Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.03 – Neighbors

SPOILERS. This contains SPOILERS. Only read this if you need a content warning that SPOILS what happens.

When they both had finally exhausted the other, Emma fell asleep in Maple's arms as the little spoon. Her body molded itself to Maple's, creating the comfiest body pillow. If there were more Emmas back home, Big Memory Foam would find itself suddenly poor.

Maple sighed, wanting this moment to last forever.

It couldn't, though. The beyond-stale rations she'd been eating all this time were almost gone. There hadn't been much to begin with, but she could only bring herself to eat enough to stave off hunger pain.

It'd been about a week and her body was already starting to slim down. She thought she could feel her muscles getting weaker, or maybe she just wasn't getting the energy she needed to use them.

Whatever this place had been, there wasn't much left to it. The few rooms were mostly empty, and she suspected the rations had been left because whoever had been here last hadn't wanted them either.

The dome and its rooms were lit with some kind of magic lighting, as far as Maple could tell. She hadn't found a control for them; they just never turned off.

The tunnel leading out of the dome was pitch black. That was where she'd come from—and where that first slime had attacked her. It had many branching paths, and Maple had only her phone for light.

There may be a way out somewhere in that dark hell, but overall, Maple was trapped and coping through a copious amount of sex.

She gave the sleeping Emma a kiss on her head, and then snuggled in deeper. The Slime girl sure was comfy. And lewd.

I hope we make it out of here.

Maple closed her eyes.

[Slut Level 3!]

"Aw, again?"

It seemed to only happen upon waking up. Whether it be from sleep, or otherwise falling unconscious. And like now, gaining a level didn't always provide a Skill. A relief. She really needed to somehow get a normal class, and then get rid of these perverse ones.

Emma stirred, and her face slid around her half-formed body to be facing Maple. It was a little disturbing, but Maple suppressed any comment. The Slime girl had a gelatinous eyebrow raised in question.

"It's nothing; I just leveled up again."

Emma made a silent cheer and wrapped her arms around her. Both were still nude—well, Maple was. Emma was hardly bothering to keep a humanoid form up.

"Thanks, but it's not really a good thing. This world is...weird."

A gelatinous hand brushed some hair out of Maple's face. She stared, prompting Maple to continue.

"...It said I'm a Level 3...[Slut]."

Emma's eyes widened as a grin formed. When Maple's deadpan face didn't change, she laughed in silent hilarity. So hard that she was jiggling. Maple glared at her. Then her lips twitched a smile against her will.

"I'm serious, it's not funny. Something is seriously wrong here—that can't be a normal class, right?"

Emma turned serious for a moment to answer: no. She didn't—and couldn't—really elaborate beyond that.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. My other one is [Interpsecies Seductress]—hey, it's not that funny. Come on."

The Slime girl absolutely lost it. Her body lost all cohesion as she shook from the hilarity, a face barely-formed just so Maple would know she was laughing. Then, grinning, she became fully humanoid and slid up close to Maple and wiggled her eyebrows. Hey babe, how you doin?

She slid back and fanned herself while pretending she might faint solely from the power of Maple's seduction.

Maple rolled her eyes, but couldn't suppress a chuckle. She reached over and tried to tickle the Slime in retaliation.

"Why you little—hahaha."

It was such a nice way to wake up. Maple would have froze time like that, if she could.

But then it was time they get up. Maple got dressed and Emma's humanoid form adjusted to be less—well, lewd. It was essentially the same, but without any genitals prominent.

"Can you write?"

Maple was surprised to learn she actually could, and quickly grabbed a pen and notebook from her college bag which had come along with her to this world. They sat down at a table in one of the rooms.

Why do you keep saying 'this world'?

Emma's first words were a bit of a surprise, but Maple was relieved to see the Slime girl did have a serious side to her.

"Hm, I guess I should tell you. I was coming home from class like any other normal day, and then I suddenly woke up in this cave. I was teleported I guess. I don't know if I died in my world or something, that's how these stories often go—oh but, there's no levels or Slimes or magic or anything where I'm from. That's how I know this is another world. Or that I'm in a coma and dreaming all this. I don't know...I want to go home. I don't want these weird classes."

Maple sniffed, and Emma gently put a hand on her arm.

"When I first got here, a different Slime attacked me. It jumped on my face and tried to drown me. That's what I was covered in on that first day I tried taking a bath and then met you. You little pervert."

Emma scratched the back of her head and grinned, slightly apologetic, and then wrote.

I'll protect you next time!

She flexed a (jiggly) muscled arm.


Maple got up and went to the counter, motioning Emma to stay there. She came back with something wrapped in cloth and opened it.

"This is all the food we have left, and it's disgusting. D-do you need to eat?"

Maple breathed a sigh of relief when Emma shook her head and even the Slime girl leaned away from it, looking somewhat disgusted. She pointed at it and then at Maple, a look of alarm growing her face as the Human confirmed that's what she'd been eating all this time.

Gross! Need better food. I only need water. Get electrolytes from you. Delicious!

Maple blushed. She'd been intentionally consuming Maple's sweat, and uh, other fluids? Emma smirked and cupped her head in her hands while staring lovingly at Maple.

"A-anyway. We need to leave before I starve to death. The tunnel is dark though, and I don't have any light. Do you know how to get out of here?"

Don't know about other worlds, but can find way outside cave. Can see in dark. Town far away. Dangerous.

