Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.56 – Waiting


"Oh, there you two are. They really did a number on my window."

"Yeahh, sorry Sasha...Um, they didn't steal anything, right? We kind of left after that."

"Nah, don't worry. I don't keep anything important in there, and [Major Repair] has it good as new. Can't use it too often, but the inn fared well enough besides that. And my staff. Hey, are you looking to stop freeloading—I mean, earn some coin? Half my staff called out, and while I doubt anyone will particularly want a room at a succu inn after today—plenty will want drinks. And look at this mess."

"Uh, sure. I can help out."

Maple had nothing better to do, and Sasha implied she'd pay. The inn was a mess. Overturned tables and spilled food and drinks were everywhere. It almost made her regret agreeing. Emma shook her head and held up a note.

I should see if Marielle needs help. You be okay?

"Yeah go ahead, cutie."

Maple reassured her with a hug, and after giving Maple a wet kiss on the cheek, she was off to Syber Grill. Thera approached after, not-quite subtly checking out Sasha's scantily clad body.

"You're the [Innkeeper] here? We're looking for lodging—or a recommendation elsewhere, if you're full."

"Yep, I'm Sasha. How many beds do you need, four—ooh, don't see lamias very often. Sorry about the mess, it'll be clean again soon enough."

Sylla had been extra careful coming in; her snake-half made spills particularly problematic. If it bothered her, she only blushed and waved it off. Sasha gave Maple a pointed look.

"Right, uh, I'll get on that I guess. Where's uh, everything?"

"Hm. Dorothy! Maple's helping out today, can you get her started on cleaning or whatever you need?"

The yellow-scaled dragonkin [Waitress] looked up from wiping a table and came over, rag in hand. Maple remembered she'd been under the influence of the milk right before they left, and another pang of guilt hit her.

"Sure. Follow me, Ma—Maple."

She stuttered on the name, and looked away. Maple followed her, ready for a grueling day.

"Right, sorry. I could do...two rooms, two beds each, two silver a night? Food and drink costs extra, but there's cheap meals on the menu. And, we do offer Dream Services for an extra silver per person. That okay? I could also see if more rooms are available, but I'd have to check."

"Yeah, that's perfect. But, ooh, I love those. Will you be in the dream?"

"I sure could be. You got a name, good looking? And here I thought no one would be interested today."

Sasha winked and gave Thera her own once over with her eyes. Marketing gimmick, perhaps, but it worked well enough.

"Sure do. Thera, captain of Azure Bond, C-rank adventurers."

"Great, I'll put you down as such. Fill out a dream form, request whatever you want, put it in the box before the bar closes, and it'll be added to your bill at the end."

"I'll remind you that perverse activities are a personal expense, Captain."

Alas nudged Thera and got a grin back. Sasha raised a finger to clarify a common misconception.

"Oho, but the Dream Services are about more than just sex. It need not be sexual at all, in fact. That's how most people use it, but it's a general recreational service, and a therapeutic one for more people than you'd expect. From preventing nightmares, remembering past loved ones, to getting to experience another body. Ever wondered what being the opposite sex would be like? A different species? Or, maybe you'd just like to enjoy an expensive meal. I can recreate anything I've experienced and add it in, along with your own experiences and expectations. It can be more abstract, too. I'll show you to your rooms, but let me know if you have any questions."

Sasha looked to each of them during her explanation, and personal expense or not, now had interest from more than just Thera. She missed out on the other form of payment when it wasn't a lewd request, but silver was silver.

And she liked providing for all of her inn's guests.

It was dark by time the inn was fully clean again. Or back to normal, at least. It could have been done sooner, but dishes and new minor spills from inn goers were piling up everywhere.

Maple ran around taking and serving orders, washing dishes, cleaning messes, and trying to keep track of everything. She had to do a little of everything, all at once. Sasha's prediction about it being a busy night proved correct, and they were severely understaffed on top of it.

She hadn't even had a chance to tell Sasha about what happened. Rather, it almost like the succubus was intentionally avoiding hearing about it. Each time they had a lone moment together, Sasha found a new task to tackle or set Maple to.

Maybe she already knew—it was kind of obvious if you thought about it, especially after accumulating stories from the guests, all of whom had much to say and complain about.

