Original God's Dark Priest

Chapter 124 The end of Shinsuke Hiiragi

"Eternal, enemy." Safire looked at General Thunder and Lightning steadily for a few seconds. The Yao Shenzi on the side also frowned. It was obvious that General Thunder and Lightning had murderous intentions towards Safire.

Safire was silent for a while, and finally said: "I agree to your conditions. The fools should be responsible for this matter. Dark Shepherd Safire, I will bring her to Daowu to accept the punishment of Thunder."

Yae Shenzi looked at Safiir in surprise: "Silver Wolf..."

"In this case, the negotiation has been reached. The shogunate immediately stopped military operations on Kaiji Island. Ginlang, you go hunt down Safire and bring her back to Inazuma." General Raiden said with a cold face, "The guarantor will be Naru. As the Palace Secretary of the Grand Shrine, Yae Kamiko should be in charge.”

Yae Kamiko looked at the serious two people and sighed helplessly. After thinking about it, she added: "Since I am the guarantor, let me also put forward a condition."

"Please tell me." General Raiden agreed with Yae Shenzi's request and asked her to tell her her conditions. Safire also nodded without expressing any objection.

The corner of Yae Shenzi's mouth curled up slightly: "I am originally the Grand Palace Secretary of Narukami Island. Not to mention the issue of position, my position is more towards the shogunate.

Therefore, I hope that Kaiji Island can send your living god miko, the Coral Palace Heart Sea, to me as a 'hostage'. Can you accept it? "

Safir frowned. She didn't know what the fox was up to: "Miss Yae's condition seems a bit excessive. At this point in time, no one can accept it if we are asked to hand over the top leader." ?”

"To hand over or not to hand over, does it make any difference?" Yae Kamiko chuckled, "Haiji Island cannot withstand the attack of the shogunate army. I just want to meet the girl who dares to raise the flag of rebellion against the shogunate. Miko, we may have something in common."

Safir's head was full of black lines: "I should have said it a long time ago. There was no betrayal on Haiji Island. All of this is slander."

General Thunder did not speak, seeming to be thinking about the rationality of this matter.

Yae Kamiko spoke again: "If I let her follow me and be monitored every step of the way, I can let Narukami Island resume material assistance to Kaiji Island. What do you think? The society is under the management of Narukami Grand Shrine, and people's livelihood issues I have the right to speak when I return to society and practice my work."

Safir understood what Yaegamiko meant. She wanted to use this excuse to restore the people's livelihood on Haiji Island. As long as people solved the problem of food and clothing, the probability of subsequent accidents would be reduced. It seemed that this fox understood that she could not stay here. It's been too long and I want to help her solve some of her worries.

When General Raiden heard Yae Shenzi's words, he frowned slightly, but immediately relaxed. She didn't want to continue to provide assistance to Kaiji Island, but she had just made a treaty with Safire. If both parties had food problems later, It would not be appropriate to cause friction again.

After thinking for a moment, General Thunder agreed to this plan.

Sapphire was all right, but she still looked embarrassed, argued with Yae Shenzi for a while, and finally agreed to this condition unwillingly, as if unwillingly.

The five-star ornamental fish far away in Haiji Island didn't know that it had been sold. It didn't know how many yuan a pound it cost, but the food in exchange was indeed not small.

An outlying island on the other side.

Yelan brought a large amount of crystallized bone marrow, and started selling it directly at half the price of the store that was set up by the appointment and implementation. At first, only a few people asked about the price, but then somehow, the news leaked out, and the appointment and admission were brought in all of a sudden. A large number of servants were ready to destroy Yelan's shop.

Unexpectedly, Yelan's fighting power was so strong that everyone who came was beaten to death and thrown back.

Shinsuke Hiiragi had no choice. Since force couldn't solve the problem, he would send someone to buy it. He does not allow the emergence of cheap crystallized bone marrow on the market to affect his ability to make money.

As a result, Kang Dingxing spent a large amount of money and began to purchase crystallized bone marrow.

However, what Hiiragi Shinsuke didn't expect was that Yelan had already reserved a batch of crystallized bone marrow for the merchants of all nations to allow them to pay the next tax. Just when Hiiragi Shinsuke fantasized about using these crystallized bone marrow to further squeeze merchants from other countries, A second wave of backstabs from Saffir occurred.

Before leaving the castle tower, Safire seemed to suddenly remember and mentioned something to General Raiden: "Inazuma is indeed an interesting country. The general should know that I landed from an outlying island. There is something I want to say. You have to say something.”

General Thunderbolt had a straight face without showing any expression: "Miss Silver Wolf, just say it straight away, there is no need to hide it."

