Otherworld Girlboss Pervert

1.62 – Eating Seeds


"Well, those responsible will be extradited back home, and the company itself will likely be seized and auctioned off after the investigation is through. To help cover Syber's fines and all. I'd expect the price of milk to go up in the short term, if I were you."

"Oh no, they're shutting down for good?"

They were, and there went Maple's and a lot of others' income. Mirkham, and Betty, and—there wouldn't be any Cum Races any more, either. Not for a while, at least. The market would correct itself eventually.

Iria took off after that, leaving Maple on her own in the succubus embassy building. She held Emma's hand and together they headed downstairs to the front desk.

"Are you hungry? I am. I wonder if they'll let us stop to eat before the next bout."

This one had been easy enough. She'd expected worse, and could only hope the next one would be the same.

Emma agreed that food would be nice. Maple was hungry and horny, thanks to the blue devil. A succu office was one thing, but there'd be no repeat of that little event in a city watch building. There was one benefit to not having [Lesser Enhanced Pleasure] active all the time; her arousal didn't snowball as infinitely as it used to. She could wait, a little bit.

The embassy lobby was practically empty. Certainly, there was no sign of the [Guards] who brought her there. At the front desk sat a succubus idly reading a book. Every few seconds she spat something into a cup. Sunflower seed shells, Maple realized.

"Um, hi."

The succubus didn't look up, just kept reading and spitting shells. Maybe she hadn't heard? Maple waited a few seconds, not wanting to come off as rude or impatient.

"What do you need?"

"Um, I was brought here by some guards, and I was supposed to go with them after, but I don't know where they are."

Again, it took a few seconds for her to respond, as if maybe a tenth of her brain was devoted to processing this conversation, while the rest of it went to her book.

"Have you tried looking?"

"Yeah, I mean, they're not here...Did they say anything?"

She was kind of rude, Maple decided. She didn't like putting people in boxes, but this lady fit. Rude and entirely disinterested.

"Dunno. Just got in."

"Could you um, ask or something?"

Maple looked around the lobby again, for the [Guards], another employee. A good, several-second look around. There wasn't anyone.

"Sorry, I'm busy right now."

"...Busy with work?"

Emma pulled out her notebook and wrote while the desk lady processed her reply.


"But you're just reading."

This was excruciating. What was she, some kind of [Receptionist From Hell]? Or no, that might be speciest. Some kind of [Bored Receptionist] with a Skill like [If I Have To Suffer Here, Then So Do You]? Maple genuinely wanted to ask what her class was, but didn't want to prolong this encounter.

"Ma'am, this is the succubus embassy. The city watch deals with city watch issues. Try there."

Her tone gained a hopeful edge. There, I was helpful. Now, go away please? She popped another handful of seeds into her cheek, and Maple let out a frustrated sigh.

"But I was here for SIB, and the guards..."

Emma slid her notebook between the succubus's eyes and her book.

You're being rude. Do your job, please.

The succubus pulled her book back and kept reading without even glancing at Emma's note. Emma's mouth dropped. She ignored her. Her.

Maple put a hand on her shoulder. Her facial expression was so cute that this entire exchange had almost been worth it. She was about to suggest they leave, get something to eat, and find a [Guard] or something, but Emma doubled down.

She slid her note further forward, and the succubus lifted her book in front of her face and scooted her chair back, out of reach.

Emma looked at Maple with a face like can you believe this lady? Then she stretched her arm and slid the note down from above, putting it an inch from—

The succubus ducked, and continued reading even while hunched over. Emma slowly retracted her arm, and the succubus slowly righted herself.

That wasn't the end of it. Emma moved her note in from the left, from outside of her line of sight. The succubus smoothly swiveled her chair and avoided it. Same thing from the right.

Her eyes never left her book, and she was reading. Maple saw her eyes scanning the words.

"Cutie, let's just—"

Emma tore a page out of her notebook, and went in from both sides. She couldn't rotate this time.

The succubus kicked her chair back, going low of Emma's notes, and in one smooth motion put her feet up on the desk. Emma gaped, arms still extended. She frowned and looked at the succubus's shell cup.

It was her final opening. The succubus's weak point. She'd need to spit another shell out soon, and to do that she'd have to—

The succubus spit without looking up. The shell arced through the air, between Emma's arms, over one of them, and landed dead center in the cup. Maple shook her head in disbelief. What was her class?

"Let's go eat, cutie. We'll figure it out."

Emma nodded in defeat, but wrote one final note she tore from the page and left on the desk.

You win this time. My name's Emma. I'm a soap slime.

The succubus called out a few seconds later as they neared the door.

"It was a decent attempt, Emma!"

They glanced back. She turned a page, eyes on her book. Emma smiled and stood straighter. It wasn't any kind of victory for her, but a consolation prize.

"Well that was weird. I wonder what she was reading—Oh, there's Bailey."

He'd just been waiting outside on a bench. They probably should have checked there. He looked nearly as bored that receptionist, but his ears flicked low when he saw Maple.

"There you are. We didn't know where to go. That took forever. Can we get lunch first? Is this one a 'willing' questioning, too?"

She could hope, but at least her mood was better now. Half of it was done with, it wasn't really her fault, and now it was 'just' Bailey escorting her somewhere. The other two had been kind of scary, but maybe only because she didn't know them.

"Er, mandatory would be more accurate. You can eat first, though."

Due to life issues, I'm 🤏close to adding a [Rodentbane Executioner] babe. Is removing vermin hot? Run mice, fear her [99,999 Dead Rats, And 99,999 More]

Also, we're at the point where we can branch away from milk entirely or double down. I worry it's off-putting to some, but maybe those of you left are here for it. Originally, it was just a mix of "How's this city get its milk?" and "When you're poor, you sell plasma." and it snowballed a bit. So here's a poll.

Edit: I'm proud of you guys...


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