Original Again

Chapter 85: Amanda

Meng Jiuzhao clutched Louis’ body tightly.

In the darkness, he couldn’t see what was waiting for them at all, how high the cliff was or what was underneath, he didn’t know at all. Louis’ warmth is the only thing he can grasp.

They were landing quickly, the wind whistling past their ears, no matter how high the cliff was, there was a time when it came to the end, and soon…is it that moment?

Meng Jiuzhao closed his eyes–

Then, the long-awaited moment arrived. What greeted them was not the hard ground, but the rushing water, and they fell heavily into the deep river!

When the icy cold water wrapped his whole body, Meng Jiuzhao hugged Louis’s head tightly, and then—

Then Meng Jiuzhao woke up.

He was awakened by Louis.

The sky was bright, just like every ordinary morning in the past, Louis licked Meng Jiuzhao as usual, trying to wake him up.

“Don’t make trouble…” Meng Jiuzhao, who was accustomed to it, habitually wanted to raise his hand to poke Louis’s mouth away, but with this, he immediately woke up.

it hurts–

Pain is the best stimulus, and the memories from before returned instantly, and Meng Jiuzhao’s eyes widened suddenly.

“No, not dead!” Meng Jiuzhao sat up.

He stared at Louis in a daze. Louis is now completely a chicken, all the fluffy hair is wet, and without the back of the hair, he looks ridiculous.

Seeing Meng Jiuzhao sitting up, Louis let out a chuckle of joy.

At this moment, Meng Jiuzhao couldn’t bother to check where he was now and if there were any other people around him. His eyes were completely occupied by the pale yellow Louis in front of him.

Tears brewed in the eyes of the brothers. The next second, the two cubs picked up and cried loudly.

After crying, the feeling of fear was almost vented. Meng Jiuzhao let Louis lick his tears and nose off his face, and he began to check the surroundings.

It looks like a tidal flat here. Meng Jiuzhao can hear the rushing water, and the rushing river should be not far away. Before observing the environment, Meng Jiuzhao first checked the wounds on Louis’s wings. The originally dirty wounds are now washed clean by water and no longer bleed. With Kantas’ strong healing ability, Meng Jiuzhao looked at Louis’s wounds. It has already begun to close. Only then did he feel relieved to check his wounds: the same was washed by the river water very clean, although a lot of blood bleed, but the accidental wound is not deep.

With the help of Louis, Meng Jiuzhao stood up, and the two cubs walked towards the sound of water together.

As Meng Jiuzhao thought, there really is a river there.

It was the longest and widest river Meng Jiuzhao had ever seen since he was born. The current was very rapid, and Meng Jiuzhao could not imagine how he and Louis came up from such a turbulent river.

“Louis, did you pick it up?” Although it was unlikely, Meng Jiuzhao asked Louis next to him.

Louis really shook his head, after thinking about it, he yelled in the other direction.

After understanding what he meant, Meng Jiuzhao was startled.

He walked in the direction Louis pointed, where he saw Amanda lying on the bank of the river.

Half of the giant hyena was lying on the land, and the other half was sinking in the water. The river kept washing her body, and the body of the giant hyena was slowly brought into the river.

What was exposed on the land was the head of the giant hyena. The giant hyena with its neck half broken and still staring at it looked terrifying. Some small flying insects have hovered over her and began to draw the last nourishment from her.

“You said… she took us to swim up there?” Meng Jiuzhao asked Louis in a low voice, looking at Amanda like this.

“Tweet~” Louis tweeted affirmatively.

Unlike Meng Jiuzhao, Louis was awake all the time. The huge pain when entering the water made this Kantas cub almost fainted, but thinking of his brother, he abruptly survived. Not only made it through, he also took Meng Jiuzhao away from her shackles when Amanda was stunned by the huge impact of the falling water.

Louis wanted to take Meng Jiuzhao out of the river, but he couldn’t swim. The more he wanted to float up in his heart, the more he sank to the bottom of the water. Just as Louis was dying and struggling, Amanda reappeared, picked up two cubs, and swam to the surface.

First was attacked by Louis, and then experienced the huge impact of falling into the water. Amanda’s neck was almost completely broken. It was good for her to be buoyant in the water. On land, she could no longer bear the weight of the two cubs. Only when it was time to push Louis and the others ashore, she could no longer move.

Unable to close her mouth, Amanda faintly stared at the Kantas brothers who had recovered with her huge black eyes.

But why do you do this? She obviously wanted them to die, didn’t she?

Staring at Amanda, Meng Jiuzhao’s mouth tightened.


