Others Level Up, but I Pursue Cultivation!

Chapter 138 - 121: A New Attempt, Planting Spirit Rice!

Chapter 138: Chapter 121: A New Attempt, Planting Spirit Rice!

[Ding! This simulation has consumed 3,500 energy points, remaining energy is 26,031,234 points, and the number of remaining simulations is unlimited.]

[Simulation begins!]

[Drawing a green talent costs 1,000 energy points, a blue talent costs 10,000 energy points, drawing a purple talent costs 100,000 energy points. Would you like to draw a talent?]

“Draw a purple talent!”

Su Xing said without hesitation.

[Congratulations! You have obtained the purple talent: Full House!]

[Full House]: Purple Talent. Your liquids possess mighty vitality. Your probability of “sowing seeds” successfully is one hundred percent. When you are old and gray, you shall indeed have a full house of descendants…]

After seeing this talent, Su Xing was dumbfounded, and cursed out loud:

“What the fuck! Is this also considered a purple talent? Goddamn ‘Full House’? Doesn’t this pair perfectly with ‘desperately seeking a child’?”

Su Xing’s face darkened.

Clearly, this talent could only be useful in extremely rare occasions.

For example, when humanity was close to extinction and only Su Xing was left as a male in the world… Did it need him to stand out?

Or perhaps… it would be needed for those races with extremely low reproduction rates, right?

“Sigh, whatever! I’ll just pretend this talent doesn’t exist. Let’s continue with the simulation!”

[Inside the Spirit Field Blessed Land, you became aware that you were in a simulation.]

[You began to consider expanding the cultivation of Spirit Rice, and you first made trials within the Spirit Field Blessed Land. It took you one month to reclaim wasteland and then planted more Spirit Grains.]

[Subsequently, you started trying to arrange a Spirit Gathering Array, and with the boost from the Spirit Gathering Array, the growth speed of the Spirit Grains further increased.]

[At the same time, you handed over ten thousand catties of Spirit Rice to Jin Congxue to sell. The Spirit Rice was unexpectedly popular, mostly purchased by professionals around twenty years of age, at the bronze and silver levels!]

[Initially, when Spirit Rice was first introduced to the market, its selling price of three hundred thousand per catty was criticized as too expensive. But when a little girl bought ten catties of Spirit Rice in one go, and a month later her strength increased by two thousand catties, successfully advancing to a silver-level professional, the market took notice!]

[After that, the Spirit Rice from the Tarot Commerce Association caught fire. Everyone went crazy buying Spirit Rice!]

[In no time at all, the storefront of the Tarot Commerce Association was bustling. Sales of other goods also skyrocketed rapidly.]

[For these professionals, Spirit Rice wasn’t just any rice, but a precious instance dungeon item that could permanently enhance their physical attributes! You should know that just thirty thousand for a catty would be cheap for an ordinary item that increases attributes!]

[You should be aware that instance dungeon items that permanently increase attributes are exceedingly rare, costing millions or even tens of millions. Only high-level professionals can afford them, and they seldom increase attributes much. By comparison, Spirit Rice is really too cheap!]

[Gradually, not only bronze and silver-level professionals came to buy Spirit Rice, but even gold-level professionals wanted to buy it!]

[In just one short month, the ten thousand catties of Spirit Rice you had earlier taken out were snatched up. So, you had no choice but to take out another thirty thousand catties of Spirit Rice for Jin Congxue to sell!]

[Immediately after, you asked Jin Congxue to have her subordinates record the repurchase rate of the Spirit Rice customers and the extent of their strength increase, hoping to test the effects of the Spirit Rice with this information.]

[Several months later, Jin Congxue told you that the repurchase rate of Spirit Rice was almost one hundred percent! Moreover, the majority of people couldn’t even get their hands on Spirit Rice, and now it was being hoarded in the black market for up to one million Great Xia Coins per catty!]

Su Xing’s jaw dropped at this information.

“Goodness, one million per catty of rice; who the fuck can afford that?”

You should know that the value of one catty of Spirit Rice brought out from an instance is just 1,000 energy points, which is equivalent to 200,000 Great Xia Coins, and if exchanged with instance dungeon items, it’s valued at around 100,000 Great Xia Coins or so…

And a flip of the hand in sales could make a tenfold profit?

Of course, making money is secondary, just to recoup costs.

What Su Xing values most is whether Spirit Rice can be mass-produced to enhance the overall strength of the Human Race…

And whether there will be any risks if Su Xing does this.

The main risk, naturally, comes from the Descending Sect!

Thinking this way, Su Xing continued reading.

[You discovered that the strength of professionals who purchased Spirit Rice improved, more or less. The quickest of them could advance from the peak of the bronze level to the gold level within a month.]

[Even the slow ones could undergo a transformation in their strength within three to five months!]

[But Spirit Rice was soon put under pressure by the other commerce associations in the market that claimed the Tarot Society’s sales of Spirit Rice were upsetting the price order of the food market.]

[Thus, Jin Congxue publicly announced that Spirit Rice was a type of instance dungeon item and strictly speaking, it did not count as food. With Jin Congxue’s efforts, the sales of Spirit Rice in the market only increased.]

[Countless lower-tier professionals regarded Spirit Rice as a gift from heaven, enabling them to quickly advance in strength!]

