Original Again

Chapter 48: There is a guy in the village called Xiaohua

It’s hard to believe that the thing drawn by the tooth is a monster that can shred an adult reindeer. There was a crack when he became serious. After all, these orcs still don’t believe that there are more ferocious beasts than them.

The unreliable artist Ya and his drawing board were immediately abandoned. Only Blake and Bai were very interested in his paintings. After everyone left, Blake leaned over and tried to get the portrait of Louis from Ya.

“No, don’t take it to heart. The teeth painted are actually very similar to those monsters.” Sita shook her head. She understood these orcs and understood their current thinking.

“Before I really met those guys, I was also very confident in myself.” She raised her voice, trying to get everyone to listen to themselves again.

“Fendi, in the case of a prototype, can you overwhelm me?” Theta looked at Fendi who was a little relaxed.

“You, me, I’m all right. What do you do?” Fendi stammered when he thought of something that was not pure.

“Just referring to power, can you overwhelm me?” Theta’s expression was very serious.

Seeing her so serious, Fendi couldn’t help being serious. He thought for a while, and then shook his head.

“You are too tall, I can’t overpower you.”

“Then can you jump on me?” Sita continued to ask.

Fendi continued to shake his head.

Sita looked around.

“Can someone in the tribe overwhelm me? Or jump on me?”

Everyone present shook their heads.

The inner OS of the tribe members: Because no one can overwhelm you, you are still a pure female man.

Sita twitched at the corner of her mouth.

“But, those monsters can!”

“…They are not too tall, about half the height of me, but they move very fast! The front paws are very short, the hind legs are very long and powerful! The teeth are much sharper than Fendi. Although I am much taller than the opponent , But those guys ran too fast! Their jumping ability was amazing, and finally, a monster finally jumped on my back—”

Hearing this, everyone took a breath.

Sita turned around and showed the wound left by the opponent on her back.

“It’s caused by their nails.”

A very shocking wound. A wound of the same depth is a deep wound on the huge body of a mammoth. If it is on another orc…

The result will be horrible.

The faces of many orcs in the room sank-this was exactly the effect Sita wanted to see.

Realizing that everyone has finally paid attention to this matter, Sita turned to look at the Black family who were still in the corner with the toothbrush portrait.

“Thanks to Bai and Black running back, they saved me.” Sita’s eyes were full of gratitude.

Hearing her words, everyone’s eyes towards Bai also changed.

“Those monsters were finally driven away by the fire ignited by Black and the others. I think maybe we can start to prevent those monsters from this point!” Theta provided very important information.

Finally, the leader of the tribe, Thaler, stopped everyone’s discussion with a roar. He announced: Before finding a better way to deal with those unknown monsters, the Vash tribe needs to arrange as many fires as possible around the tribe. Hunting needs Continue, but to reduce the hunting range, and increase manpower for patrols after nightfall.


Andy is a little restless.

He was supposed to boil water and take a bath now. The faint smell of urine on his body annoyed him for a day, so it was easy to hunt for food and go home in advance, but this kind of thing happened without thinking.

A monster appeared in this area!

He couldn’t sit still as long as he knew the monster existed. Finally, when he knew that he was not on the patrol list tonight, Andy sneaked out of the tribe.

Andy didn’t tell anyone that he had a favorite outside the tribe. It’s a bit hard to tell, that person is just as male as him.

Andy’s name is Snowflake, and he lives close to the edge of the tribe. Andy accidentally ran there during a hunting process, and then ran into a small flower eating crunchy grass there. Every time I went hunting, I saw the little flower on the opposite side constantly eating crunchy grass, and Andy thought, this guy can really eat it. Later, Andy thought, this guy is so cute~ Later, Andy went to eat crunchy grass with Xiaohua == ////.

Xiaohua still thinks that Andy is the same herbivore as him. His dislike of carnivores in his words makes Andy still unable to make up his mind to expose his identity. When the monster appeared, Andy’s first feeling was regret.

Sure enough, it should have been a long time since Xiaohua had been brought to the tribe!

Such a soft and cute little flower——

The lion-shaped Andy is fast, and he has left the tribe very far without knowing it. As the ground crunches more and more grass, Andy knows that he is getting closer and closer to Xiaohua’s home.

When he discovered something was wrong, he knew he had been targeted. Someone is chasing him! Andy knows that his speed is already fast, but that guy’s speed is not inferior to him, and even more comfortable!

Andy hasn’t experienced this feeling for many years.

It was a sense of horror that the finest hairs on the body stood up.

The rushing pace slowly stopped, Andy slowly turned his head, and then, he finally saw what was chasing him.


The moment the pupils dilated, Andy only thought of these two words.

