Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.36 – Aftermath

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They weren't out for long, and when they awoke, the mood was gone. Their hot desire for each other was replaced by the smell of bodily fluids. Arousal became confusion. Nobody spoke as they individually collected themselves off the floor and tried to reassert that they even were an individual.

And that they were indeed this individual, and not any of the other three individuals who, a moment ago, felt as much like 'them' as their current body did. It was worrying. Could that Skill have possibly gotten it wrong?

They were shaken. Even Maple and Emma, the two most experienced with the Skill. The Soap Slime helped clean everyone, along with their clothes, and the fluids splattered around the room. They slowly got dressed, without further interest in anyone else's lewd parts.

"I'm going home for the day."

That was all the Gnoll said before stumbling to the door. Bailey was the most disturbed out of them, if anyone had the mind to notice. His eyes were distant, and he walked as if unused to his body. When Maple called out after him, he only grunted and gave a half-nod.

"Sorry! It wasn't supposed to be..."

And then he was gone. Maple hadn't enjoyed it much herself, but it'd been her Skill. She felt responsible. Guilty. Bailey might hate her now, or be too traumatized to talk to her again. She sighed and took stock of Sasha and Emma.

"Are you two alright?"

"I'm fine, Maple. That was just a little too much. I'm gonna get back to work."

"Right. Sorry."

"Don't be. My Skill contributed too. We'll all be fine after a rest."

And then there were two. Sasha's reply didn't make Maple feel better about it. Emma pat her head and gave her a shaky grin. Maple pulled her into a hug and got a peck on the cheek before her body was engulfed entirely.

They sat like that for several minutes, waiting for the afterglow to wear off, and then Emma wrote.

Let's go again!

Her arms raised in a cheer and Maple laughed.

Just kidding...Unless?

She gave Maple a smirk and eyebrow wiggle. She really was only joking, though. If Maple pretended too seriously that they actually do that again, her facade would surely break.

"You nut. You're insatiable!"

Only my dear Maple could possibly quell my hunger.

"Is that so, my adorable soap bubble?"

Emma nodded authoritatively and playfully chomped at Maple. Her 'teeth' had may as well be gums. Maple tried to dodge the bites.

"Hey, don't eat me. I'll slurp you up like soup if you don't watch yourself."

Maple laughed and retaliated with slurping sounds.

That's not all you'll be slurping, punk.

"What is that even supposed to mean?"

Emma's grin was genuine now, and she silently laughed along with Maple.

Wouldn't you like to know?

"I sure would, punk. Hey, you don't feel like physical pain much, right? If I were to, say, dive into you?"

Emma shook her head with a sure don't look on her face. She sat up and Maple watched her body...inflate. She poked herself, a crater formed around her finger. Her body became even squishier than usual.

Oh, it was on. Maple got up and moved a few steps away, ready for a running jump. Emma made a 'come here' motion, and spread her arms wide. She grinned, and then her mouth grew unnaturally large and she taunted Maple with several chomps.

"I'm gonna slurp you up, you little...Soup Slime."

Just as Maple was about to jump into her, the door opened. Sasha.

"Oh, you're still here. What are you two doing?"

Maple's face flushed, and even Emma looked embarrassed as she deflated back to her normal self. Sasha raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, nothing. Being silly, I guess. Sorry, we'll give you your room back now."


Maple collected the three completed sketches and sandwiched them between some blank pages; the sight of the drawings made her wince, and she didn't want anyone else in the inn to see them.

They left and continued the antics in their own room.

The next day, things were back to normal. Mostly. Maple and Emma had each other, and were therefore, fine. Sasha seemed like her usual self. And Bailey had even stopped by again.

He did a few more sketches with Maple in different poses, and then inked all of them. They ended up with six in total, and they'd actually turned out pretty good, in Maple's opinion.

She should be able to sell them. People might be willing to buy them, at least. Whether or not she could bring herself to was another matter.

They weren't nude, and they didn't even include her face—a decision she'd been unsure about, but was thankful for now. But they were still of her body, and she'd be trying to hock them in person. Quite the difference, when compared to just posting photos online.

Where things differed from yesterday was that there was no group sex at the end, for one thing. But even the casual hanging-out-with-friends atmosphere was gone. Bailey was all business, and left almost as soon as he finished drawing.

He assured Maple, each time she asked, that he was fine. And yes, he still wanted to do this. But it felt off to her. She brought it up again, at the bar with Sasha, once he was gone.

"Do you think he's really okay, though? And you're okay too?"

"I told you I'm fine already. I'm sure he is too, and just needs time to process it. It's like—oh, what's that thing Rachel always talks about...ego death, that's it. Some people just need more time to process an experience like that, is all. Just give him some space, and don't use that Skill with him in the future."

"Of course I won't, but, hmmm..."

Maple had heard of that before, vaguely. Sasha was probably right.

"I guess. Well, anyway, how much uh—what'd that one guy call it—orgone energy. How much of that did ya collect yesterday?"

Maple laughed, trying to be silly by connecting two unrelated things, but Sasha flinched. Her head darted around the room, and her tail coiled around her waist.

"Who taught you that word?"

Her face was stern and she carefully modulated her tone, like a parent asking a child where they'd heard a word they shouldn't have.

"You know, that crazy Henry guy or whatever. He made me help him the other day, and then was pretty rude. I just remembered him saying there was a sexual component. Why, what's wrong?"

It was making Maple nervous. Sasha sighed and poured a drink for herself.

"I should have said so at the time, but that thing I told you about is...a bit of an open secret. You shouldn't really talk about it with anyone, and especially not with other Succubi. I told you about it because, I don't think it should be secret. But others disagree."

Resigned exasperation filled the last part. Maple scratched her head. Several gazes came and went, as one would expect in public areas. She was still getting used to actually feeling them.

"What, so that Henry guy isn't crazy?"

"He is, but..."

Sasha paused and then shook her head.

"You shouldn't get involved with him. It's dangerous."

"But he's right about something? Is that what it's called? That...o-word?"

Sasha nodded and seemed hesitant to continue the conversation. Maple glanced at her lone wing. By now, it probably wasn't too inappropriate to ask about.

"Is that related to, um—"

Sasha put a hand over it.

"What, this? No. That was something else, and I shouldn't talk about that either. But maybe someday I'll tell you."

"Oh, okay. Sorry."

"It's fine. Anyway, I'm just saying, be careful what you talk about, and with whom. There was a lot, though, yes. Maybe 100 times what you'd expect from someone normal."

"Jeez, I'm normal. Why is that, though?"

Sasha shrugged, the mystery would remain unsolved for another day. Emma came downstairs and joined them.

She had to go to her job, now only part time and in the evenings, and Maple's offer to carry her turned into just walking with her. Once her shift was over, she met her there again for the walk back.

Both enjoyed the time spent together. Maybe they wouldn't do it every shift, but for now, it was fun.

Tomorrow it'd be Emma going with and supporting Maple.

I'm going to stop with the self-review tidbits. How I feel at the end of a chapter is the only reflection for improvement I have since I'm not re-reading this from the beginning until it's finished, but that doesn't mean I should share them I guess.

In other news, today I told a couple of online friends who asked, that I'm writing this in particular. Sharing writing at all is spooky, more so when it's smut. It's fine though because they likely won't actually read much of it.

Until next time

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