Original Again

Chapter 95: Take a sharp turn

Louis was stunned because he recognized that this raptor was their family’s food reserve, while Meng Jiuzhao was stunned because of the horned sheep on the paws of the Utah raptor.


Louis called out the name of the Utahraptor.

“Ah? Wieser? You said he was Wieser?” Meng Jiuzhao, who had been focusing on the horn sheep, was taken aback.

“Wiesel is Utah Raptors? When did this happen? Do you alone know?”

“Tweet, twee…” Dad knows it, Dad said, this is our family’s food reserve. Louis dutifully answered Meng Jiuzhao’s questions.

Meng Jiuzhao: 囧!

Dinosaurs have been lurking by their side, and they cook for themselves every day. This, this, this is too terrifying, right?

Now look at the fat and tender roast horn lamb held in Wiesel’s paws…

Meng Jiuzhao drooled especially hopelessly.

But even if it’s a chef who deliberately jumped from above to deliver horned sheep or something, this is… too dedicated, right?

Meng Jiuzhao said it was a little unbelievable.

However, since this is Wiesel, he cannot be allowed to die. What about everyone in the Vash tribe, count on this guy to tell himself~

Rescued Wieser from Grandpa’s paws, Meng Jiuzhao motioned to Grandpa to put Wieser on the shore.

There is a fire on the shore. Like his father Black, the bald cub is a delicate cub. He washes his clothes every time he takes a bath. Although his clothes are just a piece of animal skin, he always bubbles and bathes with water. When it’s time, it’s a fire and bake it, so that when it’s washed out, the skins of the little animals are washed out.

Grandpa is no longer afraid of fire, although he still doesn’t like it, but now he knows that the cubs prefer to eat barbecue, especially the delicate (?) baby.

So, he took a few trees thoughtfully and made a simple bracket, and put the unconscious Wieser on top of the fire.

This deja vu scene, poor Wiesel, seems to be the fate of cooking wherever he goes.

“Ah~~~~ Grandpa, this is not food~~~~” Fortunately, Meng Jiuzhao ran fast. Before Wieser’s tail caught fire, he quickly swiftly tried to rescue Wieser from the fire. Down.

The cub seems to want to eat raw? ←Meng obediently squatted aside, who still couldn’t fully understand Meng Jiuzhao’s meaning.

Wiesel was probably stunned by the huge impact when he entered the water. After drinking a lot of water, his stomach bulged high. Meng Jiuzhao had to pull on Louis, and the two jumped on his stomach together to help him control the water in his stomach.

Wiesel became a human form unconsciously.

After that, Wiesel woke up in a daze.

He saw the bald cubs and Louis of the Black family at first sight.

The two cubs were still the same, with bright eyes looking at him.

“I…Is this dead?” Such a small cub fell from such a high place, and he actually felt that they were too violent.

It is said that after death, everyone will meet again in another world.

Wiesel tilted his neck and saw the horned sheep on his paws. Sure enough, the dead horned sheep came into this world with him (囧).

“Baby, Louis, this is the horn sheep for you, covered with your favorite honey.”

A high-altitude jumping → falling into the deep sea → being put on a fire again… Afterwards, the person who died of death (dragon?), the first thing after waking up was not to cry but to give himself a barbecue. Meng Jiuzhao was in a great mood. complex.

He stretched out two fingers.

“Wiesel, what’s this?” When he was in the tribe, he often taught the cubs to count, and Wieser, who often mingled with cubs, also learned by the way.

There are countless mini-games among the cubs. One of the games is that whenever one stretches out a finger, the other person must quickly answer him which number is.

Seeing the bald cubs stretch their fingers, Wieser immediately reflexively replied, “Three!”

“Well, you are not stupid.”

Wiesel, this guy, can never tell the difference between two and three. Now that his answer is the same as before, Meng Jiuzhao is relieved.

Wiesel handed over the horn sheep eagerly, and then Louis really took it.

“Tweet?” After pulling a piece of belly meat, Louis asked Meng Jiuzhao to eat too, eager to ask Wieser some questions, Meng Jiuzhao waved his hand and refused, so Louis left the best and tenderest piece of meat and prepared it for a while. Eat bald.

Immediately afterwards, he tore off the two hind legs, which were reserved for the two fathers, who like to eat the hind legs.

The breast meat is Louis’s favorite, and he unceremoniously takes it.

Finally, he glanced at the fierce squatting next to him.

Then, for some unknown reason, Louis put the horned lamb’s **** in front of fierce.


“I don’t know if Sita and the others will come over soon… If we knew we would meet again here, I wouldn’t have to be afraid before.” With a dreamlike expression, Wiesel said blankly.

Wait—this idiot doesn’t think they are dead, he is dead too?

Meng Jiuzhao thought with a black line on his face.

However, why mention Sita? Did something happen to the Wash tribe?

