Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.30 – Nature

⚠️SPOILERS: Only click if you need a content warning that SPOILS things⚠️

"Emma? You awake in there? Wanna see the river?"

Maple spoke into the top of Emma's bottle as if it were a microphone. In front of her bench, the trail weaved a path through dense trees and vegetation. Through the trees, you could see and hear the river.

The city was always nearby along the trail; buildings and short walls of stone were a frequent sight, but could be ignored. The bench Maple was on receded into the vegetation in such a way that other trail goers only noticed her once they were directly in front of her. Overall it made for a secluded nature walk.

At the sight of the strange Human talking to her vial of blue liquid, a passing Gnoll mother pulled her child close. She walked even faster as Maple glanced up at her.

"Uh—my girlfriend is in there. She's a Slime..."

The Gnoll didn't look at her and was out of earshot before she finished speaking. Maple blushed and spoke more covertly, covering the bottle with her hands.

"Emma? Come on, I'm getting weird looks now."

At that, Emma came out silently laughing. She poured out onto Maple's lap and then slid left onto the bench.

"You saw that? You're making me look crazy, talking to a soap bottle in public."

Emma nodded and playfully ruffled Maple's hair. She seemed very awake, and amused. Clearly, she'd purposely waited before coming out.

"Why, you little...rascal. How long were you awake? Did you see that ridiculous lady try to give me a bill?"

Emma shook her head and prompted Maple to continue. She did, and it seemed to ruin some of Emma's good cheer. She slumped a little and looked tired again.

"Don't worry, I told her you weren't interested. Worst case, I'll just pay. I don't want to, but it sounds like she'll really try to sue or whatever. I don't know how that works here. I'll see what Sasha or Rachel thinks about it."

Emma nodded and patted Maple's shoulder. Her initial energy was still diminished.

"Are you okay? You've seemed, um, tired a lot more lately..."

She wasn't sure how active Slimes were in general, but Emma had definitely been sleeping more since they'd come to Syber.

In response, Emma waved it away and gave a thumbs up. She gestured to the scenery around them in admiration and pulled out her notebook.

Nice area. Let's walk?

"Sure. You haven't seen the river yet, right? This is around where I went with Bailey."

That was how they found themselves hiking around the rougher dirt trails off the main path. Emma led them right up to the river and bent down to stick a hand in. Her body swelled as she absorbed it.

"Is it good? Don't drink too much, it's going straight to your hips."

Emma looked up and nodded contentedly. She gave one engorged thigh an amused pat and then pursed her lips at Maple. She shot a stream of water out like a fountain. Her Human dodged, laughing.

"Hey, don't spray me."

The water was completely clear, and purified, Maple guessed. She still ran behind a tree to try to avoid the onslaught. Emma didn't stop, and added a second spray of water from her finger while chasing her.

"No fair, I'm defenseless—ah gross, it's warm. It's like you're peeing, stop it—"

The barrage of water stopped.

Maple slowly turned her head, expecting to be sprayed again. Her shirt had a big wet spot now, and Emma had her cornered. She took a step forward, her cheeks still puffed out and her fingers fixed on her.

"Don't do it."

Emma wiggled her eyebrows as the distance between them shrank. Maple backed up into a tree and glanced to the side. There was no escape.

"I'm warning you."

The blue menace brought her face just inches away. Maple closed her eyes, ready to be sprayed from point-blank.

The water never came. Instead, she felt a squishy pair of lips press against hers. She returned the kiss and opened her eyes.

Emma grinned at her little prank.

"Silly. You got me all wet."

Emma smirked and wriggled her eyebrows. Maple looked around, thankful they were in an isolated area. She laughed.

"Hah. Not like that. I need a water gun too, and then we could have a real fight."

Emma shrugged. Not everyone could be as multi-talented as her. She hugged Maple, pressing her body tight against hers. She was being a little—grabby. At first, Maple thought she was just copping a feel, but then she felt the water get sucked from her clothes.

So she wasn't just copping a feel.

"Mm, thanks."

Maple hugged her and stroked her head. No one was around, and the vegetation hid them decently well...

