Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.48 – Contact


Emma finally woke, but didn't move from bed. She made a pouting face and lay there in her puddle state while Maple stroked her.

"Are you sore, too? Can you get sore?"

Emma nodded, her groan only implied at first, but then she grew out an arm. A little soreness wouldn't stop her from complaining.

Mind sore. Your new Skill sucks.

"I know, babe. Sorry. I couldn't resist it either. Sasha let me use some healing potion. I'm sure a little more missing wouldn't hurt, if it would help."

She accepted, and absorbed a gulp's worth. Maple added a new healing potion to her mental tab of debts to repay once she could, and gave Emma a few minutes. Her form grew more cohesive, and she started 'purring' with Maple's petting.

"By the way, could you wash me, please? When you're feeling better."

Of course, but give me a few minutes, Emma gestured. Maple told her about the perverts outside the window in the meantime.

Typical solids. Always horny in places they shouldn't be.

She nodded with a sage's wisdom, and Maple chuckled.

"Because you would never do anything like that, right?"

Emma nodded rapidly, she'd never. Maple was skeptical. In fairness, when they had done it outside themselves, it had still been private.

Strip for me. I'm tired.

"You're just a pervert."

Maple laughed and stripped. It was likely easier for Emma to wash her if she didn't need to slide underneath layers of clothing. Emma took the clothes into herself like an organic washing machine, and gestured for Maple to come.

Maple crawled over and lay belly up on top of her. Her body sank down a few inches, Emma creeping up her sides. It was an intimate feeling—not inherently erotic—her whole body caressed by her lover.

This was how she wanted to sleep at night once they had the privacy to.

Emma didn't have enough mass to submerge her fully, so four hands emerged to wash her exposed front. Every spot she touched became clean in an instant, but she took her time.

One pair of hands gave her feet and legs a deep massage. Maple always liked it when Emma squeezed herself between her toes, splaying them.

The other pair worked her hair, scalp, face, neck, and shoulders.

"This feels nice, thanks cutie."

Maple felt her nod and relaxed into the massage, letting her stress and worries melt away. The pairs of hands converged toward each other while Emma worked her magic. A little grope here. A stray brush there. Wash everything.

And—agh, she was getting horny again. Just as she'd intended, the little...Ah well. A little fooling around during a bath/massage was only natural. Maple spread her legs invitingly. It could feel better, but she swore off that Skill for good.

Then the bells started ringing. The ones outside, hanging at the top of the surrounding walls and watchtowers distributed throughout Syber. More followed the first one, until it sounded like they were all going at once.

"What's that? An emergency?"

They were aware of the purpose the bells served, but this was the first time they were all ringing. Emma quickly finished cleaning Maple and spat her clothes out. Maple put on her shirt while walking to the window.

Their eyes widened at the sight of people having sex, masturbating, and accosting each other. Maple's first thought was that it was another kind of event the city had somehow allowed.

Credit to Syber, people wouldn't be fleeing with looks of disgust if that were the case. And they...probably wouldn't have allowed that kind of event in the first place. Were the perverts the emergency?

A Gnoll slammed into the window, pushed against it by the Dragonkin behind her. The Gnoll had a look of ecstasy on her face, and when she saw Maple, she grinned, tongue flopping out wildly.

"What the fuck!"

Maple jerked away and hurriedly put the rest of her clothes on. The glass had somehow held, and was still holding, against the two's weight. A long crack ran through the center of it now. It might not hold for long.

Maple pulled her pants up, and Emma opened the bedroom door an inch. She peeked out and then turned back with shocked eyes and shook her head.

"What is it?"

Emma glanced out once more, and then gestured Maple over. Quietly. Maple gazed through the crack, ready to slam the door shut again.

It was a mess. Tables and chairs had been overturned. Food and beverages spilled out onto the floor. At least one glass had been shattered entirely, and the front entrance stood wide open.

The still-standing tables, bartop, and even the floor were now surfaces to have sex on. They were going at it near her spot. Gross. She'd remember it every time she ate in the future.

Behind the bar, she spotted Dorothy; one of Sasha's chatty [Barmaids]. She'd always been nice enough, did her job well enough, and Maple sometimes left her a tip despite that not being the culture here. She had been perfectly not a pervert.

Now, while a puddle of milk on the counter slowly dripped onto the floor, she made no move to clean it, but only stood there. Half-naked and masturbating. Eyes filled with lust, tail lashing in sought out pleasure.

Maple wouldn't cry over some spilled milk, but a dreadful feeling bit at her. It couldn't be, though. That'd be absurd. She was being paranoid. Maple slid the door shut, locked it, and whispered to Emma.

"What should we do? That window might not hold. We could try getting to our room, but if they broke through there—we'd be trapped upstairs."

Join in? It's a sex party!

Emma's grin at her own joke was faint, but Maple chuckled. She leaned against her and wrote.

I don't know. Scary.


If she thought about their options in a scenario like this, it went: run, hide, fight back. In that order of priority. Judging by the alarm bells, they had nowhere safe to run to. Hiding in Sasha's room wouldn't last long, and their own room might not be the best spot either if they could break the door down.

The only option was to fuck back. Another thought still gnawed on her.

"Do you think it might be the milk? My milk. T-the [Aphrodisiac Body Fluids]...It might be my fault. But it doesn't do this. It can't, right?"