Safir nodded: "The general is willing to listen, so I will tell you. Although I don't want to ask about your rice wife's tax issues, the crystallized bone marrow comes from the remains of Haiqi Daiyujin. Use this as tax material. , I feel somewhat offended.

Presumably the general is not a person with any special quirks. If there is no special reason, I think it would be better to replace it with a normal Mora. If not, use different materials.

Of course, I just mentioned casually that the affairs of Inazuma are all decided by the general alone. "

After saying that, she and Yae Kamiko left, leaving General Raiden to frown and ponder her intentions.

"Crystalized bone marrow?" General Thunderbolt stopped in place. She couldn't remember when she issued a decree requiring taxes to deliver crystallized bone marrow.

In her mind, she thought this was probably a way of exploiting people. In fact, she knew very well about corruption and didn't pay much attention to it. As long as they knew what they were doing and didn't cause trouble, she would just let them go.

But the problem is that he didn't choose the right one. He had to use the crystallized bone marrow, which is of great significance to Haiji Island. As a friend of Orobas, Silver Wolf did not make a fuss on the outlying island after discovering this incident. , but only mentioned it after the conversation with her, which can be said to be very embarrassing.

Silver Wolf was so generous that General Thunder and Lightning could not disappoint her, so she decided to send someone to knock it out.

"Come here." General Thunder's cold voice sounded. Immediately, a member of the Aojiezhong came in and half-knelt on the ground.

General Raiden thought for a moment, and then said: "Go and call Kujo Sora over."

"Yes!" Ojiezhong retreated and quickly went to inform Kujo Sora.

After leaving the castle tower, Saphire let out a heavy breath. Now she had almost everything she should do. Yae Shenzi walked beside her and chuckled: "What are you going to do next?"

"Well, it's been a month since I came out, and Dao's wife's affairs are almost settled. It's time for me to go back to Liyue." Safire thought about it and felt that there should be no omissions.

Yae Shenzi nodded in understanding: "Then, please ask Teacher Su Jin to help me send that little miko here."

"Go and pick it up yourself. I have something to do." Safir rolled his eyes and refused to offend her. That's what this fox is like. He will shine brightly when given a little sunshine, and he will try his best to push the envelope even further. He won't have a roof over his head for three days.

Yae Shenzi was not upset after being rejected. He just looked at her sideways and said, "You went to Liyue to participate in the Sea Lantern Festival, right?"

"Yeah, I haven't participated in it yet. I'm going to go and have a look." Safire nodded, mainly because of Zhongli's invitation. If Zhongli didn't mention this matter, she might really plan to stay in Daozi and settle the matter.

"Take me there too, I also want to see what celebrations in other countries are like." Yae Shenzi suddenly said this.

Safire looked at her in surprise: "You...you want to run away again? This rice wife can't tolerate you, right? Such a big thing happened after just one trip, and you still want to run away?"

"Isn't the matter almost settled? Besides, Kage is like that. It doesn't matter if she is detained for a few more days. She has always been in the Pure Land anyway, so there is no difference." Yae Shenzi waved his hand indifferently.

Seeing her like this, she must have made up her mind. Safir could only sigh helplessly. Since the fox was leaving again, there was one thing she had to do.

On the outlying island, Fengxing Mansion was determined.

Shinsuke Hiiragi smashed a cup angrily.

"Bad luck! What is the background of that woman named Kafka? I sent fifteen people to deal with her, fifteen! She was beaten half to death by that woman and still hung on a tree?" Shinsuke Hiiragi became more and more angry as he thought about it. His feet knocked the chair to the ground.

Then he walked around the room and saw the trembling servant kneeling at the door. He cursed again: "Trash! They are all trash! A bunch of losers can't even handle a woman!"

He was really angry this time. A bunch of his servants were injured. He also spent a lot of money on Mora because he wanted to establish a monopoly. As a result, half of his family's fortune was lost. The other party's crystallized bone marrow had not yet bottomed out. He would often go Warehouse, looking at the crystallized bone marrow that was half full of the warehouse, I felt like crying without tears.

Just yesterday, I don't know if it was because he made too much noise, but Dotore got the news from somewhere and knew that the crystallized bone marrow missing from Ba Ling Island was in the warehouse he designated for execution.

So another group of fools came and moved all the crystallized bone marrow away from him without saying a word, without giving him a penny. According to the team leader of the Fools who led the team at the time, this batch of crystallized bone marrow was stolen by the Fools by the villains. They should be returned as lost property belonging to the Fools.

