Original God's Dark Priest

Chapter 116 Adeline’s Commission

After resting for a night in Mondstadt, Ying stayed at the Goethe Hotel as usual, and Anastasia warmly entertained her. This made Ying feel more and more that it was right to have a good relationship with Safire.

The next day, out of concern for Diona's injury, Ying and little Paimon came to Qingquan Town again.

"Mr. Durav! How is Diona now?" Paimon asked aloud when he saw Durav standing by the door thinking.

Durav immediately smiled when he saw the person coming: "Oh, it's you. Thanks to everyone, Diona is fine. She just injured her knee and needs to rest for a few days. She is still resting now. The town's The situation has improved a lot, and there are no more people who have fainted.”

Little Paimon happily spun around in the air: "Great, our approach to cleaning up the meteorite was indeed correct!"

Fischer has been waiting here for a long time: "You came just in time, traveler. It seems that your noble dream of protecting all souls in the world has inspired you to come here. Come with me to meet the envoy!"

Little Paimon was a little confused when she heard the envoy. She scratched her head: "Emissary? Diplomatic envoy?"

Ying thought for a while: "The Fools are the diplomatic mission of the Solstice Kingdom, probably similar to Saffir?"

Durav chuckled and stopped their speculation: "Haha, you two don't know yet, right? Someone sent a message. A lady named Adeline wants to invite you to Chenxi Winery."

Little Paimon and Ying looked at each other. Adeline was the head maid of Dawn Winery. In the original plot, because the Abyss Mage caused trouble, they would discuss the battle plan with Diluc at Dawn Winery. However, due to Safir's intervention, The dragon disaster was resolved in advance, so they had not seen Adeline.

Little Paimon thought for a while and then said: "Maybe Mr. Diluc has something to do with us? Yes, Fischer, let's go to Chenxi Winery to have a look."

Fischer didn't answer, so Oz said for her: "It's an honor."

On the way, little Paimon and Ying whispered, "Can you understand what this princess is saying? Why can't I always understand her?"

Ying frowned and showed a strange expression. In fact, after last night's analysis, she almost knew what happened to Fischer, but how to explain this to little Paimon? Just say she is delusional? I always feel like this is very disrespectful.

Maybe Safire knows how to describe this situation? Ying thought silently in her heart, but what she didn't know was that if Safire were present, she would definitely say without hesitation, "This girl has chuunibyou, please leave her alone." Obviously, this is even more disrespectful.

"Emmmm, it's a bit complicated to explain..." After a moment of silence, Ying was still confused.

She was a little embarrassed to see her, so Paimon stopped asking questions. As long as she knew what she knew, it didn't matter to her.

Several people went to Chenxi Winery.

After a night's trek, Mona had arrived at Wangshu Inn. With the sun above her head, Mona only felt thirsty, hot, and very sleepy. However, she was short of money and did not have the financial strength to rent a room and have a good rest.

Touching Kong Kong's belly, Mona felt a little sad. She considered whether she should find a place to catch some fish to pad her belly, and then find a safer place to take a nap.

"You have her breath on you. Are you in trouble?" A young boy's voice sounded, startling Mona.

She looked around and found nothing unusual, which made her feel a little creepy. But before she could get scared, the voice continued: "Have you been in contact with anyone recently? Answer my question."

"I...I helped the old woman deliver things to her friends. I didn't do anything bad!" Mona was frightened. She knew there were immortals in Liyue, but the sudden voice that came out of nowhere still frightened her. Feeling a little scared.

"Friends? Yes, I understand. Go to Wangshu Inn, there will be someone there to receive you." After saying this, the voice fell silent. No matter how Mona called, it would no longer ring.

Mona had no other choice but to go to Wangshu Inn to try her luck, but she still had to be wary. She used water fortune telling to divine what was going on at Wangshu Inn, and then used water fortune telling to predict the situation. I saw a weighing instrument in it.

There are many people related to Liyue and Ji Hengyi, but there is only one person who will show it in her water chart.

"Tianquanxing, Ningguang? She actually has a deep connection with this inn. Since she has Liyue's official background, it should be a problem." Mona nodded and headed to Wangshu Inn with confidence. She also thought clearly that the one just now should be the immortal.

Unexpectedly, the immortal was so enthusiastic, and Mona's affection for Liyue increased.

In fact, what she didn't know was that Mandrill just felt a trace of the devil's breath on her body. This breath was very weak, but very familiar. It was Sapphire's unique breath. It was precisely because of this that he would inflict magic on Mona. Help, otherwise Mandrill will never care about her.

As long as he doesn't die, Mandrill won't care.

Mona came to Wangshu Inn, and sure enough, Phil Godette was already waiting for her. After arranging meals and guest rooms, Mona took a bath and slept beautifully. She also explained to the boss that she really No more Mora.

But Phil Godette just shook her head and said she had received instructions not to collect money, allowing her to live in peace. If she hadn't known that this place was Ningguang's property, Mona would never have settled down. She would have suspected that this was a black shop that was trying to make money and kill people.

On the other side, Ying and Fischer came to Dawn Winery, and Adeline received them.

