Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Chapter 134 - 118: Demon-Subduing Pass Bathed in Blood, Reaching the Limit! (First Update)

Chapter 134: Chapter 118: Demon-Subduing Pass Bathed in Blood, Reaching the Limit! (First Update)

Su Xing’s heart clenched at this revelation.

He had broken through nine million jin!

This was far beyond Su Xing’s expectations!

At this rate, perhaps the final breakthrough could reach ten million jin!

“Great Perfection of Divine Strength Realm, one hundred thousand tons of immense strength! Here I come!”

Su Xing clenched his fists tightly, shouting in his heart.

What kind of concept is one hundred thousand tons of strength?

An aircraft carrier weighs about fifty thousand tons.

And Su Xing, with his pure physical strength reaching one hundred thousand tons, could easily hold the Nimitz in one hand and the Carl Vinson in the other, and then leisurely stand above the Pacific Ocean and fly.

Destroying a nation alone is not a dream!

“If I can really reach ten million jin of strength, then when I just broke through the Divine Strength Realm, my strength could double… that would be twenty million jin!”

“Only old Martial Emperor powerhouses can reach such strength, right?”

“Although those Martial Emperor powerhouses have skill bonuses… I also have Origin Force, and after the Origin Force is applied… my strength doubles!”

Su Xing was instantly excited.

This meant he was about to be comparable to Martial Emperor-level powerhouses!

“Martial Emperor-level powerhouses, ah! There are only dozens in the entire Daxia… In the seven Human Race nations and the Twelve Domains, the total number of Martial Emperor-level powerhouses is only a few hundred. In this sense, I’m about to become one of the top powerhouses!”

Su Xing could not help getting excited.

“Maybe, I no longer need to hide… By revealing my strength, I can fight for more resources!?”

Su Xing pondered the possibility of this approach in secrecy…

But then Su Xing shook his head, knowing that the Foreign Race’s tricks were unfathomable; once exposed, he would face unending assassination attempts.

Although the benefits were great, the risks involved exceeded what Su Xing could bear.

“Perhaps, I can first try it in simulation… What level of strength have I actually reached now?”

With this thought, Su Xing’s gaze turned to the simulation panel.

[In the sixteenth year, you still trained hard every day, tempered your physique with the Witch Clan’s unique Body Refinement methods, carried out high-intensity strength training, and used the Flesh Essence of Demon Emperors.]

[With your day and night efforts, although the growth of your strength has slowed down, there is still stable room for improvement.]

[This year, your strength reached nine million one hundred thousand jin!]

[In the seventeenth year, you continued to cultivate in the same way as before, but as your strength increased, it became increasingly difficult to make breakthroughs.]

[This year your strength only increased by one hundred thousand jin, reaching nine million two hundred thousand jin.]

[In the eighteenth year, you felt that you had hit a bottleneck, where previously you could see your bodily strength improve visibly every day, but now the progress had become slower and sometimes even stalled completely.]

[Moreover, the high-intensity cultivation had also begun to take its toll on your body.]

[This year, your strength only increased by eighty thousand jin, reaching nine million two hundred eighty thousand jin…]

Su Xing frowned slightly at this and muttered,

“Am I reaching my limit? Only an eighty-thousand-jin increase in a year… That’s not fast enough!”

“I must find a way to continue increasing my strength…”

At this moment, several thoughts flashed through Su Xing’s mind.

Devour the flesh of higher-level Demonic Beasts?

Su Xing shook his head slightly.

Not to mention whether the flesh of Legendary Level Demonic Beasts could be obtained.

Even if he did obtain it, Su Xing of the Origin Martial Realm might very well explode into pieces if he consumed it, right?

“Then there’s only one method left… through fighting, to better master strength!”

Su Xing wanted to stay hidden until he reached the Divine Strength Realm before leaving the Spirit Field Blessed Land, but the increase in strength was excruciatingly slow.

But if he fought continuously on the battlefield, maybe he could unleash his potential further.

And the best place to fight… is undoubtedly Demon-Subduing Pass!

Thinking this, Su Xing glanced back at the simulation panel.

[In the nineteenth year, you left the Spirit Field Blessed Land replica and returned to the real world.]

[Just returning to the real world for less than half a month, you encountered three assassination attempts. Fortunately, with your formidable strength and the protection of Luo Shuying close at hand, you were unharmed.]

[You went to the Demon-Subduing Pass replica, ready to enhance your strength through battle.]

[After knowing your intentions, Luo Shuying and the high ranks of Daxia strongly opposed this because you are a thorn in the eyes of the Demon Race, and appearing would be far too dangerous.]

[But you are determined to go to Demon-Subduing Pass, to harness your strength through battle.]

[You went to Demon-Subduing Pass, consuming the Flesh Essence of Demon Emperors daily and joining the battlefield.]

[Your strength was formidable, and under the use of Spiritual Power, ordinary Demon Kings could barely withstand three punches from your brutal force.]

[In just half a year, you have slain over a hundred Demon Kings!]

[Just as you thought, through high-intensity battles combined with the Flesh Essence of Demon Emperors, your strength increased dramatically every day!]

[In one year, your strength has grown to 9.4 million jin!]

