Original God's Dark Priest

Chapter 130 Breakthrough Progress

Several people determined their target and rushed to Yingxiang Beach.

"Fortunately, the guys from the Fools aren't here. Let's go take a look now." Mona was still very wary of the Fools because she was aware of Scaramucci's past. Even just seeing a little bit of it gives me chills.

A huge meteorite was suspended on the wide sandy beach of Yingxiang Beach. Several people approached, and Mona pointed at the meteorite and said, "That's it."

Oz stared at this huge meteorite and couldn't help but marvel: "I can feel the unprecedentedly powerful elemental power from it."

Fischer nodded: "The source of darkness and annihilation...has arrived."

Paimon could also feel the fluctuations of elemental power. Although he didn't understand why they were so wary of the Fools, he decided to go along with what they wanted. After all, Mona also said that Safire was an exception and others should still be wary. .

She looked at Ying and asked Mona: "Are those fools here for the elemental power?"

Mona very much agreed with little Paimon's guess: "It's not impossible. If so, other creatures would also want this power."

Ying Ze was unafraid and directly suggested to go and have a look.

She approached the meteorite and stretched out her hand to touch it. Suddenly, a strong light bloomed. Several people were stimulated by the strong light and closed their eyes.

When they came back to their senses, many figures appeared around them, including Qiuqiu people, various elemental phantoms, the advance team members of the Fools, and even Liyue's treasure stealing group and others they didn't recognize. enemy.

If Safir is here, you can recognize it. There are Inazuma's Kairangui, people from the Sumeru Gilded Brigade, and some self-discipline agencies.

Obviously, these are not real "people", but illusions reappeared by the meteorite that stirred the earth's veins.

Ying took a few nervous steps back and breathed a sigh of relief when she found that these illusions had no intention of attacking her. After a while, the illusion gradually disappeared and everything returned to normal.

After seeing all this, Mona took out the water fortune teller and started divination. This time the divination obviously took longer. After a long time, she put away the water fortune teller and told the result: "It should be a meteorite and a phosphorus." It resonated with them and brought out part of the 'memory of earth veins'.

What we see is what once existed. They were recorded by the earth's veins and turned into a flow of information that was transmitted in the ground. Meteorites read this part of the information, and only then can we get a glimpse of it. Don't worry, it's not a problem. "

After listening to Mona's explanation, Ying was completely relieved. She was really afraid of messing up something again. If she got into trouble again like when she first arrived in Mondstadt, there was no Safiir to help her deal with it this time. Even if If you really ask Safire for help, you will be punished if you don't get it right.

Just when several people were at a loss to do anything about this big meteorite, Oz suddenly flew back from a distance: "Miss, I received a letter."

It held a piece of letter paper in its paws, and Fischer took it and read it quietly.

After a while, she raised her head and looked at Ying and Mona seriously: "The guards from far away sent news that this princess will say goodbye to you for the time being. Fellow travelers, you have shown extraordinary courage along the way. This award is The wind blows just for you."

Paimon heard what she meant and said in surprise: "Ahem? Why did you say goodbye so suddenly?"

Ying Ye looked surprised: "Fischer, are you leaving?"

Oz had obviously read the letter in advance, and it explained for Fischer: "You also know the reason. It is the problem of this large meteorite. It has aggravated the lethargy phenomenon, and now even strong soldiers cannot support it. , there is a shortage of manpower everywhere.

The princess and I will take care of those patients on behalf of the soldiers, and the rest can only be left to you. "

"Goodbye, Ying." Fischer's single eye revealed a gentle color, "You are a good listener and are willing to chat with me. Usually, even in the association, many adventurers are willing to partner with me, just Just to hear the results of Oz's investigation from my words...

This short journey was a good adventure. When I suddenly wanted to leave, I also..."

Paimon was not troubled by the sadness of farewell at all. Instead, he smiled evilly: "Eh? The way Fischer talks is a bit different from usual..."

Well, she found out that Fischer was temporarily cured of his chuunibyou.

"Ah!" Fischer's eyes widened when he was reminded, and his heart was extremely shaken.

"Ahhhhh! I accidentally lost my mind just now!" She didn't say anything, her face was sullen and she was sweating. She didn't know what to say to maintain her character.

Oz also started to help her in a panic: "Little... Miss, what I mean is... well, you are so brave and have wisdom that ordinary people cannot match. Any puzzle will come to nothing in front of you!"

Paimon didn't let them go and continued to tease: "Why did Oz translate in the completely opposite direction this time?"

