu clan!” Enthusiastic Em continued to answer.

“…” He squinted at Em, and when he turned his head to look at Bai, the recorder quickly changed a smiling face, looked at Bai and Blake and said gently, “Are you also Snow Rabbit?”

Bai and Black are extremely patient and persevering Kantas, even in the huge Kantas ethnic group, their perseverance is rare. This can be confirmed by their persistent efforts to steal eggs from gathering places for five consecutive years o(╯□╰)o.

At that time, they could stay until the last one to go every year, just to prevent the tribe from discovering their cub status. Now, they can also—

“…” After a white glance, Blake nodded firmly.

“Ah! The Snow Rabbit tribe~ I like the Snow Rabbit tribe the most!” The recorder continued to smile.

“What race are you from?” Em asked curiously, and Blake and Bai also squinted at the recorder.

The recorder who was squinted by the beauty was lifted up, “I am from the wolf clan! I, my name is Ya!”

“…” Em pulled Black nervously and stood back.

“…Is the wolf you mentioned on the road, it’s terrible, the wolf that likes rabbits most?” Black asked in a low voice.

Em nodded imperceptibly.

So, when they looked at the recorder-ya again, Blake and Bai’s eyes were a little cautious.

“!” The recorder Ya, was deeply shocked. He tried to save the good (?!) impression in the hearts of beauties,” “I don’t like rabbits at all, I, I like chicken the most! ”

Chick? Isn’t that what people here call the group of Kantas cubs in the cage?

Thinking of this, Bai and Blake’s gaze towards Ya is no longer cautious, but guard and hostility.

This guy likes to eat Kantas the most, which is really unforgivable!

The author has something to say: I like to read everyone’s comments. Sometimes, I really think that everyone’s comments can constitute a small theater: For example:

Tuanzi children’s shoes are so hobby but cute, so the family finally meets again! congratulations!

Planting tofu (picking the nose): In the kitchen cage of someone else’s house…

Author Jun (Fried Hair): 囧!

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