Amanda knew she was dying.

The omnipotent power has completely left her body, and now she can’t even close her mouth.

The action of swimming up with two cubs desperately broke her shin bones, and now she was completely hopeless.

Amanda felt that she was extremely weak at the moment.

When was the last time you realized your weakness?

Was it when I was a cub?

Is it when you are forced to send away your cubs?

Amanda quietly looked at the two cubs opposite. These were two male cubs, two very beautiful little ones. Before they met themselves, their fur was smooth, clean and tidy. Their parents must love them very much and they were well taken care of.

It’s not at all the same as his own cubs.

The giant hyena tribe is a tribe respected by females. They only accept giant hyena females as their tribe, companions, and all others are abandoned.

Amanda has seen abandonment countless times, and for this kind of abandonment, she watched indifferently.

Until she had her own cub for the first time.

The most powerful giant hyena gave birth to the weakest male cub. This is simply an unforgivable shame!

Amanda left that useless cub out of the tribe more than once, whether it was eaten or starved to death, there is no need for the weak to survive in this world. Amanda was born with a heart harder than iron stone. .

However, such a weak brat has been found back every time.

No matter how far he was lost, he found it every time.

As if not knowing that he had been abandoned, he looked at his mother with sullen eyes, just at his mother, as if the previous abandonment was just a little game played by his mother and him.

The cub’s black eyes melted Amanda’s stone heart.

Like every ordinary mother, Amanda carefully protects her cubs.

For fear of the cub being discovered by other tribesmen, she hid the cub in a cave not far from the tribe. Whenever she left, she always strictly instructed the cub not to run around.

Cubs are very naughty, just like these two male cubs. They are always yearning for a new world. Even if their parents repeatedly tell them, they will always run out when they should.

However, her cubs are very obedient.

Amanda thought proudly.

Every time as long as she had told him like this, her cub would hide in the cave obediently, even if she went out all day, he would hide in the cave obediently and never run anywhere.

“…Come to mom.” I didn’t pay attention to anyone’s call, and could only listen to my mother’s call. Whenever she came back from anxious hunting and whispered the cub’s name, the little black figure rushed over, and Amanda’s heart would be extremely satisfied.

This is her cub. It has no sharp teeth and cannot be transformed into a human form, but he is her cutest and most precious cub.

Then what……

Then what……

The most precious things are always coveted.

Her treasure was discovered by the people.

Not a giant hyena, not a female, her cub was mercilessly expelled by the leader.

From that moment, Amanda made a decision in her heart: one day, she will definitely bite that woman’s neck!

Amanda sent away her cub, and her cub grew up in a place not too far away from her.

Amanda also bit the neck of the former leader and became the new queen.

She would often run far away by herself, carefully observing the life of her cub from a long distance.

Her cub grew up without incident.

Even if he doesn’t have sharp teeth, he still has the ability to make a living on his own, but he seems to be often deceived.

Even if the cub grows up, he is still his cub in Amanda’s heart. Once found that the cub was cheated, Amanda will help him get back.

That’s also good.

The cubs live in a friendly tribe, which is great.

Amanda has only one cub in her life.

In her heart, her cub is always the little one back then.

The safety of the cub is her only bottom line.

Hei Ya touched the only bottom line.

The accidental injury made her lose her powerful force, unable to prevent the giant hyenas from hurting her cubs. In despair, Amanda came up with a way to kidnap her.

Kidnapping other people’s cubs is just to protect their own cubs.

This method is not mean to her at all.

In the world of giant hyenas, there is no vile, as long as it is easy to use and can achieve the goal, it is a good way.

Until now, Amanda has only a little regret in her heart.

Kidnapped this cub, your cub might be a little sad, right? After all, this is his only friend…

His own cubs, who have had no playmates since childhood, seem to like to play with young cubs very much.

Amanda thought to her, her eyes staring at the opposite Meng Jiuzhao, she realized that she couldn’t see clearly.

She seems to have seen her cub…

Among a group of cubs, she saw the familiar and cute little figure, and he was rolling towards her happily.

“Haru, come to my mother.” She only said these words.

Meng Jiuzhao only heard her say these words.

Amanda’s eyes were still wide, but Meng Jiuzhao knew that she was dead.

Completely dead.

The rushing water kept scouring Amanda’s huge body, and finally took her away.

The author has something to say: here is the real reason why Amanda kidnapped the Kantas cub, although her actions are extreme.

But, I really don’t hate her


Hope she rests in heaven

Her cub has grown up safely.

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