Oz is also very helpless. He really feels that he is neither the second grader nor the second grader now, but it is very important that the lady's character cannot be broken. So it bit the bullet and continued: "Ahem, ahem, the lady wants to say that if it were you, we would be able to reach the truth behind the illusion."

At this time, Fischer finally got rid of her tremors. She cleared her throat and said, "Ahem! That's right! You are the retinue of this princess, the knights who have condemned their sins. You have to lead them out of the darkness and back to the light. land."

Mona put her hands on her hips unconvinced: "Who is your retinue!"

Yingdan stepped forward with a smile and hugged Fischer gently: "Thank you, Fischer." Then she let go of Fischer and looked at Oz, "Thank you too, Oz."

Oz nodded: "We'll see you again. When everything is over, let's meet up for a drink together."

As for drinking or drinking, they can't say for sure, but with Ying here, it's easy for them to drink wine, because Ying doesn't even have to pay for the money when she goes to the Moonlight Tavern, so she can just go and get a few bottles. He came to have a party with them. Although this might make him feel sorry for Safire, he knew that Safire wouldn't care.

Fischer and Oz left, and Mona was a little disappointed: "Oh, it's a pity that we lost two good helpers."

Ying nodded, still looking at Fischer's leaving back in trance. Seeing her like this, Mona was no longer depressed, she patted Ying on the shoulder: "Stop being so gloomy, tell me good news, I have made a new discovery.

I also discovered some other things during the divination just now! These fallen stones have existed for hundreds or thousands of years, and Leonard must have been a long time ago. The meteorite conveys his will, which means that his desire has not weakened for thousands of years.

An ancient man who was eager to reach the top of the mountain... I'm sure he was an adventurer just like you. "

Paimon echoed after hearing this: "Adventurer! No wonder you want to climb the snow-capped mountains so much!"

"The current method is almost a race against time. We are very passive and must change our thinking and fundamentally solve the problem." Mona expressed her conclusion.

Paimon nodded: "I support! I think the focus should be on Leonard now!"

Mona agreed with little Paimon's point of view: "Well, if meteorites carry some kind of wish, then these stones can be regarded as some form of 'curse' as Fischer said...

It's so rare that she got it right..." Suddenly, he realized the impoliteness in his words and hurriedly coughed to cover it up, "Ahem, forget it, an elegant astrologer shouldn't evaluate others like this.

Anyway, all we have to do is break the curse. "

Mona's words set the tone for the next action. She did not speculate on other things and directly addressed the most basic phenomenon.

Ying raised her hand: "Then let's set off now!"

Paimon also cheered up: "Okay!" After saying that, she thought for a while and added, "Since we want to investigate the former adventurers, we should start with the Adventurers Association."

When it comes to the Adventurers Association, the first person who comes to mind is definitely Catherine, so Ying and little Paimon returned to Mondstadt. Because Fischer left and Mona did not follow, they directly used the teleportation anchor point and returned to Mondstadt instantly. I have to say, this ability is indeed very buggy.

It’s no wonder Safiel is greedy. Her Death Flying Blade 2.0 can only teleport within a certain range, but Ying’s ability is based on earth veins. Basically, it can be said that you can go anywhere in Teyvat continent, as long as there are earth veins. can.

Soon, the two came to the Adventurers Association and found Catherine in the Mondstadt area.

Sapphire also told her about Catherine's situation. The bionic doll of the Winter Kingdom, the seventh seat of the Executive of Fools: Sandone's work. In fact, the entire Adventurers Association has an unusual relationship with Sandone.

But these are all things for later. The main problem now is the adventurer named Leonard.

After finding Catherine to ask her question, Catherine answered Ying's question without thinking at all: "Leonard...there are several adventurers with this name, and I dare not make a conclusion. But I have the impression that I have seen people with this name." Why don’t you go to the library and read the books written by people with the same name?”

After getting new clues, Ying ran all the way through Mondstadt, alerting Qin who was working in the Knights' office.

Just when Qin was about to get up and curse, when she saw it was Ying, she knew it was probably something related to the meteorite, so she didn't bother her and sat back to deal with other things. Mondstadt has suffered greatly from meteorites. If Ying can handle this matter, it will be beneficial to Mondstadt as a whole.

Just turn a blind eye to loud noises.

When she walked into the library, she didn't see Lisa. She probably went fishing out of nowhere. She didn't regard herself as an outsider and directly opened the book search catalog and started reading.