It seemed writing was a little difficult for her gelatinous hands, or maybe she just wasn't patient enough to write in full sentences.

"That doesn't sound good...I think leaving is our only option though. You don't happen to know of any other food here?"

Emma shook her head, looking concerned again.

Should leave now. You're starving. Will lead way in dark. Might be monsters. Can fight some, not all. Level 10 [Soapy Helper], not [Warrior].

It was Maple's turn to laugh then.

"[Soapy Helper]? And you laughed at my classes?"

Emma folder her arms in mock disapproval, and stuck her tongue out. Maple recalled a certain saying about throwing stones from glass houses, and stopped before she regretted it.

I'll go scout. Wait here, ok?

Maple nodded and then after a goodbye hug, Emma morphed into a blob and sped off into the tunnel. She was quick, like a dropped bar of soap.

"Shoot, I didn't ask how far it was. Ah well..."

Everything she owned was still in her backpack and ready to go so Maple sat inside the dome and waited, occasionally glancing at the tunnel. As the minutes passed, her eyelids grew heavy and she rested them for longer and longer periods.

"Ara~ Quite a heavy sleeper aren't you?"

Maple groaned as she came to. She tried to stretch, but something was wrong. Her body was stiff, and she was...swaying a little?

"I thought I'd smelled something delicious in my cave~"

Maple's eyes shot open. A woman's face filled her vision. She tried to move away but—why couldn't she move?

Her arms and legs were bound, and she was dangling a few feet above the ground. The white rope dug deeper into her every time she moved. In particular, she could feel it tighten around her breasts, and dig into her crotch through her clothes.

"Hnghhh—what is this?"

She focused on the intruder. She wore a rather revealing top and silky silver hair flowed down to the middle of her back. Glowing red eyes accented her mature face, and below the woman's voluptuous torso was a large black body with eight legs—

A shot of pure adrenaline raced through Maple's veins.

"Aaahhhh!! SPIDER! HELP! HELP ME!!"

The spider woman skittered back a few steps. Maple's screaming continued and then morphed into hyperventilating with her eyes closed. Her voice became a whisper.

"Please no spiders. Please no spiders. Please no spiders."

"Oh my. I had thought she was open-minded..."

The Arachnid woman reached a hand out, but then thought better of it and kept her distance.

"Um, Girl, I didn't mean to frighten you so. I mean you no harm—"

"Mother! What have you done now?"

A second Arachnid came in through the tunnel. This one was clearly younger, probably about Maple's age, and had dark red hair like sangria, which paired with her violet spider parts. Her top revealed very little. What tripped Maple up though, was the pair of glasses on the Arachnid's face.

"Ara~ If it isn't my lovely daughter. Don't worry about me, dear, I was just greeting our new neighbor and having some fun~"

"It's not you I'm worried about. I've told you—you can't just tie people up without asking. Oh god, I am so sorry. Miss? Are you okay?"

Maple shook her head and then sniffed. Her lip quivered, and then she couldn't stop the tears from pouring out as a full out sob started.

Her arms were bound behind her back, so she couldn't even wipe them away or hide her face.

"It was just a little web-play. I even left her clothes on..."

The red-haired Arachnid glared at her mother. Before she could admonish her a second time, Maple actually answered.

"I-I-I'm a-afraid of s-spiders—"

A wet sniff failed to prevent a stream of snot from joining the tears soaking her face.

It wasn't just from the Arachnids, though. It started there since it was the most immediate catalyst, and their spider bodies were huge, but then quickly became about everything else as she recounted her entire week and situation.

They let her rant. Silent from a mix of not wanting to trigger the poor girl any further, but unable to leave because someone needed to cut her down.

Once Maple had gotten it all out, she calmed down a lot. The kind of levity one gained after becoming a complete crying mess in front of someone replaced the sheer terror.

"Hicc—I can even feel it now. [Lesser Enhanced Pleasure] and [Lesser Enhanced Libido] making me wet from how the rope is rubbing. Even when I'm so—hicc—scared, and crying. This is—hicc—bondage? I think I kind of like it—hAhaHa."

It was a sardonic laugh full of pain.

"Sorry. Mother can be rather...inappropriate. I'll cut you down. Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, thanks. I've calmed down now...Sorry."

"Ara~ I admit I may have gotten ahead of myself, and maybe should have asked first. You have my apologies."

"There's no 'maybe' about it, Mother. I'm going to lower you down gently, okay?"

The younger Arachnid easily picked Maple up in her human arms, and then cut the web suspending her in the air before gently placing her on the ground and cutting the rest of the web binding her.


There was an awkward silence as Maple just tried to clean her disgusting face with her shirt. It was almost as bad as when that first Slime had attacked.

She took a deep breath and let it out. Then she looked at the pair before quickly averting her eyes.

"I'm Maple, by the way."

"Charlotte, dear. And that's my daughter Rachel. Delighted to meet you. I do apologize for the fright, though. It wasn't my intention. Did I hear you were hungry? Why don't you come over for dinner with us? To make it up to you."

Another early chappie. I keep saying Wednesday, well this time the next chapter is on Wednesday for sure. Probably. I'm running out of backlog, but have enough planned, and a low enough commitment at 1/week, that it shouldn't be a problem.

What did you think? Do you like ara spider mommies with a hobby of tying people up? She might need a lesson on consent, but I'm sure she meant well?

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