Pat Wieser **** the face, Meng Jiuzhao slapped Wieser awake.

“You’re not dead, you fell into the sea and were saved by us, come on! What happened to Sita and the others? Did something happen to the tribe?”

⊙o⊙) Huh?!” After a few slaps, Wiesel finally became sober.

Seeing Meng Jiuzhao’s serious face, Wiesel suddenly burst into tears.

Sobbing, he told what happened after Black and Bai left.

After Black and White left, everyone in the Wash tribe returned to the tribe and decided to wait for the Black family to return in the tribe. Everyone would go to the cliff where Black and the others had left to deliver food every day. Regardless of whether Black and the others could eat it or not, everyone felt more or less comforting in their hearts.

Today’s food was delivered by Wiesel, who cooked bald cubs and Louis’s favorite roast horn lamb. He happily delivered the takeaway. Just standing on the edge of the cliff, about to throw the horn sheep down, and then…

The cliff on which he was standing collapsed.

The last glance Wieser saw was the terrible appearance of the cliff falling apart behind him. The area of ​​the split is getting bigger and bigger, and it splits quickly to deeper and farther places——

“Did I gain weight recently? I didn’t really crush the cliff deliberately… What do you think the tribe has also cracked?”

Meng Jiuzhao ==///: Don’t worry, neither Black nor Bai crushed the entire continent, and you won’t lose weight at this point.

However, according to Wieser’s words, could the continent where the Vash tribe is located has encountered another movement?


Meng Jiuzhao was right. What Wiesel encountered was the precursor to the third large-scale earthquake in the history of the mainland.

Some time ago, the land section where the Wash tribe was located was only close to the land section where the Cinnamon tribe was located, but now it is the day when the two really meet!

The two continents finally merged, and along with the fusion, a terrible earthquake occurred on the edges of the two continents.

In the future history book, the understatement, a few lines of the ground movement, the bystanders of ~www.mtlnovel.com~ can never imagine: in the eyes of the experiencer, these lines are so thrilling and terrifying!

Em’s father was the first to give a warning!

It is already too old, far more than the age when a snow rabbit is dead, and its consciousness is a bit unconscious. Now the rabbit father sleeps in the den most of the day.

Snow Rabbit’s instinct can make him wake up suddenly from the chaos–

Its ears stood up.

Instinct tells it that terrible things are about to happen!

It jumped up and ran in the tribe blankly. In the past few days, most of the orcs have been hunting outside and looking for traces of the Black family. Only Snow, Sita and a group of cubs stayed behind the tribe every day.

Seeing the cubs running around in the tribe, Dad Rabbit suddenly remembered something. He ran back and forth in the tribe, trying to gather the cubs.

It’s a pity that everyone didn’t understand its meaning, thinking that Daddy Rabbit was playing with them, and the little guys hid very happily.

A shrill cry came from Snow Rabbit’s small mouth, and Father Rabbit was stunned in a daze.

It was Sita who noticed the strange behavior of the rabbit father, without asking the reason, she acted immediately: grabbing the little guys one by one and gathering together, she quickly set up a fire on the ground, and put a strange color stone Throw it in, and black smoke immediately rose from the fire.

This is the signal to summon the members of the tribe to return to the tribe immediately!

At the moment when the black smoke rose, the door of Andy’s lair was pushed open by the snowflakes. Snowflakes, who had always been calm and unhurried, showed anxious expression for the first time, “Hurry! Call everyone back! The ground moved! ! Very terrible ground movement—”

Snowflake’s roar coincided with the sharp scream of Father Rabbit, and Sita finally understood what it was all about the emotions that made her anxious until now!

That is, the premonition of death–

In panic, Sita turned her head to meet Xue Xue’s eyes.

“Take good care of my three trees, those are my cubs.”

Entrusted her most important treasure to Sita. Seeing Sita nodded, Snow closed her eyes.

The blue color spread from the soles of the feet to the face of the snowflakes. His body gradually elongated and became a straight trunk; his hair continued to coil upwards until it penetrated into the air and became a towering tree crown; his feet were deep and deep. Submerged in the soil, constantly downward… downward… Constantly splitting, entangled, and tightly locked every inch of land.

Under the gaze of Sita and a group of cubs, the snowflake turned into a tree!


The members of the Wash tribe are usually well-trained. After seeing the black smoke, they immediately put down all their affairs and quickly returned to the tribe.

They knew the cause of the black smoke on the way.

The ground trembled violently!

Everyone ran quickly, and the ground collapsed behind them!

“Let down the prey! Run! Go back to the tribe!” Watching a young leopard orc fell into the cracks on the surface by the weight of the prey on his back, Andy let out a roar, he knew that since the tribe had risen If the black smoke lets them go back, it proves that the tribe is still safe at least at this time!

Only two-thirds of the orcs returned home alive.

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