"Hello, adventurers, welcome to Morningside Winery. I am the head maid Adeline who invited you here." Adeline served them tea and introduced herself politely.

Little Paimon expressed his gratitude generously. Fischer also expressed it in his own way, although most people may not understand: "Are you Adeline? Very good, I grant you the honor of sharing afternoon tea with the princess."

Oz quickly said: "Ms. Adeline, thank you for inviting my master, the Condemned Princess Fischer, and me..."

Paimon quickly stopped: "Okay, okay, let's stop here for self-introduction. Your titles are too long. I am Paimon, this is the traveler, and over there are Fischer and her Attached to Nightcrow Oz.”

Adeline obviously has seen the world. She didn't panic at all. Instead, she followed Fischer's intention and praised: "Oh, are you such a well-established adventurer?"

Fischer was very dissatisfied with little Paimon: "My white little apostle, how dare you interrupt the princess's diplomatic conversation!"

Ying felt that there was no normal person present, so he simply ignored them and thanked Adeline directly: "Thank you for inviting us over for tea. Is there any reason why Miss Adeline came to us?"

Adeline did not hide anything and said directly: "In fact, a worker named Hartman at Chenxi Winery was involved in the meteorite crisis in Qingquan Town. I heard that several people helped clean up the nearby meteorites and asked them to Lucky for you, Hartmann is awake.

For both reasons and reasons, I should invite you over for a cup of tea. Besides, I have some things I want to trouble you with..."

Paimon happily responded: "Miss Adeline is too polite. We just did what adventurers should do."

Fischer on the other side was not so polite. He was still as unruly as ever: "I grant you the honor to pay your respects to this princess. My glory will shine forever in Qingquan Town!"

Ying was speechless and held her forehead: "So, should it last forever or should it flicker?"

When Little Pamon saw Oz trying to translate, he stopped him: "Ozzy, don't translate yet, let me guess! The princess means...you're welcome!"

Oz nodded: "Sir Paimon is really considerate, and he has understood the lady's style so quickly."

There was a joke going on over there, and the only normal person had to take on the important task of communicating with Adeline: "Miss Adeline, what are you talking about that you need our help with?"

Adeline continued: "Our Chenxi Winery's property spans the Three Kingdoms of Mondstadt, Liyue and Winter. Although most of the goods have been transported by water recently due to the support of the Fools' Executive Officer Dark Mu, some of them are still transported by water. Transported by land.

There are some land transportation workers who need to make deliveries back and forth. They are away for several days. Two of them were originally scheduled to come back yesterday, but they have not contacted me yet. I am worried that they are trapped somewhere because of this incident. .

Recently, the winery is short of manpower and I can’t get away, so I have to shamelessly ask for your help. "

Little Paimon nodded his little head: "So that's it, don't worry, we are good at finding people!"

Adeline became happy when she saw that they agreed: "That's great. You will definitely pass by Shimen when you come back from Liyue. You can go and find out. There are two carriages for transporting goods. The worker's name is Free. Ci and Ben.”

Yingye patted his chest: "Don't worry, leave it to us! We will definitely try our best to find them."

The group set off immediately and headed towards Shimen while it was still early.

Ben felt that he was really unlucky these days. First, Fritz's car broke down on the Dihuazhou side, and then he himself. The two of them had made an appointment. He would send the goods back first, and then find someone to pick them up. Fritz.

As a result, he encountered a lot of monsters on the north side of the stone gate, including everything from scams to slimes. He couldn't deal with them alone, so he had to squat on the ground holding his head in despair.

Just when he was desperate, a purple-black crow with flashing thunder suddenly rushed down from the sky. The rich thunder light shone and instantly knocked away the monster next to him.

Immediately afterwards, a golden spherical stone fell from the sky, pressing a trick flower underneath, completely eliminating the monster closest to him. Feeling that the danger was over, I looked up to check the situation and saw a blond girl with twin tails holding a bow that looked valuable.

One arrow after another was shot at the monsters, while another girl with the same blond hair and wearing a white combat skirt was even more exaggerated. Holding a black and gold one-handed sword, she rushed into the group of monsters and slashed at them.

Brown stones appeared on the surface of all the monsters she slashed, and they became unable to move. After all the monsters turned into that state, the girl raised her feet, stomped heavily on the ground, and shouted: "Transformation." For dust!”

Ben could have sworn that this was the most unbelievable thing he had ever seen in his life. Following the girl's movements, golden stones suddenly protruded from the originally flat ground, spreading towards the periphery with her as the center.

The moment the monsters that were originally sealed came into contact with the stones, they all lost their support, as if they were made of sand. They fell to the ground and shattered into dust.

Ben looked at all this with his mouth open, as if he saw a god saving the world.

Ying and Fischer eliminated all the monsters and walked towards Ben, who was already shaking.

Seeing his state, little Paimon frowned: "Is he okay? Something doesn't feel right."

"I guess he was frightened. Most people are afraid when encountering monsters." Ying explained for Ben.

At this time, Ben finally came to his senses and fell to his knees.

"Thank you, thank you fairy sister for saving me! If you hadn't happened to pass by, I would have been..."

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