Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.51 – Shari Don’t Like It


"My [Telepathic Orgasms] Skill—"

Maple paused for the inevitable interruption from Thera, but the other woman only raised her eyebrows. Her face looked mildly pained. Shari took advantage of the gap this time.

"No wonder tree girl too horny all the time. How many partner that work with? How many you do?"

They'd already been staring at her, but now there were grins and chuckles. Maple's mouth opened to say something, but her train of thought had long rolled away. Her face felt hot.

And why shouldn't they find a degenerate Skill like that amusing? Any normal Skill did something useful, even if it was just a [Waitress]'s ability to always serve the food hot and the drinks cold. Even Emma smirked with them.

At least four!

More chuckles and murmurs of 'ooh' and 'ah' followed. Maple felt betrayed—but that was an instinctual reaction. Emma looked genuinely proud of her human and her unique set of Skills.

The others in the room weren't laughing at her, mostly. They also weren't disgusted or morally shaming her. The culture here—in Syber, at least—was different than what she'd known all her life.

An unusual class or Skill made anyone curious, and a standard set of questions followed. What class is that from? How's it work? You did what to get it?

Envy was common too, for the good ones. Why did you get that? I deserve it more. For Maple's it was probably more like, that sounds nice, but some of us need our Skills to make a living. Just ask any [Soldier] who's seen battle if they wouldn't rather be fucking instead of fighting.

The final part of it was her classes were a little unique. That in itself wasn't unusual—all kinds of people and niches existed—Maple's just happened to be lewder than normal. She would react similarly if the roles were swapped.

Still, it was difficult not to feel embarrassed by it every time the topic came up. She tried to exude some of the pride Emma held for her.

"I don't know if there is a limit to it, as long as it considers it to be a single group. Each time we finished off one of those sex zombies, I felt like, thousands of potential targets for the Skill. With the way the city is right now, I think I could do all of them."

Dort whistled and the chuckles made way for astonishment. Thera looked entirely too excited.

"A Skill that can create a city-wide telepathic orgy. That's...amazing!"

"Even a party limit of 10 would be considered great for anything below level 20. I guess its uses are a bit limited, but what's it like exactly? I haven't found any of your Skills mentioned in here so far."

Sylla spoke while flipping through a book she'd pulled out of her bag of holding, once again in her usual coiled pose. Maple glanced over, and saw it was a kind of glossary for Skills and classes.

At the back of it were empty pages and Sylla's own handwritten entries, where she added Maple's. Maple wasn't sure how she felt about the details of her Skills being recorded, but it wasn't like they were secret.

"It does what it says, but it's more like a, um, mind meld or something. You experience the pleasure of everyone at once in a kind of shared mental space, if that makes sense? It feels like you are them, including their pleasurable thoughts—and you can't even remember which body is yours while it's happening. It was really intense with just four of us, and Bai—I think one of us kind of hated it, so I try not to use it without asking first now."

"Just four, she says."

Of course that was the part Thera focused on. She wiped her eyes, and Alas patted her consolingly.

It took Maple a few more minutes of explaining, but afterward, Sylla asked the crucial question.

"It sounds like a weirdly powerful Skill, but how will it help with this?"

"So, when it was four of us, Sas—someone used a Skill, with that shared mental space as the target. And that worked, so I think it might be similar with a potion?"

Maple looked to Shari for clarification. Her plan sounded kind of dumb, now that she'd explained all of it.

"Tree girl think Shari done this before? Try it, break entire city with sex. Will be funny. [Alchemy] half magic, so maybe potion work."

"Ooh, include me too. Please, I want to feel it."

Thera volunteered instantly, as if Shari's words had been a full endorsement of it working. Maple would have refused the horny adventurer, but then Sylla spoke, her own face slightly red.

"If it's all the same for your Skill, I'd like to experience it, too, please. For research. Skills sometimes provide magical insight, and it would help with writing an accurate glossary entry..."

Right, research. Okay. Sylla might not be as innocent as she looked. Was it always the soft-spoken ones? Maple glanced at Emma, but fool her once, the slime was wise enough not to get in on this one. That should have been a clue for the other two.

"Is it even something I should try? I don't want to get in trouble if it goes wrong. And it really won't be pleasant. You'll both regret it."

"It sounds like it might work, and that's a better solution than the guards whacking them. And we're adventurers, half of what we do involves pain. This is pleasure. We'll be fine, won't we Syll?"

Thera had a wild grin on her face. Sylla nodded with her bashful facade. She'd warned them, and neither were backing out. Might as well, then. There were other practicalities, however.

"Alright fine, but um...For the Skill to work, we need to be part of what it considers the target—just touching yourselves while thinking of being part of the sex in the city should be—"

"I'm in."