She slid a hand down Emma's body and felt it morph into her sexier version. Her curves became more pronounced, and when her hand reached her butt, Maple anxiously looked over Emma's shoulder.

The Soap Slime's butt had changed in style from clothed-enough, to bare. With her hand already there, it was irresistible. She grabbed a handful of ass and wondered if Emma hadn't formed anything else in the area.

Right here, though? Nearly in public? She resisted the urge to probe any further, and just enjoyed how Emma's ass squished firmly in her hand. The slick curvature of her hips and thighs were also quite nice to explore.

Emma pressed herself harder against Maple, pinning her to the tree. She brought her mouth up and kissed her. They made out while Emma continued to feel her up under the pretext of drying her clothes.

They were dry already, except for her underwear now. Emma's tongue felt amazing against hers, and she was pushing the limits of what body shape was acceptable to have in public.

Normally she took on a more androgynous appearance that was less revealing than many styles of clothes could be. Now, her two stiff nipples poked into Maple. That was still fine, because no one else could see while she was pressed up against her.

Now if she could just bring a hand up and get a proper feel...would that look obvious? Agh, why was she being so alluring now? They'd just had plenty of sex.

Maple peeked an eye open to make sure the coast was still clear.

Emma's hand slipped underneath her shirt and rested on the small of her back. It was the first act of skin contact so far, and it served as a question while Emma sucked on her tongue. How far was she willing to go?

Neither were certain how far they were taking it. The reasonable thing to do would be to stop, go back to the inn, and continue things there.

Neither one did stop.

Maple slid a hand up to Emma's chest. She pulled back a little, letting it squeeze between them. It was a little awkward while trying to keep Emma's front hidden just in case, but Maple managed to squeeze and play with her nipple.

Emboldened by this, Emma slid her hand down into the back of Maple's pants for a direct feel of her ass. Maple's breathing hastened through her nose as she felt Emma's other hand go up the front of her shirt. She gave a cautionary moan that Emma understood as she only very gently played with Maple's breasts. They were still a little sore from being milked earlier.

Maple kept opening an eye a crack to make sure no one was around, but they were well off the path and no one had come by so far, so it was probably safe.

It was like a game of chicken that she really wasn't inclined to lose just yet—not while she was feeling so good. The chance of being caught only added to the thrill. The only thing to do was...raise the stakes even higher.

She spread Emma's cheeks apart and inched her hand over. She gently ran a finger over the area and felt a vulva. Whether she'd just formed her genitals or already had earlier, Maple didn't know, but the Slime's pussy was now exposed to the world.

Maple gently stroked the outside, and Emma pulled back from the kiss. They locked eyes. Maple bit her lip. It was their last chance to turn back. The evening sun shone down through the leaves. She'd never done anything like this outside before.

Maple was already at the point of no return, and Emma hadn't been very concerned to begin with. They were really doing this. She whispered.

"Let's just not get caught, okay? Keep a look out. I don't think I can use my Skill again yet, so..."

Emma's amused and aroused smirk penetrated Maple's core as she turned around. She probably hadn't expected Maple to be willing to go so far. But well, she'd started it, and she was the naked little pervert tempting her.

Maple pulled her pants down just far enough, and bent over while holding onto the tree for support. The wind on her bare bottom made her acutely aware of how risky this was. If anyone came by, she'd probably have enough time to pull her pants up and then—run as fast as she could. Her heart pounded in her chest.

Her hole glistened for Emma and Maple could feel the wetness leaking out. That same risky feeling was—exhilarating. She was more than ready. She looked back at Emma and saw she really was in her sexy naked form; much more exposed than Maple herself, but she had the benefit of being able to change back in an instant.

Emma grinned reassuringly and grew out her cock. She placed her hands on Maple's hips and pressed the tip against her hole.

Maple wanted it so badly, despite having already done it that day. She covered her mouth with a hand and pushed back against Emma, sliding her cock in all the way to the base. It throbbed deep inside of her.

She moved her body with Emma's as her cock slid out before thrusting back in. Her other hand bracing herself with the tree let Emma pound her as hard as she wanted.

Maple closed her eyes and could only hope Emma was keeping a good lookout. In the midst of pleasure, the most she could do was hold her moans in.