The moonlight reflected on the snow, clearly illuminating the appearance of the four-headed monster, a beast that Andy had never seen before! They stood still not far from him. Andy’s good eyesight made it easy for him to see the fine fangs in each other’s mouth. Those monsters’ eyes had no emotions, and their inorganic eyes were black holes. Andy’s instinct. Knows that he is locked by them. They are motionless, just assessing where to lay their mouths. Once the prey is frightened and starts to flee, they will hunt it over, and the prey is bound to have no way to escape! At this moment, Andy understands the thoughts of those monsters very well, because he did this when he hunted himself.

Can’t beat it! Absolutely can’t beat it!

The instinct of the beast immediately told the result of Andy’s assessment. The coldness of the ice and snow under his feet slowly spread up his body along his legs, and Andy’s heart was cold.

But he must do something.

It was very close to Xiao Hua’s house, and he couldn’t let these monsters find Xiao Hua’s home.

Andy tensed his muscles, and as he moved, he noticed that the body of the opposite monster moved slightly.

Very good, it seems that the other party is also ready.

It’s now-run!

Andy jumped out!

Almost at the same time, those monsters also rushed over—

Andy ran desperately, almost the moment he landed, his muscles were stretched to the most tense degree, and his speed had reached the fastest! The monsters rushed into the air, but soon, the guys chased them without being discouraged.

The time to escape seems to be very slow. I don’t know how long he has been running, and Andy suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach!

The pain in the abdomen caused leg cramps, and Andy instantly lost his balance, and he fell heavily.

Little Flower…

In front of his eyes, Andy silently read the name of the person he crushed…

A monster stepped on his body with one foot.

The mouth of those monsters dripped on his body, and their heads fell.

Andy closed his eyes.

Just as he was about to meet the severe pain of being torn apart, his body suddenly lightened, and Andy felt the monster loose him.

A harsh scream came out of the monster’s mouth, Andy hurriedly opened his eyes, and something surprising happened to him, and the monsters went backwards!

In the next second, those guys actually ran away!

Looking at the figures of those monsters with wide-eyed eyes, their appearance can’t be overstated!

Is there anything terrible about yourself? Andy couldn’t understand. But he knew he was safe for the time being.

Safety, like a signal transmitted to his whole body, collapsed into a human form, and Andy fell into the snow in large fonts.

A few seconds before his consciousness sank into darkness, he felt that he heard the voice of heaven.

“Andy?” Xiaohua called him softly.

Andy plunged into darkness completely.

When he woke up again, the first thing he saw was the person who was thinking about it.

The silver-haired young man is looking at him tenderly.

Reflexively, Andy grabbed Snowflake’s hand tightly.

“Why are you here so late today?” Xiao Hua gently shook Andy’s hand back.

Andy looked at the young man in front of him quietly, the temperature of the other person holding his palm was so gentle…

He wanted to tell the other party that it was dangerous and wanted the other party and himself to leave. He wanted to say a lot, but when things came, he realized that it was not what he wanted to say the most.

Andy solemnly looked into Xiao Hua’s eyes, “I wanted to say this for a long time, I…”

“I like you!”

It wasn’t until the moment of death that Andy realized that the thing he regretted most was not confessing to Xiaohua. He liked someone for the first time. Although he was a male like himself, he liked it. It was a pity that he didn’t let the other person know about it. .

Even though the palm of his hand was sweating slightly because of tension, but Andy’s vision did not evade, he looked directly at Xiao Hua bravely.

Then, he saw incomparable joy in the silver-haired young green eyes on the opposite side.

The silver-haired young man did not answer, he used his actions to express his joy.

Xiao Hua hugged Andy tightly.

Andy stiffly felt Xiao Hua’s embrace. It was the first time that she was so close to Xiao Hua. There was an unspeakable smell on her body. After sitting stiff for a while, Andy tentatively responded to Xiao Hua’s embrace.

“Little Flower, let’s be together!”


“Go back to my tribe with me!”


“Don’t ask why?”

“Don’t ask, I want to be with you.” Xiaohua’s deep laughter sounded in her ears, and Andy’s face slowly turned red.

“Okay.” Andy couldn’t help but hugged Xiao Hua’s arm tightly.

They stayed in the same place sweetly and bored for a while, and when it was dawn, Xiao Hua packed up a simple animal skin package and left their place of residence with Andy.

The process of returning to the tribe was extremely smooth. They returned to the tribe in only half a day. What greeted them was the anger of Sita who was more terrifying than a monster!

“…You know that a monster ran out alone at night, and the leader took someone to find you all morning. Now how dangerous it is to do this in this situation, do you know?!”

The vitality of Sita only slept for one night, and the wound on his back has healed more than half, and now he can teach others again.

“Sorry, Andy went out because of me…” Half of his face appeared from behind Andy, and Snowflake officially had a face-to-face with the Vash tribe.

Sita, who was still about to continue her preaching, was suddenly stunned.

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