Original Again

Chapter 79: A flock of sheep in the left hand~

Due to a lot of exchanged prey, everyone’s speed slowed down a lot on the return journey.

The cubs are at an age when they are curious about everything. It is rare that all the females in the tribe are dispatched. With such a reliable guarantee of force, the females indulge in letting the cubs walk and play on the road.

The adults were not idle while the cubs were playing. There were too many new foods appeared along the way. The dizzying females were busy learning to identify, and Sita was even busier. As the tribal leader, Sita was surprised to discover the surrounding terrain. She almost didn’t know her anymore, she didn’t understand what was going on, but experience told her: in the case of environmental changes, adapting to the environment is the most important thing, so Sita began to re-draw the map in her mind.

As a result, the three-day journey was lengthened indefinitely.

For the cubs, playing and hunting are combined. So, between play, the cubs showed their mothers hunting skills. As usual, the hunt begins with chasing and driving.

The prototype of Coco, Naji and Paula are chasing an antelope.

They kept chasing the antelope desperately trying to get it close to the lurking grass of Mitte and Bifu. According to past experience, as long as the prey is forced to the designated location, Mitte and Bifu can jump out from both sides and jump onto the prey immediately, and then they will subdue and kill the prey together.

But this time they miscalculated. The antelope can run much faster than the horned goats and rabbits they have chased before. Moreover, the antelope is much more flexible than the horned goat. The change of direction in the air is very important for them. Simple things.

Unexpectedly, the cubs collided tragically in mid-air, and the antelope quickly escaped.

“Sita, does the mammoth hunt like this?” Seeing this scene, Naza turned her head to look at Theta blankly.

In her opinion, the hunting skills displayed by these cubs are incredible: As a lion known for his strength, Paula is actually fighting his prey for speed and endurance? As a cheetah hunting by speed, did Mitte want to overwhelm the opponent with his weight? As a reindeer that should eat grass, Bifu wanted to kill an antelope with his teeth?

Do they really know what breed they are?

“Hey?! I have never taught them this way of hunting!” Seeing the cubs’ hunting process as well, Sita waved his hands repeatedly in an attempt to get rid of suspicion. “I remember, Wieser has been teaching them practical combat lessons recently.”

“…Okay, but what kind of race does Wiesel belong to?” Seeing the cubs’ hunting methods, Naza became curious for the invisible man like Wiesel for the first time.

The hunting methods of the cubs are obviously learned from the orcs who are accustomed to collective hunting.

The early driving process requires good endurance, so this race must be good at running; the mid-term jump requires good jumping ability, so this race must have super jumping ability; the later bite and kill prove that this race must It also has an excellent bite force.

As an excellent hunter, Naza quickly analyzed the characteristics of the instructor race from the hunting patterns displayed by the cubs.

Moreover, as a lion female who is also good at collective hunting, Nazar also made a further inference: the race that teaches cubs to hunt must be very good at hunting large prey.

Collective hunting was originally a model for hunting several times the size of its own, and the cubs’ habit of jumping on their prey further shows that the prey that this race is accustomed to hunting is generally very large.

Therefore, Wiesel, who worked so hard to conceal his identity as a Utah Raptor, never dreamed that his identity was suspected for the first time because of the hunting skills he gave to the cubs.

While thinking about it, Naza picked up the female cubs that had hit each other.

At this moment, she heard a sharp chirp.

Nazar couldn’t help but turn his head to look at the place where the sound was made: I saw the two small thin legs of Louis chick mashing fast, like an arrow from the string, he spread his wings and ran to the escaped antelope!

As a chicken running on two legs, his speed is really rare! At least Naza was stunned by his speed. In the next few seconds, after catching up with the antelope that flees wildly in front of him at flying speed, Louis quickly jumped up and his paw hit the antelope fiercely. Body, then…

Then the poor antelope was crushed to the ground.

This, this, this is a mystery hunt–

Is this… really the right way to hunt a winged creature? No matter how you look at it… it’s like a demonstration of the correct hunting of a large beast…

Nazar thought silently. She saw Louis standing on the back of the antelope and tweeted happily at the other cubs.

The female cub originally caught by Nazha happily broke free and ran to Louis. The cubs dragged the antelope back excitedly, showing a proud expression of compliment.

Looking at these little guys, there is only one thought left in Nazha’s mind, that is: hunting shouldn’t be taught by the tribal chef ==///The cubs are crooked and have to be rebuilt!

With an order from Naza, the mothers of the cubs led the cubs back. Through personal demonstrations, they instructed the cubs how to use their racial advantages and avoid racial disadvantages to hunt correctly.

The cub hunting class of the Wash tribe is booming, and all kinds of prey along the way have suffered.


The Amanda tribe is the largest tribe in this central grassland.

It also has another more well-known name, which is “The Gang of Women Bandits in the Central Prairie.”


As a notorious bandit group nearby, the members of the Amanda tribe are all female giant hyenas. Male giant hyenas and orcs of other races are forbidden to join the tribe. This group of female robbers spread across the grasslands, wantonly plundering and looting their prey. Grabbing livestock, looting territory, and then robbing the man during the estrus period, giving birth to female giant hyena cubs and staying, if it is other, throw it away.