Hiiragi Shenjie Qi returned to Qi, but he did not dare to go against the wishes of the fools. Although An Mu was polite to them when they were in charge of rice wives, and it was basically a matter of course, but now that An Mu has left, the fools have changed. .

His behavior became arrogant and he even began to interfere with his policies. He naturally resisted, but the result was that he was surrounded by a group of advance teams to survey the Fengxing Mansion. He had no army, so of course he couldn't defeat the well-equipped fools, so in the end he had no choice but to compromise.

Although he had made a lot of money by colluding with the Fools, most of it was from people's wealth and wealth, and he was not as comfortable as he had made at the beginning. Sometimes he also wondered if he would still be the same if the Dark Priest had not left. As before, stick to your own decisions honestly and don't let your mind wander.

Unfortunately, he had no chance to correct his mistake.

One day later, Kujo Sora came to the outlying island as a side servant of the Imperial Palace of the Lord Kenmikami, and directly investigated his appointment and execution office. He brought a group of shogunate officers to visit everywhere to trace his faults.

Everything about sesame seeds and millet was turned upside down, and even the crystallized bone marrow that had just been collected in the warehouse was taken away as evidence.

Hiiragi Shinsuke was paralyzed. He felt that he had not made any big mistake. He was inexplicably accused of a bunch of charges, including corruption, stealing people's wealth, blasphemy, and liaison with foreign enemies. It was clear that he was going to be punished to death.

He wanted to argue, but was confused by two questions from Kujo Sora: "Is it true to collude with fools and use crystallized bone marrow to replace taxes? Is it true to commit blasphemy despite knowing that the crystallized bone marrow contains the blood of the Toroha clan?"

Shinsuke Hiiragi suddenly understood, so the fools have become foreign enemies? As for the crystallized bone marrow, he couldn't defend it, because this thing had been used to forge weapons in the past. Now that it was brought up, it only meant that someone wanted to punish him.

"By blaspheming the flesh and blood of gods, it has aroused the indignation of the people of Haiqi and seriously affected cross-strait relations. Hiiragi Shinsuke, can you plead guilty?" Kujo Sora's eyes did not contain any emotion. She knew very well that this little old man was finished, and the general had informed her of it.

Just press him to death, no need to show mercy.

Therefore, Kujo Sora did not strictly follow the interrogation process and directly presented the evidence one by one to ask Shinsuke Hiiragi to plead guilty. After the confession, the verdict was immediately passed.

"Originally, the head of the Hiiragi family, Hiiragi Shinsuke, was guilty of corruption, perverting the law, collaborating with foreign enemies, and blaspheming the flesh and blood of the gods. He was punished for several crimes. He should have been executed. However, the Lord of the Hiiragi clan, the Lord of the Imperial Palace, felt that he had worked hard during his reign and had never done anything. For other faults, the person shall be exempted from death penalty.

The final verdict was as follows: Hiiragi Shinsuke was deprived of his appointed executive position, all property was confiscated, he was sent to the town to serve as an executive, and he was imprisoned for life. "

After Shinsuke Hiiragi was finished, he would spend the rest of his life in prison. Until he was imprisoned, he didn't understand who he had offended. Was it Kafka?

Shinsuke Hiiragi kept thinking about it, didn't that woman named Kafka also sell crystallized bone marrow? Why is she okay?

Or is it a fool? But that's not right. The Fools have been judged as foreign enemies. Everything is very unreasonable. Hiiragi Shinsuke probably couldn't figure it out until his death. He didn't offend anyone. He had this result only because of Yelan's compassion. Just the heart.

Yelan won't know all this, and Safire won't tell her what she did. It's like an insignificant episode, it's over, it's gone, no one cares.

The assigned duties are temporarily filled by Hiiragi Shinsuke and his daughter Hiiragi Chisato. It's not that there are no other candidates. It's still for that reason. After all, the Hiiragi family is different in Inazuma.

General Raiden didn't say anything after receiving Kujo Sora's report. He just took out a copy of the judgment, put it in an envelope, and ordered his subordinates, "Send this to Kaiji Island and tell Gin." Wolf, this is my sincerity."

After finishing his instructions, General Thunder continued to sit in front of the case, with purple light in his eyes. Ying kept persuading her, not wanting her to become an enemy of Safire.

At this time, Safire appeared in the Evil Eye Factory on Ba Ying Island. Dotore felt her arrival, turned around and looked at Sapphire who slowly walked into the room: "Miss Silver Wolf, you have gone and come back, what do you mean?"

Safire adjusted the goggles on his head, and there was a scarlet under his purple-gray contact lenses.

"I took on another mission, so I have to make one more trip. Dotore, how about you lend me your head?"

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