Each one who'd been affected by the [Telepathic Orgasm] had their own grandiose account of what it was like. Their soul had left their body, they became everyone, they'll never reach that same level of pleasure again—some had had personal revelations as a result of the experience, and enthusiastically wouldn't shut up about it.

Others needed time to process it fully, or were still recovering their sense of self and couldn't think about it. Complaining was the safer and more amiable subject by far. Compensation from SuQ dairy was expected at the least.

Some were angrier about how the guards had handled it, and the weapons they'd used that left a rash, or worse, in some cases. Maple overheard that healing potions had been used in a few cases because the gas had irritated people's throats, even making them begin closing up.

She could agree that that had probably crossed a line, but was ambivalent about the milk. If it were her fault...

That's why she wanted to talk to Sasha about it, get another opinion. And why, busy as it was, when she saw Azure Bond at a table, her accomplices, she stopped to take their order and talk for longer than she ought. Her waitressing persona was already beginning to develop.

"Hey, pals! Did you manage to get rooms here? I've been sooo busy. I can take your orders too, if you're ready."

"We did! Seems like a cozy place to live, and I bet having the dream thing available any time is nice."

Indeed, it could have been, until Rachel had banned her from using it after the incident. No way she was explaining all that, so she just agreed that it was. Dort was quick to place his order.

"Two fried steaks, fried onions and mushrooms, stack the steaks and layer the onions and mushrooms in between with some of your best cheese. Assuming yer best ain't exorbitant. In that case, just use a good cheese. 'At'll be it, me thinks."

Maple did her best to remember all that. Custom orders like that were common here. It wasn't complicated, but when there were a dozen of them, it got a little difficult. Parchment wasn't used because it was a needless expense, and most people had a Skill that would remember it for them—or would get one soon. Maple wondered if she would.

"Uh, alright, got it. Anything to drink?"

Dwarves were supposed to like those, right? If anything though, he was the second dwarf she'd met who liked cheese a bit too much.

"Nae, got me own. 100 liters of the swill."

He raised his waterskin dismissively. It must be enchanted, if 100 liters was in there.

"Wait, that's what you've been drinking all day?"

"Yep. Got me the Thirsting. You know of it, aye?"

Could someone live on just alcohol? That was concerning. She didn't notice Dort's teammates' awkward glances.

"Um...like alcoholism?"

"Heh. No, lass."

He sounded not offended, but disappointed, and turned away, making it clear he was done talking about it. Thera tugged Maple closer and spoke quietly.

"That was a little rude, Maple. It's not alcoholism. Some dwarves are born with it, and they have to consume alcohol—or they die. It can't be cured, and there's often health issues that need regular treatment."

"Aye, a curse from the ancient Hammer Daddy. They reckon it's one out of every thousand, and as luck would have it..."

He raised his waterskin again in a vague gesture.

"Oh no, I'm sorry. That's terrible. I had no idea about any of that. Um, 'Hammer Daddy', though?"

"Keep yer apologies. Ye can't know what ye don't know. Never heard of that neither, eh? Father of Hammers, the original true dwarf, 'afore he went and lusted after some humans. Lost he-self altogether, then. Bits and pieces remain in us, his descendants."

Maple nodded along and filed the dwarf lore away, and then took the others' orders. She decided she'd just avoid commenting on anyone's drinking habits in the future.

Rachel made it in at some point and was drinking and smoking at the bar, rather heavily, as if she might have the Thirsting, and maybe the Breathing too. Maple expected the day to have been a poor one for her, but she was most upset about Syber's conduct.

"They used chemical weapons on their own citizens. They weren't—they were meant for warfare, and defense of the city. Not that."

"I'm glad they did. Did you see those rioting perverts?"

A half-elf woman disagreed with Rachel, but Maple only stayed and talked for a bit, not wanting to risk the subject shifting to the milk itself.

The rest of the night passed busily, yet uneventfully. By the end, her feet hurt and she was exhausted. A lot of it was just from having to talk to so many people. Emma returned looking like she'd had quite a day too, and they soon snuggled up into bed together.

Wish I had something silly for the chapter titles, oh well.

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