Sloppy lewd sounds came from her pussy that the river only barely drowned out. Emma pulled her shirt and bra up, exposing her breasts for her to fondle.

It'd make escape harder and what they were doing more noticeable if anyone did walk by, but it felt good. Not just Emma's fondling, but being half-naked in nature. The way the open air hit her exposed body awakened something within her.

Part of Emma's body extended to Maple's clit and engulfed it. She sucked on it while also vibrating around it. Maple moaned.

"Ohh—cumming. Cum inside of me—"

She whispered frantically before covering her mouth again just in time to muffle her pleasure. She clamped down hard on Emma's cock, her body trying to extract its reward.

Emma thrust even faster, on the edge herself. Maple could feel her cock bulging and about to blow. It was even more stimulating as she tightened up around it, and she dared not activate [Telepathic Orgasms].

Maple's legs shook as her knees became too weak to support her. She had to grab the tree with both hands and try to muffle her voice with just her arm.

Hot liquid shot into her as Emma's cock finally blew.

"Mmf yes—shoot it all inside—"

Her whole body convulsed as Emma grabbed her hips and pushed her cock deep inside. Maple managed to look back at Emma and see her O face.

She was lost in her own pleasure as she filled Maple up. It was tempting to activate her Skill and feel it for herself, but she held back. She was already barely standing, and Emma was actually helping to support her.

Blue cum gushed out of her and onto the dirt when Emma finally pulled out. The [Soapy Helper] wiped up the excess that leaked out after, and patted Maple's ass. Fun.

Maple shakily stood up and adjusted her clothes. There was still cum inside of her, but she'd stopped Emma from reabsorbing all of it like she normally would have. Mostly, she'd just wanted to get her clothes back on quickly.

But it was also kind of hot to walk around still filled with cum. It was already slowly leaking out and she knew there'd be a blue stain for Emma to wash later.

Emma grinned at her and grabbed her hands. They were covered in bits of bark from gripping the tree. She washed them for her and then hugged her affectionately. Maple returned the hug and pet her head.

"Alright, that was fun. And we didn't even get ca—"

"Maple? And Emma. I figured it was you two."

Maple jumped as Bailey appeared wearing his guard's uniform. He sniffed the air and frowned.

"Uh, hi Bailey. What's up?"

"There was a report about some suspicious Human, and I said I'd investigate since it was on my way home anyway."

He looked at the blue stain on the ground curiously and Maple stepped in front of it. She stiffened as she tried to guess how much he'd seen or heard. Gnolls had a strong sense of smell, but Emma was made of soap.

"Suspicious how? We were just, uh, hiking along the river. Getting some fresh air and whatnot."

"Hrr. I see that. Well, the lady had just said some Human was talking to a vial of something. Thought she was on drugs. I assume that was you?"

"Oh, yeah that was us. That was so rude. Emma was in there, but she looked at me like I was crazy."

Emma doubled over in silent laughter. She'd been reported.

"I figured. Well, glad it was nothing. I'll be off, then."

"Alright. We were just about to head back to the inn, too."

Before he could leave, Emma pulled out her notebook.

Wanna come with us?

Bailey thought for a moment and then nodded. If he knew what they'd gotten up to, he didn't show it.

Maple now wished she weren't dripping cum still, but the idea was fine otherwise. They could just hang out. So the trio headed for the inn, with one quick stop for Bailey to change.

Kinda struggling with something as basic as having an ongoing plot. I have things I'm excited to have happen, but getting there is kinda hard. So when in doubt, add more lewd??

Against my better judgement I went ahead and made a (18+ only please) Discord server. It'll probably be dead, but come hang out if you want. I won't @ you or pressure you to talk, but I will post an announcement when chapters are released, and probably chat if you want me to.

Finally, someone brought up a good point that the Girls Love genre might not fit. I feel like with Maple and Emma the story is primarily GL. But I also see how it isn't (And it literally isn't, a chapter is coming that goes into Emma's gender identity soon, but the vibe and how she fronts is GL imo). I'm leaning toward replacing it with Romance genre since it's the only other one that fits, but figured I'd have a poll and get more opinions first.

Thanks for reading.

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