[In the twentieth year, you remained a god of war on the battlefield, ordinary Demon Kings were no match for you, and even if Demon Emperors personally attacked you, you could hold on until Luo Shuying came to your aid.]

[That year, you were assassinated thirty times on the battlefield. Soldiers from the army swung their swords at you, and several Demon Emperors ambushed you, but you survived every time.]

[The most perilous time, a Legendary Level demonic beast personally attempted to attack you, but you managed to hide in Spirit Field Blessed Land just in time, narrowly escaping disaster.]

[Over the year, you killed hundreds of Demon Kings, bathed in blood, and your combat awareness rapidly increased.]

[That year, your strength increased to 9.55 million jin!]

[In the twenty-first year, gradually even Demon Beasts at the Demon King level came to know your terror. They were unwilling to battle with you and would flee at sight of you.]

[Having no choice, you had to set your sights on powerhouses of the Demon Emperor level!]

[With your might, wielding the Ink Ice Sword, you could even fight a Demon Emperor. Although you were mostly at a disadvantage, your life was not in danger.]

[In one year, you fought with Demon Emperor level demonic beasts over a hundred times, significantly enhancing your combat awareness.]

[Within that year, you were wounded numerous times, but each time you persevered, and your strength surged to 9.7 million jin!]

[In the twenty-second year, as your strength grew stronger, you felt as if you had touched some kind of limit and had an urge to break through to the Divine Strength Realm immediately!]

[Because you knew, once you broke through to the Divine Strength Realm, you would immediately possess strength comparable to a Demon Emperor!]

[But you still forcibly suppressed that impulse, knowing the closer you were to the limit in the Origin Martial Realm, the greater your future achievements would be!]

[That year, your strength increased to 9.8 million jin!]

[In the twenty-third year, the Human Race’s situation in Demon-Subduing Pass grew increasingly dire. As battles continued uninterrupted, the number of the Human Race’s warriors dwindled, while the Demonic Beasts seemed endless, always having Demon Kings and Demon Emperors appear on the battlefield.]

[With the vast disparity in strength, the Human Race could only defend Demon-Subduing Pass, unable to take the fight beyond its walls.]

[But your performance was still heroic, fighting Demon Emperors every day, acting almost on par with Martial Emperor level warriors on the battlefield.]

[That year, your strength increased to 9.88 million jin!]

[In the twenty-fourth year, high-intensity battles continued, and every day you opened your eyes to slay demonic beasts, eating Demon Emperor Flesh Essence when hungry, the count of beasts that died by your hand beyond measure.]

[You finally realized the terror of Demon-Subduing Pass, feeling the despair of its soldiers, for even as you killed more and more beasts each day, they were still endless.]

[By yourself, slaying hundreds of demonic beasts a day was still like a drop in the ocean compared to their numbers on the battlefield.]

[The only thing that gave you hope was that your strength was still growing, and it was progressively approaching a certain limit.]

[That year, your strength grew to 9.96 million jin!]

Su Xing’s face showed a complex expression upon reading this.

Through the cold text, he seemed to see the helplessness of the soldiers at Demon-Subduing Pass and felt his own powerlessness.

Even as an Origin Martial Realm powerhouse, even on par with a Martial Emperor… what one could do on the battlefield was still limited.

Only by becoming the strongest could one suppress everything!

Only then could you free the Human Race from the oppression of the Foreign Races over thousands of years.

Only then could you prevent that apocalypse from happening decades later…

Su Xing wanted to grow stronger not for the sake of others, but to better survive for himself.

“Thank goodness, I can see hope already!”

“As long as I can reach the limit in this simulation and break through to the Divine Strength Realm! Even that will be a solid step forward!”

Su Xing clenched his fist to cheer himself on and then turned his gaze to the simulation panel.

[In the twenty-fifth year, you have lost count of the days since you came to Demon-Subduing Pass, only aware of the endless demonic beasts outside and the injured brethren every day.]

[Yesterday, Luo Shuying was injured again while saving you, but facing opponents of that level, you still felt a deep sense of powerlessness.]

[What keeps you going is the continuously ascending strength, pushing towards that limit!]

[Months passed, and your strength increased by another twenty thousand jin, bringing you ever closer to the target of ten million jin…]

[But the number of people in Demon-Subduing Pass has dwindled. More and more soldiers are dying in battle; you don’t know how much longer you can hold out, five years, three years… or even shorter?]

[You keep fighting, longing to reach the ten-million-jin limit sooner!]

[Months passed, and your strength reached 9.99 million jin, but the growth was almost imperceptible.]

[Maybe it was an increase of a few hundred jin a day, or even less…]

[This feeling of nearing the limit yet seeing no end, you could only push on with belief.]

[Finally, one day, as you were fiercely battling a Demon Emperor, you swung the strongest strike you ever had!]

[You felt a certain shackle within you was finally broken!]

[After fighting the Demon Emperor for several hours, you severely wounded him with a strike, eventually beheading him.]

[You took out the Demon Emperor’s Flesh Essence, and no matter how bitter and pungent, you swallowed it greedily.]

[A premonition rose in your heart; it was time to break through to the Divine Strength Realm!]

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