"The author, Leonard...is there!" Little Paimon quickly found the location of the book. "The index says that Leonard's Adventurer's Manual is in the northwest corner of the first floor of the library."

After finding the correct location, the two quickly walked down the stairs to the northwest corner of the first floor and took down an adventurer's manual called "The Book of Mountains and Seas" from the bookshelf.

Little Paimon was very excited: "I found it! The Adventurer's Manual "The Book of Mountains and Seas", written by Leonard!" She said, opened the manual and started to read it. She frowned again as she flipped through the pages. This book is actually missing words and pages, and I can’t understand it at all.”

Yingya frowned and looked at the adventurer's manual.

I saw the manual saying: Thanks for the help, I


There are descriptions like this everywhere, and it’s impossible to know exactly what was written.

Paimon was very discouraged and stamped his feet in the air: "Why is this, ugh...it must have been in vain..."

Ying comforted her calmly: "Don't give up, let's show it to Mona."

Little Paimon thought it made sense after hearing this: "Yes, maybe she has a way."

The two of them took the book and hurried to Mona's location, and found Mona who was looking at the scenery in the distance.

Before the little Paimon arrived, a voice rang first: "Mona! We found his book!"

Mona ran over immediately after hearing this: "Show me quickly!"

Ying handed the book to Mona and reminded: "The content of the book is defective and completely incoherent."

Mona looked confident: "Humph~ I knew it would be like this. If it were an ordinary astrologer, he would have probably surrendered! But I, Mona, am the number one person in astrology in the future! Nothing can stump me. I!"

It makes sense for her to say so. In fact, her master Babi Rose also tried to divine everything about Saffir, but she was almost killed by the backlash, which scared her so much that she no longer dared to act rashly.

But Mona also divined Saffir's destiny star without knowing it. Although she didn't divine as much as Barbie Rose, there shouldn't be any backlash at all, but Mona didn't bear any backlash at all, and even He also forced her to observe things related to angels.

I have to say that this is talent, a talent that surpasses his master, and is unique in nature.

Mona has already started her own attempt: "Use the astrolabe to calculate and fill in the missing parts, and then interpret it..."

The supplementary interpretation this time took a long time. After a long, long time, Mona finished the work at hand and breathed a sigh of relief: "Phew! Finally finished reading!"

Paimon was very curious and asked: "What did you say?"

Mona coughed and cleared her throat: "Ahem, just as I thought, Leonard was an adventurer two thousand years ago. His lifelong dream was to climb a mountain called 'Pointed Hat Peak' Snowy mountains.”

"Two thousand years?!" Paimon was shocked, "These meteorites...are the 'seat of fate' of ancient people?"

Mona nodded and gave a brief introduction to Ying and Paimon: "His Seat of Fate was summoned to the earth for some reason. I think this has something to do with the Fools."

Ying and Paimon were noncommittal, and their current impression of the Fools was not bad.

Mona shrugged, knowing that these two living treasures were spoiled by Safiir. She herself was actually told by the old woman that if there was a problem that could not be solved, just go to Safiir and he would definitely help. However, she was not prepared to go to the other party because she believed that she would not encounter any difficulties that could not be solved, except that she had no money.

Shaking her head to get rid of the strange thoughts in her mind, Mona continued: "These meteorites contain elemental power, which radiates the surrounding residents in a spiritually suggestive way, causing them to fall into dreams. In addition, if my guess is correct, this There should be something like a core among the meteorites, which is the crystallization of Leonard's spirit."

Ying agreed with this statement and asked the question: "So, where will the core be?"

Mona thought for a while and expressed her guess: "If I were Leonard, this core would definitely reach the top of the mountain from the air that I could not climb during my lifetime, as I thought."

"Will the core be at Pointy Hat Peak? But... where is Pointy Hat Peak? I've never heard of this place." Paimon frowned, and the investigation of the incident once again hit a bottleneck. She was very helpless.

Mona also shook her head: "This is also the first time I know. Comparing the map in the book with the current Mondstadt terrain, I found that the Pointed Hat Peak no longer exists."

Little Paimon opened his mouth: "Will such a big snow mountain disappear?"

Mona nodded with certainty: "I read in a book that Barbatos, the god of wind, once used his divine power to blow away the ice and snow for his people, and also changed the landscape of Mondstadt. The mountain peaks in the past were surrounded by the boundless sea. replaced.

But if that mountain was put into the sea, it would still leave some traces based on its former height. The part of the peak above the water is now called...

Musk Reef. "

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