The Amanda tribe never participates in any gatherings, but they never lack anything, for no other reason: they grab what they want. These sturdy females have always only traded in empty glove white wolves, and they disdain anything. exchange.

Therefore, every year after the tribe assembly, it is their “purchasing” day.

They wandered everywhere and went to different places to block various tribes. The hard work of a few days was not in vain. They harvested hundreds of horned sheep and horned cattle.

“Leader, the Cinnamon tribe will pass through our eastern territory tomorrow. Shall we stop the road tonight?” A sturdy female giant hyena asked secretly to the chief Amanda.

The leader of the giant hyena-Amanda is an unusually stalwart (fog) female giant hyena. Not only does it possess the first power of the tribe, Amanda also has the first wisdom of the tribe. She decided from the beginning to block the return of other tribes.

Giving up to rob directly on the territory of other tribes, she chose to intercept the other party’s return journey directly after the tribe exchange. At first, the clansmen were unwilling to do this and found it very troublesome. She had to carefully investigate the route of the other party beforehand. Under Amanda’s insistence, the tribe still accepted. Facts have proved that Amanda’s decision is correct. Choosing to block the road and robbery is a bright way, which greatly saves the tribe’s physical strength, consumes little energy but gains more. Now this kind of robbery is already in use. The tribe received wide acclaim and was promoted by all members. The reputation of the Amanda tribe has also improved.

Although it is notorious…

Amanda is not the princess of the patriarch of the previous generation of tribes. She can obtain her current status by relying on her own strength and wisdom.

As usual, Amanda was not eager to answer the questions of the tribe members, she thought for a moment, and then slowly shook her head.

“Why? Cinnamon tribes are known to be good at raising horn sheep, and they are also very weak, why not grab them?” The female giant hyena who just asked the question was a little anxious.

“I can’t say, I won’t go. You, have an opinion?” The black pupils cast a sideways glance at the female giant hyena, and Amanda’s gaze showed a deep threat.

“Don’t dare…” Amanda’s eyes trembled. The female giant hyena suddenly remembered the **** night before Amanda succeeded the patriarch. She dared not protest any more, she shrank down and retreated.

Amanda squinted her eyes, and she seemed to be asleep.

But the other giant hyenas lying down know that this is just the leader’s imaginary. Under the seemingly quiet posture of closing her eyes, Amanda has the power to instantly jump and kill any giant hyena on the scene.

Amanda is a tyrant, and has always been merciless to tribe members who do not submit to discipline. If you should kill, you will kill, and those who should be expelled will never stay.

“The lions in the west, their clan elders are old. Its son is still young, it’s time to expand our territory.” With her eyes closed, Amanda gave her instructions to the tribe members.

The answer to her was a huge roar like a grinning below.


When the bandit gang composed of giant hyenas rushed to the lion’s site to kick the pavilion overnight, the Vash tribe team led by Sita also set foot on the territory of the Amanda tribe.

“Wow! A lot of horned cows! There are horned sheep—” Not long after they came here, the females have already seen two groups of horned sheep (← Amanda tribe grabbed it); a group of horned cows (← Still Amanda tribe grabbed it) .

These delicious prey are scattered on the grassland in groups, grazing leisurely.

The prey sent to the door is not too much, and the Wash tribe immediately decided to stay here for half a day to reorganize these cattle/flocks!

These cattle and sheep are like domesticated ones (囧: originally they are). They are very easy to catch. Even new breeders like the Wash tribe can easily catch these horned horned sheep and make them obedient and follow the original cattle and sheep. The group advances together.

Just when the Amanda tribe killed the last cub of the toothed lion group, the Wash tribe also completed the reorganization of the most horned bull.

Amanda loosened her **** tooth: the kick was successful.

Sita wiped her large hand covered with wool: the sheep and cattle were successfully reorganized.

The contented females each moved in their original direction.

As a result, the two teams, composed of the strongest females of the known existing tribe, are about to meet in a narrow way.

The author has something to say: first more

Attached is the brain hole of Mr. Ashiu that the author Jun Kuai came:

The first year of the assembly:

Sita: Tomorrow will be the annual meeting and blind date meeting. This time you must marry yourself! Does anyone in the tribe want to go together?

Nazha: Me!

Male A: Me!

Bald: Our family!

After the rally, everyone brought back male A’s partner [Remarks Gender: Male! 】The second year of the assembly:

Sita: Tomorrow is the annual meeting and blind date meeting again. This time you must marry yourself out! Does anyone in the tribe want to go together?

Nazha: Me!

Male B: Me!

Bald: Our family!

After the rally, everyone brought back male B’s partner [Note Gender: It’s a male again! 】The third year of the assembly:

Sita: Tomorrow will be an annual meeting and blind date meeting, this time you must marry yourself out! Does anyone in the tribe want to go together?

Nazha: Me!

Male C: Me!

Bald: Our family!

After the rally, everyone brought back male C’s partner [Remarks on gender: still male! 】The fourth year of the assembly:

Sita, who still hasn’t married out: Tomorrow is the annual rally and blind date meeting. This time I will never play with the males again! ! !

Cute ︿( ̄︶ ̄)︿

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