"—enough. And at least one of us will need to orgasm so I can activate—"


Thera interrupted both times and Maple threw her arms up in resignation. But Thera volunteering to be the one to cum was nice. The only better outcome would have been if Sylla volunteered, but that hadn't seemed likely.

Maple's Skill did need an orgasm nearby, and she didn't want to be the one to do it in front of everyone. Sure, they could just make one of the sex zombies cum—but she wanted to see Thera do it.

And because, it wouldn't be very ethical to use a stranger like that, now would it? Yes, that was the main reason. The butterflies in her stomach were because of how responsible she was being.

Thera began removing her armor. It looked like it'd take her a few minutes. Sylla coiled tighter around her staff, looking even more flustered, but not deterred.

"Okay then. Any other volunteers?"

"Leave me out of it, lass. I'm not as young as you lot."

"Treat Shari's shop like brothel now, and what do Shari get out of it? Shari will watch and make sure to laugh when plan backfire worse than drinking anti-gravity potion outside."

Disturbing imagery from Shari aside, Alas's only answer was to glare. The bored gnoll remained silent, but scooted his chair closer. To watch? The shop was so small he'd have been able to see everything either way.

Emma patted Maple's head with a somber look. She was the only one who understood the gravity of what Maple was about to do.

I'll miss you.

"...I'm not gonna die."

I know. Good luck!

Emma grinned with laughter and Maple pinched her cheek. It couldn't go that poorly.

"Alright, we'll probably pass out so we should sit on the floor—why are you naked?"

"Well I can't exactly do it under my armor, can I?"

She'd had clothing under that armor...

Alas fixed her with a glare, while the others kindly looked away. Maple maxed out the length of a surprised stare before also reluctantly averting her eyes.

Maple shook her head and handed Emma the potion. The slime kept stealing conspicuous glances of Thera, but Maple couldn't blame her. She had an adventurer's physique. Not as muscular as that orc had been in the Cum Race, but—fit.

It made her feel the slightest bit flabby in comparison. She'd only lost weight since coming to this world, but maybe she should work out sometime. Did they have gyms in Syber? Then again, sex was a form of exercise, wasn't it? Maybe she could combine the two somehow...

Emma looked about ready to volunteer to assist Thera with her task, and Maple wouldn't mind seeing that—or joining in—but she had bad news for the [Soapy Helper].

"I don't think I'll be able to choose the targets very well when there's so many, so you might get included if you did anything. You don't want that, right, so can you make sure I drink this when the time comes?"

Emma saluted, not terribly disappointed. She'd still get to watch, and there was plenty of normal sex to be had in the future.

Maple joined the other two sitting against the wall. Thera, nude, sat in the middle of her and Sylla. An intentional choice by the pervert?

Even after moving everything, there wasn't much space along the wall. Maple could feel Thera's body touching her through her clothes. A shoulder, a thigh.

Maple's face heated up again. She was leaking. Thank goodness she wasn't inclined to strip. She and Sylla would be perfectly capable of doing it under their clothes.

Thera turned to Maple and leaned over. Maple felt a squish against her arm, and a nipple hard enough to poke her through her clothes.

"Are you ready? Should I start? Wanna help me out?"

She asked the last one teasingly, but—yes. If only the room weren't full of spectators. Dort only looked for a few seconds at a time, but Alas, Shari, the gnoll customer—they all gawked at the upcoming spectacle.

"Yep. You just need to um, you know."

"Woo-hoo, this shouldn't take long."

Thera spread her legs apart, throwing one over Maple's leg. If Maple looked over, angled her head just right...she had a full view of everything. Thera's other leg was propped up against Sylla's snake-half. How did those cool scales feel against her bare skin?

Sylla retracted an arm into her robe and the rustling of fabric indicated she'd begun as well. Her tail wrapped around her waist, and she kept her gaze low and towards the wall.

That only left Maple. She could probably just activate the Skill when Thera came without needing to do anything herself, but explaining that now and just sitting there while the other two did their thing somehow felt like it'd be more awkward.

Whatever. They were in this together. She slid a hand into her pants and began slowly touching herself. Hopefully Thera was as quick as she claimed.

Title don't mean anything, just decided I'd be silly in the titles now when I feel like it.

Sorry my pace has slowed down so much. I might try shorter ~1k chapters soon. It might raise my output overall because smaller chunks are easier to manage.

I'm trying to learn to make pixel art, but I've never been good at (or done much) art so it's hard. Maybe I can replace the ai images soon. If I reach a modicum of art skill in time, then I can try making games. Not sure if that, or putting all my points into writing is the safer gamble.

Thanks for reading!

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