Original Again

Chapter 6: Second egg

No matter what race, no matter what world, couples quarrel will always be ignored by cats and dogs. Regardless of how Bai obtained Black’s forgiveness in the end, in short, when Meng Jiuzhao woke up, he found that he had an extra egg beside him.

The size of the egg is not big. At first, Meng Jiuzhao was served by the “angel” for extra meals, but so solemnly, the attitude of being hugged by the “angel” together with himself and then covered with a big blanket made Meng Jiuzhao’s emotions. Think of the word “huo nest”.

“No?” Meng Jiuzhao opened his mouth, and then drooled.

After all, his current body is too small. Even if there is a problem, he can’t open his mouth. Why? Meng Jiuzhao is not a meticulous person who knows how to make a mistake. To live this life seriously, the short-term goal is to grow up healthily.

As far as the completion of this goal is concerned, Meng Jiuzhao said: He lost to the egg next to him.

According to his visual observation, the growth rate of that egg definitely surpassed himself. The egg that was so small at the beginning is now half his body size. But thanks to such an egg, Meng Jiuzhao could observe the world he was reborn in advance.

The angel whose name initially sounded “Black” could no longer hold them all between his legs to keep the temperature. Meng Jiuzhao was wrapped and hugged in front of his chest, leaving the egg to continue to be covered with a blanket between his legs, no wind. When the time comes, the “angel” will let him take a look at the outside scene.

A lot of “angels”! This is Meng Jiuzhao’s first impression.

A lot of “angels” are in the nest! This is Meng Jiuzhao’s second thought.

This is a very spectacular scene: at a glance, there are dense nests, each nest has its owner, the blond “angels” often only show a head and half of their body plus the tips of their wings, and other parts. All sunk deep in the nest. These nests made of branches and stones are not very spacious, but they are deep, warm and windproof inside. Meng Jiuzhao has already experienced this deeply.

This should be the “human being” of this world.

They have language and use tools—such as the stone mortar for him to make minced meat, but they are still primitive stone tools, but they are indeed tools specially made for a certain purpose. They do not know how to weave, which can be judged from the fact that all their clothing is made of animal skins, but animal skins are often only tied to the key points, which shows that they already have shame. This is a preliminary sense of morality. Overall, the world is probably still in the Stone Age.

Is this a rebirth in the primitive age?

Meng Jiuzhao didn’t have the concept of traversal in his head. The time he grew up was already very advanced in science and technology. People have long proven the reproducibility of history. The ancients’ so-called traversal is nothing more than entering a certain process point of a certain civilization. Time always moves forward.

Thanks to the blessing of being born in the era of the universe, Meng Jiuzhao knows very well that it is not only primates that can evolve into humans. Under different backgrounds, other species will also evolve into “humans.” Just like the era he lived in, the most powerful civilization was created by people who evolved from species called dinosaurs and plants by earth people. “Humans” evolved from various species dominate different galaxies. , Created a splendid and abundant civilization. A cosmic man with wings… he hasn’t seen it before. Even in his last life, the strongest race in the world was a pterodactyl.

The planet in front of us, it should be these winged creatures that have evolved into “humans”. They are still in the process of evolution, and their bodies still retain the inherent characteristics of the race-such as double wings. However, after his careful observation, Meng Jiuzhao discovered that the flying ability of these winged people had actually degraded. The size of their wings was much smaller than their bodies, and they could not support long-distance flights. They could only fly and glide briefly. Meng Jiuzhao guessed that the evolutionary direction of these winged people will be purely terrestrial creatures, their wings will eventually disappear, and the ability to travel on the ground will be strengthened.

Time passed slowly while Meng Jiuzhao was feeding, sleeping and observing the surroundings. As the climate became warmer, Black’s second egg hatched.

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