[Even experts predicted that if Spirit Rice could be sold to every citizen of Great Xia Country at low prices, then after ten years, the country’s overall strength would rise by more than one level.]

[In other words, the proverb says, “Gold is everywhere, while silver is worth less than a dog…”]

[Soon, Jin Congxue informed you that the Great Xia Military had contacted her and hoped that she could discuss the matter of mass planting of Spirit Rice. Jin Congxue was undecided, so she sought your advice!]

[After some thought, you told Jin Congxue to set a time, and you would talk about this matter with the Great Xia Country personally.]

Upon reading this, Su Xing couldn’t help but focus intently.

Because the official stance of the Great Xia was very important; if the Great Xia officials forced him to hand over the Spirit Rice, Su Xing would also fall into a crisis, which was unacceptable to him.

[One day, you formally met with the representative of the Great Xia officials, who indeed was Jin Congxue’s grandpa, Lu Yuanwu.]

[Lu Yuanwu was very cordial towards you; after exchanging pleasantries for a while, he began inquiring whether you could mass-produce this kind of Spirit Rice.]

[You truthfully informed Lu Yuanwu that it was not yet possible, but in the future, the annual yield of Spirit Rice might be around twenty million catties.]

[Lu Yuanwu felt slightly disappointed upon hearing this, for twenty million catties might seem like a large number, but to the entire Great Xia Country, it simply wasn’t enough.]

[On average, this batch of Spirit Rice could, at most, nourish two million people per year, with each person consuming no more than ten catties a year.]

[What the Great Xia officials wanted was for this batch of Spirit Rice to feed the entire Great Xia Country, thereby enhancing the overall strength of the country!]

[Even so, Lu Yuanwu still expressed that if you could cooperate with the officials to cultivate this batch of Spirit Rice and sell it at a low price, as compensation, the Great Xia Country would allow you to propose any terms you wanted.]

[Without much consideration, you agreed to this matter, but you stated that the promotion of this Spirit Rice would start two years later.]

[Although Lu Yuanwu was puzzled, he still agreed to your terms.]

[You returned to school and, as usual, farmed daily in the Spirit Field Blessed Land. The new batch of Spirit Rice in your Spirit Field was nearing maturity.]

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and because of the matter of the talent, you took careful precautionary measures.]

[Afterward, you joined the Descending Sect.]

[This time, your goal was very clear, and that was to empty the treasury of the Descending Sect.]

[You directly revealed your strength, and the powerful prowess of the Divine Strength Realm immediately subdued the Elders. A faction leader personally met with you, stating that as long as you were willing to join the Descending Sect, you would become a Protector-level figure within three years if you performed well!]

When Su Xing saw this, his heart stirred, Protector-level!

That was comparable to the strength of the Martial Emperor of the Great Xia Country…

There were probably only seven or eight Protector-level figures within the entire Descending Sect, and most of them came from other worlds, possessing strange abilities.

The strength of Su Xing at the Divine Strength Realm was clearly valued by the Descending Sect, to be treated with such seriousness.

“Protector-level, does that mean I would have the qualifications to know more secrets of the Descending Sect?”

Su Xing fell into thought.

His current knowledge about the Descending Sect was only mediocre.

All he knew was that each individual in this organization was powerfully strong, including professionals from Blue Star as well as people from other Instance Dungeon worlds. This organization served the Foreign Race, thereby harming the interests of Blue Star.

“From what I know now, the strongest person in the Descending Sect should be the faction leader, possessing strength comparable to Legendary Level… As for positions above the leader, that remains unknown…”

Su Xing shook his head slightly; his interest in the Descending Sect actually lied in the batch of materials within their treasury.

After all, that batch of materials could also be considered the foundation of Su Xing’s fortune-making!

“If only I could directly raid the Descending Sect’s treasury… Doing so, I would definitely acquire a large amount of energy, and my strength would definitely see a qualitative leap!”

A sudden idea struck Su Xing, but then he felt slightly disheartened.

“It’s a pity, the strength of the Dragon Protector guarding the treasury is unfathomable, definitely no lesser than the prowess of peak Divinity Transformation Stage powerful beings!”

“But my strength isn’t weak either now; perhaps after I grow even stronger, I could attempt it?”

Su Xing thought this to himself and then looked at the simulation panel.

[You smoothly joined the Descending Sect, and for a while, all the Elders and Protectors of the Descending Sect came to meet you personally, but there was no sight of the Dragon Protector among them.]

[You looked at Damned Zong’s hypocritically smiling face and knew in your heart that he probably wanted to take action against you all along but was wary of your strength.]

[The next day, you found Luo Shuying, confessed everything to her, and earned her trust by speaking the passphrase.]

[You stayed in the Descending Sect for several months. Given your formidable strength, many of the cult members respected you immensely, but you also felt a few presences constantly watching you, obviously not at ease with you.]

[You would complete the tasks assigned by the Descending Sect each month, but this time, the task was not Alchemy, but to meet with the moles in various Instance Dungeons and factions, as these were simple tasks assigned to you as a newcomer.]

[However, this left you with more time on your hands. You asked Luo Shuying to help you exchange for a large amount of materials and stockpiled Elixirs in your free time for future use.]

[One day, Damned Zong approached you, inquiring about the reality world you came from and expressing interest in your Spirit Rice.]

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