She wouldn't be able to sleep at night if her Skills had caused this too. Maybe they'd arrest her—or execute her. She wasn't very well-read on Syber's laws, but causing a citywide emergency just might be illegal.

Emma shook her head rapidly and pulled Maple's head against her chest. She pet her soothingly. Another crunch came from the window. The curtains showed the shadow of a spiderweb of cracks.

"Yeah, that won't hold. If it is my fault, and I have to go on the run, would you come with me?"

Maple looked up at Emma by tilting her head all the way back. Emma giggled and nodded. She kissed her forehead and then out her cowgirl hat. Of course. I'm already prepared for the Maple and Em bandit arc. Maple imagined her saying, and laughed.

Emma held her notebook above Maple's eyes after writing her actual response.

I don't think it could be your fault. Something else.

"Yeah, but wh—shit!"

The window finally shattered, and the Gnoll's head popped in. The shards of glass didn't deter her as she moaned.

"Mmh, sorry about the window. I smell sex in here. Care to join us?"

The Dragonkin was still humping her from behind, making her bob back and forth. Maple and Emma stood at the bedroom door, they both knew they had to leave, but Maple decided to try being civil first.

"No thank you. Um, why are you and everyone else so horny?"

"Hrr. It feels good. Let me show you what a Gnoll can do with her tongue, Human."

She started climbing in and Maple took that as the cue to leave. Emma followed, holding her hand. The hall was clear, but they'd have to run through the common area full of perverts.

"I don't think our door would hold. Let's run through the city. Shari might have those potions ready."

Not that however many she'd made would cure a whole city, but it was better than staying here. Emma nodded and they fast-walked toward the door, trying not to draw attention.

Half were passed out; it seemed they did that after cumming, and then their partner, or partners, would find something else to fuck.

It almost looked like they'd make it out without notice, but then Dorothy spotted them. Her fingers made a lewd squelching the entire time she spoke.

"Oh, Maple and Emma. I understand now. Why you two are always so horny. It feels so good. Let's do it together."

"What, I'm not always—oh, whatever. Sorry! [Enhanced Pleasure]."

The Dragonkin's legs buckled underneath her and her moaning turned wild. Maple cancelled the Skill once they were out the door. Emma's face was a mix of frightful amusement.

"Alright...This way. Stay close to me."

"Go for the head, it's the most sensitive spot!"

Maple helpfully encouraged her girlfriend, and got back an eye roll and gesture from her free hand that Maple couldn't interpret.

They were nearly to Shari's shop, but not all of them were weak to Maple's Skill. They'd had to finish off a dozen of them, and realized that just making them cum was better than the alternative.

Most wouldn't go as far as touching the two unwillingly, but they would follow, the whole time requesting or demanding they aid in their sexual relief. Others nearby would hear and join in until an entire horde was behind them.

Maple had thought about trying to get them all following her and then using [Telepathic Orgasms], but...she would experience that herself. It was intense enough with two people. The idea of 100 orgasms at once—more than that, far more than 100—scared her.

Tens of thousands was the closer estimate, and it wasn't just Maple who would have to live with the memory of the experience.

Each time they made one of the sex zombies cum, she could feel the Skill call out to her. Wanna activate me?

Those affected were of one mind; they all just wanted to have sex with anyone they could. If she really stretched the Skill's limit, Syber was the site of a single orgy, and—she could do it. Probably.

Emma finished off the Dwarf, and Maple felt guilty. If it was the milk, then she needed to warn everyone. Or solve it by traumatizing half the city, and herself, with a psychedelic experience. Or flee Syber before anyone else realized it was her fault.

Because even if it was 'her fault'—she never asked for that Skill, or to end up here, or to be forced to sell her milk to make money. How was any of that her fault?

That's exactly how she'd justify it to herself, if she needed to go on the run after this. Not that she wanted to. She'd take responsibility—if the consequences weren't too high.

"Good job, cutie. Sorry...I didn't help much. We're almost there, though."

Emma nodded and wiped her brow. Her face was cheerful; she didn't mind this scenario, but even her stamina could be depleted.

They reached another intersection, where they spotted a group of four weirdos wielding sex toys. They stopped as both groups considered the other, neither sure whether the other group was turned or not. But at least one of their faces showed recognition.

"Hey, it's you two! Remember us? We met on the road. Azure Bond. Are you, uh, normal? Actually, if you're not, that's okay too. We can find a private—"

Alas cut Thera off with a jab. Their captain had been especially eyeing Emma. Maple stared at their 'weapons', slick with something, and took a step back.

"Are you normal? We're trying to get to an [Alchemist] who might have a potion to help with this. Careful, cutie, I think she's dangerous either way."

Maple whispered the last sentence to Emma. She giggled silently, and Thera tried to hide the two-pronged sex toy behind her back. The other three were already holding theirs at a reluctant distance and it was Alas who replied.

"Do you know what's going on? We're not one of them, our Human is just...weird."

Emma silently guffawed and slapped her thigh to make sure they knew it. She wrote as they approached, then held up her notebook as Maple frowned at her.


What ramblings do I put here this time? I'm finally playing nier automata. It's good ofc, but RPGs are difficult for me to play to the end.

I also finally played and finished milk outside a bag of milk outside a bag of milk (the sequel to milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk). I really like those games.

Hope everyone had good holidays. Thanks for reading

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